• Story: Ten Years Flat

    [Normal] Some Scootaloo Stuff!

    Author: Mimezinga
    Description: A grown up Scootaloo has to deal with her ghosts and the legacy of a nearly unreachable master
    Ten Years Flat

    Ten Years Flat Alternate with Audio Tracks

    Additional Tags: Contemplating the colors of Rainboom

    29 kommentaari:

    1. So Dash merged with the Speed Force? I can get behind that.


    2. Redshift Dash is an awesome name for a trick o.o

    3. Aw... it is sad.

      But the Speed Force, it makes for a happy ending.

    4. I thought this was a really brilliant idea. Somepony must draw this!

    5. Awwww!!
      Scoot's retrieved dash from the Speedforce. I can actually see Dash pulling something like that or a trip to the future like the PPG did.

    6. What a great read!!!

      Ending made me tear up, even!

    7. Wow, Speed Force was unexpected. That was great.

    8. man.. too bad there wont be a follow up :<
      i mean..if i read this correctly.. scoot brought dash back with her.. which means that everypony would be in total shock when she came back home with her.

    9. She didn't bring back Dash, but knows that she can do it. I'd have preferred her not surviving the trick, like Rainbow Dash, but this ending was very good too.

    10. @Anonymous

      What do you mean she didn't bring Dash back? It says she does in the ending. Two trails? Having reached into the jaws of death and got DASH BACK?

      Well, it was clear to me at least.

    11. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    12. Well, if you ask me i'd say that Scoot rescued Dash and Dash rescued Scoot ^_^

    13. I thought this was gonna be a grimdark with mislabeled labels. Boy was I shocked. So Dash is now ten years behind the loop, everyone's all grown up.

      Though... Why is rainbow dash suddenly speaking in an australian accent?

    14. @Pseudo Faux - honest, I didn't know that was aussie accent. I'm not motherlanguage, could have used some slang in a bad way or maybe it's just poor english, I'm sorry if this somehow spoiled the story for you... is it the "kiddo" thing?

    15. @mimezinga No no, It didn't ruin the story. It just gave me the oddest imagery. I started laughing at the things my mind made. I didn't mean to offend. There's not enough good scootaloo in the world, your story is worth the 5 stars I gave it. Odd wording was -not- gonna change that.

    16. Story ends happily

      Why am I sad? :<

    17. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    18. I enjoyed this one up until the rescue part, I hate to say it but I was a bit let down by the happy ending that I did not feel really mesh with the buildup.

      Don't judge me, I just wanted to see some sad and touching spiritual closure (though I should have expected it, since it has a Normal tag)
      (On second thought, it would have ended somewhat happy anyway as I expected Scoot to pull it off and finally manage to move on)

      On the other hoof, I am starting to realize that I like Scootaloo more and more

    19. @Fast and Free - at the beginning I was not sure about the ending to put on, I was going too for a bad end, but it had a couple of drawbacks: first of all, I wrote 2 stories, well, the other isn't that good and it's not on EqD, but you can find it on my Fanfiction ID, if you want sadness, give it a try. Anyhow, i wanted to maintain some spark of karma, i can't go on just killing everypony i write about... The second reason was that i found the bad ending on this one a bit unfair. The story tells of the day that Scootaloo at last bested her personal hero or at last reached her... well, if i made Scoot die it had a totally different meaning.... but trust me, i went this near to write a totally different ending

      @Pseudo Faux - absolutely no offense taken, my biggest concern is that I mess with the language so bad that readers get a totally diffferent message from the one I wanted to give, so any hint that can help me being a better writer is absolutely welcome (if you're wondering, I'm italian)

    20. Honestly I thought at first scoot would just disapear like her teacher, vanishing in a pile of feathers, but I like this better hah, two pegasi just broke TIME, BEST TRICK EVER, heh even though scoot is now as good as rainbow dash, dash still has the time travel trick on her, nice story, super cute!

    21. Great little story! Somehow, the end made me lol...


      But now I can't stop wondering:
      Can they travel back in time if they fly backwards?

    22. @mimezinga

      Ah, no, I meant the rescue of Dash, I wouldn't have appreciated Scoot dying too (There is just no pleasing me, sorry about that)

      I expected Scoot to pull the trick off and finally manage to cope with her grief and move on

      But in the end it's your story, and a good one too

    23. Scootastic! I kinda want to see more.

    24. Wow, excellent build up dude. At first during the first part, after hearing Dash had died, I was a little skeptic.

      But then, the use of the parallel story-lines was excellent! It showed how Rainbow Dash didn't die, she just broke the universe!

      Excellent use of Fluttershy bumps it from 4 to 5 stars.

    25. This story is Awesome.

      You should get a proofreader to edit out various grammar issues though, always good when you're not a native speaker. (Some of the words used felt a little out of place.)

      Redshift Dash is a fantastic name for Scootaloos rainboom and I thoroughly loved the ending. Wish we got to see the reunion afterwards!

    26. Getting a proofreader is something nearly impossible. Really. I tried on many sites but never got something, at least not with TYF.

    27. @mimezinga

      ??? I'd do it.

      A good fic I think, just needs a tune up in terms of small errors, and I liked how Dash was brought back at the end, it made the story unique and unexpected. Well done.
