• Story: Opposites

    [Normal] A Story with interaction between Derpy and Rarity? I don't think that has ever happened.  

    Author: TotalOverflow
    Description: Rarity finds it difficult to be generous to the pony who needs it most.  Can these two ponies, who don't seem to have anything in common, overcome their differences?
    Google Documents


    Additional Tags: Friendship, Generosity, Tolerance, Understanding

    39 kommentaari:

    1. Actually it HAS happened in one of HFPS stories, but that was alternate universe.

    2. I like the stories where Derpy is intelligent, just eccentric and misunderstood.
      *hopes this is like that*

    3. "There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later."

    4. Don't work with me, this one.
      Rarity has nice OCD here, but also You made her quite dumb and shallow, and as I wuv her, It simply didn't worked well for my taste. Sorry ;)

    5. this seems like rarity to me.

    6. There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later.

    7. Rarity was a bit out of character here, and another problem I'd like to mention is Sweetie Bell doesn't live with Rarity.

      Besides that, good story, especially for a first.

    8. I really enjoyed this (although it be nice if for once there'd be a story with derpy that didn't make me want to cry). There are many different versions of Derpy/Ditzy. Some where she simply has a lazy eye, while others where she is borderlie mentally handicapped and I think you found a nice balance by going the word-salad route.

    9. @Anonymous

      Just refresh a few times, it opens up eventually.

    10. "There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later."

      This is why DeviantArt or FF.net backups are good!

    11. >New story about derpy
      >Google Docs error.

      Of course.

    12. read it, liked it; i'm not motherlanguage so i can't say about the english, but the plot worked for me, good job ^_^

    13. This needs a 'SAD' tag! Other than that, very good!

    14. @3:11 Anon

      I've read a fic where Derpy's eyes saw two different dimensions 0_o

    15. "There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later."


    16. Sush a lovely story

      I really loved the past that you have to them

    17. Thanks for the feedback, everyone! First times are always a learning experience.
      Rarity is my second fav, so I tried to be as faithful to her character as I could. I felt that her 'out-of-character' behaviour was caused by being exposed to someone so completely unlike her; that she really had no idea how to cope with it.

    18. @Anonymous I'd like to see one where Ditzy gets a happy ending too.

      Why, in the name of Celestia, does just about every fic you read try to wrench your heart out?

      What's wrong with funny? I like funny, and I'm sure there's others out there that like funny too...

      Isn't it depressing enough most of the time without adding to it?

      Sorry about the rant, my friends, I'm just tired of crying.

    19. @Marroco

      I think i love crying... and thats why i loved this story and all the other sad Derpy stories

      And about every single sad fic that exists i think xP

    20. @Marrock

      Last time I read a funny one with Derpy. She was eating a muffin and many sexual things were being implied. *Cringe*

    21. Well, I don't know what it is, but this IE user can't get anything but the first page to load for this story. I'd love to read it, but Google Documents and IE apparently are just too incompatible. Appologies.

    22. I actually had considered putting a 'sad' tag on it. Still not sure if it should have one or not, though.

      IE won't open it? That's too bad, is there some other way for you to read it?

    23. "A Story with interaction between Derpy and Rarity? I don't think that has ever happened."

      Nnnnoooo there was a grimdark one where Rares and Derps were the only 'real' ponies in an Equestria turned dictatorship. It ended saaaaaaaaaad.

    24. @ TotalOverflow:

      Not as far as I can tell, and it isn't that IE won't open it, it's that it refuses to load anything past the first page. It cut's off right when Rarity starts speaking a line while picking at the muffins.

    25. @Anonymous
      Hmm. I'm no computer expert. The only thing I can think to suggest is restarting IE, or maybe your computer. Other than that, the only thing of is sending it to you as an email, if you want.

    26. Wow I actually teared up from this one, easily one of the best fics I've read yet. Keep up the good work!

    27. @TotalOverflow

      I believe the problem rests not with my IE, but with my old as Celestia computer and it's bogged down Harddrive. It took a little while, but finally all of the pages loaded so I could read this wonderful tale.

      A really great Derpy story with added bonus to Rarity. I loved it. For your first foray into the wonderful world of Fanfiction it was a real doozy, plus I didn't notice any big grammar or spelling problems, so kudos!

      Thanks again for the wonderful story, sorry my comp was so slow in loading it though.

    28. If I keep reading stories about cute candy-flavored multicolored ponies that make me tear up like a little bitch I'm going to have to turn in my man card. ;_;

      So. Awesome.

    29. It started off well, but the fire related melodrama seemed to come out of nowhere. While it's nice that they could share that sort of thing, it seemed like too big of a coincidence that they both lost parents to fire.

      Still, I encourage you to keep going. I won't neighsay too hard.

    30. I liked this. Didn't love it as I felt that Rarity was taken to an extreme and some of the bits didn't sit right with me, but I enjoyed it none the less.

      I also like that you bemoan the fact you've written a fanfic, but you clearly say that it's your 'first fanfic', which, by numbering it, implies a subconcious desire to write more (or hell, you could be planning to write more but don't want people to know you enjoy writing them).

    31. A great story, though I have to agree with Bobcat: Ditzy loosing her mom to a fire is believable. But having Rarity loosing hers from the same thing is stretching it a bit. Other wise, keep up the good work.

    32. At first I was like, Derpy and Rarity hanging out. AWESOME.

      Then I was all, RANDOM DERPY?! NO!

      Then I was all okay with it.

      But for serious it had some nice character moments and Rarity's OCD is always fun to read. My only problem with it would be that, well, too much crying in the end.
      We have Ditzy crying in her burnt out home, Rarity crying for being mean, them both crying about nearly dying, Ditzy crying over her lost mum, Rarity crying over her parents going out in a suspiciously similar way, and then Ditzy crying about her financial situation. That's a lot of crying.

      Still, I rather enjoyed this and I just want you to know you shouldn't feel ashamed of fanfiction unless you hold it higher than the actual basis.

    33. Lots of crying, yes, and also lots of screaming.
      I recall only a few times when anypony actually screams in the show, so I found it jarring that Rarity spent so much time screaming when a shout or yelp might have been more appropriate. Apparently the thought of good tea was nearly enough to send her into hysterics, which came off a bit odd too... that passage made it sound like an almost sexual response, which I'm sure wasn't the intent. Screaming implies a violently powerful response, not just loudness.

    34. Loved it, very cute, & heart-rending. My only real critique is while you had some humorous moments, I think it could've used some more to stay "true to the show."
      Still, it's nice to see a more "serious" side to what is normally a "joke/gag" background character, and have her life cross with one of the main characters. I also liked the part where Twilight figures out what the "real deal" with Ditzy/Derpy's eye & speech problems. That and other moments seem very true to the show.

      I also like how you called her by her "possible" canon name "Ditzy" instead of "Derpy" wich is something not many fans do. I kinda prefer "Ditzy-Doo" personally for some reason.

      It also educated me on what "Logorrhea" is. ;) So that's something. Overall, I enjoyed it.

    35. This is such a good compliment to Derpy's character, I approve!

    36. Finally a story that doesn't go FULL on DERP. you NEVER go full derp!!

      First 'normal' fic I've read in awhile and got to say glad I gave this one a chance. Rarity seemed a bit out of character and a bit idk... but great story and loved the last parts very sweet.


    37. Loved this. My eyes leaked. But I've come to accept that I'm a big softie, as I tear up at most well-written fics, [Sad] tag or not, and this is one of them. I didn't think Rarity was out of character at all, I found her desire to be generous conflicting with her frustration at Ditzy to be very well portrayed.

      Haven't read many fics about our favorite mailmare(I'll seek em out now), but this right here is the Ditzy/Derpy(I like both names) that I love, so I hope Season 2 either goes with something like this, or keeps her to background wheres-waldo kind of cameos, so we can all think of her how we like :)

    38. After reading the appropriate articles on psychology.wikia.com, I suspect that it's more probable that your Ditzy has schizophasia, rather than logorrhea.
