[Dark][Adventure] Alternate Universe time!
Author: UberPhoenix
Description: What if Rainbow Dash failed her Sonic Rainboom at the end of "Cutie Mark Chronicles"? Twilight awakes in a strange land where everything is a bit... different, and the world is shrouded in eternal night.A World Without Rainbows (New Act 3 Part 10-12!)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Adventure, What-if, Long
yes finally someone did it alternate universe without sonic rainboom
ReplyDeleteExpecting awesomeness
ReplyDeleteLet's read.
>mfw i read the end of part 4
ReplyDeleteoh shi- why
This story is pure wat so far (especially the end of part 4). But I wanna keep reading!
ReplyDeleteAt first I was thinking this story would go one way, but then it veered off in a completely different direction. I like what I have read so far, keep it up.
ReplyDeleteYesssssss, alternate universe are the best!
ReplyDeleteThis one is pretty damn creepy! I presume the color-coding is a Fringe reference? Nice.
Seems like which ponies are getting the spotlight is synched up a little between universes, since we've seen the most of regular Applejack and Nightmare Applejack (apart from Twilight, of course). Jeez, did Applejack really renounce her family name? That's awful. She must be really messed up under the well-to-do exterior.
"She met Zecora on a trip in the Swayback Mountains."
Regular Twilight Sparkle thinks this in the first chapter. Is that a sign of the Twilights merging? Haha, this really is reminiscent of Fringe (not in a bad way!).
Rainbow Dash whaaaat? Is... is that really her in normal Ponyville?
After part 4, definitely deserves a grimdark tag. Still pretty awesome, though.
ReplyDeleteDammit I was going to write this story... Maybe I'll still write it but my own interpretation...
ReplyDeleteOHSHI- BBL reading
ReplyDeletePart 4's ending. Seriously, thats getting almost cupcake level wrongbad.
ReplyDeleteWell, this is certainly an interesting read. I commend you on the transitions; although they at first feel rough, they contribute much to the uncertain and chaotic environment the story is trying to convey. The revelation of who Madam Orange was came as a bit of a shock, but tracing back it actually makes a lot of sense. As well, the follow through on the lack of Sonic Rainboom (as demonstrated by Orange, Fluttergrime and others) is remarkably well thought out. Kudos to you; I wish to see more as soon as you are able to provide it.
ReplyDeleteMy god this story's amazing d far I need most ;w;
ReplyDeleteI'm a sucker for these kinds of stories. I was actually thinking of doing this premise myself, considering at this point in the show it's one of the most obvious changes one could explore. But this is the second time I've seen this idea in one way or another, so I'll probably leave it alone, especially since this one seems to be going pretty well.
ReplyDeleteI'll say the Fringe-inspired banners confused me since in Fringe, Red is for the alternate universe and Blue is for ours, and it's reversed here.
I was writing a dr evolves version of this! Confound! (still gonna finish it though)
ReplyDeleteHmmm, interesting. Fluttershy's a hermit, Rarity sells apples, AJ's now Madam Orange and it looks like this Twilight took it into her own hands to stop Nightmare Moon but lacking the knowledge she would have gained and of course friends screwed up royally.
ReplyDeleteAlways been a sucker for a good alternate worlds tale.
ReplyDeleteYup. It's a fringe reference.
And nice eyes catching the part about Zecora. I tried to drop some clues about what's going on, and there are still a few that I don't think have been noticed?
Is Rainbow Dash acting out of character? I tried to get her character right, but I may have messed up somewhere.
I guess this means I need to work on chapter 5 immediately.
ReplyDeleteI totally had this idea. Maaaan >:( I was a good ways into writing it too...
ReplyDeleteOh, no, Rainbow Dash's characterization is fine. But Twilight remembered Dash coming with her to the abandoned castle, so I was wondering if Dash had also been replaced. I reread with that in mind and didn't see anything to confirm or prove it.
Another thing I noticed on rereading: what's with missing Spike? What you've got is so fantastic I didn't notice, but now that I have, his absence is jarring. I mean, he lives with Twilight, has known her the longest, and would be a pretty significant ally or obstacle to Applejack's snooping. Did you mention him going to Canterlot or something and I missed it?
Really enjoying this so far. Please do continue!
ReplyDeleteI haven't forgotten about Spike. He was supposed to appear in Chapter 3 to interrupt Applejack's snooping, but I wanted to get back to Twilight and ended the chapter early.
He'll be in chapter 5, though. Probably.
Also, we'll get to meet Alternate Spike eventually. And yes, I'm aware that Twilight would have failed to hatch Spike in the alternate verse.
I would like to read these. I'm curious to see how other people would do this. I mean, the idea wasn't actually mine originally, but it was an anonpony, so I can't really give credit where it's due. I have no more right to "claim" this idea than anypony else.
Heh, Spike's probably tied up in the closet from a paranoid alt-Twi. explains why he's out of the story [up to this point at least], and makes a closet reference all in one.
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying these stories so far, keep it up!
ReplyDeleteYou know I just realized that in Alt-Twi's memory she refers to Celestia's ancestor as the one who sealed Nightmare Moon and that makes sense since at the time it was only a rumor that Celestia was a thousand years old(at least that's what the meet the ponies videos stated).
ReplyDeleteNice touch.
I'd forgotten about that and it makes everyone's reaction at the end of the 2-parter premier even more funny and sensible.
I'd be interested to read yours and see how you take it. I actually got the idea from a conversation here on ED, but the guy who first came up with the idea was an anonpony. I'd credit him if he wasn't.
Basically, I have no more "claim" to this premise than anypony else, and I'd love to see other people's ideas and interpretations.
This is a great read, I'm happy I got into this.
ReplyDeleteAh, shoot, I was just thinking about writing something like this...
ReplyDeleteMan is this story ever confusing.
ReplyDelete@TotalOverflowChapter 8 is when it will all finally start to make sense, I promise.
ReplyDeleteYeah, methinks I need to reread the six chapters available thus far to get a grip of what's going on.
ReplyDeleteBut consider me -very- intrigued. How many chapters are you considering for this epic tale?
@DaveJust for you, I wrote out a chapter by chapter plan of the story. For the most part, I've already planned out what's going to happen.
ReplyDeleteWowzers. We are very likely less than 20% of the way done. This is going to run 30+ chapters.
30+ chapters.
holy-you have to finish this work and get someone to make a book out of it!
I just read chapter 7 on your DA and all i'm gonna say is..
ReplyDeleteI Knew it!!!
The last sentence confirmed it!
Bravo. Very good writing.
As addicting as a drug. I have to read on O_O
ReplyDeleteWaiting for the next parts, hope the writer didnt get the block...
needs updates for parts 7 and 8.
links here and here.
read part 8. get to end.
looks likes a road trip to me.
Awesome, it's getting more awesome.SPOILER I expect much body swapping to occur, back and forth. Though I sorta question how the Doc will figure into this. What happened to his alternate self?ENDSPOILER
ReplyDeleteAaaaand, this is where I'm gonna stop reading. Randomly putting in what is essentially a Doctor Who crossover in here totally ruins it for me.
ReplyDeleteOh well. It was good while it lasted.
@AFistfulofApplesWell, that backfired.
ReplyDeleteFistfulofApples, I give you my word that this story is not a Doctor Who crossover. If it were, I would have put a crossover tag in the head of the post with this update.
I included the ending to excite people who were Doctor Who fans. Whooves is a background pony. That is not going to change. In fact, my current plan only has him appearing in one chapter.
I'm not going to swing into Crossover territory midway through the story. I don't screw over my readers like that.
I've heard people say things like that before about Doctor Whooves. I don't buy it. His name and everything fanon about him is influenced/copied straight from Doctor Who. Even the way you introduced him was.
ReplyDeleteAt best he's an extremely blatant and unimaginative Doctor Who expy.
Of course I'm probably biased because I plain old don't like Doctor Who in the first place.
@AFistfulofApplesI'm sorry, then. And you're right. He is a blatant Dr. Who expy. I'm not denying that.
ReplyDeleteI'd request for you to bear with me through his singular appearance, but it's not really fair for me to do that. I'm not going to tell you to waste your time on something you're not going to enjoy.
Isn't fan-fiction itself unoriginal, though?
My comment contains spoilers: if you haven't read the story, do so; it's quite good.
ReplyDeleteSo Dr. Who(oves)is going to play a small role in helping the girls get to the other side, but now that we know about the nature of the mirror, it's possible that the Doctor will be able to interact with his parallel self, and is VERY likely to be someone not at all phased by it. Is he going to play any role in helping out on the other side, or are they going to simply compare notes, (granted that moonside Dr. Whooves finds the mirror in the first place)?
I started noticing the Fringe references, but I like what you've done with the "same mind, different body" idea. Instinct, magic potential, and even physique, (ignoring the obvious injury), could vary greatly between the two Twilights given their obviously different walks in life.
ReplyDeleteFanfiction shouldn't be unoriginal. But that's not really the problem I have.
Having a blatant expy like that throws me out of the story. It really makes it for all intents and purposes, a random crossover.
I started reading at chapter 7 and at first I though this is the other story (fluttershy effect has some very similar tones) and then got utterly confused and now I'm reading from the beginning. Derp.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. It is a random crossover. And while it was a mistake to draw as much attention to it as I did, I'm not going to go back and change it.
I'll miss you.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell if you're being serious or not.
part 9 is ok, sad about Zecora though. One pony left to go...
ReplyDelete@AFistfulofApplesSorry for taking so look to notice this.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I was serious. I understand now that I shouldn't have ended the chapter on a Hooves note, since chapter endings are for foreshadowing/plot twists. Not for sillyness.
That said, I'm not going to change the end of Chapter 9, since we've both already seen it and both would know what was there originally. It would do nothing but probably tempt me to revise other chapters, which I'm promised myself to not do.
If you stop reading because you don't like Doctor Who, I really can't stop you. I'm sorry that this happened, and I will miss you.
But everything I said was serious.
Also, Chapters 9 and 10 will be posted here very soon.
I suppose I'll go against the grain and mention that, while I'm totally and completely indifferent towards Dr. Who (and, by proxy, Dr. Whooves), it seems to work.
ReplyDeleteI mean, maybe there is a better way to have moved Chapter 10 forward, but I can't off the top of my head think of one.
That has to be some of the most entertaining storytelling in ages.
ReplyDeleteDo you think he plans it all out, or just makes it up as he goes along? :3
I know I said I'd stop reading, but I'm still a sucker for an AU...what I did was I basically skipped everything with Doctor Whooves. I got the gist of what was going on, but just didn't really read anything with him in it, so basically I skipped that chapter. As long as he doesn't show up again after this bit, I'll probably be okay.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling you and I have a similar writing technic, although yours seems more refined. You know how to make the character shine. I give you props for getting the Doctor just right.
ReplyDeleteJust read up to chapter 6 so far. Very interesting, I'm curious what's going to happen once the alternative versions collide with each other. :D
ReplyDeleteOh my, there's an update! These two chapters were a good read.
ReplyDeleteHm. You've got me curious about what exactly they managed to do in the "Day" world when the spell failed.
ReplyDeleteImpatiently waiting for the next chapters. This is great stuff; I love it.
ReplyDeleteI was about to ask if we've been introduced to moonside Applejack. It wasn't until now (after reading the comments) that she was Madam Orange a while back!
ReplyDeleteWhich brings me to this question: have we been introduced to moonside Rainbow Dash yet?
Maybe we have and I just forgot?
About moonside Fluttershy: So she cut off her own wings? I'm confused here.
When moonside Rarity said "Pumpkin Alyssa Pie!" I was thinking "did I read that last name correctly?"
That would be weird if it turned out that that book that moonside Twilight ripped two pages out of turned out to be the same book that sunside Twilight was reading from in.... I don't remember what chapter that was in, at the moment.
I like how your doing this in the style of Fringe, with the switching/crossing over of diffenent worlds.
One of my favorite shows on TV today!
Can't wait for future updates of this awesome story!
I finally read the next two chapters of act 2, and I can't wait for the next one! XD
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to think that this fix was dropped. It's been half a month since a single update
ReplyDeleteAre you going to finish this? I absolutely LOVE this story and just spent the last hour reading all of IT.
ReplyDeleteI assure you, anonymous people, that this story has not been discontinued. I've been a bit busy, and I'm on vacation at the moment.
ReplyDeleteAct II Part 4 is completed but short, designed to be a fix to tide you over until the bombshell that is part 5. When part 4 finishes getting through my prereaders, I'll post it.
Part 5 is in progress, and I am literally writing it right now.
I had an idea like this once; I wonder if this is the fic that made me give up on it.
ReplyDeleteSo I'm thinking displacement with another universe's Twilight, let's see if I'm right...
Handwriting (hornwriting?) analysis is a weird thing to have Rarity be able to do, yet it somehow makes sense. And oh baby, I was right on the money!
That awkward moment when you realize it's really Fluttershy. I don't blame Twilight for puking.
End of chapter 5 and I need to switch computers, so posting now. While I'm enjoying this, it's not perfect: some of the characterizations seem off in the 'real world', and this could use a good editing still, there's lots of little mistakes scattered everywhere, especially in the early chapters. Not gonna keep me from continuing on, I'm just saying.
@Present Perfect
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like it. I know it's not perfect, and I often struggle with trying to write the characters correctly. However, whenever I stress to make something perfect, I usually never finish it. With this story, I intentionally refused to let my perfectionist side come anywhere near the story, because believe me, that's the only way you're going to see an ending.
And there are more mistakes in the early parts than the later ones, since I didn't pick up a prereader until around chapter 5 or 6, I think.
I love posts like yours, and I try to take constructive criticism to heart. If it's not too much trouble, can you give me some examples of mistakes I made with the characterization, so I can do better in the future?
WHOA, alternate Twilight is bad-ass. Fluttershy is bad-ass with KINDNESS.
ReplyDeleteI am a bad reader, how did I not catch the "Moonside/Sunside" thing until just now? Would have made a few of these transitions much easier to follow! Not that I've had terribly much trouble following the story, mind.
Darn, I thought Pumpkin might be a Pie.
Oh lord, the Doctor.
Love where this ends. I'll have to hit Act II another time. Really loving this.
@uberPhoenix: Oh, hi! I know what you mean about the perfectionism; but in general, it's a good idea to shut it off until you've gotten something written, and then turn it back on to make that something the best something it can possibly be. Not an easy skill to learn, I've only just been able to write like that myself.
ReplyDeleteI thought you might have gotten an editor or something around that point; things really pick up in chapter 5 and all the mistakes go away.
The characterizations seemed to be most on their heads when more than one pony was talking to another. I couldn't imagine Rarity and Applejack being quite so vitriolic at one another, even if they tend not to get along. It seemed like they were about to end their friendship right there. Not to mention the whole deal with Applejack breaking into Twilight's house. It comes off more as a personality change for the sake of moving the plot along. I can see her being suspicious of Twilight, certainly, but actually acting on it is more in Rainbow Dash's department, if anyone's. (And even that would be out of character.)
I could see that, however, if there was a little more internal struggle from Applejack. She's all about being honest, but her actions are setting up a conflict between the desire to do what's right (not break into your friend's house) and the pursuit of truth (Twilight is some kind of doppelganger). Seeing her tousle with that dichotomy before finally giving in to one side or the other would sell it a lot better.
Once they meet the fake Twilight, things get much better, but again, that's about the point where you got a pre-reader, and the point where I was able to sit back and enjoy without needing to be critical at all. Well, once the stars come back for me, I'll be tossing five onto this.
And I'm reading Act II now.
ReplyDeletePinkie's connection to the Doctor is blowing my mind. I am seeing a lot of repetition of names (specifically Fluttershy) when pronouns would suffice. This first chapter is a little... technobabbly. I wonder if some of this couldn't have been skipped in favor of... pretty much anything else. Not that I can't follow it, it's just slowing things down regrettably.
Hmm, and in chapter 2, you missed a chance to show us more of Moonside Twilight's life; the dream was just glossed over. I'm surprised. Same thing I said about chapter 1 applies to chapter 2's book. At least interrupt it with Twilight's thoughts on the subject every now and then. Admittedly, I love the idea of the Everfree areas. (Has it been a year and a half, or ten months?) Oh, okay, so is the dream Twilight's thinking about the one she had that day? The wording's unclear. I think I'd still like to see what she saw, even if she can't remember the whole thing.
Such a cad, with his fetlocks unshorn! This trial thing is really dramatic.
What, explosives. I don't. It's obvious you've put a lot of thought into spellcasting; of the three infodumps so far in this section, that one was handled best. Ahh, and I like where this ends.
I find this second Act to be... kind of going in a weird direction. Twilight feels a little off, but then again she's also up against unimagined threats. She's handling herself remarkably well, considering. Then there are the three infodumps, which I feel could have been handled a little better. The plot remains solid however, so at least my overall enjoyment of this piece has not waned so far. Looking forward to more!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this update. I can't wait to read the chapter where they use the plan that uses the Sonic Rainboom to get to 'Moonside'.
ReplyDeleteTwo things that jarred me, one: there's a 'two' except for 'too' on the sentence: "She counted the rate at which she found new stars until that 'two' was impractical." Secondly, Trixie being Twilight's sister? I don't quite buy that.
ReplyDeleteThank you! The spelling error has been fixed. I can't believe I didn't catch that. This is terribly embarrassing.
As for Twilight and Trixie being sisters, it's not something I made up. It's a piece of fanon that's been used before by other writers. I agree that it doesn't make much sense and requires an explanation. There will be an explanation, I promise, regarding how this is possible.
Oh, never saw this one. Another fic to kill night with. Thx.
ReplyDeleteJust power read all the current chapters... I have just one thing to say. Twilight with an abacus.
ReplyDeleteWhile a lot of the story is "mirror world standard" (two settings and POVs that nevertheless fit together) I find it to be pretty unique in it's own right... Twilight being my favourite pony helps your case. Although, I must admit, I'm torn here. Twilight's my favourite, but in this story she also isn't... See what I'm saying? Anyway...
Good story mate, even if Twi getting horn whacked was painful to read :'(
"Are you ready?" she asked, managing a weak smile. "This is Silver Shield's final message to you."
ReplyDeleteMethinks you meant Stone Wall.
Talk about a cliffhanger, you tease!
ReplyDeleteMy bad. This wasn't the only time I've done that, either, but the other times I caught it before it was too late.
Thanks. It's been fixed.
Trixie being Twilight's sister isn't fanon per se, just the basis for at least one fic (and it's sequal/other fic in the universe).
ReplyDeleteAlso, Swauback Mountains? Hmmmm...
And an abacus. Heh.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to it, and what, are there like 30 more chapters incoming? The story doesn't seem close to an end at all!
I'm still sad at Fluttershy's wings.
MOAR plz :D
Oh World Without Rainbows, please save me from this sea of godawful fanfiction!
ReplyDelete...Ohh, it's a flashback. I was confused. That is a very interesting reason for why Celestia isn't queen. ...Wait, is this a flashback? Is this fake Twilight? WHAT IS GOING ON OMG. Oh, okay, geez, I don't know why I didn't think of that. So it's Sonic Rainboom time, eh? The Doctor's role in this is a lot better, although it seems like there was almost no reason for him to be there. I mean, he just left without doing much aside from bouncing ideas off Twilight.
Gee, I kind of want an entire story about Silver Shield and Stone Wall's adventures together. That paragraph has a lot packed into it! Aww, why is Trixie her sister? (Love her 'real' name, though!) Hooray, I was wondering when Twilight would meet Madame Orange. So I wonder who the mystery mare is... Still loving this!
@Pedro B.
ReplyDeleteWell, we're approaching the end of Act II. Of course, I'm terrible at estimating how long it will take to tell a story (and frequently underestimate), but I'm positive the act is at least half done, if not more.
My current plan gives the story six acts.
God damnit why does everyone insist on shoehorning Doctor Whooves into every freaking fanfic.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering when the two Twilight's would figure out exactly what happened to cause everything to go to shit.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute...if the two worlds diverged at the moment of the first rainboom...then that really WAS how their Equestria was made. EGAD, PINKIE HAS KNOWN ALL ALONG.
ReplyDeleteI literally just squealed seeing this updated, lol, it seemed like so long since the last chapter.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say, again, that I'm looking forward to this story.
ReplyDeleteAwesome chapter just now, I just wonder when will both mane six see themselves! :P
Also, love the "Moonlight" nickname.
Oh and also love how you included Gilda in all that :D
ReplyDeleteOh damn... you're on to something there.
[Adventure] [Grimdark] [Sci-Fi] [Slight-Crossover]
Holy shit. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what they call a Tweest!
ReplyDeleteDerp!..... so.... much.... win! I can't wait for the next chapter!! Started a fanfic many moons ago.... and reading yours and many others these past few days is really making me want to start back up on it.... and do more gmod ponies poses!!! Plus! I've dubbed the wingless fluttershy as..... FlutterGrime... Trying to get someone to draw her or comission!! want so bad!!! I love how shes portayed. Chaotic good.... so awesome! Im my opinion at least.... Derp!... :)
ReplyDelete@Derpy for Derpy
ReplyDeleteIf you get someone to draw her, let me know. I'd love to see the result.
*reads recent chapter*
ReplyDeleteYep, that figures. Gilda's an assassin. Not OOC at all.
Also, Rarity must be hurting a lot if the wings wired into the nervous system. *A serious error has occurred* in the brain is the equivalent of pain.
Just started reading this morning and already caught up - I love it. The Doctor Who bits are a little jarring (not even so much the character himself, so much as all of the cryptic messages that mysterious people are leaving for one another), but that's a minor complaint. I can't wait to see this finished, even if it takes longer than the show's entire run... :)
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that there seem to already be hints at both of the obvious happy endings - defeating Nightmare Moon or "fixing" the divergence that created the moonside universe. I can see sunside Twilight favoring the former: she's already met several of the alternate Elements, has experienced farmer Rarity's generosity and crazy Fluttershy's kindness, and learned that serious business Pinkie is still capable of laughter; she would be the one to say that this is still a world worth saving and that these are ponies whose lives, however difficult they've been, shouldn't be unmade. Conversely, I can see moonside Twilight preferring oblivion; not only does it feel like she's been pointed in the direction of the divergence, she's been so quiet about her motives and her life seems to have been so miserable that it feels as though she might want to just make things right for her counterpart and then disappear. Of course, I'm sure the actual outcome will be an enjoyable surprise.
So I'm gonna assume Dark Gilda and Dark Dash were in some sort of Special Ops groups prior to the events of this story.
ReplyDeleteAnd there's AlternateJack.
ReplyDeleteThough I would be lying if I said I wasn't more worried about AJ and Rarity more than anything else at this point.
The fates of Applejack and Rarity will be made clear in the next chapter, and I think it's something you guys are going to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI need more of this. Just like I need more On a Cross and Arrow, more Progress, more Stargate: Equestria! Not to mention Binky Pie!
ReplyDeleteYay! Thanks for updating, I'm really enjoying this story!
ReplyDeleteCan someone please make an alternate link for this?
ReplyDeleteMy country is blocking the second half of the story.
ReplyDeleteYour country blocks deviantART? I wonder why it's only the second act that's blocked.
Well, the story is also hosted on fimfiction.com. Just search for "World Without Rainbows"
Thank you. Also, it's not devinatART as a whole that is blocked, only specific stories or chapters, and, oddly enough, sometimes they're only blocked if you use a link from a devinatART page, and you can go to them from an outside link.
ReplyDeleteWell... fuck. That certainly explains what happened to Gilda to screw her up so badly.
ReplyDeleteok, I held off until we heard about moonside dash, but I can see it now. the big race, dash is defending fluttershy's honor, she knocks her off the cloud, she falls screaming, a pony passes underneath watching the scene, scaring a cloud of butterflies. fluttershy falls, wing first, to the ground, crushing them, she barely survives. she is taken in by a very contrite pony who scared the butterflies away. having no way to return to cloudsdale, she is assumed dead from the fall, dash would have searched for weeks afterwards. her wings severely damaged, fluttershy has them removed and chooses to stay on the ground with her animal friends. this whole series of events is literally the butterfly effect.
ReplyDelete>Just browsing through EQD, not specifically paying much attention to the posts.
ReplyDelete>See one post has a familiar background, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
>Click on the post, sees "A World Without Rainbows"
>Automatically drops everything. It's time to read!
Seriously. How long has it been since this has updated? That's insane. I absolutely loved this fic, and I daresay it's inspired me to write a few of my own. I need to read a bit more of this. Thanks so much for getting back into it, I guess!
ReplyDeleteRest assured I plan to see this through to the end. The next update is coming soon.
I inspired you to write? Really? That's amazing. You have no idea how that makes me feel. Can you link me to what you've written?
I hadn't thought about what had happened to the Wonderbolts. Hm.
ReplyDeleteAnd I read your author's notes. I do like how you write Soarin.
Sheesh, I need to remember about other characters in this universe. I had completely forgotten about Trixie and Spike as well.
ReplyDeleteThat twist... honestly seems like something I should have seen coming. I feel kind of ashamed now.
ReplyDeleteYa know what. I hate you. I hate you for being an awesome writer. I hate you for writing a great story that I enjoy. I hate you for having an incomplete story that I am actually willing to wait for updates to. I hate you because YOUR SO AWESOME. I HATE YOU BECAUSE AFTER ALL THIS HATE I DON'T HATE YOU. GAAAAH! Amazing work I must say. Very original, I think and very enjoyable. Can't wait for it to be completed.
ReplyDeleteWell, hell. Every time I think I know what's going on, you throw something a bit deeper into it. I find it particularly interesting that Orange is so desperate for Rarity's approval.
ReplyDelete6-Star, 6-Star!
ReplyDelete@Biase Deyes
ReplyDeleteTo qualify for 6-star, a story needs to have an average rating of 4.9 after I believe 50 reviews.
Seeing how EQD has since disabled ratings do to people abusing and spamming them, I think 6-stars are impossible now.