• Story: Treasure Trove (Update Part 7!)

    [Normal] Post gala episodic stuff!

    Author: HeatWave
    Description:In the wake of the Grand Galloping Gala, two particular ponies are faced with the notion that everything they were familiar with has been turned upside down. Is it possible to recover your ideals when you've been proven unreliable at your talents?
    Treasure Trove (All Links) (New Part 7!)

    Treasure Trove (Alternate)

    Additional Tags: Friendship, Appreciation, Learning, Uplifting, Recovery

    21 kommentaari:

    1. This is really nice. Fun, heart warming, and paced perfectly, drifting form scene to scene and into and out of dialog very easily.

      I can't wait until it's finished, as Fluttershy's situation is still confusing.

    2. Very well written. 5 bits says Celestia has her own treasure chest. Or maybe a vault a 1000 years of keepsakes probably takes up a lot of real estate.

      One request now that Fanfics aren't being bumped with updates could you give an estimate as to when the next update will be up so I don't just check back at random.

    3. Very well written! Five stars.

    4. I thought it to be very enjoyable, Although i'm not really sure where this whole story is going. Still i do want to see what's going to happen with Fluttershy.

    5. This promises to be very good. First two chapters certainly make me want to read more. Also, I am quite impressed by the way with which you portrayed Angel. I say you caught his character exceptionally well.

    6. Very well written, well done, can't wait for the next chapter!

    7. This is very intriguing! I can't figure out exactly what's going on...

      But man, you write a mean Pinkie Pie! I'm fairly jealous. :D

    8. Thanks for the reviews, guys! I'm glad you like it thus far. Three of you left the exact comment 'Very Well Written'. What exactly is the rule of how many people need to say it in a day to make it true?

      @NinesTempest: Praise like that coming from you means a lot to me, thanks!

      @Anon#1: It is my intention to keep this going at a chapter a week with a maximum of six chapters, barring extenuating circumstances.

      @Baree: I didn't like Angel in the show very much, but as I was writing the second chapter he started to grow on me. I'm glad to hear you say that.

      @Present Perfect: You're not supposed to know what's going on... yet. :) At least I'm satisfied that I'm keeping you all guessing. That was a major aim here. Pinkie was another character that has grown on me more as a result of writing this. I found that I just have to be random and ecstatic, and she just writes herself :).

    9. @Anonymous This immidiately made me want to lsiten to Treasure Trove Cove off the Banjo Kazooie Soundtrack *rocks to steel drums*

    10. It's weird, earlier I was thinking to myself "I wonder when this will update next?" And then BOOM update.

    11. Ha HA! I remember reading parts one and two and proceeded to forget the name of this fic...

      And then update! Thank you!

    12. Pinkie pie, she's either going to fix everything, or blow up ponyville with a rubber chicken.

    13. Ahahhaa, Pinkie Pie. I can imagine that scene so perfectly.

      This is great, it feels like a really really long episode, like a special or a movie or something. It's just wonderful all around.

    14. @Anonymous

      I don't understand the 'or' part. Couldn't Pinkie Pie fix everything BY blowing up Ponyville with a rubber chicken?

      Kidding aside, I'm really enjoying this. I'm wondering just how many times Rarity and Fluttershy are now going to miss each other by just minutes. I'm also wondering just what they hay is going on with our shy pegasus.

      Still waiting for Scootaloo to show up!

    15. >" shff, "" shff, "" shff, "" shff, "" shff, "" shff, "" shff, "" shff, "

      -...what the heck are those *very unnecessary* thingies (part 4) ?

      Except being quite annoying to read through them, taking precious space and making the reading of that section harder to enjoy and less interesting... they serve NO kind of clear purpsose.

      Something that should defenitly have been cut at the 'monstage', I must say.

      ...for the rest, well, the story is good, especially Fluttershy's troubles.

    16. @Nova25

      The "thingies" are Pinkie picking up a paper with her mouth, and therefore being unable to speak. Maybe annoying, but absolutely necessary (more or less)...

    17. I love this story. It's sweet, charming, and so silly and so incredibly in character; as I already said, it could be like, a movie, or an hour-long special, or something. I just love it all around.

    18. This is a nice story that doesn't try to rush itself. Keep it up!

    19. I thought it was just "good" writing until Chapter 3. Seeing Pinkie quoting Weird Al lyrics just had me in fits. Too perfect for words.

      /Very concerned for Flutter, but still reading.

    20. It's amazing how layered this story is. There's allot of things that keep sneaking in as hidden things, Fluttershy's problem, Rarity lying about the Gala, Dash attempting a new technique, Applebloom having problems at school, Twilight's treasure chest, Spike's frustration with not being able to do something nice for Twilight. It's amazing how many things the story is focusing on, when we get a lull for one then another comes up, there's no barren spaces here. And the references to continuity like Spike not remembering the color of his egg are the cherry on top of the cake. Oh man, I really hope this story will continue.
