Also rollin with star Rarity!
Author: Bosstone
Description: When the SG-1 team stumbles through the Stargate into Equestria, an ancient sleeping foe awakens. Can Colonel O'Neill and his team protect the planet's unusual but friendly inhabitants and find their way home again?All Links after the break!
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 1
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 2
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 3
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 4
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 5
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 6
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 7
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 8
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 9
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 10
Stargate: Equestria Chapter 11
Stargate: Equestria Epilogue ALL Links
Additional Tags: Stargate, SG-1, Sci-Fi, Shiptease, Snark
Description: When a new threat enslaves Equestria, the ponies mustStargate Equestria: Incursion Part 1
turn to Colonel Jack O'Neill and SG-1 for help once more.
Stargate Equestria: Incursion Part 2
Stargate Equestria: Incursion Part 3 (New!)
Stargate Equestria: Incursion (All Links)
Additional Tags: Stargate, SG-1, Sci-Fi, Shiptease, Snark
Fan Art
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587 kommentaari:
Well, we all knew THIS one was coming...
VastaKustutaHmmm, I only really know about the Atlantis one but I will give it a shot
VastaKustuta"That golden symbol on your forehead is simply marvelous darling, is it a designer brand?"
And that's just from reading the description.
Hot dang! Ponies are invading just about everything I like!
VastaKustutastargate + ponies? yesyesyyesyeyseysyesyeysye
VastaKustutaIf I'm laughing till I'm almost about to fall out of my chair, on just the first part, this has to be good.
VastaKustutaXD Stargate ftw
My face just went from :| to xD when I saw this.
VastaKustutaI just read the first chapter but already, five stars.
VastaKustutathis is most excellent,,,,,shhhhyea!
VastaKustutaGlad everyone's liking it so far. :D Just one of those things that HAD to get written.
VastaKustutaAlso, if anyone from the fanfic panel at Phoenix Comicon is reading this, yes this is the fic that got announced there.
I'm just waiting for a Final Fantasy XIII fan-fic (don't get me wrong, SG anything = yay).
Snow = Rainbow Dash
Vanille = Pinky Pie
Lightning = Twilight
Spike = Sazh
Hope = Rarity (a bit of a stretch, but they complain a lot)
And... go.
Every series seems to have at least one Stargate cross-over fanfic. No matter how silly.
VastaKustutaAnyway, I've only got chapter 6 left and I'm really enjoying it so far. Feels like a Starge/MLP cross-over fic should...Not that I knew what it should feel like to begin with.
a resistance:fall of ponys fanfic gooooooo
VastaKustutaI was actually thinking of making a Rurouni Kenshin crossover...
VastaKustutaNoooooooo! Things ended just before the good (I hope) part! WANT MOAR SG-PONIEZ!!!
VastaKustutaMy fanboy senses are INCREDIBLY tingling, but I have to say a few things about the writing.
VastaKustutaThis is a hilarious subject matter. Completely and utterly hilarious. Honestly, the concept of the DHD having such happy things made me laugh tons. SG1 seems mostly in character, but I haven't watched the show in years, and I'm nostalgia-ing a bit. I'd also be lying if I didn't say I was laughing like a little school girl the entire time.
I suppose this is taking the opposite approach of most fanfic; assuming familiarity with SG1 instead of the main fanbase it's directed at. Interesting style, but I honestly think you could have taken time to describe uniforms, looks, and anything else on their persons.
Heh. A MLP/Stargate cross was bandied about on s spacebattles forum thread a while back. I doubt Celestia-as-goa'uld is gonna be in here, but as scifans know, SG must be crossed with everything at least once!
VastaKustutaYeah, believe me, the fact that it's more an SG-1 fic than an MLP fic gave me some concern. But I wanted to write the story from O'Neill's point of view, and it didn't seem quite appropriate to spend all that time on things he'd already be familiar with. I took a chance hoping the bronies who'd want to read an SG-1 crossover would be familiar with the setting.
I'm glad you're enjoying it. The mood takes a slight turn after chapter 6, but I think it still works pretty well.
When will we be seeing the next chapter?
VastaKustutaAlso: You just *had* to go there with Jackson and Twilight, didn't you :-P
do not finish that sentence that made me lol............. NEED MORE CHAPTERS
VastaKustutaYo, Seth, this needs a Story tag.
VastaKustutaReally enjoying this. I've actually only seen two episodes of SG-1, plus the movie, and I'm not lost at all. Although it probably helps that I've sunk maybe three months of my life into TV Tropes. Yeah.
I'm a big Stargate fan, so this was going to be fun, and I knew it...
VastaKustuta... now when's the next chapters?
I don't know too much about SG1. only ever saw a few episodes. Wasn't a fan. Which only goes to show how well you did this story. I am genuinely intrigued. I enjoyed reading it very much, wasn't thrilled by your whole Jackson/TS thing, but admittedly I'm probably biased because of my own shipping favs. Anywho, looking forward to Celestia's appearance. Hope to read a new chapter soon.
VastaKustutaI'm giggling like an idiot here, 5 stars :D
VastaKustutaOh shit stargate Sg-1? hmmm............And then i started reading crossover Fanfics. God damn ponies!
VastaKustutaAlso, my god bestiality joke, I lol'd.
VastaKustutaThe rest of the chapters should be up tomorrow or whenever Seth decides. This just seemed like a good place to break for now.
VastaKustuta...Plus I'm still finding things to edit in the last few chapters even after I've read them about a BILLION times...
You know, it takes a place like Equestria to make me realize that O'neil really is a jerk sometimes. Great fic though.
VastaKustutaAs an SG1 fan, I loved it so far. I've only read the first two chapters, but so far the characterization is spot on. I loved the comment about all the locals on these foreign worlds being humans who speak English.
VastaKustutaOh god. First MLP makes me read fanfic. Now it's making me read crossover fanfics. Confound these ponies, they drive me to stay up late, reading fanfics.
VastaKustuta"If both participants are sapient beings, is it really besti-"
"Do not finish that sentence, Jackson."
Got me giggling like a schoolgirl.
my god I was thinking of this idea all last week and then this appears... MUHAHAHAHA! awesome
VastaKustutaJackson/Twilight OTP
VastaKustutaSearch your heart, you know it to be true.
Ok, I've read the rest of it now, and it's awesome.
VastaKustutaAnd hilarious.
I'm enjoying the story so far, even though I know nothing about Stargate. That's really the only complaint I have with it; I would have liked a little bit more description on the Stargate characters, especially with Teal'c, who I'm still not entirely sure of who/what he is (human? alien that looks mostly human?). Regardless, I'm still able to follow the story and am enjoying it; I'll be sure to read the rest when it becomes available.
VastaKustutaI was watching a fanfic panel at Phoenix Comicon when this author announced this story. Even though I never watched Stargate, I'm gonna give it a read to support a local brony. :-D
VastaKustutaoh no no no no no
VastaKustutano no no
why is this not finished yet? where is the rest? please, write faster! uhm, please finish at least? if you want, whenever you're ready.
*reads up*
oh, it's on seth now? ok. seth, please post faster. please. as to the actual story, it is spot on. not a huge SG fan myself but my partner is so i know some of what the whole thing is like. this is really good and had me wanting more and laughing almost out loud alternately. thank you for writing it.
@Laurence Brown
VastaKustutaShort version: Jaffa in the series are genetically modified humans made to serve evil aliens posing as the Jaffa's gods. Teal'c is human, in all ways that are relevant (the genetic modifications don't really come up in this fic).
This is amazing. Can't stop laughing because everyone is so in character it is just like an episode from the shows :D
VastaKustutaHonestly wasn't expecting this...ever.
VastaKustutaAnd everyone's so in-character that it could substitute for an actual episode of SG-1.
Bravo sir or madame, bravo!
one could say the author wrote this story..................LIKE A BOSS
VastaKustutaThis is great.
VastaKustutaAs a Stargate fan, I love it.
As a MLP:FiM fan, I love it.
As a fan of both, it's so incredibly wonderful I just don't know what to say! /Fluttershy
Oh dam it, I have made it 25 years into this life without reading a single fanfic. Never even wanted to touch the things... but then this one comes along combining my two obsessions.
VastaKustuta*starts reading*
Well played fate, well played
I KNEW IT! I watched some Stargate episodes few days ago and I thought someone should write Stargate-MLP crossover!
VastaKustutaThis was hillarious and the everyone is in character. I Especially love O'neil's Puns
VastaKustutaBest part is O'Neils trademark snark, and his gere savyness. Which makes me sad that Universe did not really keep with that trend, which is why I like Eli so much.
Anyway huge SG-1 fan here, and I am loving this. I cannot wait to see what the conversation between Celestia and O'Neil is going to be like. It will be hilarious, here's hoping Luna shows up too.
Twilight sure moves fast~
VastaKustutaI think O'Neil made the king of all lampshade hangings in Chapter 1 about how every planet they arrive on, there's always some human settlement, where they all conveniently speak English, conveniently possessing at least one member who's a keeper of ancient knowledge, and are oppressed by a thug who needs to be defeated.
VastaKustutaI'm loving this so far. The characters are spot on, the pacing excellent. I'm getting a kick out of how you've glossed over mentioning non-canon locations by name.
VastaKustutaAlso loved the shout-out to Steven Magnet when the SG-1 team first arrived.
When I glanced at the post title, I briefly wondered how anyone ever thinks that serious stuff like this can mesh with My Little Pony.
VastaKustutaI guess the answer is to keep solid characterization, let the characters bounce and omit serious questioning of differences in universal constants, IE: Magic(and wings. None of them should have expected those tiny wings to have been sufficient for the pegasus, even with reduced weight). Something that REALLY amuses me about this is that the characterization of SG1 is actually done way better in this fic than the ponies, even if the notable traits of the characters are exaggerated a tad. I think it was about halfway through chapter 6 that it fully dawned on me that this is an SG1 fanfiction that crosses over with MLP and not the other way around.
Criticisms aside, if it wasn't clear at the start of the second paragraph, I'm really liking this so far! Can't wait for the rest of it tomorrow.
please finish posting! i have started to feel the effect of AFFWS(awesome FanFiction Withdrawl Syndrom) one of the symptoms is that i cant focus on anything i should be doing and its annoying when i NEED to get my school work done
VastaKustutaOh man, I remember someone mentioning they were writing a Stargate crossover on /co/ ages ago, and I was really excited for it, but then I didn't hear anything about it for ages. And now here it is. Awesome.
VastaKustutaSince I'm such a massive fan of Stargate I couldn't have clicked on the first chapter any harder than I did when I first saw this. can't wait for the rest!
VastaKustutaGah i want part 7 this is turning out fun xD
VastaKustutapinkie and teal'c meeting was funny :P
okay, I sort of assumed I'll manage with whatever little I remember of the Stargate universe. Boy, was I wrong. Unless you're a Stargate fan, just pass by this one.
VastaKustutaAs a fan of SG1, this is -amazing-. The Japanese joke at the end of chapter 6 make me do a spit-take.
VastaKustutaif their isn't an undomesticated equines reference I'm going to cry!
VastaKustutamy only advice would be to add a prologue of the team in Stargate command booting up for their mission and use it as a Stargate for dummies.
but 100% a truly brilliant read - the puns oh the horror, the horror!
good job!
dammit you beat me to it!
VastaKustutawell done, this is awesome! :D
I never watched Stargate all that much, so I have to ask... was O'Neill that much of a douche in the show? I mean, I understand he's got a cavalier approach to danger... devil-may-care attitudes are a trademark of great leaders in science fiction. Who doesn't love Captain Kirk and that sh!t-eating grin, amiright? But as an ambassador to other races, the Colonel really comes off as a dick here. At least in Star Trek, first contact with alien races was treated with a profound level of decorum and respect in the hopes of forging a productive relationship between two peoples (please forget that Captain Archer existed). Near as I can tell, Jack's approach is just to fart around waving a candy bar being all belligerent and condescending, teasing the local authority figures because he don't like their faces. Seems a bit short-sighted. Well, no... seems like he's a douche.
VastaKustutaIf I happened to run a planet and these guys showed up dissing my royal guards, I'd be completely passive aggressive when they show up in my royal pad. I'd make them wait for eighteen minutes while I clip my royal toenails, then I'd eat a sandwich right in front of them while they're talking. Then I'd yawn and walk off in the middle of a sentence and be all "Oh, am I being rude? I just assumed this was proper etiquette where you're from. Dicks."
Yeah, that'd show 'em.
I've been working on my own version of this for months. All that work, poof, down the drain. Thanks a lot.
VastaKustuta@Joe England
VastaKustutaStargate is NOT Star Trek. Despite what he lacks in the "diplomacy" department, the U.S. Air Force sees fit to throw O'Niell into the front lines on most of the negotiations with new worlds on the other side of the Gate, and Jack tends to look at things from a military perspective, rather than a diplomatic one.
@Joe England
VastaKustutaO'Neill is...irreverent when it comes to authority figures, except for those who've earned his respect. He also tends not to bandy his own authority about unless it's a situation that could get someone killed.
VastaKustutaBosstone, I want to apologize for my outburst. I was angry, and let it get the better of me. This is extremely well-written, and if anyone was to do this first, I'm glad it was someone with the respect for the material, the passion for it, and the writing talent that you so clearly have. Bravo.
VastaKustutaI really appreciate that, and I probably would have reacted the same way if the roles were reversed. :) There's nothing that says there can't be two or more Stargate/MLP fics, especially if each one has a unique take on the situation.
VastaKustutaThank you, but I don't think that's possible anymore. I had a lot of the same ideas you had, and to try and finish my own version would only bring accusations of copycatting and general ridicule. Besides, I don't want to sully your accomplishment by taking any readers away.
Looks more to me like a starcraft battlecruiser >_> Just saying...
VastaKustutaThat's because I'm pretty sure the ship in the pic was never in the show :P
That's probably just the image; Seth just chooses whatever unless the author requests a specific image.
VastaKustutaDo people not know this yet?
Anyway, I'm busy with class later so I'll have to hold off on a big comment, but I was totally not expecting this to be posted and finished that fast; you must have had everything done already. Glad it's done though, as now I must read it.
OH WOW. This had me on the edge of my seat. Me and my whole family used to watch stargate, and now that MLP is in the mix, my nostalgia meter + the wonder this unknown combination was creating, has seriously enchanted me. I'd LOOOOOVE to see more chapters!
VastaKustutaoh yea, and having the bad guy use my handle also helped a little ;)
VastaKustutaJust like a real SG-1 episode. Awesome and heartwarming. Yup, absolutely no saddies in my heart. Now let's throw a party :D
VastaKustutatwo of my Favorite thing together in one story :D
VastaKustutaIt's me again, the other Stargate story dude.
I just finished this... Boss, I rarely read fics, not from any sort of disgust, but but because I find so few of them able to hole my attention. Your dedication in making sure the story held up to both SG-1 and FiM's quality of writing, and your ability in making every single character true to themselves in the process, compels me to give you a real-life clap. I thoroughly enjoyed this, from beginning to end, and was able to visualize it so vividly, I felt I was watching it on a screen.
Thank you very much for writing this, and here's hoping we haven't seen the last of SG-1's adventures in Equestria.
man i loved this so much shame it ended like it did but with that epilogue you could make a sequel
VastaKustutaI appreciate that, man. This is the first story I've written in a long, long time, so I was nervous about the reception. I'm glad everyone seems to like it, even if it wasn't full-on MLP.
That was the idea. Mwahaha.
Name drops are in charcter. FOUR NAME DROPS PISSES ME OFF.
VastaKustutaOkay, first things first, wow. That was amazingly excellent. The entire thing read exactly like an episode (ESPECIALLY that opening, my god it was cliche, but wonderfully so!), and EVERYONE was ridiculously in character. SG1 especially (Teal'c dealing with PP is the funniest thing I've read in a while), and even Daniel's short moments with Twilight were heartwarming. Jack was hilarious with Dash, no doubt about it.
The resolution was done well, simple, and seems reasonable given Equestria and the situation. It was truly just... another episode of the show (Jack being well aware of the cliche-ness of all of it made it THAT much better). I especially like the backstory you gave everything, and explained their world with science. I've been thinking of doing this with Supreme Commander 2, but this is a much better way of doing it.
Dat epilogue. Every bit of hope counts. :3
Overall, happy, hopeful, fun, and still had that tinge of bittersweet at the end that some episodes did indeed have. Great stuff.
Ima have to go fanboy and give it 5 stars, which I normally reserve for the best of fics. Hehe.
Great story. Slightly concerned about what happens if Twilight tries to 'gate to Earth and runs straight into the Iris.
VastaKustutaFantastic story, but the lack of any mention of the GDO when dialing Earth (both times) was sort of unnerving.
VastaKustuta"That was the idea."
This pseudo-announcement officially deserves a Pinkie Pie style celebratory party.
I bet they will go "It's that pony planet sir! Well open up then!"
VastaKustuta@Cody MacArthur Fett
VastaKustutaYou caught me out. I haven't seen all of SG-1, so I only know about the GDO from the wiki. At the time it didn't seem necessary for the narrative, so I didn't throw it in. Shouldn't be a hard edit, though.
And yeah, I've got sequel stuff brewing. It might not come for a while, though.
:D this was very good i saw all of SG-1 and i actually hope this continues!
VastaKustutaDelight to read from beginning to end. SG1 and the ponies were all kept in character well, and I liked the backstory for how Equestria was made.
VastaKustutaAs far as I remember in any of the shows the SG teams are unable to identify in any way what gate is dialing them. In fact I am pretty sure this is a plot point in many episodes, specifically one example being the one where Anubis (?) fires an energy weapon at the gate preventing it from being shut off and overheating the iris. They have to find the planet where the weapon is by stowing away on a Goa'Uld cargo ship in order to deactivate it from the other side (It's been a while since I watched though I have to admit.)
VastaKustutaSo in chapter 11 the line that General Hammond speaks about the computer not recognizing the gate should be removed, unless there's actually some evidence to the fact that SGC can identify from where they are being dialed.
But really it's of minor impact to the narrative, it's just to stay more in tune with the universe of Stargate :P I wouldn't worry about it myself I really liked it either way.
The GDO is quite important though. Unfortunately the iris is always closed unless a recognized GDO signal is sent in which case it opens automatically. I'd hate to have our little ponies go splat against the titanium shield.
VastaKustutaWell, bugger.
The GDO dilemma could be solved in a number of ways the show favoured giving a gift laced with an exotic radiation, to "primitive cultures". they could throw this gift into the star gate. the traces of the radiation from the "impact event" on the iris would tell the SGC what it was.
VastaKustutaTwilights teleportation is also a valid solution to this problem. as holograms and other radio signals have made it through. - besides pony in a random part of the SGC = hilarious!
a Stargate address is its position in space this allows ships to travel to planets where the Stargate does not function.
the gate not being recognised can be justified by "a strange energy signature" caused by the obvious alterations made to the Stargate.
the most common way to stop a Stargate from working is to bury it, this solution is far more effective and will allow ponies to reactivate it without the need for help from a princess!
I hope that those solve any problems in creating a sequel because its something I'm really looking forward to!
undomesticated equines reference ... 5 stars are yours good sir!
I like Stargate and of course I like MLP, it's still a strange mix (but what do I expect from a cross-over ? xD).
VastaKustutaThe story was okay, what I didn't like was the shipping and how ... "touchfriendly" everyone was.
It just seems so out of character for SG-1 and the Ponys (and Spike). It really bugged me.
But it's a good story.
Really loved the story, and really hoping for a sequel.
VastaKustutaHowever the images of ponies splat across the iris without a GDO is quite unnerving and bothers me a bit, apart from that it is a great read and felt like an episode.
Who would have thought that Stargate and MLP would mesh together this well? I certainly didn't at first, but that changed once I started reading this. Hats off to you for being able to put the two together, and writing a believable story out of it.
VastaKustutaI was unsure about this until I read "I have. On a box of Lucky Charms." At that point, I knew the writer knew SG-1 well enough to pull that half off. The pony part is good too.
VastaKustutaI've never watched Stargate but this makes me want to. It was hilarious.
VastaKustutaHmm... this featured Jack's SG-1 team, so that puts this somewhere between season one and season seven. Any particular reason why you didn't go with Cameron's SG-1?
VastaKustutaIf he had, you'd be asking by he didn't go with Jack's SG1.
VastaKustutaBecause it's not Stargate without Richard Dean Anderson. HERETIC.
I mean...'cuz. I wanted to write it from O'Neill's perspective, so not having O'Neill would be counterproductive.
I didn't worry too much about where in the continuity this was, really. I do make mention of an event that happened in the fifth season, but other than that I left it vague. Consider it a filler ep.
Jack's funnier.
VastaKustutaI'm surprised that no one on SG-1 thought of offering the ponies a more permanent solution for preventing unwelcome gate travelers, IE: an Iris. If SG-1 managed to get there by accident, then it's totally possible another group of people could do the same.
VastaKustutaAnd what was the purpose of Daniel finding the point of origin for Equestria's gate? Of the 39 glyphs on a Milky Way gate, only 1 is unique to the gate, and the other 38 are the same for all the gates. It wouldn't have been too difficult to find the odd one out, once Celestia changed the gate and DHD back to normal that is.
Or was it that you wrote that part solely for the purpose of describing Equestria's point of origin?
Very on character, a delightful cross-over, well considered and never strayed from the light hearted feel that both series share though obviously a lot more so in one than the other. I was sad they had to leave! 9_9
VastaKustutaIn reply to "And what was the purpose of Daniel finding the point of origin for Equestria's gate?Of the 39 glyphs on a Milky Way gate, only 1 is unique."
VastaKustutaI may be mistaken about this, but not every gate has the capability to dial every other gate. There was a particular episode where they end up somewhere without the proper glyphs to dial Earth and have to first gate to a different planet that did have the proper symbols.
So basically there may have been multiple symbols that they were not familiar with. Also at the time they didn't know that Celestia was going to change the DHD back to normal.
VastaKustutathis. sequel please. please please? uhm, if you don't mind . . . i don't know why but i want this series to continue. lots.
also, even though it's 'disabled' the Equestrian stargate was forced open once. remember America circa-1930's. we thought a few thousand miles of ocean would protect us from a world war. yeah, not so much. once you're reachable, you're reachable and nothing can change that. Epona probably knows the general location of Equestria and, while this may be before Earth gets starships, hyperdrive is canon so . . . who's to say she's not on a slowship back? if SG-1 is going to be called back to save the ponies from some big baddy (or even just help them with the big baddy), then an alliance would be beneficial to all. heck, Earth doesn't even require warriors, just assistance.
i hope to see more from this. also, not a huge SG fan but i've seen a few episodes so i know what generally is going on. maybe a bit of an SG-1 intro next time? still, loving this entire idea.
Excellent story. Ironically I just finished watching SG1, Atlantis and Universe over the last couple weeks and then moved onto MLP.
VastaKustutaEveryone was pretty much in character, and it read like an episode of either show (not as much SG1, but there were a few off kilter episodes).
I thought the "shipping" was well done in that it was not overstated and didn't end up taking over the story.
Even though it stands well on its own I would love for a equal.
As regards for Twilight going splat against the Iris. She talked with Daniel a fair bit off screen. I think we could assume he mentioned that to her (otherwise imagine the fridge horror for him when he realizes that giving her Earth's address is basically a death sentence). We also saw Twilight disassembling and reassembling a radio. Perhaps she makes a primitive radio (not to hard) and transmits a message.
Even though it wouldn't be as secure as a GDO, they could send a team through to Equestria (or to some other neutral planet if Twilight can't figure out the planet's full address).
I had serious doubts that this would work, but I'm very glad I decided to read it anyway. Very good story! I saw the Daniel/Twilight connection immediately and was surprised at how well it worked, especially near then end, you could just feel the sadness.
VastaKustutaNow the bad, the constant "my little pon[y|ies]" comments, *cringe*. Also, I thought the Japonies gave up way too easy. Other then those complaints, it has been added to my small collection of saved fanfic.
VastaKustutaLike I said above, I actually haven't seen all of SG-1, and much of it was a while ago. The characters are what stuck out in my head more than the technical details, so I focused on getting the former right and not worrying too much about the latter. Getting holes punched in the story does help me, though, so I know where to cover up for next time.
Hammond will be like WTF when he gets that mission report.
VastaKustutaWell, your characterization was spot on, and that is very important.
And here I was, contemplating not spending money on sci-fi/fantasy/ponies. Guess not. Great writing. Love the characterization of the SG-1 team. Back to reading now.
VastaKustutaAww don't worry about those too much. These are mere technicalities of the universe and don't hinder in any way the story you tell.
In any case I'm sorry for bringing them up. You wrote an awesome fanfiction.
@Anonymous Your half right about this. All the MW DHDs have only 38 glyphs. Thus they are incapable of dialing to a specific region of the galaxy, which is relative to where the DHD and gate are located in the galaxy. The easiest way to overcome this limitation is to manually dial the gate.
VastaKustutaNo worries. :D Chapter 11's been fixed to include the GDO. The rest of it I can patch up in the sequel. I was intending to take a break from writing after this, but I've already started drawing up notes because of the comments I've gotten here.
VastaKustutaIt's good that you left the epilogue there for a sequel.
Otherwise, in my despair I would have sent poorly written Jackson/Twilight clopfiction to you in spite.
Is it so strange that I now really want to see a picture Twilight curled up in Jackson's lap as they seem to keep on doing? Confound these well-written crossover fics, they drive me to want to see strange shipping combinations. @.x
VastaKustutaBut seriously, being a fan of the both series, I enjoyed this a *lot*. No guesses as to which bits I liked the best... >.>
And to think, not a single comment bashing the story apart from some good natured discussion on various bits & bobs. I'm impressed!
Yeah, my first thought was fear for Twilight, if she tried to get through. She'd hit the iris!
VastaKustutaI did think their relationship was cute, and fit pretty well.
this story was great really hope there will be a sequel if there is will we find out who Epona's unknow ally was anyway great work here hope your future stories are just as good if not better
VastaKustutaWow...this was the first ever mashup fanfic I've read from start to finish and wholeheartedly enjoyed. Characterization and reactions of both sets of cast members were as if they were written by the respective writers, and the whole thing played out as if I were actually watching MLP:FiM with one eye and SG-1 with another. Being a big fan of both, I can't applaud the writer enough for doing both justice. A++, 5 stars, etc.
VastaKustutaJust read the epilogue! soooo cyute!!! Will Twilight ever see Daniel again?? pleasee tell me there's a sequel!
VastaKustutaStargate fact nazi note: On the planet with fuly operational DHD you actually dont need to use the 7th symbol (point of origin). You just put it the first six symbols then press the BRB (big red button) in the center and thats it.
VastaKustutaThank you for attention :D
That epilogue helped make the departure a little less sad. :_;
VastaKustutaWouldn't Twilight need an IDC device, so she could come to earth without being splattered on the Iris?
VastaKustutaWow... I've never really been interested in fanfic before, but this caught my eye - the combination of my two favorite shows. I started reading this afternoon at work and finished it on my phone at my physical therapy appointment this evening!
VastaKustutaI was totally blown away by the true-to-character interactions between the Ponies and SG-1, and I loved how they managed to nullify the threat without resorting to offensive weapons.
On a side note - the gate symbols that Daniel gave to Twilight probably were NOT for the SGC, BECASUE of the iris. More likely they were for one of the SGC long-term manned outposts where Twilight could then contact other humans who could get her to Earth.
And even if they were for the SGC - remember he was whispering to her just before they departed, and Twilight does have a teleportation spell - he may have been telling her that if she ever did want to come to earth (Or the Alpha or Beta sites, if he gave her one of those addresses), she'd have to use that to get past the iris ;)
Oh god, my Geek is showing. I should go now.
VastaKustutaAs a side note to myself here... keep in mind that there are several of our allies who do not have GDOs who still visit Earth on a regular basis - the Nox and Asgard (Who just disable the iris) the Tolan (who use their phase-shift technology to go through it) and one other that I can't recall off the top of my head that also just kinda walked through the iris.
Well then. Had this open and ready to read when it first showed up, kept putting it off because I was fearful that it would be a bit bad, or one group would be ill-characterized, or some even more nonsensical plot than normal for SG-1 would pop up (it did, but in a good way). Yet I finally noticed that with over 100 ratings it was still a 4.9/5.0, so I dived in.
VastaKustutaAnd I loved every second of it. Characterizations were spot on for everyone in SG-1 and for the most part all together with everypony (no real complaints, just I payed more attention to Jack than pretty much every other character like I do when watching the show). And speaking of Jack... are you sure you didn't get Richard Dean Anderson to give you lines that he would say as Jack if this scenario happened? Or got one of the writers of the show to help? Because all of the lines were definitely Jack, right down to the remark about Lucky Charms, his daily routine with eating Fruit Loops and expecting an easy recon mission (which is a nice callback to Season 4 episode Window of Opportunity (hush I like Stargate and know these things)), and his remark about getting a doctor to test him for diabetes, plus pretty much every other thing he uttered.
Everyone else was spot on too, as I see a ton of people said. Daniel going geek trying to get as much information as possible about where they are. Sam being herself and making sure Jack doesn't do anything dumb (although, she should have punched him, or at least glared at him, when he said about how she blew up a sun. She doesn't like him mentioning that). Teal'c was pretty much himself. Maybe a bit too few "Indeed, Colonel O'Neill"'s, but that's just more tiny things that I just say to pad my comment to make it look impressively large.
The FiM cast was, well, themselves as well. I can't claim I saw any faults with them. "Capitan Dash" was funny as heck, and the ponies idea of using apples as weapons was funny. Poor Ditzy though, being scared by having to drop a grenade.
I love the sequel bait, and am glad that you have the decency to actually write one instead of leaving it as just a teaser for us to hope. I can't wait to catch it and see what kinds of adventures the two casts get into again. I foresee Twilight building a radio, getting to the Stargate without alerting her friends, only for them to all be there already, and an adventure into Stargate Command by a group of six intrepid ponies. Although depending on how it long it could take for that, for all we know it could have Cameron in place of Jack ala the later episodes (and also even a chance of Vala as some competition for Twilight over her affection for Daniel?).
But enough speculation on my part. Take my 5 stars, take my praise of this story and it's characterization, take my overly-long comment that needs to stop and take my well wishes on the sequel.
Nice praise. XD I do agree with Joe England above who thought Jack was being pretty dickish, especially at first. I think I amped up the snark a touch too far. Dude just had a bad day at the time, that's all.
VastaKustutaI'm definitely poking at sequel notes, but don't expect anything immediate. Next time I'm going to try for doing a chapter a week rather than all at once, but to do that I need to have a very good idea of what I want to do. This fic was almost entirely improvised.
Plus I need a break. My life has been Stargate and ponies for the last few weeks. @_@
@Bosstone Heh. I write too much for silly comments is all. And of course Jack would be dickish. Dude hates cute and loves to be snarky with everyone he meets; more prevailing in the beginning of the series but still part of his character. Usually at someone's expense, mainly one D. Jackson's or a certain Teal'c.
VastaKustutaI won't expect it right now, in any case. If you need a break, you take a break. That's how it is in the writing business. And after this epic, you do deserve one. As for it being an improvision... it's a very well written one then.
I only thing that bothers me about this story is that you didn't use the SG1's latest ranks when identifying them since O'Neill and Hammond technically have the same high rank so the former would be even less required to contact the latter for hiring beings into the military and providing ranks. The latest known ranks can be found at
VastaKustutaOther than that, this is typed up almost perfectly for a movie or at least television special.
VastaKustutaRight, because this didn't take place at the end of the series. It's more in the middle, somewhere around season 5 and 6. I prefer that because it has the main SG-1 team while still being fairly experienced.
And of course the ponies laugh at continuity.
Damn, i am impressed. I miss the old series, never got into Atlantis as much. Was rather pissed when they started dismantling the core team. Jack being an ass was pretty dead on IMO. He was a sarcastic ass, that's why he was good at what he did.
VastaKustutaNice job on the alternate origin story too. After seeing some of the stuff the other snakeheads have done, its believable to have engineered horses.
I gotta say, I really enjoyed this. I'm not usually one for crossovers, but I like Stargate so I decided to give it a try, and I'm glad I did.
VastaKustutaWhen I read the epilogue, at first I was wondering how Twilight could get through the iris, but after reading the comments I can tell I just wasn't thinking hard enough. I can imagine Daniel was telling her some way she might get through, be it teleportation or radio communication.
All in all, I enjoyed it. I'm not a very good critic, though, so I'll just leave it at that.
One idea for a sequel would involve the team stumbling upon a Goa'uld planet with a population enslaved ponies - ancestors of the ponies who were shipped offworld during Epona's reign. That would provide reason for SG-1 to re-establish contact with Equestria for a joint venture to free said ponies and give an excuse for Twilight and company to travel off-world.
VastaKustutaWell, I've never seen anything Stargate related, and you managed to get me interested enough that I'm actually checking the TV guide to see when and where it may be on. You've obviously succeeded somewhere here.
VastaKustutaFrankly I very much enjoyed the story. THere was plenty of character, atmosphere, and heart to it, and everything just seemed to fall right into place. My only slight complaint is the backstory you gave to Celestia. I understand it was necessary given the way the story had been set up and all, but giving Celestia that specific a backstory just seems to me to be the sort of thing one just shouldn't do. Still, for what it was it worked and it worked relatively well.
I didn't understand the epilogue though... like at all...
Still, good sotry, great crossover, can anyone tell me when Stargate's on? I gotta get in on this.
VastaKustutaRe: Celestia's backstory. Possibly. There's a lot of merit in keeping her the aloof mentor/godtier being. But it seemed to fit at the time, and since I'm necessarily creating my own setting with the crossover, I figured why not?
Re: the epilogue, [spoiler]Daniel covertly gave her the address to Earth.[/spoiler]
As for the show, SyFy might show reruns occasionally, but it's been off the air for a couple years. Hulu has the entire series available for viewing, though.
Yeah the Stargate has been buried... FOREVERRRR.... perhaps that means i should retire my username >_>... go for something more pony related perhaps...
VastaKustutaI was almost planning on posting a wall of text regarding the fic but pfft, decided against it as it wasn't really important. Decent fic, I'll be awaiting the sequel.
@Darkhawk1 -- "IDC device"
>An I Don't Care device.
Wanna go to Earth? Oh noes, there's a shield on teh gate? I DON'T CARE.
It's so punny it makes me want to faceMALP
VastaKustutaAtlantis one?
Hmmm...interesting. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I would have figured Twilight would have tried a spell to make temporarily appear as ponies, so they could lay low and not cause any sort of commotion.
VastaKustutaBest line possible, for a piece like this:
VastaKustutaDaniel: "If both participants are sapient beings, is it really besti-"
Jack: "Do not finish that sentence, Jackson."
See, I'm wondering the same thing...
I love this as I am a HUGE Stargate fan, and a Huge fanfilly. So this is the best of both worlds. I love the all the little one liners the Jack does. Just like the show. Love it.
VastaKustutaOkay, so what is Celestia?
VastaKustutaShe's not a Gould and she's too old to be a Jaffa, so what else is there?
Ascended being perhaps?
There needs to be an epilogue that shows the debriefing!
VastaKustutaI love these kind of fics. This, to me, is what fanfiction is all about. My only disappointment is that I'm not knowledgeable about the Stargate tv series.
VastaKustutaThe Twilight/Daniel shipping was cute enough while lampshading the inherent weirdness about the situation to be cool. And while it wasn't actually shippy I did notice and liked that there seemed to be some competition between Rainbow and Applejack over Jack's attention.
I could actually imagine a crossover episode for the two with either:
VastaKustuta1. The SG1 team in cartoon mode
2. a "Who framed roger rabbit" live action-cartoon mix.
Either way would be awesome/funny yet strange given its semi-serious nature.
I will say this has given me more of an interest in the Stargate series, However I have only watched parts of the firs one (and read a bit on the Stargate wiki...). Ima go look it up soon/
I thought it was somewhat amusing how Equestria was too idealistic for Jack. The remark about asking for a diabetes check when he got home, especially so.
VastaKustutaIf a sequel gets written, I wonder what the ponies would think of Earth?
I rather liked this story. Everyone seemed to work more or less in character.
VastaKustutaAnyway, a few days ago I was watching Stargate: Atlantis, and almost did a cereal guy spit take. This is from the episode Miller's Crossing.
McKay: Let's just for a second imagine that we live in this magical land of unicorns and wizards and kind-hearted people who you can take at their word. Let's assume that he lets us go if we save her. But what if we fail, huh? What if she dies? How happy d'you think he'll be then? You think he'll let us just waltz out the door with an "Aw shucks. Well, better luck next time, tiger" attitude?
Evidently they filed their report...
VastaKustutaWell, Daniel did take apart his radio in order to explain to Twilight how it functioned. It would be a pretty sneaky instance Chekov's Gun if that was enough to allow her to reverse engineer a radio to communicate back through the Iris.
Oh hey, that's right, people are still looking at this page. XD
Couple reasons why they didn't get ponified.
One, ponification is a little cliche, at least IMO. It was less interesting to me than keeping them bipedal. I wanted the two groups to meet on their own terms.
Two, one of the consistent but subtle tropes of SG-1 is that the team rarely disguises themselves when visiting new civilizations. They will happily walk through a marketplace wearing their uniforms and gear and generally don't care about any odd looks they get. They don't apologize for or try to hide who they are.
But, oh my goodness, what is this? A deleted scene? :O
Twilight Sparkle peered up at SG-1, frowning in thought. "Well, you can't go into town looking like that. You'll scare everypony." Her voice lowered as she mused to herself. "I read about a shapeshifting spell the other day I could cast. Nobody'd notice four new ponies in town..."
"Woah, woah!" The urgency in O'Neill's voice caused Twilight to blink and stare up at him. His voice brooked no dissent. "Nobody's shape is getting shifted, you got that?" He tucked a thumb comfortably into his tac vest, meeting Twilight's stare directly but without rancor. "I'm all for being friendly, but either take us as we are or not at all." Carter and Teal'c nodded, supporting O'Neill's words. Jackson hesitated, but gave in eventually and added his own nod as well.
The little pony glared up at O'Neill, clearly unhappy, but finally blew out a breath and rolled her eyes. "All right, if you insist." She turned to lead them down into the town, eyes closed and nose held high in dignity. "I don't know what'll happen, but you get to clean up any messes, Colonel."
I doubt the he would give twilight the adress without explaining the iris and give her a way to eighther bypass it or give some sort of way to identify herself to SGC.
VastaKustuta[late but...]
VastaKustutaThe original SG1 was always one of my favourites; it's been a few years now but from what I remember you got the SG1 characterisations spot on. Pretty good fit with the rest of the SG universe as well (although if I read it right that means that Celestia is pretty much carrying on in the Goa'uld's footsteps by posing as a god; abet in a nice way).
Awesome piece of writing, sir!
VastaKustutaI liked that you kept them human.
I wanted to write things about the fic but its unnecessary. Take the rest you need and then give us the sequel, please.
I'm gonna be honest this is really the only piece of fiction I'm looking forward to seeing a sequel from. Twilight Sparkle x Daniel Jackson OTP!!
VastaKustutaSeth you nerd.
VastaKustutaIt'd be funny to see the reactions if someone landed Atlantis on Equestria.
VastaKustutaYES! MORE TWILIGHTXJACKSON ACTION! come i never heard of a Stargate Crossover...
VastaKustutaGuess that's what happens when you don't take the time to photoshop a few measly photos with ponies to form an attracting image...oh wellz
VastaKustutaYeah, I'll get around to it at some point.
Sequel! Woo!
VastaKustutaNo need for it, IMO, but I won't complain now that it's here. :D
Well, this one chapter just destroyed everything I said about how I would make the sequel. No Vala to try and compete with Twilight for Jackson's love. No Cameron Mitchell in place of Jack (and, in turn, Jack in place of Hammond). And certainly no wacky hi-jinks of six ponies inside Cheyenne Mountain and Starbase Command.
VastaKustuta...Personally, I like your story better than my idea already. It's already caught my interest, because I want to know what the attackers are exactly (I'm having trouble recalling anything that matches their description, so I'm assuming they're your own creation), why they are attacking Equestria, why it was just Twilight who escaped them, and just how far will the Twison ship go? I want to know!
Plus, it's the original SG-1. So that's a plus, even though I do happen to like Vala...
Woohoo, sequel! First chapter looks great. I can't wait to see where this goes.
VastaKustutaSequel time?
VastaKustutaSEQUEL TIME!!!
Oh my god, more. MOAR!
VastaKustutaI hope Steven's okay...
Hey, Bosstone, just read your first chapter of "Incursion"!
VastaKustutaStill as great a read as ever, and I have to admit, I was smiling like a goofball when Twilight saw Daniel again. I still wasn't entirely sure if teleporting through the Iris is what Twilight was doing, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was.
Can't wait for more!
Yay for a sequel to this story! I am so looking forward to reading it.
@S.Aura Knight I think those guys were a proper (non-horse) Goa-uld and Jaffa... Epona's replacement finally showed up?
VastaKustutaBUT WHY IS Hyperion from SC2 ON BACKGROUND ON IMAGE!?!?!??!?!?!
VastaKustuta// i couldn't stand it...
@Anonymous Huh! Must have misread part of it somewhere. That's what I get for reading and eating, I skim parts and confuse myself.
VastaKustutaAnyway, now I'm more interested in who they're serving. Maybe it's one of Ba'al's clones! /only partially a joke
VastaKustutaBecause Seth grabbed the only sci-fi image he had on hand when making this post. XD I kept hoping for custom art for the first story, but alas.
I'm going to see what I can do about a proper image when chapter 2 goes up.
Damn, this sequel is looking to be pretty darn awesome already. I'm looking forward to more!
VastaKustutaAt the risk of being the lone dissenter, I don’t like the GrimDark turn the sequel is taking – the blend of sci-fi action/adventure and dry comedy worked better (of course, I don’t see the attraction of GrimDark MLP: FiM fanfiction in the first place). Plus, the Daniel Jackson/Twilight thing…even in a pure, platonic companionship sense I still find it mildly creepy.
VastaKustutaRemember everyone - you ARE allowed to voice a negative opinion of something on the Internet. Just don’t rude about it.
VastaKustutaHere's a little image I made for you, Bosstone. It's not much, but it might last you for a little while.
Story two of my fav fic? OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH
VastaKustutaWait, Grimdark? I retract my previous statement. I'm so sick of people thinking it has to be dark and edgy to be compelling...
Just when I was thinking I wouldn't be able to last without my "Past Sins" fix, y'all come along and deliver a sequel to one of the best fanfic crossover stories...
VastaKustuta...OF ALL TIME!
I'm glad you did, too, 'cause my brain, she works overtime to try and make ze sequel!
About the grimdark tag: While it's true SG-1 didn't deal much with dark overtones (until the Replicators and the Ori... *shudder*), Atlantis was full of grimdark and freaky stuff (Wraiths, anypony?), while still being entertaining as heck (Rodney, what did you blow up this time?). And the original story was more a "Stargate with Ponies" than a "Ponies with Stargate", or so I felt when reading it, so having any sort of dark tag still fits and, in my opinion, can work masterfully if written well, so long as it uses the full universe and the characters quirks to its advantage. And this is certainly written well already.
VastaKustutaI would wait a few more chapters before you judge whether or not you leave it alone because you don't like the tag.
@S.Aura Knight
VastaKustutaThat would be fine but I've literally read the whole "oh noez one of the mane six died" thing so many times now that frankly I'm sick of it. It's depressing and takes away some of what I like about the show. It seems every time a story has a grimdark tag on this site the author uses it as an excuse to eff up Equestria beyond all recognition. For now I'm done reading them.
Crossover fanfiction works well when the two (or more) respective universes don't get in each others' way. That's why the first Stargate: Equestria was so good - the approach the author took meshed the two series almost perfectly. This one has some of SG-1's Grimdark bleeding (almost literally) into MLP: FiM - which DOESN'T mesh.
VastaKustutaI have been waiting so long for this, I checked the story page every couple days just to make sure I didn't miss an update. I was at a restaurant waiting for my meal when I saw this show up, ended up reading the entire chapter before I left :)
VastaKustutaThis chapter is shaping up to be as good as the previous ones, and the characters are, as usual, spot on perfect.
Stargate: Equestria is one of only a few crossover fics I bother to read, easily up there with Fallout: Equestria. It is curious how well MLP and dark settings go together.
About the grimdark tag:
VastaKustutaSeth has indicated in the past that even relatively "tame" violence should have the GD tag. It's not just torture and horror that get GD, it's also war and conflict.
Trust me, I'm not going dark and edgy. But the worst thing that happened in the first fic was a pegasus got shot in the wing. I aim to turn the heat up here, but it'll still stay true to both settings.
That said, I'll ask Seth about it.
Omg omg omg there's going to be a second story? Awesome.
VastaKustutaThat is hilarious. XD Thank you.
If my memory functions correctly, that cover art is a Terran Battlecruiser from Starcraft II and Rarity's officer cap has the Raynor's Raiders logo on it.
VastaKustutaHAHA! wow, yeah, totally reading this tomorrow during the slow times at work :D
I liked the first fic quite a bit, so good job. :D (I would type up a review paragraph on it, but it's been a little while since I've read it.)
VastaKustutaAs for the next part, it looks pretty good so far, and I can't wait for more.... seriously, I can't. This is exciting. Looks like I'm going to have to, though. ;P I'm a bit worried about the Grimdark tag, however. You pulled off the first part pretty well without it, and I'm wondering how this will affect the story. Still, it's not going to stop me from reading it. (Especially since you said that it's only there because of conflict and such.)
VastaKustuta>_< Why must every story that has a sequel always end up going either "sad" or "grimdark?" I'm getting very tired of these kinds of stories!
This was one of my favorite stories too. I was very excited when I saw it pop up again, but now...
That's not a Stargate ship.
VastaKustutaThat's it? Oh come on! I hate teases! Though, to be honest, I'm very glad you posted this instead of waiting for a few chapters to build up. Thank you.
VastaKustutaNow I have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happened to Celestia and thems other ponyfolk.
VastaKustutaGet over yourself! Seth puts these tags on things that are even remotely associated with war or conflicts, and if you don't like it, then don't whine about how you can't handle it and just move on.
VastaKustutaWe've already established that Sethisto used the only sci-fi image he had when this story was originally posted. We may get something else in the future.
I love you Bosstone.
VastaKustutaI CAN'T STOP READING! Oh my god Stargate SG-1 AND PONIES!!! This is too much, I'm on overload. Colonel Jack O'Neal is my personal Hero!! And now he is helping Ponies!
VastaKustutaI'm so happy I could squee like a little girl!
[sees there's a sequel to Stargete: Equestria]
[reads it]
I'm already hyped on the next chapters.
Did Twi magically open the iris? Can she do that?
VastaKustutaI'm very wary of that Grimdark label.
VastaKustutaI hate Grimdark.
I loved this story the first time around, but I hope you don't go TOO very grimdark, because that would be a real shame, to essentially ruin the happy ending of the first story with "and then everything got destroyed in Equestria, the shit hit the fan and millions of ponies died and nothing was ever the same." Because that would really devalue the ending of the first story.
You said you were going to turn up the heat, but please... PLEASE don't turn it up too high.
VastaKustutaFiiiiiiine, I won't have Teal'c beat Pinkie Pie to death with his bare fists.
Gaw. Some people.
I'm waiting on a Twilight & Danial Jackson artwork commission, I'll submit it as soon as it's done.
I thought they were great together in the first story :)
VastaKustutaI've been wanting a sequel to this! And Incursion seems like it will be epic.
VastaKustutaEquestria must have done down the tubes if only Twilight was able to get to the gate. I wonder how long it has been since the first story took place.
Just curious, why not just use the "Slightly Grimdark" tag? It's been used before.
VastaKustutaThat is all.
Looks like the Grimdark tag has been removed. That doesn't change the fact the first chapter felt at least a little grimdark-y.