The Achievement list has been finalized. So here is how this will work.
Below the break you will find the actual achievement board. Everyone will have their own copy of the achievement.doc. As you complete things, simply take a picture/copy paste a link/include a youtube embed/ect as proof beneath the achievement you have accomplished and tally it all at the top.
Everyone starts as a "brony", and their docs will be pasted at that spot until they reach specific point tiers to move on to the next. When you reach a new tier, email me and I will modify this post and bump you to the next.
The entire system is honor driven. It's up to you to be honest. You will not win anything for being the best. If someone sees a bunch of nonsense on your document and reports it, then I'll just delete from the list after checking it.
More after the break, including the FAQ, Doc File, and Leaderboard.
How to make your Document Copy:
1.) Open the Master Copy Found below2.) Click File
3.) Click "Make a Copy"
4.) Let it load (Takes a few moments)
5.) Above the file/edit/ect bar, you should see a lock with "private" next to it. Click that and change it to "Anyone with a Link".
6.) Email me your link, add ACHIEVEMENT to the Email's subject line and include your name/link in the body.
7.) Google documents update automatically. Your link will be updated in the list whenever you add/remove something.
MASTER ACHIEVEMENT DOCUMENT (Note: Large document, If your browser freezes, let it finish loading)
You can use either or, though the new one is much more streamlined and easy.
Achievement Document (Old Version)
Achievement Document V3 (New Version) (New Version, See this post for details)(Added more achievements)
Example Document
Sethisto's Achievements
Additional Achievements (Add them to your document manually) (New!)
Bonus Extra Achievements (For Old Version)
Bonus extra achiements (For V3)
Q: Do things I have done in the past count?
A: Yes, Though feel free to start fresh for fun.
Q: I hate competing, why are we competing?
A: We are not competing, it is about improving your own skills. The ranks are just for fun. There are no awards.
Q: How many times can I repeat repeatable Achievements?
A: Endlessly
Q: When will this end?
A: When season 2 comes out
Q: How long will it take you to update my name on the list?
A: Give it a day, if I don't respond by then or you don't see any changes, email again.
Q: Where do I get the Frame for the avatar?
A: Download this as a .png and throw something into it :3. It is transparent, so you can layer it with photoshop/ layer based art program.
Once you fix it, just replace the one currently in the doc with yours with the built in image uploader on the toolbar of google docs.
You don't have to do it, it's just for fun.
Q: Do multiple characters in a story/art submission count for multiple achievements?
A: No, each achievement requires it's own submission
(2000) Element of Awesomeness
James Corck
(1600) Champion of Equestria
Jake Heritagu
(1200) Luna’s Blessed
(800) Celestia’s Chosen
Pwny Pokes
Plaster the Returner
Lai Sadako
(400) The Iron Brony
Crimson Risk
Pen Stroke
Mr. Wonko
Cereal Velocity
Sir Leadhead
Vinyl Scratch
Heretical Rants
(10) Brony
Grez the Lizard Lord
Neon Noble
Soldier Scratch
Mint Julep
Black Yousa
The Letter J
Lai Sadako
Spork the Cat
Da Chi
Doctor Dapples
Silly Filly
Samuel N
Bradie Pie
The Lovely Penguin
Kill Me I Am A Pony
Comic Sans
DJ- Furtive Otter
Lurid Phoenix
Opal Whisker
Twinkle Sparkle
Pandora Caitiff
H.P. Lovecolt
Ben V.
Shimmershine Dash
Apostle of Hatsune
Daniel Coster
Daniel Näckblad
die die die
Noir Drone
die die die
Megan R.
Samuel Vincent
Videos of Achievements for lulz!
Achievement Hunter
9 Hour Fluttershy Plush Creation
Skittle Dashes!
Flashgen (Video)
![]() |
Dehaven and Ster Zetanee (Don't freeze the skittles!) Full Step by Step Here |
- You update your own achievements on your own document, I just bump it up when you email me saying you progressed to the next tier.
- Each achievement requires it's OWN content, no everypony stories covering all pony achievements at once. a 9001 word story does not automatically unlock every length-tier story, it only unlocks one of them.
- Achievement Documents are moved around nightly! Not immediately! I'm only one brony.
Feel free to ask questions in email labeled with ACHIEVEMENT
Mike Foxclaw
Point Balancing:
MikauSchekzen -
Equestria Daily Proofreaders -
126 kommentaari:
Love this idea Seth. It's a good and fun motivation to keep us working :3
VastaKustutaI just have one question. On the "Drawing each pony a certain amount of times" Achievements, does it count if the ponies are drawing with other ponies, or just individually?
were is the list of achievements?
VastaKustutathe achievement document.
I really want to see somebody dye their hair rainbow =0
VastaKustuta@James Corck
VastaKustutaAdded to FAQ, it's all going to be separate though so people don't just write 5 everypony stories and complete everything.
A quick question about the media achievements. Would say, a 3 minute long video count as both a 3 minute and 2 minute? or would we need to make say, a 2-2:59 long video and a 3:00+ video to get both.
VastaKustutaAllrighty, here we go!!
VastaKustutaSo, the drawings I did with the ponies and the other OC's don't count?
Nice idea, Seth! Definitely gonna give some of these a go when the exams are over. One question though; I'm assuming for the fic achievements they have to be separate fics of at least 1500, 2000, and 2500 words respectively. is that correct, or can you get all three in one go with a large fic or >2500 (or >9000!!!) words?
VastaKustutaI do think I will start fresh. And now let my summer of fun begin~
VastaKustutaOnly one question: That last achievement...don't fight over the achievements list? That sounds like everyone would start off with it, unless there's something more specific to get it. I understand every single other achievement heh
Ooooh, awesome. This really motivates me to engage in the community a bit more, although all I have to record these things is a crappy laptop webcam lol.
VastaKustuta1 piece of content can only unlock 1 achievement. I did this to make the rules clearer and to prevent discussion.
VastaKustuta@James Corck
VastaKustutaOne pony each counts.
So your rainbow dash/oc counts as 1 rainbow dash
Sethisto, what exactly is 'Art of the Dress' achievement? A picture?
VastaKustutaThis is what's going to keep me alive this summer.
VastaKustutaQuestion: Are the "I'm Watching You" achievements applicable for videos like PMVs?
My friend's girlfriend is going to help me dye my hair rainbow on Wednesday, so I'll be sure to post a picture somewhere. :D
There's an error in the achievement list.
VastaKustutaUnder "Keeper of the Elements," it says you need "Speed-Reader" and "How's my Hair?". These achievements don't appear to exist. Going by the other required achievements, it should probably say "42" and "How do I Look?" instead.
Also, I do draw, but I don't really have any way to upload my artwork. Does that kind of shut me out of the art section?
VastaKustutaAttention whore system went real, huh?
VastaKustutaOnly real problem with '1 piece to 1 achievement' in this sense is that you also have what looks like 'stackable' achievements on the list. The drawings/fanfics for instance. By saying '1 piece per achievement' you give the interpretation that someone will have to draw 16 seperate images to get the drawing achievements, then a 17th image for the color one. However, what I think you're saying is you need to make 11 pictures, 1 for the colored picture of the pony, and then 10 for the stackables before it.
You also can't say make a single art update that has 10 doodles of Applejack on it, they have to be uploaded as 10 separately uploaded pictures.
In the effort to make things clear, you accidentally made things seem muddled for people who have a hard time understanding either the 'stack' or the 'unstacked' achievements because you have both in this list. So I hope this'll help clarify for everyone.
Hello again!
VastaKustutaSorry for making so many question, I know I can be a pain in the ass. It's respect the "Resistance is Futile" achievement for getting people into the show. I got my friend and my sister into it, how do I prove it?
Guess I need to start practicing on how to draw ponies. TO THE ART MACHINE!
VastaKustutaHmm. It looks like I'm already nearly done with the art achievements.
VastaKustutaOr would be, if I had a gallery.
So you could stick to one category right? Like make a certain amount of videos and get same amount of points each time or what?
VastaKustuta1500 words?
All my work (all two pieces of it) comes in just over a thousand.
Short stories need love too.
Great idea, but unfortunately I am way to lazy/busy and talentless to participate in anything. :( So I shall just stand from a far and admire your work.
VastaKustutaThis is such a great idea. :) An excellent way to push people to be creative, increase their skills, and to create enjoyable content for this wicked sweet community. Good luck to all those who are participating in this! I can't wait to see the cool things that are going to come about because of it. :)
VastaKustuta>dyeing your hair rainbow
VastaKustutathat'll never happen
Do stuffed animals count as dolls? Or does it have to be a made-of-plastic-like-barbie doll?
VastaKustutait says i cant email sethisto because its not my default email, do you have an alternate email like yahoo?
VastaKustutaThis really shouldn't be a Google doc.
VastaKustutaAnon at 4:02 here. Never mind. I should read.
VastaKustuta@James Corck
VastaKustutaI just list them for mine, no real way really.
VastaKustutaDon't ever look at yourself as talentless. I never made a video before and I took the chance to try my hand at it. I've made 10 or so videos in about 2 weeks, and at least my friends seem to like them. Just give it a try :)
Oh man, I'm excited for this! I think this will finally motivate me to post my music! And write stories. And.. pull my tablet back out? Awesome~
VastaKustutaWell, those baked bads ain't gonna cook themselves...
VastaKustutaI am eager to achieve.
VastaKustutaDo we need proof for absolutely all of them? Like buying toys inside a store, I mean I've done that but how do I prove it? Also the charity one.
VastaKustutaNo, you dont.
Just take a picture of it or something
Also, I can't wait to see vids of people singing Pinkie's songs on the streets. -looks outside for a second-
VastaKustutaI think i forgot how many people come to this blog...this is going to be interesting. Anyway I'm off to work, i'll dig through these emails when i get home!
VastaKustutaSo dying my hear rainbosish sound easy i also neet a good prank for after my exame so wait 2 weeks and i got the pic ;3 (yeay rainbowish)
VastaKustutaWow, I'm already at "Celestia's Chosen"! So many points and achievements I've already done! =D
VastaKustutaSeth, did you think you got lots of emails from the bronies before?
VastaKustutaYou're going to be having a lot more this summer!
If (can?) we collaborate with another brony for a few of them, does it count as points for both?
VastaKustutaWhat happened to the "Brony for life" (get a MLP:FiM tattoo) achievement?
VastaKustutaBrilliant! I've been working on several projects that will fit nicely into these achievements!
This seems like such a fun way to spend the summer! I'm a god awful drawer but I'll give it a shot anyways.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Sethisto can coloring count as drawing too?
VastaKustutai keep reading the title and thinking 'but its winter?? what is happening??!!?'but then i remember. damn you americans.
VastaKustutaSince Jazelock was the one who got me into the show, even though she didn't watch it at the time, and then I encouraged her to actually watch it, do we both get the achievement for that?
VastaKustutaIt seems like more work keeping track of what I've done than actually doing the stuff! I think I'll just not participate in this.
VastaKustutabronys, im going to dye my hair like rainbow dash next week, one question though can it be a dye that only lasts a few days?
VastaKustutaIf It's for something like a game or a multi-part project I don't see why not.
I'd recommend doing it solo for drawings and fics though unless the fic is some epic long adventure story.
VastaKustutaTime to learn to draw!
Even if it is scribbles.
@Sethisto ooooook
VastaKustuta... Narf.
VastaKustutaOCD kicking in, must... get... all... achievs.
@Pinkie Pied
VastaKustutaSplat!Glow comes in a good rainbow, I think. If you don't mind it glowing in the dark, that is, cause the rest of theirs is semi-permanent.
Oh no D: I've already starting unintenionally fleshing out my OC while practicing drawing ponies for this accursed temptress of a document. WHY HAVE YOU ENABLED MY CRAZY DAYDREAMING HABIT
Uhm, sorry to be bugging you, but why are the people who are higher up still labeled as just Brony?
VastaKustutaI don't think I've ever been so opposed to an idea before. This is horrible. Why would you even want to implement something like this? Can't people do what they want because they enjoy it? Not to mention this seems like something hyper active kids would really want to do.
VastaKustutaJake Heritagu’s I saw your video, really awesome!
VastaKustutaThey haven't emailed me to update it.
Hey, with the fanfic achievements do we have to write 3 separate ones? For instance, if I've written a regular fanfic with 2500 words, would I unlock the 1500 and 2000 words achievements as well?
VastaKustutaDoes drawing a Pixel OC pony count as a pixel pony or a full colour OC? @_@
VastaKustutaOne achievement per item, no multiples.
why can't I "make a copy" ????????
VastaKustutaReally? that seems arbitrarily limiting. In literally ANY video game you have achievements in those kind of achievements stack.
If I draw 5 RD's, I should get both the achievements for 1 RD and 5 RD's. I shouldn't have to draw a 6th one just to get the "draw 5 RD's" achievement. Then, I should only have to draw 5 more for the 10 achievement, draw one of them really fast, and color one of them for the full-color achievement. otherwise it's just unfair.
I can see the different genres of fanfics not being multi-use, but a 9001 word fanfic should count as a 1500, 2000, 2500, and 9001 word fic, since it does technically fill all of the requirements.
If you're going to make the achievements mutually exclusive, you need to make it so you can only have 1 achievement from each group at a time; like, if I draw Applejack 10 times I lose the "draw her 5 times" achievement in favor or the new one, and my (hypothetical) 9001 word fic should mean I'm not eligible for the 1500, 2000, and 2500 word ones.
This is really the only fair way to do it.
On a separate note, do I have to be the sole contributor to a fic to get credit for it, or do collaborations count too?
I like the one where you give to charity and get points. We should have more like that on here. :)
VastaKustutaMaybe for giving hugs or throwing IRL parties for friends?
VastaKustutaI know how video games do it
But video games don't have single achievements that can unlock 10 others.
Someone could write a 9000 word story including every pony in every genre and unlock 25 achievements in one go.
VastaKustutaToss me an email madmax, I'll walk you through it if you are having trouble.
VastaKustutaLike a boss.
Anyone in here willing to receive a blind bag so I can unlock the care package achievement? Click on Pwny_Pokes in the list above, the email address is in my name.
VastaKustutaHey, if I write a fic with at least 2500 words, do I have to use it to unlock the first tier (1500 words), or can I use it to get the 3rd tier (since I'd have written a 2500 word story)? Basically what I'm asking is: do we have to get the story achievements in order?
VastaKustutaOkay, two quick questions:
1) Does the "one entry per achievement," apply to the art ones? For example, do we have to draw 16 pics of Rarity to get, "The Best Pony" I, II, and III, or will 10 do it?
2) So, do we just start out with "The Great and Powerful Trixie," or is there something we have to do to specifically earn it?
VastaKustutaOkay, third question: If I drew a pic of one of the Hasbro recolors, would that count as drawing an OC pony, a background pony, or neither?
VastaKustutaLike I said, I wasn;t including the fic genres. Each fic can only have 1 genre. That's not what I was asking. I was asking about the LENGTH ones, and the draw X number of Y pony ones. Those, in all fairness, SHOULD stack.
keep in mind guys, this lasts until season 2, so there's plenty of time. Just draw 17 pictures of each pony between now and then and you're set.
VastaKustutaHeck, that's only around 20 fan fictions between now and then, completely do-able.
But that's the thing; having to draw 17 pictures to get an achievement for drawing 10? that's complete bullshit.
VastaKustutaSorry if this is a foolish question, but when emailing you our achievements, what link should we include in the email?
VastaKustutaJust a heads up, Seth. The link to this post that's below the main banner has 'achievement' misspelled.
VastaKustutafixed it!
VastaKustutaYour copy of the google doc with your name in the "your name's achievements" spot.
Uhm, Seth, you spelled my name wrong. Just saying. Sorry...
VastaKustutaLai would be a fairly sweet name, though, don`t get me wrong.
Yay, Iron Brony get. And thanks for including the link to the video Seth.
VastaKustutaNo 'Dance the Pony Pokie' achievement? This makes me sad.
VastaKustutaAs for the art part, is it possible to draw e.i. Fluttershy 10 times on a single sheet of paper? Thus unlocking the fluttershy achiment |, || & |||? Or do they all need to be seperate in some way?
VastaKustutathe email link isn't working for me. mind sending me the email adress some other way?
VastaKustutaOhmigoshohmigoshohmigosh. I am so stoked for this! I know what im doing this summer! :D (17 year old Male brony)
VastaKustutaCan we count fapfics as shipping acheivements even if you don't want to post them on your blog?
VastaKustutaThere should be an achievement for admitting your interest of MLP to someone you didn't want to tell it to.
VastaKustutaIf that were an achievement, I'd miss-out because there isn't a person I don't want to know.
I play my pony music loud. I sing my pony music louder. I draw/write ponies all the time. I keep mini-Dash with me at all times. Once those pins come, I'll wear them everyday (except on my pony shirts).
I don't hide it, but I don't walk into the street and yell 'I LIKE PONY!'
If someone asks what I'm listening to, I don't tell them, I show them, because they tend to no believe me.
Meeep! I forgot to include my name in the email!
VastaKustutaI go by Asparagus. Sorry about that.
Question about the Story Writing achievements:
VastaKustutaIf I write a 2500 word story, do I hit all three achievements at once, or do they need to be 3 separate stories?
I don't get how we move up the tiers I have way more than 10
VastaKustutaWhat's the quality requirement on the "Poor pencil" achievement?
VastaKustuta@Lurid Phoenix
VastaKustutaAs was stated in the original post, you need to email Sethisto, and your link will be moved.
Here's for the haiku: *ahem*
VastaKustutaLuna of blue coat
Please do not be sad, princess,
For I love you so
Also, for the drawing achievements, do the ponies have to be properly colored? Because I've done some recolours of Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle already.
VastaKustutaI'd participate in this (if I were 20 again), but I'm too old, too busy with caregiving for my mom, and my skills have gone to rust.
VastaKustutaThat, and the idea of making it an achievement-based activity - no thanks. I've already burned bridges on a couple of fandoms because I felt compelled to keep up with the creative Joneses, couldn't find the time or the drive, and got stressed the hell out.
All my best to the rest of you, though.
Awwwww. My OC toy is a G3 style *sadpinkemina.JPG*
VastaKustutaDoes repurposing/modding an existing tabletop RPG to allow pony gaming count for the Roll The Dice acheivement?
Um, again, I apologize for nit picking, but I think you just changed my name as listed under Brony to Lai as well. I'm not sure if I wasn't clear enough, but my name is Lia Sadako, not Lai. I also checked the document and I did say my name was Lia there too. Uh, just saying.
VastaKustutaWell dang, I had my hair rainbow colored last month and then I see this... oh wait, I have pictures. AHHHHHH YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
VastaKustutaDang the doc won't let me click "make a copy" what do? there a smaller version of this? The document broken up into sections? Cause my computer is OLD, it can't handle a page that size at all.
VastaKustutaWill there be updates to add other relevant achievements?
VastaKustutaBecause the question hasn't been answered (still), once and for all, for the art achievements:
VastaKustutaIn order to get any achievement drawing ten ponies, must you draw only 10, or must you draw ten FOR THAT ACHIEVEMENT, and five for the "five drawings" achievement, etc.
This is really important to me and I'd like this cleared up. In the mean time, I suppose I'll just draw 17 pictures to get it, I need the practice anyway.
"Each achievement requires it's OWN content, no everypony stories covering all pony achievements at once. a 9001 word story does not automatically unlock every length-tier story, it only unlocks one of them."
Quick question on unlocking the "Celestia Tier" Achievement, which is "Unlock 1 achievement in each category." Does this mean each "big" category like Art Achievements, Writing Achievements, etc. OR little categories like Grimdark, Sad, Podcast, etc?
VastaKustutaThe bigger ones yes.
VastaKustuta@the (fallen) Princess Luna
If I make the 50x50 achievement pics and write up some Pony Pokie related achievements, would you add those to the bonus list? And if it's okay, what do you think would be good scores for them?
VastaKustutaI'm pretty sure that they know that rule. What they are asking is if the drawing counts are exceptions as, unlike the word count ones, you can't accomplish the higher level achievements without completing the lower ones individually (i.e. you can't reach 10 separate drawings without making 5 first vs. you can reach 5000 words in a single story, which automatically is over 1000 words)
This uncertainty is compounded by the fact that the rule seems to be geared towards writing, not drawing. I think everypony just wants official clarification on the intended meaning of the rule. (Has anypony tried emailing Seth yet?)
Now for my question: If one were to write a single fanfiction that can meet several different achievements, but is divided into multiple several-thousand-word chapters, can each chapter count towards a different achievement?
For example, a 100.000 word crossover-grimdark story is divided into 10 10.000 word chapters. When it is completed, could the writer obtain all of the crossover, grimdark, and the 9001 achievements?
I ask because, as it stands, the achievements, if this rule isn't in effect, are geared towards short stories, not longer fan novels. If this is the case, I propose achievements specifically geared towards tens- or hundreds-of-thousands of word stories
I have a feeling that Seth doesn't check this post much anymore (Last post was 16 May), though, so I'm probably going to email him.
VastaKustutaI've been lurking Equestria Daily for a while thinking, "I should totally create some original pony content." As a video game achievement whore, this means I have to start.
VastaKustutaFor some weird unexplainable reason the "Make Copy" option in Achievement Document V3 is grayed out. Wat do?
VastaKustutaDisregard that, I suck at Google Docs. I figured I have to be loged in to make a copy. I am not a clever pony.
@Kill me, I m a PONY
VastaKustutaJust in case you HAVEN'T seen the v3 cheevos, you may want to check them out. They fix your issues. Well, They fix a lot of them. If you're writing a 100kwords story, you still only get to count it for one achievement.
Of course, drawing more than one comic ALSO only counts as one drawing of one pony: I emailed for this question.
Is it possible to participate in this as a group?
VastaKustutaFor fanfic achievements, does it count if you write a fanfic and it doesn't make the grade? That is, the pre-readers hated it and you couldn't tweak it enough to fix it?
VastaKustutaAlso, are there hidden achievements, and do you get achievements for works in progress?
VastaKustutaAFAIK yes. It's writing them, not getting them accepted that matters.
I really should keep adding to mine. It just seems pointless now that I've finished. it
I am SO going to try this :D :D :D :D
VastaKustutaI wish I had known about this sooner. Will there be more opportunities to earn achievements in the future?
VastaKustutaWill there be one next summer?