• Summer Achievement System: Point Balancing

    This Scootaloo image sure is badass...


    The guy creating the achievement list is looking for feedback on point balancing.  If you guys are interested in adding your two cents to the mix before we release the final draft to the masses, this is your chance!

    You can find the google doc below. It's huge, so give it a few seconds to load.

    Summer Achievement Point List

    ^UPDATE^  I lost track of time while working on the drawfriend #78, and forgot I had this scheduled to post at 3:00PM.   The star rating part of this is most likely going to get an overhaul, since I really can't post every submission in a separate post for stars!

    31 kommentaari:

    1. Im already pretty high on the points list! harhar

      I kinda like it but the tattoo is a bit hardcore

      Also you need to make higher score points

    2. I'd like to know what these "repeatable achievements" are, because there's only one right now. Also, I notice that the highest-scoring sections require technical skills that most people simply don't have.

    3. Anything that alters one's mind or body permanently is excessive.

    4. Also, only a 10 point bonus for using a character in six different fics when drawing three pics of a pony will get you a 40 point bonus? Not very fair.

    5. There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later.

      Well Dang :/

    6. Yeah, I wouldn't promote getting a tattoo, we don't want any highly impressionable blokes doing something they'll permanently regret. Jobs are hard to get with tattoos. :p

      Other than that, I like. Maybe more general achievements, but we can add those over time, I guess.


      My Little Vandalist: Draw something pony related on a whiteboard/blackboard/sidewalk. Alternatively put up Pony Flyers/Posters.

      Vinyl Scratch: Play pony-related music loudly (but not obtrusively) in a public space.

      "You know what this calls for??": Fill a buddy's room with pink balloons and streamers. Include cupcakes and Pin the Tail on the Pony. Bonus points if they're not a Brony. Super bonus points if you can make poppers go off right when they open the door.

      I'll think of more later. :p

    7. Also, TXT file for overload:


    8. There should be more of a ramp-up for point values, at least in the fics section.

      For example, writing ten fics ain't exactly easy. I can understand getting 15/30 for one, but 25/50 for ten seems a bit low. Maybe have it start out at 10/25 for one fic, 20/50 for five, and 50/100 for ten.

      I'll go over it a bit more when I have some time, but that was the only thing I noticed just now.

    9. Whoops, I missed a detail earlier. And Daffodil - you get points for every fic written; it's the artwork that you need multiples for. I still think it's unfairly weighted, though.

    10. Adding to my previous statement:

      There's no real form of quality control for art. As things currently stand, anyone can draw a pic in MS paint and get points for it, while a fic needs to be a certain length AND receive at least 10 votes.

      This can be handled in one of two ways: Have the art based on the star system as well, or make art worth significantly less than fics, just based on the effort involved. I'd prefer the former, as I don't want to discourage any truly talented artists.

    11. I've garnered every single achievement for failure ever... unfortunately I don't see that as an option nor do I get any negative points for it. WHY NOT?

      Anyway Sethistio gets five millions points and cereal velocity gets 4,999,999 points.

    12. this is relevant to my interests.
      just more the reason for me to get a tatoo.

    13. Notes 5 million pageviews was subtly hinted at by D.shadows...

      Also D. Shadows occurs -1 point.

    14. Is a tattoo of pegusi wings and a cutie mark pony enough? Because I've always wanted wings.
      Red Bull just doesn't cut it.

      I've seen a plethora of people with tattoos working. They just won't hire you for sales rep or store associate or something where you deal with lots of people who'll barely ever know you would have issues with visible tats. If they're under your cloths, they can't discriminate against you.
      A lot of comic artists I know have tattoos all the way down their arms to their wrist and across their backs. I've seen mechanics with large ones on their arms. I'm sure I've seen some rescue workers with tattoos, too.

    15. Well, there goes my summer.

    16. Inhales... YEAH!

    17. Maybe try to balance creation/consumption. It's nice to reward artists and authors (as the latter, I'm in the clear), but not everyone will produce those /well/. And besides, we want a dedicated audience, right? (Also, maybe, a section for reposting/reblogging/signal boosting, since that is how I was sucked into this, was off of a reblog that led me to knowyourmeme.)

    18. Tattoos?

      ...I know where I'd put one. A cutie mark tattoo engraved on my ass! Both cheeks!

    19. Maybe an achievement for pulling a pony related prank on a non-brony? The name should involve Princess Trollestia.

    20. Luna's blessed!

    21. @Tiroth

      Think of how many points you net with making six fics. Having the same pony in each just adds 10 points.

      But it's not really about the points anyway =P

    22. Once I retrieve my hard drive contents, I'll try to make a pony tune or two :3

    23. Achievements are a cheap gimmick made to milk extra hours and value out of a game... BUT THESE ARE AWESOME! Too bad I'm not creative. I DID convert two people though so at least I get 10 points.

    24. @the (fallen) Princess Luna
      It's a name of one of the Brony-cards, doofus. :D

    25. I am fully getting Fluttershy's Cutie Mark on my lower back the minute I turn sixteen.

    26. I fear fort hose that are artistically challenged. I, myself suffer from a problem of being overwhelmingly talented, but lacking in ability. I see entire worlds in my head, but a short circuit between my head and my hands keeps me from expressing the things I see. The same problem come to those that are merely untrained in arts, unable to express the talent that flows within them. I cannot be the only one that has lived they're life challenged this way. Too many of your challenges depend on a pony being able to draw. I think you need to broaden your horizons, and accept other forms of expression. Fiction, Editing art, or even cinema need to be accepted as valid forms of expression. not that my handicap will help me with these, but it will help many others.

    27. So is there... is there going to actually be a system for tracking these points or is it more like you keep track of it yourself.

      Should I go and make myself an account so I can participate?

    28. @Anonymous

      I will be posting everyone's google docs into a leaderboard thingy most likely.

    29. Celestia's chosen?


    30. Well, I've become a My Little Time Lord at least from conversion alone. I love the media. And splicing data so nonies wonder why their show on a local network got interrupted by Friendship is Magic. Working at a news station is WORTH IT!
