[Shipping] This story isn't about Dash and Spitfire, I think it's just a cute image. It does involve Dash, though!
Author: Dr. WTF
Description: Rainbow Dash is having a few flight problems. Will her doctor find out why?Unforeseen Turbulence
Additional tags: flying, memories, healthcare, accident, hospital
[Comedy][Shipping] Story 2
Author: Dr. WTF
Description: A psuedosequel to "Unforeseen Turbulence". An old friend returns to fill in some disastrous gaps in Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's education.Crossover
Additional Tags: Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, OC Ponies, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Carrot Top, truancy, shank, waiting room, horsepital, deja vu
Looks like someone finally did it and their author name is funny.
ReplyDeleteGood story, just awkward.
oooooh! Spitfire! <3
ReplyDeleteA-huhuhuhuhuh, a-huhuhuhuhuh. You said 'wing.' A-huhuhuhuhuh.
ReplyDelete10 points to whoever gets the joke.
Um. I like that image. A lot. I don't know why. What's the source?
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
ReplyDeleteI second that LOL.
This is the first 'Wingboner centered story that doesn't just have Dash popping her wings'.
ReplyDeleteToonninja give me ten points, that's from Beavers and Buckhead!
That was freaking hilarious! Win. Total win.
ReplyDeleteAlso, ToonNinja, that's Beavis and Butthead, naturally.
... Sweet Celestia, I feel old now.
There should be a "What's Happening To My Body?" book for fillies somewhere in Twi's library.
ReplyDelete...the f*ck did I just read o.O
ReplyDeleteShippers, I am disappoint.
Also, Nostalgia'd hard over the Beavis and Butthead joke.
This one made me smile. There hasn't been enough Pinkie/Dash lately.
ReplyDeleteSo that picture is like my favorite thing ever right now. D:
ReplyDeleteShort, sweet, and adorable.
ReplyDeleteI lawl'd. 4 stars!
ReplyDeleteHaha, very cute.
ReplyDeleteThe first time I saw that pic it was the "I got all the cum out" shoop and I thought it was serious. It made me sad.
ReplyDeleteAdorable :3
ReplyDelete"Wing popping" is now a special condition of excitement in fanon canon.
ReplyDeleteThat was simultaneously sweet and hilarious.
ReplyDelete4 stars.
Poor Pinkie she seems oblivious to what she does to Dash.
ReplyDeleteAlso look at the counter to your left... IT'S (almost) LESS THAN 9000.
Hrrmmmm... Oh I'll let my immaturity take over on this one, as it was certainly entertaining :p
Haha, we need a pic/comic for this!
Must. know. pic's. artist.
ReplyDeleteOh gods, that was terrible.
The story was pretty good, though.
Cute story. The ending is funny. :D
ReplyDeleteLol indeed.
ReplyDeleteSeconded, source on image please (this looks really familiar too, especially with spitfires eyes.)
ReplyDeleteWha- what? Provide a link to that shoop, posthaste!
I have a feeling I will giggle profusely at it.
ReplyDeleteHere you are dastardly anon.
Also this story was fucking amazing lmao. Wing popping, dear god.
10 points for Anon! 10 points for T'laren! 10 points for other Anon! 10 points for EVERYPONY!
ReplyDeleteThis was really awesome. Those puns impressed even me. Although now I'm looking forward to the eventual Spitfire fic even more.
ReplyDeleteWhy did I just read a shipping fic and why did I not hate it?
ReplyDeleteConfound these ponies, what are they doing to me?!
Cute story, worst doctor since House. Tantamount != paramount, failing to explain the circumstances under which she would have to break patient confidentiality, and laughing at her patient. Boo! Hiss!
Also, where's the physical exam?
ReplyDeleteOh my Celestia! You've become tolerant.
QUICK GO WATCH A LETS PLAY OF HELLOWEEN4545 AND WATCH HIM SLAUGHTER THINGS. Then for mood whiplash watch something bizzarrely adorable that off sets the horror game player. Then watch Happy Tree Friends, it'll all put you back into a shipping disliking mood. That is... unless... do you like shipping only when it is done in a funny and well written manner?
dat pic. they look so fluffy <3 i wanna hug 'em.
ReplyDelete>Dat pic
>Not Dashfire
Y u do dis?
Oh stars that was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI love Wing Boners, and your putting it in the medical sense with a doctor who's way too casual and indiscreet about it was hilarious.
I particularly loved how Moon Healer had a bit of nostalgia at an inappropriate time, while still mentioning to Dash that it was perfectly normal for her to get wing boners.
... I'm sorry, I just can't pin-point the good parts here. I was laughing so hard everytime there was a mention of Chronic Wingboner...
On the other hand, I really like how professional Moon Healer was BEFORE she knew what the problem was. The whiplash was brilliant, going from seriousness to one of the funniest stories I have ever read in my life.
c4tspajamas here, and I'm glad you liked my picture enough to use it, but why use it if it has nothing to do with the content, you filly? xD
ReplyDeleteYeah, that was pretty much my only motivation there.
Love the picture though!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePosting image source:
Posting source artist:
Laughed so hard I coughed up a chunk-o-lung, damn you, and damn this cold. Funny as hell, and totally relatable.
ReplyDeleteYea, I foresee alotta Dash/Spitfire shipping in the near future. And it's a good thing.
ReplyDeleteThis was adorable! Three cheers for RainbowPie!
ReplyDeletehilarious and funny, but you really should change the picture.
ReplyDeleteThis Fic, Gentlecolts.
ReplyDeleteIs pure gold.
I LuLzed hard on this one. I really did.
A Rainbow Dash shipfic that doesn't involve Spitfire?
the picture makes me want to see pictures of ponies brushing their hair
ReplyDelete...and i am an 18 year old male
I really like the touch of silliness in how the subject was handled, because a story shouldn't take its wingboners seriously.
ReplyDeleteThat was an interesting little fic, although I couldn't help but notice that the doctor's name tends to switch back and forth between Moon Healer and Moon Dancer.
ReplyDeletechronic wingboner is the best thing I've ever read. ever.
ReplyDeleteI think this is the funniest shipping fic on the site.
I want to write a fanfic simply about medical pony puns.
Oh also good story.
Why are all ponies lesbians? :\
ReplyDeleteHeh. That's got some funny connotations to it.
Also, While I've giggled at the whole 'wingbonner' concept before, I'd never considered that it might have serious ramifications for actual flying. Now that I'm thinking about it, just surviving the early years of puberty must be a real feat if you live somewhere like Cloudsdale.
ReplyDeleteconsidering there's only been around six males shown so far, it's either take a girl or take nothing, for the most part.
Oh, and good story. Short, simple and funny.
Cute and funny
ReplyDeleteI love it
ReplyDeletePerhaps you like it because it's not a 'nervous infatuation' fic?
<3 chronic wingboner.
Now we need a pegasus with Restless-Wing Syndrome.
Popfeather is my new favorite term for this condition.
ReplyDeleteIs it a pun on an actual term or just very descriptive?
"...wingboners lasting more than four hours..."
ReplyDeleteIt's implied "popfeather" is the common term, and "wingboner" is its slang equivalent.
That was fricking awesome. I always thought the wingboner thing was adorable/hilarious, but after reading this I'm going to have to start using it.
ReplyDelete5 stars.
Hilarious dawesome.
ReplyDeletejust where DID the whole "wingboner" gag get started?
ReplyDeleteIn Over a Barrel when Pinkie is performing. It shows everyone in the audience, Dash has her wings down. Back to Pinkie, cut to the audience again and they're fully extended.
Lol. Best pairing ever.
ReplyDeleteChronic Wingboner
"I'm laughing fir real right now"
Thanks to the whole wingboner thing, my mind so totally threw in an extra bit of context in a scene in Rio, the animated movie.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Long before that, I'm afraid. It came from a comic where Pinkie was digging around in a trunk and Dash, well...
ReplyDeleteOMG I haven't laughed that hard in a while, is a bad thing that the only thing that gets me to laugh this hard is ponies? my psychiatry bills are gonna be though the roof! AND I DON'T CARE!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, wingboner per se is from the aforementioned comic. That said, ponies didn't invent it. There is a long, LONG history of comedies using a visual metaphor for an erection. Hell, they did a wingboner specifically in Toy Story 2, near the end - Jessie pulls off an acrobatic stunt, and Buzz's wings go SPROING!
It's so common that TVTropes has a trope for that specific gag: "Something Else Also Rises".
Now do one about Fluttershy.
ReplyDeleteCrossover is REALLY confusing. I am not quite sure what is going on exactly. I really don't get where the first paragraph comes in, then we cut to (I guess) Pinkie having a talk with her daughter... I don't know. I just can't make much sense of it.
ReplyDeleteI have absolutely no idea what is going on after the first break in Crossover.
ReplyDelete0. None.
I was having trouble understanding the second story, alas.
ReplyDeleteI read it twice after the first time, I think I get it.
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie is explaining to her and RD's daughter how she came to be, I think.
Ok, after re-reading it it makes more sense... But still, I see I am not the only one who struggles with grasping what is going on.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I gather, FS hooked up with Carrot Top and we already knew Dash was with Pinks... So I take it both FS and Pinkie became pregnant unexpectedly. I wondered briefly if FS and Pinkie somehow ended up with each other's filly or something, but I guess not.
After the break is just Pinkie explaining things to her daughter then, and why she should be careful, so the first paragraph is actually Pinkie using herself and Fluttershy's experience to explain stuff?
... You made it the most confusing thing I have ever read, and that really took the comedy out of it. Regular prose helps too you know; I was lost at the beginning as well, especially when you used shorter versions of everyone's names, and I barely had any idea who was who where what why fapoeipwqwpoew.
ReplyDeleteThat...was weird. And I can't really decide whether it was over too quickly or not fast enough. I don't know if there's anything constructive you can take away from that, so...sorry. Best I can do at the moment.
WTF tag is well earned.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of this being continued, but I had to read chapter 2 about 3 times before I understood it. -_-
ok, I had to read the second part 3 times to finally understand it. It was absolutely not clear to me that there is a break of 16 years after the stars. You should include something like "16 years later..." afterwards or maybe a "16 years ago..." in the beginning. It got also a bit more confusing by adding Fluttershy and Carrot, even though the story was basically about young Dashie Pie.
ReplyDeleteIt was a fun read when I finally got it though :)
ReplyDeleteRE: The 1st scene
Other way 'round. FS knocked up CT.
RE: After the break
I liked it. Although it did confuse me at first, that was mainly my reading style, which is skim read the crud outa something, and then move back if 2 and 2 make cheese.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea, it makes sense how we've seen children from couples formed of the mane 6, and still puts a bit of comedy on it, such as the idea of cute Fluttershy going a wee bit mental.
Personally, I'd love to see more from Fluttershy and Carrot Top, especially their child. But thats just me being a massive Fluttershy fan.
Thanks for making me laugh after having had some other, sadder, MLP stories stuck on my mind all day.
Oh, Baree? Carrot was up the duff, not Fluttershy. Wow, Fluttershy is the man of the relationship...
Also, first ever post.
ReplyDeleteI had planned to make the 1st part longer (and Anon is luck, I'm currently doing a spinoff of this which is mostly Fluttershy and Carrot Top). They were there for two reasons:
1) To explain why Dash hadn't heard about this detail of pegasi reproduction
2) Because I thought Fluttershy being a father was funny.
The beginning needs to be read 3 or 4 times for you to get it fully.
ReplyDeleteThese 2 stories hold the highest record for me face-palming in 5 minutes.
Wooo! That's some awesome news! Now I can work through the week and look forward to something beyond money, bed, Team Fortress 2 and more MLP Addiction! Can't wait to see what you do with Fluttershy and Carrot Top!
ReplyDeleteI was absolutely in stitches after reading the first chapter, and had basically the same reaction after I reread chapter 2 a few times to figure out what was going on.
ReplyDeleteThe first chapter was rather quite cute.
ReplyDeleteThe 2nd one jumped around a little and the narrative was a bit confusing.
oh lord....
ReplyDeleteAJ and Rarity....
oh dear >.>;
The second part could have been a lot better. the first story was pretty funny but the second just got hellishly confusing to the point where I even lost up and down.
ReplyDeleteNeeds a bit more clarification as to what's going on.
the second part could use some more, uhm, detail? i think. i couldn't tell what was going on with fluttershy, carrot top and dash. sorry.
ReplyDeleteThe second part confused me to no end.
ReplyDeleteI still have no idea what the eff just happened.
ReplyDeleteWTF did I just read?
I'm sorta shocked this many people are having trouble following the second story. I thought it was pretty straightforward:
ReplyDelete-Pinkie Pie and Carrot Top wound up pregnant because Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy didn't know female pegasi can have children with other females.
-After the page break, it's revealed Pinkie is telling this to her teenage daughter, Dashie Pie, because Dashie has been fooling around with Applejack and Rarity's daughter, Apple Quartz. She proceeds to (sort of) explain to Dashie why, exactly, some ponies have two mothers.
-Dash is incredibly embarrassed (as most would probably be) because she heard her teenage daughter fooling around on the living room couch.
-Zecora started making enchanted prophylactics because Rarity didn't want to be hateshanked with her own horn.
Hope this clears everything up!
I did get the second part
ReplyDeleteI do not understand the first one at all
sure, Fluttershy knocked up Carrot Top
but I still don't understand it at all
other than that, it was pretty sweet.
PinkieDashie babies <3
@Dr. WTF
ReplyDeleteI believe it's Dashie Pie's name that causes confusion, when I was reading I was reading Dashie Pies lines as Rainbow Dash's lines as got quite confused.
Yeah, what Anon said also happened to me. There is no indication 16 years have passed after the stars, so at first you get the impression Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are having a conversation. Certainly doesn't help.
ReplyDeleteA tip, then, Dr. WTF: When introducing new characters, introduce them. Let the reader know who just entered the story, or at least as much as they're supposed to know.
ReplyDelete@Dr. WTF
ReplyDeleteSee, this is what happens when you try to play coy with the reader instead of explaining yourself clearly. What did Twi explain? What's she even doing working at the hospital? What did Dash see when she entered the conference room? That kind of exposition is critical, even if it spoils a later surprise. The conversation is proceeding on a topic we're not privy to, which is automatically confusing.
Also, I get that female pegasi can be fathers... but this does not explain Apple Quartz and Ruby. If unicorns can do that accidentally too (thus necessitating prophylactics) I can't see how this wouldn't come up even in a ground-bound school, since the sentence would seem to say, "Unicorns and pegasi, under certain cirumstances..."
ReplyDeleteBut Quartz and Ruby were planned
" I get that female pegasi can be fathers"
Dashie Pie WAS confusing, yes. Not to mention the height of conceit: Naming your daughter a combination of your own names? Talk about not letting your kids develop an independent existence...
ReplyDeleteHahahh that's brilliant. The way it's written may be a bit confusing at times, skipping and making huge dashes across the time-line, but essentially it resolves as a very shrewd comedy twist to all the shipping that already happened to the mane cast at the quills of the bronies *applause*
ReplyDeleteThe matter of unexpected magical pregnancies may seem borderline, of course, and I wouldn't brush on the teenage pregnancy topic so closely if I were you, because it's one of those real-life problems that may be hurtful to some while mentioned in so light a tone, even while applied to magical ponies reality. But otherwise you seem to have handled the questionable matters in quite a subtle and adorable way.
In any case, who can ever resist the adorable concept of mane cast's cross-offspring? I believe you've just made it into fanon with this "little-known-of" concept about pegasus (and unicorn, I presume?) magic :P
ReplyDeleteAlso, sure, you are quite right about the fact that it was a little too much obscure at times, but I guess the author went for the effect that should make the reader slap a palm to his/her forehead and exclaim "THAT's what they were talking about all along!".
The execution of which is a bit clumsy, but I felt it worked for me somehow. Still I guess everyone would agree we will love to see the further development of Author's writer skills, which we will pretty surely will :)
"and it’s fine if you and Apple Quartz wanna bump marshmallows-"
am i the only one who didn't struggle with the second one?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous I had no problem with it, Dashy Pie was quite a giveaway :P
ReplyDeleteI should of known something was amiss when I clicked on this story. Everything that made sense suddenly jumped out my window, and they took my muffins too. Then I started reading the stories. I think that these stories hurt the very idea of sense itself, because my room turned into a pig, I could taste purple, and Tiny Tim was singing outside my window. Honestly, these stories were not what I was expecting. Although confusing, they were cleverly written, and I had fun reading them. I'd give it a 4.5/5 stars. Now if you will excuse me, I simply must find out where those quotation marks flew off to.
ReplyDeleteI kinda got lost on the second story. I'm gonna assume somehow RBD and Pinkie had kids.
ReplyDeleteyaaaaaa I agree with Timber it was very WTF lol
ReplyDeletei love the idea of dash using windows to escape, i'm surprised i don't see it more.
ReplyDeleted'awwwwws all around though
Dashie Pie WAS a little confusing, considering it sounds like a nickname Pinkie would give Rainbow. Just because it's common to mash two people (or ponies) together to get their child doesn't mean their name should follow the same suit.
ReplyDeleteWait so hairbands = pony condoms?????
ReplyDeleteThe effff???(>_<)