• Three More YTPMV's

    I still think Pinkie Trigger was the best one! Anyway you can find Rainbow Flash above, and Epic Sax Pinkie/F-Zero Big Blue below. Feel free to let me know if you guys are sick of these!

    Epic Sax Pinkie

    Big Blue

    22 kommentaari:

    1. Dear YTPMV makers,

      Needs more Applejack samples. She's a silly pony; surely there's something!

      ~ Zark

    2. @Zarkanorf
      Other than that, these were pretty good. The first video was godly.

    3. Eh, these are fun, but using the same sound clip and just changing the pitch is kinda cheating. My opinion.

    4. Did...did you just reply to yourself?

    5. @Anonymous
      Yeah; I forgot to add something before I hit post, so it's like an attachment. Also because I do that a lot for some reason.

    6. @Zarkanorf
      I've been trying to find a song that would work for AJ but I have yet to have any luck...but Im not that great a AMV maker so you may not want me to make one

    7. Big Blue was brilliant

    8. I really love these, but they do need a bit more variety on the samples, they're always roughly the same... but still awesome in every other way!

    9. I agree with Sethisto, Pinkie Trigger was about the godliest thing of all.

    10. Sick of these ? We need more !

    11. >sick of these
      Oh Sethisto you card

    12. I demand about 20% more, these were pretty good, not the greatest ones I've heard (like the ones by UnanimousDelivers) but keep em commin!

    13. I thought the first one was okay.
      The second one was kindda lame. I don't get why you people like the sax guy so much

      And big blue.
      Holy shit that made my day.

    14. >My Face when these get featured but My Little Evans hasn't been yet

      Really guys really


    15. Not bad, not bad. I would not mind seeing more stuff like this.

    16. MarioInATopHat: Also my video got put on ED

      Talking with him on steam. Happy brony is happy.

    17. I love all of these, but no matter what people use in them, I think I will always love Rainbow Dash's "LOOUDDEEER!!!" sample the most; and I mean, she's not even my favourite Pony. It just sounds so awesome xD

    18. Where's My Little Evans?

    19. @Zarkanorf
      I tend to do that too, which is weird because when I post, I post paragraphs.

      Anyway. I don't think these are all that clever unless they're using the original sounds rather than bending the pitch. Otherwise it's just using the sound clips as a MIDI patches.
      Therefore, I vote fewer -- only the very best.

    20. I just don't get it...maybe I tend to focus my attention too much for the makers of these...

    21. After hearing NotACleverPony and Chain Algorithm's mixes, I can't seem to develop a taste for any other PMV's :3
