• War Pony Sculpture

    BigPonyMac over on DA is at it again, this time releasing a badass war pony sculpture.  That thing must have taken a ton of time to make!  We have so much talent in this community over such a broad spectrum, it always amazes me. 

    More images + a Rainbow Dash tile after the break!

    13 kommentaari:

    1. Dood that's awesome.

    2. Oh wow, that's amazing! I want one, why can't the community make merchandise to sell instead of Hasbro. Oh well, still a really awesome piece.

    3. Needs more photos with some sort of size reference.

    4. @Anonymous

      There's a picture of a WIP with a size ref on my DA. It stands at 15" tall and is 13" long.

    5. You know what would make this better? If it was made out of chocolate ice-cream with fudge coating. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!

    6. Both are awesome, but especially the Rainbow Dash tile. <3 Rainbow Dash!

    7. But what about...



    8. @Anonymous

      I originally wanted to do Death Pony, but as I started sculpting it it slowly became War Pony. I didn't want to argue with it.

      I want to do the others (Death, Famine, and Pestilence) but I'm not sure how unless I make them out of polymer clay.

    9. ponies for the blood god

    10. My little pony: Apocalypse pony. Punishment for their sins! Yaaaaaaaay!

    11. cool that looks really awesome like a warrior!!! when u said BigPonyMac did u mean bigmac? like a version of him? never mind that. but that art was beautiful!!!
