• Story: Twilight Sparkle:Mare Attorney - Justice For Everypony (Update: Case 2 Chapter 2+3+4+5+6!)

    [Crossover] "As someone who is very familiar with the games it came from, the writer hit the notes from the Phoenix Wright games perfectly..."riding" with Twilight's thoughts as we go really made for a fun read."-Pre Reader #5

    Author: Fallin' Winter
    Description: (Case 1: Royal Turnabout) After an incident at Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight finds herself tasked with defending the very pony that has all hooves pointing at them. These are the trials and tribulations of Twilight Sparkle: Mare Attorney.
    Case 1: Royal Turnabout-Chapter 1
    Case 1: Royal Turnabout-Chapter 2
    Case 1: Royal Turnabout-Chapter 3
    Case 1: Royal Turnabout-Chapter 4 

    Additional Tags: Crossover, Twilight Sparkle, Mystery, Phoenix Wright, OBJECTION!


    Author: The Unnamed Pawn
    Description: A small non-cannon case to add to the Twilight Sparkle Mare Attorney saga. After Fluttershy's beloved bunny Angel is kidnapped and badly hurt, it is up to Twilight to save Pinkie's sister from being punished for a crime she did not commit
    Twilight Sparkle Mare Attorney: Bonus Case 1- Part 1
    Twilight Sparkle Mare Attorney: Bonus Case 1- Part 2
    Twilight Sparkle Mare Attorney: Bonus Case 1- Part 3
    Twilight Sparkle Mare Attorney: Bonus Case 1- Part 4
    Twilight Sparkle Mare Attorney: Bonus Case 1- Part 5

    Additional Tags: Phoenix Wright, Mystery, Crossover, Pie Family, Twilight Sparkle

    Description: After Spike winds up in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's up to Twilight to prove his innocence in court. Can she claim victory or will the prosecutor prove too great and powerful?
    Case 2: Turnabout Friendships - Chapter 1
    Case 2: Turnabout Friendships - Chapter 2 (New!)
    Case 2: Turnabout Friendships - Chapter 3 (New!)
    Case 2: Turnabout Friendships - Chapter 4 (New!)
    Case 2: Turnabout Friendships - Chapter 5 (New!)
    Case 2: Turnabout Friendships - Chapter 6 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Phoenix Wright, Mystery, Crossover,

    204 kommentaari:

    1. >clicks EqD bookmark
      >sees Twilight's pointing stance
      >sees PW-crossover


    2. this as soo much potential!

    3. I'm curious, how accessible is this to someone who hasn't played the games?

    4. This sounds like as though it has great potential, am looking forward to the next chapter.

    5. The grammar and spelling needs needs some not-insignificant cleaning up, but otherwise, it's shaping up to be an interesting read.

    6. @NinesTempest
      It's still pretty accessible so far. you may not get a few "in" jokes, but ti is still an enjoyable read so far. 5 stars if the author finishes as welll as they opened!

    7. Okay, I can see where this is going right now.

      1) Luna's story is true.

      2) The key witness will be Apple Bloom.

      3) Apple Bloom will turned out to have caused or witnessed the real cause of the crime in question.

    8. PS: I like that Twilight's internal thoughts are being highlighted in blue.

    9. You, my friend, have bitten off a sizable chunk of expectation.

      The writing of the Phoenix Wright games was, in my humble opinion, some of the best writing for a game of that style. That leaves you a significant mark to reach.

      However, your start is good, and there is so much potential here. I am looking forward to the rest. This should be MORE than interesting.

    10. Thanks for the praise everypony. I am squeeing inside. Really, I am. I'm working on the trial chapter as I type this. If anypony has any constructive criticism or general corrections they'd like to share, they're more than welcome.

      As far as the trial goes, I have everything basically set in stone, I just hope I can follow through with the hints until the big reveal. I'll be hanging out in the google doc chat for a while if anyone wants to ask questions about clearing up plot or otherwise (Mind you, I don't plan on revealing spoilers).

    11. As long as we keep black coffee away from the prosecuter, we should be safe from flying mugs and jazzy sax solos.

      Anybody else imagining Ditzy wearing an orange shirt, waving her too-long sleeves about?

    12. @Fallin' Winter

      Gotta agree with HeatWave here, you've got quite the benchmark to live up to. I've already chuckled quite a few times, though, so that's definitely a good sign.

    13. Dr. Derpenstien, PHD18. mai 2011, kell 22:33

      Oh gawd... My childhood, mixing with my dreamed of childhood...

      Is it bad that I imagined this EXACTLY like the game?


    14. >Trixie as Franziska von Karma, including whip

      Shipfriends are gonna have a field day with this.

    15. Dr. Derpenstien, PHD18. mai 2011, kell 22:37

      I would also like to note that this gave me a hankering to play a PW/Pony crossover game...

      Does anyone know if there is one (Which I doubt), or if one is being made? Maybe make this fic into a game... I'd buy it :X

    16. Love th style so far! Really hope this keeps being updated and dosen`t get left behind. I can't wait until Trixie gets her turn as a prosecutor!

    17. To let you all know, so far I have roles already planned for Ditzy Doo/Derpy Hooves and The Great and Powerful Trixie. I'm just excited I get to add in a ReconCourse so early in the fic.

      On a side note, I actually had planned this to be a Phoenix Wright Fan Game a while ago and was just finalizing everything. This story made out of the first case is supposed to allow me to test the waters and see if anyone was interested. Once I'm finished with the rest of this case and plan out the other three cases, I'll see to working on the actual game engine.

    18. @AnonymousI know that I could have figured that out, but come on, let me be surprised.

    19. Dr. Derpenstien, PHD18. mai 2011, kell 22:47

      @Fallin' Winter
      I... I...
      I love you so much right now...

    20. Very exciting! I can't wait to see Twilight shout OBJECTION!

    21. No way.

      I was actually working on a PW + MLP: FiM crossover...

      Now that story's crushed.

    22. I just wanted to point something out.

      The art is awesome, but the story says that Twilight defends, according to the description.

      However, in the art, she's clearly on the prosecutor's side. This is evident not only in her red garb (and Trixie's blue garb), but also because of Derpy's location as judge on the right side of them.

    23. Yeah. I really should know better, but I keep expecting the pics to accurately depict what's going on in the story. I went into this one expecting Trixie to be the accused.

    24. Phoenix Wright?


      To the drawfriends! We must have cutscenes for this fic!

    25. While reading this, I actually was able to hear the letters being tapped out like in the game. I'm looking forward to more.

    26. So far, I'm imagining the sound effects. And I'm sure that when the trial starts, I'll be hearing the music, if not playing it directly.

    27. Who else was hearing the sound effects and music in their heads?

    28. Somepony please...

    29. Alright everypony. I originally planned this next chapter to be the full case, but the stories already getting to four pages after the first witness. I'm thinking I should just split the trial into two halves like the actual game.

      If I do, I'll send in the first half once I'm done in an hour or two and then finish up the second half and send it in by tomorrow sometime. Let me know what you think bronies!

    30. There are a bunch of "fan trial" game creation tools out there on the net that run on flash and such. If this is good enogh, somone should write this into one.

      We'd need sprites though, and backgrounds.

    31. As I stated above, I plan on working on an engine once I get a little more of this story finished and more of it's groundwork planned out. I was intending on making a game using the Ren'Py engine which I used for one of my previous fan games (not pony but kingdom hearts related) which is still somewhere in limbo after finishing a first world demo.

      I intended to make this game as an in between for that, but I might switch the priorities due to this stories popularity. If I did make a game I'd eventually need people to work on backgrounds, menus, and characters but that's still quite a ways away.

      I do encourage anypony else to make this into a game themselves. It'd be nice to be able to say that somepony liked my story enough to make it into a game

    32. Oh yeah, another crossover with one of my favourite games! I think Trixie would make a great Franziska von Karma *whipping sounds*

    33. @Fallin' Winter
      I'd be happy to debug the python


    35. Anyone else notice derpy is the judge in the pic?

    36. Letting anypony know who's interested and sees this that I just uploaded the second chapter of the story (12 pages long) and sent it to be reviewed.

      @"Debug" Anon
      I'd love for any help people are able to give me. The only problem is that I'm not sure when I'll get around to starting on the engine so I'll put out a more informative announcement when I begin work on it.

      @"Trixie" Anon
      You'll see Trixie soon enough. Just give it a little time. Those foalish foals will never see how foalish they look when given the foal treatment *crack*

      Yes, yes I did. That pic was what inspired me in some ways. I saw that a while ago when it was originally posted and I decided that someday, I'd release a Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony Crossover. That day has come. And it was awesome.

    37. a clever case that twilight figures out in her own way then you have a awesome fanfic

    38. @Fallin' Winter

      Well, I have a few things to say,
      1. This is going to be one very fun story.
      2. Considering that I have every Ace attorney game release in A-MARE-ica, so it is safe to say that I will definitely enjoy a crossover like this.
      3. Will Trixie play the Role of Trucy?
      4. Great story so far. Looking forward for more!

    39. The first chapter captured the spirit of the game perfectly. Very well written.

    40. I wouldn't be surprised to find tha Cerestia personally know the Doctor(and all his previous incarnations, especially when these paradox in this current time period), he's almost as old as her, just cerestia is older by just a few centruries

    41. @ Cooper

      1. Yes, yes it will. I hope.
      2. I try to get in as many in jokes as I can remember
      3. I'll let you find out yourself ;). Hopefully the 2nd chapter will be released sometime today and I'll also start work on the last chapter (3) of the case.
      4. Thanks for the praise!

      @"Celestia" anon:
      I wouldn't be surprised either. Personally I'm kinda surprised now why she's not mentioned more alongside the Doctor. After doing this fic, I'm really starting to like the idea of Celestia/Doctor shipping. I can now imagine a younger princess running away with the doctor for a year (or hundred) and traveling alongside him maybe that's where she got the trollestia syndrome.

    42. inb4! ...

      I should've had the opportunity to say "OBJECTION!" first!

    43. @Fallin' Winter:

      I'm the one you dubbed "Celestia" anaon, but better call me Wing Zero 032, I use the anonymous post mode because I have no Bloger acount:

      I agree with you, There's practically non Doctot/Celestia & Doctor/luna Shipping, I didn't mention Luna earlier because there's a high probability that some or various events would have happend while Luna was imprisioned in the moon, the idea you're describing sounds really good, and I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight and her friends suddenly befriend a young white furred/pink manened alicorn mare(or unicorn if she's disgized), the paradox Celestia would have been under either her name previous her coronation or a fake identity, also this could have been the explanation of why she choose Twilight as her student many years later, I can't wait for the next update of this story or the publishing of this concept, you're doing a grat job

    44. @ Major Rains

      OVER RULED!!!

    45. @Major Rains:

      *shakes head*

      Objection overruled. Please think more carefully about your statements.

      "Ouch, that didn't go over so well with the judge. I should watch what I say next time" ^.^

    46. @Fallin'Winter:

      I am the "Celestia anon" as you dub me, I would prefer to be called Wing Zero 032, and I use the anonymous posting mode because I don't have a blogger account.

      I agree with you with this, there's almos none Celestia/Doctor & Luna/Doctor shipping enought.

      I didn't mentioned Luna in my previous post because I'm pretty sure that mos of the encounters the doctor would have with Celestia, would be either during or after Luna's banishment into the moon, but there's also the posibility that he would have meet the two sisters before the whole incident you're idea is pretty good and I can't wait to see the next instalament of this history or the development of your Celestia/Doctor Whoof posible story

      and I wouldn't be surprised if the Paradox young Celestia befriends Twilight and her friends under a disguise as an unicorn and a fake name, or as a young alicorn mare, this could also be the explaination of why she has choosen Twilight as her student in her future

    47. I quite like this story, I've always like the way Ace Attorney tells stories, and this is just fiiiiiiine~.

    48. Would be nice if I could tell when dr hooves is talking instead of a lacking indication that he is talking.

      4 stars until this is fixed.

      Otherwise, I'm enjoying the story here

    49. OBJECTION!


    50. @ sleepingcobrox

      Thanks for the input. I wasn't entirely sure whether it was easy to distinguish the dialogue or not sometimes. I'll work on fixing some of those areas and make sure I try to distinguish who's talking next time.

    51. Ooh1 This is pretty excellent! I eagerly await the next part!

      Now I'm just curious if Twilight will still yell "OBJECTION!" every now and then and if there'll be investigation parts

      Anyway, keep up the good work!

    52. @ Anon:

      I'm sure she will.

      Sillypony, what kind of Phoenix Wright story would this be without investigations? =D

    53. Out of curiosity, are there any artistic ponies out there? I have an image prepared for a possible replacement picture but I don't have the skills to make an outline of Twilight pointing like the actual Phoenix Wright logo.

      I have the basic outline of what it'll look like but with the phoenix wright stand in.


      If anypony wants to help finish up the pic I'll be much appreciated.

    54. Ok, the first trial has begun! We've got friends who are now enemies! We've got strong silent types spilling their guts! We've got the eloquent prosecutor and the snappy assistant!

      We've got a random... muffin!

      I think we're set.

      Now, as I stated before, the writing of the Phoenix Wright games is one of my absolute favorites, and while the game itself plays out like an interactive novel, I've discovered that it actually is hard to string together into an actual novel due to several game mechanics that mess with the flow... like being able to endlessly repeat a testimony to search for clues and the shouting... yes, even though we love it so much.

      So I guess what I want to say is take the following comments with a grain of salt.

      You've done well. I loved the use of the case file, just be careful not to reveal hidden clues within it that Twilight would really have no way to know.

      I still feel like that first 'Objection!' should have been a 'Hold It!' due to lack of evidence presented and the fact that it merely made Big Mac expound on his testimony, but I already mentioned that.

      I also have to admit that the first use of the phrase 'Hold It!' was not, in fact, a 'Hold it!' moment at all, really, as it was said to Spike.

      On the flip side, the use of Spike, though short, was well done. The assistant manages to point something out that the defense missed, as Maya will sometimes do when you have the testimony repeated during the cross examination.

      I wonder what it's going to be like when penalties start getting thrown in.

      I loved Fluttershy's reaction to the 'Objection!' :). And the use of 'Reckon Course'. Little tidbits for both worlds that show how much you love each series. I honestly read a lot of fan-fic looking for those little touches, just so I can see how many I can point out.

      However, I can easily see why Luna would not want to use her wings, even if trying to fan the fire. Ever burn a feather? They go up right quick.

      Still, you've got the tone, you've got the story! Some writing elements could be ironed out, but they're minor quibbles. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

    55. Well, this is certainly a fun read. :P Nice to see Twilight being a little suspicious of Whoof and Celestia at the start of the trial.

      The only complaint I have about this is that Twilight seems to be acting more like a certain lawyer we all know and love than herself right now. Possibly just the unusual situation, though.

      Spike seems like a pretty good substitute for Maya, though, and I loved the hint that it was a ponified Phoenix who wrote the book Twi was reading. :P

    56. @Major Rains
      HOLD IT!


    57. @HeatWave:
      Wow, what was quite a critique there! Consider me touched. I must say that it really is hard to keep all the facts in check and play things out in as similar a way to the game as possible without making it too confusing. I dread to think how I'm going to juggle what I know and what the characters know when I've got three investigations and four trials to worry about (take that how you will ;D).

      I try my best to keep the case files and what have you in check. If you see any glaring continuity please feel free to point them out so I can fix them before I end up writing myself into a corner.

      As stated in the chat (google docs I love you) I also felt that a hold it was normally in order for such an occasion. In the context of the moment however, to me saying, "HOLD IT!" ...is actually not a bad idea after reading through that part for a fifth time. I'll change things around a bit. (Shouldn't change anything too much I hope).

      As for that hold it moment with Spike, I didn't even realize that It was in there. Please understand that it is not the Hold It moment I originally intended.

      Thank you again for keeping up with this test flight of a story.

    58. @Fallin' Winter

      I took up on your request and did a couple of images, your choice! - unfortunately I don't have the right program for crisp smooth lines but I hope they're satisfactory



    59. @ Tiroth:

      I'll have another read once I get back and see if I can't bring her back into character a little bit. She'll get her own chances to let her brainy, sciencey self shine soon once we start getting into the investigations.

    60. @ "Artist" anon:
      You are the bestest ever! I'll keep these on hand and send it in with the next update. I love this community!

    61. @Fallin' Winter

      It was no problem, glad I could be of help! I just love the story you got going on here

    62. @ "Artist" anon:
      If you get this, I just retouched up your picture and made the picture match with the background a little more. I'd like to send in the new picture, but that's only if it's alright with you.


    63. @Fallin' Winter That's perfectly all right! I wasn't sure how exact you wanted the picture to look like anyway so I did my best and gave you something to work with anyway

    64. "There is something that must be taken care of first. It seems that Applebloom has been found." - Is it just me or does this sound as if the story might be going into Grimdark territory soon? Well, I guess I'll just have to wait for the next part...

      Nice story, by the way. I enjoyed reading it, although I don't know Phoenix Wright.

    65. @DR SHRUBBERY!

      Are there any girls there? ROLL TO SEE IF I GET DRUNK!

    66. @Fallin' Winter

      Would you be interested in having a brony provide editing on this story? Spelling and grammar fixes, that sort of thing. I'd be happy to do that.

    67. Oh, and I was totally hearing the sound effects in my head while I read this, which made me giggle FAR too much.

      ...especially 'cause I was reading it at work...
      <.< >.>

    68. @ Escher:

      I'd love to have an editor/pre-reader for the story. It'd help out to have someone else's perspective to notice things that I may miss. Aside from the spelling and grammar errors, if you'd also like to comment on plot points or sections that don't sound right then that'd be helpful as well.

      Let me know how to contact you or whether you'd prefer my e-mail and I'll notify you when I finish the next chapter with a link or the document.

      It's not long after my graduation so I've been dragged into get togethers and partys one after another. I'm sure Pinkie would be proud, but that hasn't left me much time to work on the story. I've got something else to do tomorrow and I'll try to finish the next chapter by that night and send it out.

    69. @Fallin' Winter
      WHAT?! Partying instead of writing fanfic for the benefit of people you don't know?! WRITE!!!

      Haha, nah, just kidding, real life comes first. You can mail me at keenathgryphon at gmail dot com.

    70. Dr. Derpenstien, PHD22. mai 2011, kell 01:29

      The anticipation...
      It's killing me...
      Will Applebloom's testimony prove useful?
      Will Twilight prove Luna's innocence?

      I'm not sure... All I know, is this is awesome. Take your time, don't rush it. I'd rather wait a week and see a work of art, then wait 2 hours for utter trash...

      Which this is DEFINATELY NOT.

    71. @ Dr. Derpenstein, PHD

      Why thank you. Now let me answer your questions with more questions...

      Will Applebloom even be around to give her testimony? (lol implied grimdark)
      Will outcome of the Trial come at a cost?
      Will I get less of a life so I can sit down and work on this story like I could and should?

      I'll give you a hint. The answer to one of these questions is a yes.

    72. ...not a single one of those questions has a good implication if answered yes.
      It's great if you write more, but you need a life.

      Side note: if you don't already have a flock of pre-readers/editors, I would love to help out, as a huge fan of both series.

      Where did that plug come from? Bad sub-conscience. Anyways, I can't wait to see the wrap up for this, winter. Awesome job.

    73. @ "potential pre-reader" Anonymous

      I need a life? Twilight didn't have one and look how well she came out!
      "Okay all we need to do is build a complete replica of Ponyville over there." *twitch*

      Kidding aside, I'd love to have a few pre readers to give some feedback and catch anything that I miss while doing self editing. It seems I'll have two counting you if you're still interested, I just need a way to contact you and I'll send the two of you a copy or link once I'm done.

      Also, I'm not sure how easy or effective it may be, but if you want to give a time (and a time zone, crazy time differences) I can try to meed in google doc chat for a while to go over anything you guys need to tell me.

      I'm at about the halfway mark for the chapter and I should be done by tonight.

      I'd say that this "Winter", *puts on sunglasses* is ready to "Wrap Up" this case.

      P.S (As a little bonus hint, I'm all rhymed out.)


      It's me again.
      I'm glad you didn't find my atrocious pun horrible. It's a nasty habit I'm trying to buck.

      I can be contacted at greatdinn@gmail.com
      And I live in the central time zone. Anything else that needs to be discussed can be done via e-mail! Because I'm paranoid.
      Also, squee.
      Zebras are awesome.

    75. @ "greatdinn"

      I figured it'd be a bit easy to guess that. I figured guesses would either be Pinkie or Zecora.

      Do expect a Pinkie Pie song or testimony sometime in one of the cases.

      I'm getting closer. I'd say another few hours and you'll have a brand new chapter ready to read and edit waiting in your mail box. ^.^

    76. If anypony sees this and cares, I just finished the final chapter of the first case. It's a good 14 pages long and wraps up the first case of the series.

      Once I get some rest (2:42AM where I am) and self-edit when I wake up, I'll send it to my two pre-readers and we'll go from there.

      Thanks for sticking with me for the first in what'll definitely not be the last trial of Twilight Sparkle: Mare Attorney - Justice For Everypony.

    77. I can't wait, this fic has been scratching an itch nothing short of PW style courtroom shenanigans can reach.

      And I don't read fics. Ever.

      This has so far felt very faithful to the games in style. Twilight as an attorney feels unique enogh to be compelling (being incredibly reliant on things from a book), yet she shares the sarcastic inner monologue that all the gamess playable character's seem to have.

      Again, can't wait.

    78. Sorry for the wait everypony! With a bit of consulting from my pre-readers/editors...okay, A LOT of consulting with them, I had to re-do the next chapter a bit. I want it to be the best it possibly can and end as awesome as possible. Bear with me for another day or two and I promise I'll get it up as soon as it looks like a winner.

      As a side note, there's been some editing done on the last two chapters. I don't think there's much changed aside from grammar/punctuation errors but feel free to read less awkwardly worded chapters.

      P.S. Thanks for the five stars rating bronies! Who's 20% cooler? You're 20% cooler!


    80. Someone should really make this into a real game using the Phoenix Ace attorney Online Trial maker.
      ( http://aceattorney.sparklin.org/ )

      It cannot be that much of an effort as this story is built as a real game.

    81. Okay everypony! I have the rest of the trial all typed up and ready to send, which I will do in a little bit once I send in my 3rd Artist Training Ground picture and re-read it to make sure everything is in tip top shape. Happy Reading!

    82. Please do so soon, you wonder person you.

    83. @Anonymous
      Wonderful person, even.

    84. @ "Wonder/Wonderful" Anon (Anons?):

      Will do ;D

      Just finished sending in my pic and I'm re-reading the last chapter of the case right now.

      Let's just hope he uploads the chapter before he sees my 3rd Artist Proving Ground picture. =P

    85. I'm imagining the game in my head as I'm reading it. Including the green text with the typewriter sound effects. Very well done! I've said before that I don't read fanfics, and I just threw that statement out of the window by reading these. And I don't regret it.

    86. This is really awesome. Reads just like an actual AA game. It has that "feel" that can only be noticed by someone very familiar with the game.

    87. Agree with above Anon. Imagining it play out like a game with typewriter headings and all are awsome.

      The only complaint I have is that I think the witness testimonies should be written normally, even though it's like the games it takes you out of the story a bit with the formatting and such.

    88. @ "Testimony" Anon:

      Hmm. Well I guess if more people agree that the testimonies are a bit off due to various reasons I'll change it to regular text. I did it that way because:
      1. It gives the "Ace Attorney" flavor of the different testimonies (at least in my opinion)
      2. This way, those that wish to be Twilight Sparkle themselves can try to use it to piece together parts of the testimonies together.
      3. Those who use them to pick up on potential clues and anypony in general may find it easier to read as separate lines instead of a giant speech block.

      There was one problem that I did want to go back and possibly fix with the testimonies. One of my pre-readers mentioned that it's a bit hard to pick out testimonies from the main text so he suggested changing the testimonies color.

      Problem is that I can't think of a color that isn't distracting and hasn't really been used for anything else. Also I checked the games and their testimonies are in white like the rest of the spoken text, so can't do much there.

    89. @Fallin' Winter:

      Well, since the cross-examination text is in green, you could use that...that is, you know, if you want to. Also, I don't really want you to change the testimony format; I've played all three Phoenix Wright games, so it makes it seem more authentic, kinda like I'm actually playing a game based on this story. Either way, this is a great story! Can't wait for the next chapter.

    90. Shit I have to read this, I love the PW saga.

    91. As a more recent fan of the PW games (and a lesser fan of AJ and Investigations), I have to say that the premise itself is entirely enjoyable because it just fits so well. The idea of Twilight as Phoenix is just too hilarious to pass up reading.

      As for the actual story itself... welcome to Case 1-1, only replace Sahwit with Luna (if only for the pun), Applejack with Larry (...I can actually see that working), Winston Payne with The Doctor (Does this mean he'll lose his hair in a flashback episode?), Maya/Mia with Spike (Kinda obvious), and a murder with a fire (Since murders in Ponyville would just be a bit weird. Although the number of PW cases that start out not murder cases but become them...). The only question that remains is: Will the Doctor cover for Miles also? Because that would be cool too.

      I also love the narrative. It plays out exactly like the games do, including the Case File and testimonies. Which is amazing fun, especially once you start to hear the music and sound effects in your head. And Twilight's comments to herself? Same things Phoenix would think in this situation. Which might kinda be the point but still. It's good fun.

      All this needs then is, sometime later, Twilight shoving her Attorney Badge in everyone's face like you can do in the games (for every case). But you get my 5 stars no matter how you go about this.

    92. Honestly? At least once, before a big climax, Twilight NEEDS to be able to pull an OBJECTION and actually have it work.

      Because that'd be awesome.

    93. I am really enjoying this fic, and I DON'T EVER enjoy fics.

      But I feel I should point something out. I've been reading this and feeling like something is missing, and it only hit me today.

      An old, aloof, and easily bamboozled judge.

      It's not your fault. It made sense in your story to have Celestia be the judge (and at the same time, it doesn't. The most powerful political figure presiding over the trial of thier own sister? An aquittal would be suspicious)

      But, if you ever do this again, I think you'd need a new judge. I think the Mayor of Ponyville can be old enogh to pull off the "goofy old judge" thing. Saying "What is the meaning of this!" at every surprise bit of contradiction.

    94. Same Anon:

      Also, an incompetant but lovable detective pony. Heck "Gumshoe" is already a great Pony name for a detective. I wouldn't bat an eye if you just copy/pasted his character in.

    95. @Fallen Winter:

      Put in one more vote for keeping the testimonies as they are. It mirrors the game's style very well.

    96. Well, this has been a great fan fic day. Three of my favorite ongoing fics updated (this being one of them).

    97. I just have one thing to say about this ending: It was so true to the PW way that now I must now petition Capcom to make this entire series once it's finished into an actual game and Hasbro to let this happen.

      I really enjoyed the outcome, actually. I didn't piece it together myself until it was blindingly obvious, but ah well. I wasn't very good at piecing together the cases in the actual game either.

      The Doctor of course has some great lines as well, and I know that he's more like Doctor Edgeworth then, helping Twilight Wright solve the actual case instead of just convicting someone. Now, I just have to figure out how everypony else fits in. Clearly, Gumshoe will equal Pinkie Pie. Her parties will be so wallet-draining that she has to live on ramen noodles forever. Rainbow Dash might actually be The Butz, while Applejack is more of... hm. I don't want to say any of the one-off characters, even though that guy from 1-5 would fit her the most, little bambina. Rarity could be... Wendy Oldbag? Nah. Fluttershy? Maybe... uhm... Dalia? No, probably too ooc... darn is it hard finding a way to place most of the others in the mane cast anywhere.

      The Great And Powerful Trixie will not bow to anyone! She will become the greatest prosecutor known to ponykind and defeat that wretched Twilight Sparkle once and for all for convicting her father! Even though The Great and Powerful Trixie never had a father, nor would Twilight Sparkle have been the one to imprison him! She just wants revenge! Wait, I think that would be Seth's line, not mine.

      To end this comment before it gets as long as the story itself, I enjoyed this entirely and can't wait for the second case. Wonder if it'll be a robbery at Rarity's boutique? Or something much more sinister? Only time will tell for us lowly readers.

    98. Dat ending...

      I can't wait...

      I expect Trixie to act like Von Karma... Whip doesn't have to be included (and it would probably spark some saucy pictures...)

    99. Oh my gosh this ending was made up of so much epic and win.

    100. So, I haven't read the story, but I felt the need to comment on something I noticed.

      Can this please get an image that doesn't resemble a phallus? I'm forced to stop scrolling and laugh every time it's on the front page.

    101. "Wonder/Wonderful" Anon here.
      Excellent ending man, and great way to leave it open for a second chapter, can't wait. This story makes me want to pick up Ace Attorney again!

    102. OBJECTION!

      Calls for speculation on the part of the witness.

    103. @ Everypony:

      Thanks Everypony! You guys have turned this into something amazing! (And so have my two Pre-Reader/Editors --GreatDinn & KeenathGryphon) This is something I definitely won't stop till I see it through to the end.

      I need a little time to consult with my pre-reader/editors and plan the next case out. You may not hear anything for a week or so, but once I get the case planned I'll make sure to add a comment or something.

      As for the characters and their stand ins: So far, It's been implied that:

      TWILIGHT SPARKLE = Phoenix Wright (With a little bit of Emma thrown in for good measure. Remember, Scientifically.)

      SPIKE = Maya (in the fact that they're both assistants and a bit childish sometimes)

      DOCTOR WHOOVES = Miles Edgeworth (Mostly in the case of helping to uncover the truth. A nicer Edgeworth if you will with all the Doctor, mostly Tennants, mannerisms in check. Expect him to take on a different role next case onwards ^.^)

      PRINCESS CELESTIA = Judge (I hear what you're saying Anon about the judge, but I felt that having a Troll for a judge would be a nice little change of scenery from the bumbling, kind hearted, old man. Also, I love how this fic showed me the potential of Celestia/Whooves ship)

      TRIXIE = Franziska Von Karma (I decided to unveil this a bit early to give you a little taste of what poor Twilight is up against)

      I have a stand in ready for Gumshoe. I'll leave the speculation up to you, but I'll say that they've already shown up in the story so far.

      Well until next time, get ready for Case 2: Turnabout Friendship!

    104. make gilda manfred von karma imo!

    105. @Fallin' Winter
      Oh yes! That sounds incredibly amazing! Will Trixie have a whip, too? If she does, she probably won't have it for long, though, since Celestia won't allow it. That's one judge she WON'T be able to assault without being sent to the moon.

    106. Not very familiar with the games, but I still found this both easy enough to follow, and great fun.

      I'm looking forward to Twilight's next case!

    107. I love it, I love it, I love it. Especially with the Ace Attorney soundtracks playing while reading.

      Will there be more stories about this crossover? I hope so.

    108. this is pretty good i like it but question will there be any pairings in this story because i think i saw hint's Pinkie/Dash and Luna/Twilight i'm just wondering about that

    109. I can't wait to see Trixie von Karma in action. :D

      I had two notes. First, the critical testimony in the last part seemed kind of rushed. I thought you got into dialogue-writing mode and forgot your stage directions. (Especially considering the crazy animations the game has sometimes -- like people catching fire, exploding, turning evil, fainting, etc.)
      Not that I'm saying you should turn this into a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

      Second, do feel free to have character yell out the typical Phoenix Wright phrases a bit more. Maybe not all the time, but when the case hangs in the balance and emotions are running high, the occasional OBJECTION! or TAKE THAT! isn't uncalled for. Us fans expect it. (Note that "Take That" occurs only when presenting evidence.)

      I got quite a few laughs out of the wrap-up!

      "Pincushions". Heh heh.

    110. OMG OMG OMG OMG! You made a reference to Rainbow Dash being a lesbian, AND Portal 2!!! I cant wait for the next edition of this, if one is being made. If it is, might I suggest the "Crime" so to speak being Braebern (SP?) being kidnapped while Twilight and the other Mane Cast are on vacation in Apploosa! Also, maybe that Buffalo girl will be a key witness?

    111. Great read.
      Loved the references.
      Keep on writing great material :)

    112. @ "Shipping" anon:
      No, as far as I know (I don't have the entire story planned) there won't be any actual pairings other than maybe a slight allusion or hint now and then. However, take those hints however you wish. ;D

      @ "Bugs Bunny" anon (Sorry, it's hard to pick out something out of your comment to have you go by):
      Yes, I too can't wait to see how my brain comes up with witty banter and whatnot between Trixie and the other ponies.

      Also, in my opinion at least, it wasn't necessary to add in over the top effects at the last testimony. When there's a moment that seems like the witness is about to break expect some craziness then. (Deflating Pinkie Pie hair perhaps?)

      I may have ignored the surroundings a bit, but in my opinion that's because everypony was focused on the two throwing words back and forth at each other to notice much else.

      As for the lack of OBJECTIONS, I have gone in and changed up a part slightly where objections are raised as well as called. Nothing to actually change the case, mind you. Just that she now says it instead of just explaining the contradiction. I believe Trixie will be using those expressions much more often, which makes it fair game for Twilight as well.

    113. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    114. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    115. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    116. So after lots of realization I'm just going to reupload the chapters that are broken on GoogleDocs. I won't worry about those separate accounts until I know things are going to go wrong. I'll put them up now and I'll send the fixes up to Sethisto. I'll post the updated links in the comments once I'm done check back in an hour or so.

    117. Okay, so clearly something is wrong. Not a second after re-uploading the second chapter, it gets taken down already. My hands (hooves?) are a bit tied at the moment guys. I'll see what we can do about this, hopefully the Googledocs problem gets fixed, but there's not much I can do unless I do a complete redo of my work so that the colored words are no more. I'l try uploading to FF.net later on tonight, but just give things a little while and I'll try to fix this train wreck.

    118. Thank Celestia's oh so wonderful benevolence! The second chapter works again after appealing the ban on Google Docs. I'm sure that the fourth chapter won't be too far behind.

    119. Start off by saying I loved it and I don't read fics at all. I am a little interested wither or not you will be incorporating murder in your next case. That is part of the reason what makes PW cases feel so intense and important but at the same time it would be a little weird incorporating murder in Ponyville.

    120. Pin...cushions. Hilarious. When can we expect a second case?

    121. Well I have the grounds of the next case planned and I think I have about enough to start working on it. I'd say expect the start of the next case by next week or so. I'm battling a cold at the moment and once it's over I should be able to get something done.

    122. I can't wait to see what the next case will be like! :D

    123. @Fallin' Winter
      I think that you should definitely have a part where Pinkie Pie is a witness, but almost all of her testimony is nonsensical dribble that has nothing to do with the case at hand. Twilight, however, finds the connection(as well as a key contradiction)and points it out. Then, after a long silence, Pinkie turns into Pinkamena(complete with hair deflation), becomes far more serious, and actually starts giving a legitimate testimony.

    124. @VFX Kid
      Thanks for the input! Sadly, I'm making this a 4 case story like the first game and I have the next 3 cases premises generally figured out. As of right now, I don't think Pinkie is making her way to the witness stand, but that is always subject to change.

      Trust me when I say that there's a whole lot I wanted to cram in between in jokes and characters and their testimonies, but when you've only got so many cases it makes cutting down the amount of random characters a necessity. If all goes well, I plan on making a sequel in a sense that will give me even more leeway and more cases to expand the multitude of background ponies and different characters.

      For now I'm waiting on my pre-reader to get back to me on some feedback and you should be see something up by next week or so.

    125. Pinkie going Pinkamina reminds me of that actor guy in that DeKiller case. (there were others who did something similar, but not as much as him) Makes me feel like if that happenes, she must have been hiding something very important like covering for one of her friends of being the culprit herself.

      Quick question: Is there eventually going to be a murder or some other more serious crime? I'm going to keep reading either way, I'm just curious.

    126. As of right now no, I do not believe there will be murder. I have four reasons for doing so.

      1. Having murder in Ponyville seems like something that takes things a bit too far in my opinion and I don't really see there being rhyme, reason, or a culprit who would go so far.

      2. These ponies go through hardships, I'm sure they deal with loss at sometime of another, but I cant' imagine ponies going through the mind breaking process of someone they care about being killed intentionally. It'd be so abnormal in this case that I don't even know how that would work. I also can't imagine having to right about mind and spirit broken characters. It's supposed to be mystery filled with tough times and some laughs not a sudden drop in the pony population.

      3. There are so many background ponies that have such good fanon stories and presence, that I'd feel wrong to kill them off. Especially when I have so many things I'd like to have them play a role in somewhere down the line.

      4.I'm a sucker for happy stories. Don't get me wrong, I won't rule out serious crimes or even murder if it seems like a good idea or premise, but I do think I'd have a hard time killing off ponies.

      So there you have it. No murder intended or planned, but don't rule it out entirely.

    127. @Fallin' Winter

      I guess I don't see murder as such a big deal because of stuff like Detective Conan and Phoenix Wright. Seriously, someone gets killed every episode (case) and it still has a light tone overall. But it's good to keep with the show's tone. There are enough dark fics already.

      As for our beloved background ponies getting depopulated, you could create new characters as victims/culprits, but I hear the fans don't really like these "OC" ponies.

    128. Still previous Anon here.
      As for ponies dealing with loss, there isn't much to go on from the series (maybe except Pinkie in Party of one), but I guess putting established characters in new situations is one of the challenges of fanfic wrighting.

    129. It seem's it's been awhile since you last put in a chapter and I would like to know what the next case will be based off of (Just telling the crime not who saw it or the criminal)

    130. @zeb516

      Sorry that it's been a while, I'd make an excuse out of having gone to Grad Parties for the past few weeks now and two more coming up, but truthfully, I've been enjoying my break off a little too much. Record of Agarest War Zero has taken up a lot of these past two weeks.

      I won't promise a new chapter by next week, but know that I plan on sitting down and working on it exclusively by then. I just plan on getting all the details of the case set in stone so that I don't write myself into a corner.

      As for the case itself, I admit that the details of the crime haven't been entirely set in stone as of yet. So for now, I'll say that it involves the Carousel Boutique.

      As a little side project, I also intend to try working out a short demo of the game version of the story alongside this case. I don't know how long that may take to finish, but if things go as planned I may be able to put up a demo by the time I finish the story some.

      I'll try my best to keep this story rolling a lot faster than this has been. At the worst, know that even if it takes a long while, I will finish all four cases. I have too many ideas in store to let them just fall short.

    131. Hello. I did a bit of a side story for this series (I hope you don't mind) and I figured you would be the perfect pre-reader for it.

      However I couldn't find a way to show it to you using your profile, so I was hoping you could give me your email adress or some other way of contacting you.

    132. @The Unamed Pawn:

      I'd be happy to pre-read your story!
      You can send it to:

      I'm currently working on the next case and I'm about halfway done with the plot, but I'll make sure to read it through and give some feedback within a few days from when you send it in.

    133. I only just got around to reading this fic, and I have to say is: brilliant. Wish you'll start it back up again soon.

    134. OBJECTION!!
      Trixie calls twilight a boastfull pony,
      But is it not true that Trixie is, in fact, the boastful one?
      I rest my case
      etc. etc.

    135. all i can think of is harvey birdman attorney at law
      i know but hell that show was funny

      HaHa dangley parts-Phil Ken Sebben

    136. @Anonymous Ha! Ha! Dangely parts -Phil Ken Sebben

    137. Bonus story is sad AND comedy?
      How... How does THAT work?!

    138. @Anonymous

      Never read Shakespeare then? That describes all his tragedies. The inclusion of light comedy lets one expand his target audience.

      That said, this uses a different approach. Just about every case in the Ace Attorney games could be described in the same way: mostly funny, but with sad stories behind some of the characters.

    139. @Anonymous 11:08

      Lupus Albus has a good point, in many way's the outcome of my story's first case could also be considered comedy for the snarky thought's and comments of Twilight and the various in-jokes thrown in as well as sad for the premise of the case itself (A fair portion of Sweet Apple Acre's orchard's were burned down, the life work of the Apple family.)

    140. I couldn't help laughing at this one, excellently written and nice use of colored text to throw in Twilight's mind and of course.....OBJECTION!!!

    141. Woohoo! Time to fire up the ol' soundtrack!

    142. I like it.
      But that 2nd story doesn't seem to have been proofread. It has gaps of information and repeated words and paragraphs.
      But otherwise very satisfying.

    143. please let the next case be updated soon
      i can't wait for it

    144. CASE 2! CASE 2!

    145. ...uh, Pinkie's mom being named "Sue" only works when the rest of the family is Inky, Blinky and Clyde.
      I mean, "Grayamina"? Really?

    146. >"Blueberramina's i-innocent!"


      GET OUT.

    147. @Anyone who has already read the first case.

      A small error occurred during the transfer of the first chapter to google documents. The entirety of the scene of Fluttershy's cottage failed tyo transfer, so for those of you who were confused during roughly the first half of the case are encouraged to go back and read the first chapter again.

      I apologize, and I'll be sure to be more careful with my proofreading next time.

    148. @Anonymous

      I'm well aware of the fact that Sue doesn't really work with the daugters names, but I actually thought of the other two's names before I knew people called them Inkie and Blinkie. After I found out I just decided that I liked Grayamina and Blueberrie better.

      I kept Sue's name the same just because I couldn't think of anything else to call her.

    149. @ "Case 2" Anon 8:27

      Well if it makes you feel any better, I've got the first 3 chapters of case 2 finished waiting to go through my pre-readers. They're a bit busy so we'll see how that works out. I have the final chapters in progress and am working on finishing those within the next few days. I'm watching a pony marathon tomorrow from 8AM-5PM with friends though. ^.^

      @The Unamed Pawn

      I won't lie, I didn't know Pinkie's sisters had fanon names. Looking at it, that makes perfect sense I suppose, but I can't stop imagining ghosts instead of ponies when I think Pinkie, Blinkie, Inkie, Sue.

    150. @The Unamed Pawn
      I just wanted you to know in part 4 of the bonus case, there is a part that repeats itself, probably an accidental copy/pasting. It's the part after Grayie's "lock" falls off.

      Good story, by the way. Just like Phoenix Wright.

    151. This story should be tagged Shipping.
      Not only is there blatant Rainbow Dash dreaming about Pinkie, but Luna is a bit too...friendly with Twilight.

    152. "Objection!

      I'M BLIND!"

      Loled at that!^^

    153. @Anonymous 8:06 Unless necessary for the cases (Which isn't the case...no pun intended) There are no actual pairings involved. It was a bit of a joke/nod to PinkieDash but I don't plan on making them act on it. Originally it wasn't intended to seem like Luna Twilight, but I guess it came off that way. That as well isn't going to be acted upon, moreso than the other because it wasn't even intended to be that way.

      If just hinting at a pairing without acting on it makes a shipping tag necessary, then by all means I'll change it, but it didn't seem that way to me.

    154. Thank you Anon. I can't believe I missed another one.

    155. Hahaaaaa, RD is gumshoe in the second story. (You know... The whole pay deduction)
      Also, I ROFLMFFO over the orange chicken thing.

    156. Fallin' Winter, you captured the Ace Attorney style and humor perfectly. Good job.

    157. Well looks like someone took marketing lessons in publcity

      Glad Pen Stroke's Past Sins finally opened your bronie eyes on how to make people to read

    158. When all you have is a trial, everything looks like a case.

    159. @LoLZorZs:

      Um...thanks? I think?
      I haven't taken marketing lessons and I still haven't gotten around to reading Past Sins, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

      Yes, my pre-readers have been busy so I'm looking for someone to help ensure that the evidence, testimonies, and the like check out so that the story turns out the best it can be.

      I currently have 2 and a half more chapters finished, but releasing them and finding out that something is inconsistent would involve re-writes and force people to re-read the chapter if they wish to continue the story.

      I apologize if I've misinterpreted your comment in some way.


      I'm also not completely sure what you mean by that, but this case does have investigations as well as trials.

      Once again, I'm sorry if I've misinterpreted your comment.

    160. I think that you should work on assets instead of the game engine. With several existing engines there is little point in making yet another one.

      Then again, who am I to say such things when I did exactly what I said you shouldn't? I made my own AA fangame engine, this one in Flash. (http://www.assembla.com/code/aa-flashplayer/subversion/nodes)

    161. Deadpool_aka_Wade_W7. august 2011, kell 07:04

      Twilight Sparkle's arm looks very suggestive...

    162. @henke37:

      I intend to work on the game engine in ren'py slowly as a side project when I get the time and desire to do so. It's more the practice in programming that I get by making the game and it's a side hobby that I enjoy.

      I am going to work more on the cases themselves first so that it's easier to just fill in the text and information when I do get a working engine running.

    163. @Deadpool_aka_Wade_W

      Yes, yes it does.

      It was unintentional, but it was not made by me. I can't really do much about it except to remove the entire Twilight from the logo which makes it feel a bit empty to me.

      If it really is that disorienting to people I'll see about removing it or something.

    164. This caught my eye, as I was browsing. I am making a flash movie very similar to this, a crossover between Phoenix Wright and MLP, it was mainly inspired off a Disgaea and Phoenix Wright cross over I saw on youtube. Except it isn't Twilight playing the Attorney, it's the actual Phoenix Wright.

      Anyway this is my first time seeing this fic and it already I can see a few similarities. Trixie as a prosecutor for instance, though she hasn't shown up yet it's heavily implied in this. Definitely not accusing you of copying in fact it would be the other way around since I don't have mine out yet (the script is all done I just haven't shown it to anyone though). I have been scouting for voices for a really long time and I just really don't want people thinking I copied your fic once I release it. I'd be willing to show you the script though and you can see if anything is to similar to your story though and i'll have it edited accordingly.

    165. The first case was awesome, I even added music to make it even better, but the Portal reference... The reference ruined it, really... But still... It seems that it's impossible to see any FiM stuff without seeing a Portal reference anywhere...

    166. I'm going to wait until the rest of the case is finished before reading (just so I don't torture myself too much with the wait) but I'm glad to see it's updating.

    167. Curse you Pinkie!! One secret released and the entire case would not have happened!!

      Element of Laughter, my ass!

    168. @Anon at 8:21 AM

      If you're worried about me claiming that you copied my work, then don't worry. I don't plan on something as silly as that. Unless it copied my case to the letter, I wouldn't have a problem and even then, I'd just like credit. I'm pretty sure I saw that video as well. The voice actor for Etna was pretty good if I recall, just needed to be more aggressive.

      @Anon at 9:30 AM

      Well I'm fairly certain I released the first case before the Portal references got old. Some people even commented that it was a nice touch. Also, in following the of the nature of a Phoenix Wright game, little nods and things to different games/movies/other culture references are normal. In my last case as well as my new one currently in progress, there are nods to different memes things from the fanon, etc. which I add in as little easter eggs or for added funny.

      @The Unamed Pawn

      Currently it's about half done with 2 1/2 out of 5 chapters finished. Once I've finalized the last chapters of the story and know what I'm doing in them, I can start releasing more chapters.

      @Anon 11:45 AM

      Aww as true as that is, that's still a bit harsh. You never know, maybe with her 4th wall breaking super power, she's saving Spike from the potential heartbreak that a dragon dating a pony would be. That, and she could also be saving me from not having a second case. ^.^

    169. "and this orange chicken that I met in town square."

      I rolled on my floor laughing, because she invited all the pets AND Scootaloo! :P

    170. Didn't Twilight already reveal that secret in "Green Isn't Your Color"? Pinkie Pie wouldn't still be stalking her for that.

    171. @Anon at 4:45 PM
      In the end of the episode, the only one who heard it was Photo Finish. (Well, and Pinkie) Before Twilight said anything, Rarity and Fluttershy left already. Spike says that he can't believe she told "somebody" his secret which means only Photo Finish since if Rarity or Fluttershy also heard her, then "somebody" would have been plural.

    172. do i detect pinkiedash shipping in case 1

      still an awesome story though.

    173. @Anon at 7:23 PM
      Thanks! It was mentioned earlier in the comments.

      This was my response to someone else asking a similar question.

      "Unless necessary for the cases (Which isn't the case...no pun intended) There are no actual pairings involved. It was a bit of a joke/nod to PinkieDash but I don't plan on making them act on it. Originally it wasn't intended to seem like Luna Twilight, but I guess it came off that way. That as well isn't going to be acted upon, moreso than the other because it wasn't even intended to be that way."

    174. "...in following the of the nature of a Phoenix Wright game, little nods and things to different games/movies/other culture references..."

      "In West Clownadelphila born and raised..."

      Makes sense to me.

    175. Ok I'm reading the first case, and all of the Doctor's parts.... I can only hear them in David Tennant's voice... (yes I know he's not the current Doctor, but he's my favorite so far)

    176. @Timber

      Well that's a good thing, that's what I was aiming for. David Tennant is my favorite Doctor too.

    177. @Fallin' Winter
      David Tennant is the best doctor.
      (Cue "That's a funny way to spell Matt Smith!")

    178. @Anon at 12:10 PM

      Sillyfilly! I didn't spell David Tennant wrong! You did spell favorite wrong though, you spelled it as "best".

      Sorry, but due to the internet, I can't tell whether it was just a joke or if you're mad, but it's opinion.

    179. @Fallin' Winter
      Huhwha? I honestly believe Tennant was the best Doctor ever.
      I was just comparing my own comment to the typical exchange,
      "Rainbow Dash is the best pony."
      "That's a funny way to spell 'Rarity'!"

    180. @Anon at 7:08 AM
      Yeah, sorry. Like I said, not easy to tell the tone someone is speaking with over the internet. Just wanted to clear up the fact that it was opinion just in case you were serious.

    181. @Fallin' Winter I know this has been pretty quiet here, but just had to say something. Normally, I'm not much of one for fan fics, I actually mostly avoid them like a plague, but I have to say that what you made here I like. I thoroughly enjoyed case one, and also the bonus case that somepony else did, and I can not wait for case two. I don't want to actually start reading it until the whole thing is up though, it's just like an Ace Attorney game for me, I have to do as much of the case at once as I can or I'll go crazy all night long thinking about it lol.

      One thing I have to commend you on is not only did you weave a incredibly logical case together, but you also did so in a way that I didn't figure it out until near the end. One thing I always got frustrated with in the AA games was the fact that I'd often figure it out way before Phoenix and have to sit there yelling at the DS because of how obvious it was. Here though, Twilight showed a level of intelligence I'd expect from Ponyville's resident "egghead".

      And no matter what, no matter who comes along, and no matter how good they are at the role, David Tennant will always be MY Doctor, the Doctor that I think of when I think Doctor Who, David Tennant is The Doctor to me. XD

      Also everyone knows Fluttershy is best pony! XD

    182. @DonSerrot
      Thanks for the praise, it's greatly appreciated. I know many people have thought this way and that's why it makes it more painful to have most of it finished and have to keep it unposted to ensure that the entire case works and re-writing won't have to be done after its been posted. In retrospect, this is pretty much what the MLP staff must feel like with the release of the second season.

      I apologize profusely to everyone for taking so long, but having just gotten into college my progress has been slowed down a lot. I'm working through it and the final chapter is making slight progress. I'll try my hardest to clear up time this weekend to muscle through and finish it.

      Once again, I'm so sorry for the delays everyone.

    183. @Fallin' Winter It's all cool, you do what you need to do to make sure college gets off to a great start and we'll sit back and enjoy the new season while we wait. XD

    184. Do you think you could give us the current status of the fic? Just so we're in the know?

    185. @Pyrate
      Well it's made some progress since the last I've said anything. It's still remains on how things work out in the last section of the case. Thanks to some new things from season 2 it's also been slightly changed and it's still being worked on. Between college and other things it's been put on the wayside a bit, but once I get the idea completely ironed out it should be easy goings from there.

    186. Well, I'm a little upset that it has to be put to the side, but it's your life and your priorities. Do whatever you want. I still can't wait to see the next part!

    187. @VFX Kid

      While I'm juggling this, my college classes, and a game or two, it has been progressing slowly. However, I did manage to figure out how everything plays out which means that I'm getting awfully close to the closing of the second case. Now that my classes are going to be done in a few weeks, I'm sure I'll be able to find time to get that final bit out. Thanks for the support!

    188. I like the Ace Attorney games. I want to see more of this story.

    189. Damnit. 5 shapters at once? Glad i woke up early...

    190. so far made it halfway through the second story of the first case and honestly, I would have called applejack as a hostile witness as well as not credible via sleep deprivation, big mac also looked like he was unsure of himself so honestly from what I've seen, I'd make the witnesses look like they couldnt have been credible, and move the cases point to a lack of evidence, twilight wins, gameover.

      Although I appreciate these stories, cant wait to finish them, I wonder what the hell happens next

    191. Hooray a new case. Nicely done Fallin'.

      I'm really glad that there's finally a stepladder scene in this series, but I must admit I'm annoyed that you managed to reference two of my favorite characters before I could. :P

      Anyway magnificent job. I'm glad to see you're still working on it.

    192. Wow, great story! I'm digging this crossover. I enjoyed the story and twists of the PW games, and so far you've done a good job of capturing that in the MLP world :D Just read all 3 cases. Hope you decide to make a 4th one ^_^

    193. bonus one case 1, Celestia says that they have a matter of assault to attend to.

      Legally, The act of assault is the threat or fear of bodily harm.

      BATTERY is the physical act of aggression and whatnot.

    194. @a+Armageddon

      Actually, where I'm from they're the same thing. I suppose I should have been more clear and put assault and battery. I apologize for the mistake.

    195. Its not truly the same thing, lol, you can batter someone without yelling and warning them that you will do it, and you can threaten all you want without physical action. they are two independant activities.

    196. What I mean is that where I come from we don't have a charge for just assault. We only have the Assault and battery charge. We always refer to it by the shorthand assault, so that's why I wrote that down.
