• Story: Seeking a Weakness

    [Shipping][Random]  Twilight/Trixie time! It has been a while, though this one isn't as "direct" even if it does involve some more mature themes.  

    Author: Rex Ivan
    Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie journeys on an epic quest to find Twilight Sparkle's secret cache of magical power.
    Seeking a Weakness

    Additional Tags: Box, Magic, Humor, Books

    26 kommentaari:

    1. Well that was... interesting

    2. It was quite..strange!

      Though changing every "filly" into "Mare" might have been a better choice to avoid confusion, I know I wtf'd at first.

    3. Why do they make Trixie more powerful in all the fan fics? she sucks completely at magic

    4. Did Twilight really need to destroy Trixie's memory of anything? I'm pretty sure she could have readily gotten more research in other ways.

    5. Pervy Twilight makes me happy, even if she's a total creeper.

    6. @Paperpony

      Trixie always gets raped in some way or another.

    7. Well-written, but...I kinda don't like the ending. [SPOILER] Twilight raping Trixie was reeaally just creepy.

    8. Best laugh I've had in a while.

    9. @Brian

      I have to agree. I was really enjoying it, up until that point, which completely jerked me out of suspension of disbelief. Twilight fantasizing about Trixie, and using magic to commit her fantasies to paper? I can totally buy that. Being so embarrassed and worried about potential backlash against both herself and Celestia that she wipes Trixie's memory after she's found out? Yeah, that makes sense, too. But I really, REALLY can't see Twilight raping an unconscious Trixie.

      Seducing her before she wipes her memory, maybe, but not raping her while she's out cold.

    10. Rex Ivan here -

      After reading some of the comments I decided it would be a good thing to do a quick and short rewrite on the fly. I had NO intention of having everyone think that Trixie got raped, just that something nonspecific happened. (I, myself, was sort of leaning towards a naughty photo shoot with a very precariously placed unconscious Trixie). But then everypony saw rape, and that is not at all fun or funny.

      I am sorry for my bad communication skills, and will take this into consideration in the future. I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

    11. @Anonymous

      Ah! See, that would make a lot more sense and is far less creepy and out of character. Really, I think it was just left too vague... suggestion instead of coming out and saying what she did is one thing, but there wasn't enough suggestion in the original.

      I still gave it 4 stars, and will probably increase my rating after reading the rewrite... but that has to wait until I get out of work; lunchbreak's over and I should really stop reading about ponies.

    12. Oh wow. Good though.

    13. trixie knows significantly more magic than the average unicorn, who usually only knows one or two spells.

      Great story, with an important lesson about the Magic of Pornography. Don't let anyone find yours!

      Creepy hair-sniffing Twilight made me laugh too, as well as Trixie returning her rental ladder.

      Too bad about the lack of shipping though, but thats just my opinion.

    14. I have to admit, that was hilarious. Awesomely so.

      And the rental bit at the end made it even better.

    15. Ahhh! I liked the original ver., I pretty much figured that Twilight would have made her magical pornography a bit more accurate given an extra hour to work with, plus that and the ladder rental bit were 2 of the funnier lines in the whole story.

      Overall a hilarious undertaking.

    16. What's funnier than finding your enemies collection only to find out you are the centerpiece of it.
      Talk about AKWARD.
      Closet Dom Twilight and her home-made porn mags definately tops Fluttershy author of erotica.

      Good job!!

    17. This was so good I'm almost willing to take it into my headcanon.

      I honestly would have preferred Twilight to be a subby but bleh.

    18. I can totally picture Twilight having a bunch of smutty lesbo magazines under her bed. A giant box full however, wow, that's something else entirely! It seems Trixie thought the same thing. An enjoyable read!

    19. ...Woah. Shit, I did NOT expect that. I mean, it was good, but dear Lord, Twilight has issues!

    20. Aww, too bad she erased the whole thing... I like the Twixie ship...

    21. Dude that was wierd 0.0

    22. Oh, yeah. Love and tolerate me, baby...

    23. Well. That was borderline cloppy. 4/5

    24. No, that ending didn't happen, you liar. Trixie managed to evade Twilight and her magic until she made it to the press. They started warning all of Equestria and got the public on Trixie's side. The police investigated before Twilight could prepare and found the magazines. She was arrested for voyeurism, assualt, purgery and a various multitude of other crimes. The public threatened to revolt if Twilight was given a punishment other than horrific torture. The police ponies were more than happy to comply. They threw the sick monster to the ravenous townponies. Twilight was then put through the following: public mauling, stoning, hanging, burning at the stake, and finally given to the Diamond Dogs as dinner. The police, Trixie, and all of Twilight's ex-friends were there all the way. Afterwards all of Equestria rose up as one entity against Celestia and Luna. The leadership that fostered Twilight and allowed her to go so unchecked needed to die. It was time for a new era, one nation led by all of its ponies. Many ponies died but eventually Celestia and her few remaining Royal Guards were subdued. All of Equstria laughed in their final victory against her oppression, even to the bitter end where Celestia pleaded for her life. Blindfolded and bound, tears still streaming, struggling with the last of her energy, and powerless to stop Commander Trixie from delivering the final killshot to the back of Celestia's skull. The cheers could be heard from all corners of Equestria as they watched on National Television. Luna had her wings and horn forcibly torn off by sadist ponies and ended up working as personal sex slave to Trixie. Trixie had finally beaten all of her opponents and restored righteousness to the world. She was unanimously elected President of Ponies. She also learned how to raise the Sun and Moon. Equestria began its peaceful rebuilding of the nation. Many cried over the losses of their fallen from fighting the royal sisters. The wounds would eventually heal, knowing that it was all worth it. Honor and integrity would be the two principles this land stood for now. Trixie lied in her royal chambers thinking back to that fateful night that could have ended so differently. 
