[Crossover][Normal] Does anypony remember the first time you played Ocarina of Time? That first time you picked up the Kokiri Sword? When you met Epona? Good times. Good times.
Author: Recamen
Description: A warning sounds through Canterlot--an undead sorceress, a lich, unknown in Equestria for centuries, has arisen. Now, Princess Luna and a rather famous band of six ponies must band together to defeat the evil spirit. Luna will need her newfound friends as much as they do her, because should they fail...All Links after the break!
The Sun's Song Chapter 1
The Sun's Song Chapter 2
The Sun's Song Chapter 3
The Sun's Song Chapter 4
The Sun's Song Chapter 5
The Sun's Song Chapter 6
The Sun's Song Chapter 7
The Sun's Song Chapter 8
The Sun's Song Chapter 9
The Sun's Song Chapter 10
The Sun's Song Chapter 11
The Sun's Song Chapter 12
The Sun's Song Chapter 13
The Sun's Song Chapter 14
The Sun's Song Chapter 15
The Sun's Song Chapter 16
The Sun's Song Chapter 17
The Sun's Song Chapter 18
The Sun's Song Chapter 19
The Sun's Song Chapter 20
The Sun's Song Chapter 21
The Sun's Song Chapter 22 (New!)
The Sun's Song Epilogue (New!)
Additional tags: Epic, Sword-and-Sorcery, Legend of Zelda, Luna, Undead
So far this story is keeping me interested, the imagry needs a little work though. Other than that I look forward to the next chapter
ReplyDeleteYou put Zelda in the tags. Now I have to read it all. :p
ReplyDeleteSO far so good, And I love how Celestia reacts to Luna's and Twilight's antics :D
ReplyDeleteHowever, the lack of a second chapter is a serious problem that will most likely limit the lifespan of this story o____o
Wait, is the title, and the fic image of Link riding 'jack intentional?
ReplyDeleteIf so, you'll have to excuse me whilst I pick up the pieces of brain splattered all across the floor.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, I had more than just this stockpiled--I just didn't fully realize the length issue. Second chapter should be coming in (probably) later today.
Seems like a good start, although I'm left feeling all anxious for the next installment.
ReplyDeleteFirst an Oblivion fic, and now a Zelda / OoT fic?
ReplyDeleteNostalgia, here I come.
ReplyDeleteIt seems more of an original story 'inspired' by LoZ, rather than a direct crossover. There's no references to the actual LoZ universe.
ReplyDeleteChapters two and three are now on the author's DA page.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Ocarina of Time, when the dude locks you in the stable thing it took me like half an hour to realize that you just had to jump over the wall >.>
ReplyDeleteYour writing and grammar makes me wish I had a device that could punch people over the internet.
ReplyDelete...So where's the Zelda stuff? Seriously. I mean, it's an okay story... for the most part I suppose. There's a sense of urgency and the feel that somthing dangerous is happening that needs the whole team and more to take care of, character development is okay and the progression of events seems mostly natural... atmosphere building could stand to be expanded, but othr than perhaps the fact it's moving a bit fast and there are some spelling and grammar errors... there's nothing really WRONG with the story I guess...
ReplyDelete...But where's the Zelda?! I have seen absolutely NOTHING zelda-esque about this story so far except MAYBE for the fact that the Lich might look like a pony re-dead, and that hasn't even been confirmed, really! I'm just uing my imagination for that! What's Zelda about this?
Seriously, you tell me you have a Zelda crossover, there should be something pertaining to Zelda about it! THat's the whole reason I read the story and you haven't delivered! What's the deal here, author? Did you just say that to get more views? Stuff like that is NOT looked well upon.
Right now I want to say one star just for lying like that, but as a fair reviewer, the story ITSELF isn't too bad, so three stars I guess, but seriously, this is a wormy thing to do. >:(
ReplyDeleteHey now, I'd say a good fanfiction incorporates concepts from the original work and combines them in a new, interesting way. If this was just the storyline of a Zelda game with ponies, we'd already know the ending and that wouldn't be as interesting IMO. Personally, I really enjoyed reading the first few chapters of this and look forward to picking out the Zelda references as they pop up.
Then again, it's just a case of personal preference, isn't it? Some people prefer fanfiction which focus on conceptual links, and some prefer direct parodies. That doesn't make either type better or worse than the other.
Let's see what the update brings us with!
ReplyDeletenoooooo not Trixie D:
ReplyDeletewhy?!? ;-;
ReplyDeleteThat's probably more along the lines of what I'm going to do. I think at the time, I wanted to err on the side of crossover, rather than claim originality and yet be totally in the wrong.
But for the record, Zelda stuff's a-comin'. I just haven't gotten around to 'em yet. Glad you like it so far! *Thumbs up*
>when liches were more common, they were usually ponies with a grudge against a rival family
ReplyDelete-I can't shake the feeling that those ''liches'' aren't the same we all know and recognize from games and mythology ?
...really, the way there are described, they are closer to spirits, specters, banshees or even poltergeists... but name your ''creature'' the way you want... at least it's still in the evil/dark-undead family.
>They never thought about acquiring MORE power--they were usually interested in revenge
...YEP! ...definitely NOT real ''Liches'' that for sure!
Now with that in mind... I will ''try'' not to think too much about that detail, for future evaluations.
>legions of powerful pegasus ponies, equipped with enchanted armor - STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!
-Suddenly, I'm thinking of Oblivion for some reasons ;)
...Colgate(pony) advertisement for ''evil entities'' (I will not calling her a Lich...) is something quite funny, I would say :)
(N.B. : For the ''Lich'' references, I have some pretty fascinating ones, if you want to read them... From games to books, to classic Literacy ;) ...I like references)
I never playd Ocarina of Time, even though I do have an N64.
ReplyDelete*In response to description*
ReplyDeleteMy country never got Ocarina of Time.
.....My country never got N64
So the lich isn't an undead power hungry skeletal sorcerer? I guess I need to read the story to verify this...
ReplyDeleteso, im seeing elder scrolls inspired magic, and an alright story, but the only reference to zelda is the magical music thing and a triforce reference in 7. I feel like this should mean a picture of a ponified lich instead of link riding applejack. just saying.
ReplyDeleteI like how you hinted at the "Celestia is a Troll" submeme with the Problem? part. It was hilarious :D
ReplyDeleteThe Terry Pratchett references are awesome! ^^
ReplyDeletePersonally, I never liked the Zelda series, it got really old really fast as the same ass hole came back repeatedly and tried the same shit over and over. Twilight princess sorta breaks the boundaries but its still kinda the same thing. The dungeon crawler look for chests and kill stuff that is zelda got really boring. Always preferred a good RPG dungeon crawler though. The new DUNGEON SIEGE 3 is pretty bomb.
ReplyDeleteOkay, but how was the fanfic?
Not that this has been a huge problem here, but please bear in mind there's a fanfic here too.
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ReplyDeleteSpoiler (maybe)
ReplyDeleteHmm. I just realised that, despite having been following this from the start, I never commented.
I'm not sure I have anything useful to say. I've been enjoying it ok. Wondering about Trixie, I like her, so I kinda hope things will work out for her.
ReplyDeleteMost comments are on the DA page of the parts, anyway.
Still... there's one detail that bugs me (aside from the obvious misinterpretation on the ''Lich'')...
The way it is shown, it sounds like ''magic'' isn't really much there as it is ''music'' that is apparently the ''real'' form of magic... or presented something like that.
With the Princesses using *mandatory* songs to move the Sun&Moon... and not the magic of their horn...
Not even going for a reasonable hybrid of both, no, only ''a song'' can do it, never mind their ALICORN horn and huge magical potential.
...anyway, comments mostly on DA... yeah.
The idea is good, but the mix has some trouble blending properly...
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ReplyDeleteThis is a response to chapter 1:
ReplyDeleteI just have to ask if you've ever actually watched even ONE episode of the MLP:FiM show, or if you're going to try to excuse some of the worst characterization I've ever had the displeasure to see as just being massively AU?
As soon as you mentioned moaning noises in Chapter 13, I thought, "Oh crap! Redeads! Run for your freaking life, Pinkie Pie!"
ReplyDeleteThose creatures are easily my least favorite part of Ocarina of Time or any othe Zelda game.
Anyhow, nice working in a connection between the 6 elements and the 6 sages.
Ahh, and the Ganonpony appears...
ReplyDeleteNormally I don't read fanfis that incorporate other stories into them, mostly cause things get jumbled and eventually the stories wither and die, this on the other hand is completely different.
ReplyDeleteI like how you included "Legend of Zelda" mythos and made it the back story for the world instead of trying to shoehorn Link, Zelda or any other plot points into the main story. The use of L.o.Z. iconography is genuinely creative and interestingly pieced together.
The pacing in this fic is incredible and allows for truly atmospheric moments (speaking for myself the scene in the abandoned minds was truly frightening) which helps to make the reading far more enjoyable.
The characters are realistic and I'm honestly impressed how you created the personalities for both Luna and Octavia; both of which seem believable. The characters interact well enough and tend to follow their canon interactions.
Speaking about Luna for a moment, I absolutely adored the duel personality moment as well as the rough and strained relationship she has with Celestia.
Octavia, while believable, hasn't really been given a moment to delve into her character, but otherwise so far she seems nice, though I would be afraid to face her one on one.
All in all, this story is enjoyable and I can't wait to see more of it, keep up the good work.
Trixie being able to possess the living and use their powers, such as the ability of Celestia to stop the sun rising, reminds me of Veran from Oracle of Ages. [Veran possesed the Oracle Nayru to stop time entriely, giving a DAY that never ended 400 years in the past for Queen Ambi, who she then possessed. Stopped time and possesd royalty, this seems like a two-for-one of the same concept]
ReplyDeleteThe underwater lassos makes me think of hiding River Zora/Zola, hostile counterparts to the Sea Zora/Civilized Zora we all know and love, though they usually pop their heads out, and spit fire rather than go hunting with tools.
A parallel between the Mane Six [plus one] and the Seven Sages makes me wonder... Are hey the support? If so, when will the wielder of the Blade of Evil's Bane reveal themselves? I've played enough Zelda to have he aching suspicion that Trixie isn't the mastermind here... Enough Zelda being every game made to date...
cool, thats it :|
ReplyDeleteI want to like this, but already I'm having problems in Ch2 with the way Twilight is talking to Luna. The dialogue doesn't feel natural at all. On the list to read later.
ReplyDeleteIs it me or did a little D&D creep in there?
ReplyDeletewhere is Link in all of this?
ReplyDeleteNo joke, I actually love how they related the Elements of Harmony to the Six sages.
ReplyDeleteBlegh... sweet jebus am I behind on this fic...
ReplyDelete*All Links after the break!*
ReplyDeletei see what you did there :)
Augh, it has something to do with Zelda so I have to read it, but I'm terrible at catching up when the series is over 20 chapters in already.
ReplyDeletewhy doesn't this have more comments
ReplyDeleteit's so long
Poor. The connection between two canons has the grace of duct-taping a vacuum cleaner to a lawn mower. The adventure layer is solid if a bit slow. The emotional layer is moderately well developed. The ending is so anticlimactic it makes me rage with disappointment. The Zelda elements feel forced, tacked on top and really don't add to the story. It might have been a reasonable story if it took half as many chapters and didn't try to be a Zelda crossover.
ReplyDelete@Random Blank:
ReplyDeleteIt was not a real crossover, more a mixing of elements of mlp and Zelda (and I realy liked that, being a Zelda-fan).
The end was indeed a little problematic and quite rushed (bringing in the element of time-traveling at the end was unneeded, also the hole fight between the Mane 6 and the guards was vain, because Luna solve the problem all on her own).
What was really great was the appearance of Blueblood, I like how the author showed him. 4 of 5 for me.
Review time!
ReplyDeleteLet's see, where to begin...
I'll start with the effectiveness of the crossover element. In some places, the LoZ themes were fantastically implemented. The Triforce lore was pretty well integrated into the world of ponies. However, some of the specific devices used started to really get to me just a bit. The Master Sword bit comes to mind. It was just a bit unnecessary. Once you have characters enter the Temple of Time, you can have them travel without use of the sword. Plus, then you have the problem of the Master Sword being used by someone (Blueblood here) who really shouldn't be using it. And the other elements that are borrowed from various sources are used with varying degrees of success. The schools of magic from the Elder Scrolls series was one of those that was somewhat well used. The detect life spell was adequately used, but the explanations of the schools of magic felt really forced for the series. Also, I REALLY herped whenever a line from LoTR was directly used. I'm sorry, but it just grated on me.
Characters were well used in this story. I could sympathize with the various dilemmas faced by each of the characters. You were able to make the struggles of each character seem genuine, and I've seen many stories that fail spectacularly in that area. There was only one exception to that, and I'm sure someone else has already brought it up: Celestia. Up until the very last couple of chapters, I could internally rationalize the fact that she put everyone in danger in order to help her sister. Let's face it, she's done that kind of morally questionable batman gambit in canon, so you're good there. It's the part where she lets everyone burn where I begin to draw an issue. Sure, it made a great scene. I enjoyed the whole "final moments" thing immensely, but I realized the setup for it was extremely flimsy. Oh yeah, and this scene in particular was ruined for me with "set a fire in their flesh." Unneeded copy/pasting from LoTR. Killed it for me. Other than that, characters were understandable, stuck with established canon, or just well done if no material was provided for basing their character on.
Plot was pretty well done. The plot kept me engaged for pretty much the entire story (although I do not remember to much how it started off since its been several months since I started). The two differing story arcs were both equally engaging for me, and usually stories can't pull that off, so kudos there. The only thing that really seemed to fall short in the plot department was the climax. The imagery of the sun bursting forth in a glorious sunrise was a good end, but I feel as if the whole experience of Luna forgiving Celestia was a bit of a letdown. I don't know, I just kind of expected a bit of a final boss showdown, this being a LoZ crossover and all. Also, the "you fell" line killed the entire Rarity coming back to life scene. I swear, any original line has more of an impact than a line that everyone has heard.
One of the strengths in this story that stuck with me is that I felt the writing got progressively stronger as time went on. I remember the feeling I got in chapter 1-3 as thinking "this writer must be new to this kind of thing", and that feeling progressively vanished as time went on. (Thanks for changing the whole pegacorn/alicorn thing)
Overall, I'd give this story a 7.5-8.0 out of 10. There were things that were extremely well done (such as Octavia's and Blueblood's character development or the bringing back of elements mentioned earlier like Phoenix feather) and some things that just made me facepalm (unexplained things like why no shadowbolts at the end or use of Master Sword). I thought it was worth my time. I'll definitely find time to read anything that this author puts out in the future.
To Recamen: good story, lots of fun to read. Not perfect, but very enjoyable. Thanks for the time you put into it.