• Story: Sparks Flying (Update Part 3!)

    [Grimdark-War] We haven't had a Griffon story in a while.  I wonder if Gilda will be making a return in season two? 

    Author: PitViperOfDoom

    Description: There is no harmony in hate. A spark of love once ignited them, and now a spark of hatred and jealousy will ignite a terrible war. Truth will be questioned, kindness threatened, laughter stifled, generosity strained, loyalty tried. Friendships tested.
    Sparks Flying (3 Parts) (New!)

    Additional Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Friendship, War

    19 kommentaari:

    1. Whoops, Seth's automate derp'd.

    2. auto-update*

      How did that even

    3. Seth must be staring at that counter on the left. Less than 50k hits to go and he's getting more than 1 per second

    4. 10 Bucks says Gilda's a vegetarian.

    5. No link, auto fail.

    6. I hope Gilda is in season2 along with Trixie

    7. Whoa, why is it rated so low? You guys should save the ratings for when you have read the story. Frankly the premise sounds promising to me, so I'm excited to read this.

      Oh, and Seth, if you don't mind my asking, please link us to the story?

    8. Please link it. I need ponies right now and /b/ just blew up. I can't load the Steve Jobs thread and Ponychan scares me.

    9. Linked and up.

    10. I don't see any benefit to trying to hide who the unicorn spy in the first chapter is. It seemed pretty clear to me almost immediately who it had to be.

      There are also some spelling/grammatical errors that show up throughout.

    11. Kill me, I'm a PONY31. mai 2011, kell 20:04

      I really wish that the author had spun the tale so that everything pointed to Trixie still being a major tool, but that she was being honest about just finding the baby dragon (who happened to get hit on the head and lost all memories concerning the griffins). Would have been awesome if Trixie ended up being the story's Snape :/

      I also am skeptical that all of the main cast would trust her so easily (esp. Dash and AJ). Hopefully this skepticism gets addressed in the next part.

      Also: still sensing Deus ex Machina bullsh*t to give the griffins a fighting chance

    12. Kill me, I'm a PONY31. mai 2011, kell 20:07

      Wait... TRIXIE COULD STILL BE SNAPE! Double Agent Trixie, reporting for duty.

      However, I have my doubts that this is the author's intent, given his characterization of her thus far. Eh, maybe he is just holding back Trixie's thoughts on the coming war like a good author (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE).

      I really don't want this story to end up deserving of its current rating... Mainly because it means that I was right about its quality right off the bat...

    13. Well, I do have a plan for how to give the griffins a chance against the ponies. Hopefully when I reveal it I can avoid writing it like I pulled it out of my anus.

      Also, I was never really trying to hide who the spy was in the first place. And the main reason I'm casting her as the villain is, well... did you see her face when she was describing how she "vanquished the Ursa major?" That was a textbook Psychotic Villain face. That expression, with the smile and the twitchy eye, would not have looked out of place on a Princess Azula pony descending into madness.

      Also I'm a woman. Just saying.
