• Super Ponybeat: At The Gala

    More Ponybeat time!  Eurobeat Brony continues to impress.  That was crazy fast!  You can find it below the break as always.
    Super Ponybeat: At the Gala 
    Super Ponybeat: At the Gala With Vocals

    23 kommentaari:

    1. Hah, i hope i was first with the email :3

    2. Awesome! And First!

    3. Yep, it's official.

      Eurobeat Brony is the greatest remixer in history.

      All of my gratitude and praise, EbB. Take it.

    4. I don't know if I'm crying because of how much I'm loving this song or because of the memories of season one. Thanks a bunch, man; my only regret is that all of my money-golds were not able to go to Eurobeat Brony.

    5. Poor Ralph. He ate paint chips as a little one.

    6. Wow, it seems so fitting that we'd get such a fantastic Eurobeat to cap off such a wonderful season. This song is like the embodiment of all those great times and amazing memories... excuse me while I go get all bittersweetly nostalgic.

    7. @ZAquanimus>sent 5 minutes after vid release

      idk when you got it to him >:C

    8. @NinesTempest

      I had been refreshing his youtube page for around 15 mins since he posted on his dA journal:
      "Y'all are gonna love me in a little bit~"

      So i pretty much emailed Seth within a min of it being out.

      Didn't get first comment unfortunately :\

    9. Don't worry Ralph, the Gala is always bad anyway...

      Now is Eurobeat going to do a cover of Pony Pokey? Also, what about the Main Theme "Very Best Freinds"? Will we see a remix for that as well?

    10. Fuck yeah Joe and Ralph!

    11. Shit, this one is actually pretty good.

    12. Joe and Ralph make a comeback!

    13. Holy shit, this is amazing.
      I think that this honestly beats. Like. All of his other songs.

      I think my Ipod is like at least 20% pony now =0

    14. Joe and Ralph!
      somepony should make a fanfic about them.

      awesome music as always, of course.

    15. Awesome!

      Also, Killsteal_Wolf, Bandpuff put up a preview of the Main Theme remix


    16. Never thought I'd dig anything called "Eurobeat," and yet here I am, cheering out loud because an MLP song just got remixed. The ponies sure have changed things, haven't they?

    17. I actually cried...I'm 22 and haven't cried in over a year, then I heard this....simply outstanding!

    18. @Anonymous

      Dang. I do hope ponies can extract your tears more often. They certainly extract mine, and I'm 26.

      ...then again, I'm a crier by nature. ^_^;;;;

    19. Here's hoping Eurobeat does a medley of the songs as a cap off for season 1.

    20. Dat build up...
      Dat chorus...

      amazing! just fantastic!

    21. I love this piece. So epic.

      Still doesn't beat Ghostie, though. :D

    22. Okay, the inclusion of Joe and Ralph at the end just made the awesome mix 20% cooler. Fantastic as ever!
