[Normal] [Sad] Pinkie isn't crazy, her mane is just unusually sensitive!
Author: SaddlesoapOpera
Description: For the second time, Rainbow Dash walks in on Pinkie Pie in an unguarded moment, and learns an uncomfortable secret.Pinkie Pie: Schism
Additional tags: Psychological, Emotional, Friendship, Secrets, Stress
Seems interesting, will have a look!
ReplyDeleteJust read it, turned out pretty decent. Would have liked the "touching" seen to be drawn out more for more effect, but overall it wasn't bad.
I'm not sure what to make of this. Its written well enough, but it just seems unfinished. Open endings are great, but I guess this is just a bit to open for my tastes :P
ReplyDeleteI agree, the ending seems a bit open. Not that it's bad or anything.
ReplyDeleteAre ya planning on keeping it open for a sequel?
My goodness! Showing that Pinkie has more depth than just being silly and giddy? How shocking!
ReplyDeleteNo, really, this was nicely done and a sequel would be good to see too!
There's a reason why I dislike google docs.
ReplyDeleteBut "inhales" YAY! Equestria Daily is back! In any case I make exceptions for pony stories.
Oh dear. It turns out Pinkie Pie is basically me.
ReplyDeleteThat was fantastic. Bravo.
Nice. Good to see some deep and unusual parts of characters. Insecure Dash, sad Pinkie, shy Rarity... And I really dream of some scared\insecure Celestia fanfic.
ReplyDeleteI always seem to like the kind of fanfics that show the deeper sides of our pony friends. I just thought that Pinkie Pie was insecure and afraid to lose her friends, but now depression makes so much sense. I don't know if I can ever look at Pinkie Pie the same way again.
ReplyDelete>would have liked the "touching" seen to be drawn out
>Would have liked the "touching" seen
>liked the "touching" seen
>"touching" seen
I can say I have personally been there. This is how I've seen Pinky since the episode she lost her control, and when i was able to finally relate to her. We all have masks we wear when we are not alone, and some hide more than others. I used to be alot like Pinkamina, till I learned how to hide it like Pinkie, in an effort to fit in and make people happy. But sometimes its just so hard to act "Normal".
ReplyDeleteI like it, but I'm wondering if there will be a sequel where Pinkie opens up to the rest of her friends.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely crying out for a sequel.
ReplyDeleteIt's very well done, but feeling really incomplete. The immediate problem has been resolved, but the core issue looms overhead.
Short and sweet. I would've preferred the scene descriptions to be a little longer, but you captured the characters well. Good work!
ReplyDelete*sniff sniff* I smell potential sequel...
ReplyDeleteWell spotted, all. This story is meant to take place in the same "continuity" as Fluttershy: Origins, and there will indeed be more of them.
ReplyDeleteObviously, Dash is next in line!
Maybe I should have had this be posted as a series, but I didn't crystallize the concept until PP: Schism got posted.
Either way, everypony's comments are appreciated!
@SaddlesoapSeriously, keep this up. Some people might not want to accept this as canon, and fine for them, but I think its fascinating to see what sort of life experiences shape the mane cast. Maybe Rarity grew up homeless? Lemme know if you ever need any assistance with this stuff, I'd love to help out!
ReplyDeleteLoved it. Only detail; it's kinda short. :/
ReplyDeleteI like the openness of the ending, personally. With things like depression, one pep talk isn't going to change everything. But it was a bit vague. How much of Pinkie's attitude is fake, for one? Or why does she feel so empty? But I guess that may come up later. Still, you did get Dashes personality perfect and Pinkie even felt in character, with her sudden personality swaps.
ReplyDeleteYep... Pinky Pie does seem to reflect a LOT of people, (including myself), for me you just substitute the "PAR-TAH!!!!!" reflex for a Derpy Hooves like laugh, loud obnoxious yelling, and INCREDIBLY annoying voice that changes when nobody else is around... >.>
ReplyDeleteA little late, but I just read this.
ReplyDeleteSo apparently I'm just Pinkie Pie. Huh.
In other news this series is nice.
Heh, the thousand G's reference at the end was a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteThe story was good, but it just feels...wrong, for Pinkie, and I had trouble reading it in Pinkie's voice. Even just going over Pinkie's general emotions as to why she felt she was worthless would have been better, but I felt that the story didn't allow me to suspend my disbelief enough to believe that Pinkie was like this under the surface. I will read the next few though, it seems to be a good series.
ReplyDeleteYou make a fair point; I feel this episode is the weakest of the set.
It was also the shortest, mostly because the seeds of a hidden melancholy lurking under PP's exterior is already at least partly established in canon.
Anyways, I plan to do a little tweaking to make it feel more natural and plausible...once I finish TS: Spellbound.
Nearly done, all! Soooon!
very well written, seems almost alien to imagine pinky like this compared to her usual bouncy self. but one of the best pieces i have read so far :D.
ReplyDelete"Page not found" Yet another one google removed. Needs repost.
ReplyDeleteSo I have noticed.
ReplyDeleteI will be replacing all of these with FF.net versions within a day or two.
Sit tight, everypony!
Updated AND edited!
ReplyDeleteThe link works, and this particular episode has gotten some rewrites.