• Story: The Party Must Go On

    [Normal] "This is an absolutely brilliant comedy of errors. An extremely clever subversion of the final episode with great pacing and dialog. I giggled openly; we don't get anywhere near enough silly pieces like this."-Pre reader #2

    Author: HeatWave
    Description: Did the Grand Galloping Gala truly end after the mane cast left? Was the night truly over after those disastrous events? Or was it possible that something could have been salvaged of that dreaded evening of shattered dreams? A bit of a 'what-could-have-been' scenario. As the Main Six are [almost] nowhere to be seen, some OC's had to come in and fill the blanks.
    The Party Must Go On

    Additional Tags: What-if, Aftereffects, Wonderbolts, Grand Galloping Gala, Missed Opportunities

    Live Reading

    60 kommentaari:

    1. Phew. I get nervous every time the picture is of Spitfire.

    2. I'm still waiting for A Rainbowfire shipfic.

    3. Great, now I have "The Show Must Go On" by Queen stuck in my head now...

    4. @Narwhals' Bend
      Me too, almost fell over...

      Reading as soon as I'm done with stuff.

    5. Quite silly and very entertaining. I could see it actually happening, and now I want pie...

    6. This is hilarious! I'd love to know what happened next... I can just imagine the scene if Victor actually met Rarity, her opening the door and seeing Blueblood's twin..

    7. Looks like the real prince of Rarity's dreams was just late to the Gala...

    8. This was gold. Only thing missing is what Derpy did at the party to destroy something.

    9. Wonderful read, thanks HeatWave! :D

    10. Of course things could still turn out well. It all depends on if Victor has time to ask his Aunt Celestia about the mystery pony he's seeking.

      But yes I could see poor Victor going to Ponyville to meet Rarity and getting a rude welcome when he's mistaken for Vain.

    11. Any possibility of a continuation?

    12. This is, hands down, one of the funniest stories I have read on this site.

    13. I love this. An amazing fic.

    14. And this fic will now be filed under "Fannon"

    15. ^^^^this all the way.

    16. Veeeery clever, haha...Well done.

    17. Hide... and seek?

      Sweet Celestia, funniest fanfic I've seen on this site. 5/5, would read again.

    18. Recalling the events of the Gala made me laugh. Good story

    19. This story is awesome. I'm sort of left wanting a continuation.

    20. Haven't read it yet, but that picture, honestly, I feel SpitfirexSoren is more likely than Dashfire.

    21. Awwh, it just ends there? Encore! Best night ever in 3, 2...

    22. This fic is now fanon. :D

      Any chance of a sequel? I liked the idea of Victor figuring out Rarity's identity from Celestia and going to apologize in Ponyville.

    23. My advice:

      Keep writing things from midnight to 4am, they're golden.

    24. This is by far my new favorite fic ive read

    25. Haha, that was hilarious and extremely painful to read! I hate/love those stories where they just barely miss what could have been!

    26. Oh wow I really liked this story! I know the author listed it as a one-shot but I'd love to see a continuation!

    27. This is basically a better, funnier version of the story I just sent Seth...

      But wow am I glad of all the stories it's this one. Friggin hilarious.

    28. This story was friggin awesome. I think a continuation is in order.

    29. 20 bits says Trollestia was responsible for Prince Victor being so late to the party.

    30. You guys have no idea how happy it makes me that this story is receiving the praise that it is. For something that I sat down and drummed out in one night, I couldn't have hoped for a better reaction.

      Inspiration for these little stories tends to hit my very rarely. That's why I wrote this in one night. The idea hit me, and I knew if I stopped at all, the result would be less than I imagined. When I sat down to write this I had no intention of making a scenario past the point of where the story ended. As a writer I tend to follow a personal code, and the #1 item on that code is 'don't screw with canon' (so yeah, you probably won't see a lot of shipping/grimdark stuff from me). I can think of no way I could continue this without completely uprooting the status quo, and I can't bring myself to do that.

      Not to mention, as I wasn't intending to write anymore with this, I fear that if I tried now it would be a forced effort.

      And frankly, I don't think I can top this anyway.

      But, you know... I can never be too sure. It might have to wait until Season 2 starts, but I might just come up with something.

      I'm very glad you all got a good laugh out of it, though. That was my aim, and now I will try not to strain myself as I pat myself on the back. Thanks!

    31. This was awesome ^.^ The explanation for why the animals weren't drawn to Fluttershy made me laugh XD

    32. Oh, the delicious irony! I kinda hope things work out for the mane six, and someone lets Blueblood's not-jerk brother know the unicorn of his dreams and her friends were spotted at Pony Joe's Donuts.

    33. This needs a sequel.

    34. That was hilarious. Also, your short story entry... loved it.

    35. This was wonderful. One little quibble, though: Octavia's playing a string bass in the episode, not a cello.

      5/5 stars!

    36. Heehee, dat foreword

      "Heatwave? What are you doing?"
      "Writing pony fanfiction"
      "it's 4 o clock in the morning, why on earth are you writing pony fanfiction?"
      "Because I've lost control of my life"

    37. @Anonymous
      Ah well, I'm ignorant when it comes to instruments. Ironic though that she's playing an instrument called a bass when she's clearly got a treble clef on her flank.

    38. RarityVictor ship?

      I don't even like shipping but I feel like that has to happen.

    39. Great story Heatwave! If this is the type of thing your mind cooks up in the wee hours of the morning, please switch to a nocturnal sleep pattern :D

    40. This quality of a fic at 4 AM? Damn.


    41. Victority, of course..

    42. Wow, the fact that the mane cast could have had their dreams had they persevered a few more minutes makes for Trollestia x10

    43. You know, I thought this was pretty depressing, if you think about how close the dreams of the main six's came to being fulfilled.

      Very well written, but at 4AM? Wow.

    44. What happened? ED just sorta reset?

    45. Google Blogger went down...and apparently had a rollback.

    46. The fourth day.

      The counter resets.

    47. Stupid Blogger. Poor Seth needs to do everything all over again with his OCD. And on a final note...Derpy x2 in the screenshot.

    48. This was a cool story. I kinda wish it was longer. Oh well, nice job brony!

    49. @Ben
      Don't worry so much! 72 Hours Remain.

      On topic, this is an utterly fantastic piece of writing! It stays true to what we know of the characters, introduces some amusingly scripted new ones, and wraps the whole thing in a wonderful plot.

      Absolutely a 5/5 story.

    50. Well, I...
      Okay, I didn't find it quite as enjoyable as most of the readers here. Mainly due to the existence of the OC. He's just a bit too much.


      He's the elder, taller, all around better version of Blueblood. He's personal friends with the Wonderbolts. He can waltz in and punish his brother however he sees fit. He's the true moral authority; High class, down to earth and everything in between. Of course he would find the normal Gala boring, just as much the food that's served. Of course everypony will agree with him almost instantly, with the exception of his brother, who is named as he is to further drive the point home. I know we are supposed to find him likeable, and it obviously worked, for most on this site. Just not for me.

      Also, I think I need to apologise for this rant now. Please don't take my criticism personal; Just had to get this off my chest. Not to mention I seem to be quite alone with my problems regarding Victor, so perhaps I'm just being irrational^^

    51. @Anonymous

      I think it's also that an older, wiser, better brother 'exists' to act as a foil to Blueblood being a complete dickweasel. That's why everyone likes Victor in this fic.

    52. @Anonymous

      I recognize your sentiment and understand your concern, though there is a part of me that wants to say 'you're missing the point.'

      Siraj pretty much hit it on the head. I wanted Victor to be the epitome of Rarity's dream stallion; and she seemed to emphasize chivalry. As I can't imagine anyone being stuck up AND chivalrous, I had to make him a little more down to earth.

      As for him being taller, I didn't really mean for that. Blueblood was a pretty big pony himself, and I meant for them to be twins, with similar height/build ect... but given his character, I could only imagine that when faced with the anger of someone who wasn't lesser in stature of him socially, he'd be too much of a coward to put up a fight. I suppose it was my poor choice of wording that gave that mix-up.

      I'd explain more, but I can't figure out a way to do that without sounding campy and defensive. I don't mind dissenting opinion, just bear in mind I only meant this as more of a satire piece. I was actually VERY surprised (and I'll admit, equally pleased) at the reaction it got. Thanks for reading!

    53. Brilliant!
      This is so Fannon in my opinion.

      I really hope Victor does meet Rarity, even if it doesn't end in a royal wedding. Just so she can meet a REAL charming prince.

      I was curious why Fluttershy didn't speak to the gardener in the first place. He seemed like a nice guy.

      I can believe Sorin would not recognize Rainbow Dash (a Pegasus with a RAINBOW mane and tail!)He seems rather scatterbrained.

      I expect the upper-crust ponies would have loved Applejacks wares... if they had bothered to try them!

      Pinkie Pie... the other Gala guests just don't understand that parties are supposed to be FUN!

      And Princess Celestia really did have Twilight by her side the entire evening...

      Even if you don't write more post-Gala stories, I hope you write more MLPFiM material. I like your style!

    54. Anon from 3:07 here. My reply button seems to have gone kaputt, so I'll just write it like this.

      I'm actually quite glad that my ranting did not create any drama; Believe me, that was the last thing I wanted. And perhaps you are right, and I am missing the point. Perhaps my tastes just run so fundamentally different that I can't manage to look beyond my annoyance with Victor to enjoy the story as it was meant to be, i.e. satire. THAT however is a problem I've had with many works.

      In any case, you richly deserve whatever praise you earned with this work. Never let yourself get discouraged by folks like me; Pleasing everyone is pretty much impossible, and I'd say there are plenty of readers who absolutely loved your story!

    55. You know... I have to agree. Victor sort of ruins the story. Him being foil to his brother? No problem. Him being gallant? Sure. Satire? I love it. But, somehow, his gallantry disappears when he needs to to insult his brother, Wonderbolts act extremely out of character insulting someone several stations more important than they are (friends with prince or not, insulting said prince's brother and his title at the same time is NOT a good way to remain in a good graces with your employer), finally, everyone seems to be omniscient. Recalling details they had no way of seeing with perfect clarity? Only to further the insults? No, that strained my suspension of disbelief. Blueblood being dick or not, most of the story's point is only to insult him, in quite unfunny way at that.

      Plus, I have a bit of problem with main cast being _too_ perfect. Their products are the best, "good" prince falls in love with Rarity instantly not seeing her, Pinkie's irritating antics are found to be the best in the world... Frankly, only the music band's reaction to Pinkie saved it from being one way worship.

      Sorry, the story is good, but characters and their interactions need a lot of work.

    56. The irony of Blueblood having a (non-)evil twin who is practically perfect and whom Rarity will never, ever find out about is delicious, I don't get how people would find that part bad.

      Just something about the pacing and such, though... this story was kinda boring. Some good ideas but it wasn't nearly hilarious enough to do them justice.

      And yeah, I'm also surprised that nopony sympathetic whatsoever found any of the ponies that destroyed the Gala single-hoofedly incredibly annoying. Pinkie Pie and Applejack, at least (who tries to sell food at an already catered event?), and maybe Rainbow Dash for biting off more than she could chew.

    57. Well, not everything's for everyone. I know I was being a little more blatant with some of the points that you guys made, but I also knew if I tried to explain everything the story would get away from me.

      My main focus here was merely: 'how on earth could I completely turn the last episode upside down.' I just kinda ran with it, and I understand that there were going to be issues that people would have (one that I'm surprised has not yet been brought up was my take on the musicians). I also ignored a central rule of sleeping on your work before posting.

      I'm still happy with it though, and I'll keep your points in mind for future reference. Thanks for reading regardless!
