• 2D Pony MMO Unicorn Combat Demo

    Unicorns as the master race you say? Why, I can't help but agree!

    The 2D Pony mmo has released another combat demo.  It looks like everything is shaping up really nicely!  We have two amazing games on the horizon if their respective teams don't break up, so go show them your support!

    You can find the embed below, and the main hub for the 2D mmo here


    1. Looks awesome. Can't wait to try this.

    2. This seem pretty cool.

    3. Can't wait to see more

    4. But surely you should allow up to six on the roster?

    5. Looks really good! Between this, Fighting is Magic, and the dating sim, we've got a lot of good-looking games on the horizon!

    6. omg unicorns so op nerf plz

      ... sorry, had to say it.

    7. Probably 6+ on the roster, 4 in the battle at one time

      Having 6v6s would be pretty difficult, especially with such a small battle arena

    8. Unicorns? Master race? Surely, Equestria Daily isn't racist! I mean, look at everyone's favorite ponies!

      Seth - Trixie and Twilight
      Cereal - Rarity
      Phoe - Lyra

      Look at that diversity! I mean.....
      Oh. Oh my.

    9. @ZAquanimus
      Seconded! She's mai waifu :3 *Stares at zaquanimus*

    10. looks like a good dungeon crawler or just pure fighting type of game, I am however curious how on earth it'll work due to it being called an MMO

    11. Liks ok. hope it's not so boring just to run here and there and try to kil sth.

    12. Oh, if just Urimas wasn't so busy with his own game, I would totally ask him to make the sprites for my own Fire Emblem pony hack... D:

      Quite nice, many games around are already taking shape, but this one is definitely the closest thing to a playable one right now :3

    13. I wait to the official game, but this is nice to star

    14. There really should be a "Glorious Unicorn Master Race" tag. Just sayin'.

    15. This is just a Battle Scene, like you run into a mob or random battle and you fight, win and go back to map and continue on :) the spike demo i release ealier on my DA is what the main game is like a social Hangout :)

    16. James Lyons/ blingingjakJune 14, 2011 at 12:50 PM

      @Urimas Ebonheart I cant wait to see more of this game, you guys are doing an amazing job.

    17. I hope this gets finished. Urimas has a nice everything, it'd be a shame if anything HAPPENED to it.

    18. This looks absolutely fantastic. Can't wait to see more of your work in the future! :D

    19. It reminds me of well of souls

    20. Damn, I was hoping out would be turn based... This is gonna be hard to play with my internet...

    21. Earth pony skill suggestion, def buff, group def buff, a dash attack, chance to revive upon knockout.

    22. Does Hasbro need to do ANY of the extra music, art, games, promotion or anything? It seems anything they can do, bronies can do quicker and better!

      Except for actual episodes.

      And yes, ^that right there^ was a challenge to you bronies with voice actor/writer/animator connections to make a proper unofficial episode, and not a rehash of existing MLP:Fim clips.

    23. I like how it looks so far, but developing balanced abilities for the other type of ponies can be difficult. If i remember right Urimas wanted the Pegasus ponies to have more ranged based attacks, but I really see Pegasus ponies having more of a "hit and run" gameplay feel to them.

    24. Finally some Info on The Pony Games, BTW What happened to the 3D one?

    25. This looks pretty nifty! I might have to keep an eye on it.

    26. This is really great looking, I cant wait to see more! Will there be difficulty settings, knowing it is a demo it looks rather easy. And We all know our mare Twilight has the stuff when it come to confrontation. Will there be special moves, moves that are only available under specific circumstances? Im really loving this, especially since it looks as if she was goring the manitcore with her horn.

    27. Looks neat. I imagine he's probably having a harder time making earth ponies work as far as abilities go than magic ones.

    28. I kinda feel sad when I see people putting a lot of work into fan games based on an existing IP they love as, if it gains sufficient popularity to get the notice of the original copyright holders, they'll more or less be forced to serve a cease and desist letter in order to protect their copyright.

      That said, looks rather interesting. I wonder if that's being made in BYOND? The tile-based approach looks similar. If so, it's one of the better BYOND works I've seen.

    29. @Geldon Yetichsky

      Hasbro is too lazy to do much, and Urimas and the other bronies on his team, namely SaltyJustice and DCN, are not doing this to make money. They are making this MMO game because they enjoy programming / spriting and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You can keep up to date on how the project is doing by going to the website at the end of this. The team may be getting some more help from outside, but they need more knowledgeable C++ programmers to help them with this project. If anypony reads this and is interested, I am sure they would be glad to let you join. MLPonline

    30. Hmm I wonder what kind of skills Earth ponies are going to get
