• Story: My Darling Yandere

    [Shipping][Grimdark][Random] ANGRYJACK.  I really hope Angryshy makes a second appearance in season 2!

    Author: Ravengal
    Description: Fluttershy's been waiting for years to tell her amazing, wonderful, beautiful, perfect Applejack her feelings... but something stands in the way. Psychoshy ain't having that.
    My Darling Yandere

    Additional Tags: Fluttershy, and Applejack, forever, or else

    34 kommentaari:

    1. Psychoshy is the best Shy

    2. I was half expecting Fluttershy to snap Big Mac's neck O_O

      Also, the ending was almost Cupcakes. Thank god it didn't go 100%

      All in all, much less Grimdark than I expected.

    3. Very good story, but a yandere usually kills the hypotenuse that's in the way THEN goes after the object of their affections.

    4. i'm 12 years old and what is this...
      ...EXCELLENT! I demand a sequel. Now.

    5. It's Flutterrage Seth, get it right...

    6. WHERES THE REST?! Don't leave a bro hangin!

    7. I like how throughout the entire thing applejack maintains a "Wat" state of mind as opposed to any real terror :D

    8. We could need more of this!

    9. this doesnt need the grimdark tag. I mean nothing grimdark happened. It looks like it wont be your typical yandere love story where fluttershy will cupcake her friends and end up killing applejack or dieing herself as applejack escapes ala misery or whatever.


      I want to see the reactions from Rarity and Rainbow Dash and go out looking for Applejack or or intimate seducing scene of Fluttershy with Apple Jack I just hope nopony dies that would ruin everything!:{

    11. "Tumbling" is now how we say sex in regards to ponies.

    12. **SPOILER**
      Lol, so this is essentially a cupcakes-like fanfic, only with more back story to it. Interesting, and I'm comfortable with having applejack be fluttershy's target. Rainbow Dash has gotten a bit too much "attention", per say, lol.
      It was pretty good. Nothing spectacular or amazing in the style you wrote it, but it certainly allowed me to invision some parts with relative ease.
      Also, lol at the relations to scenes in the actual episodes that you made. Though I think at the end where you talked about lightening and dark sky behind fluttershy, I think it would be best just to go more in depth about her insanity, not trying to copy pasta a scene by using words... lol.

      Good job. Curiuos is you will continue this or not.
      **END SPOILER**

    13. Am I the only one assuming FS is just... tumbling with AJ for as long as she wants?

      I don't think that's cupcakes like.

    14. I hope this doesn't come off as mean, but I actually found this to be hilarious (ending excepting, due to Cupcakes similarities).

      Mostly due to AJ's mindset through the whole thing being brilliantly in character, and the idea that AJ and Big Mac have a list of emergency protocol procedures with specific codenames for who knows what situation (even better was Big Mac's reaction, because FlutterRage was clearly not one of them).

      I imagine that a sequel to this, if one was ever made, would be GrimDark as fuck, though.

    15. I'd like to see it even it is Grimdark as fuck. I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT... YOU'RE GOING TO SHOW MEEEEEEE.

    16. What I've learned from visiting this website: NEVER accept a baked good from anypony in the magical land of fanon Equestria, or you will get roofied.

      Didn't the RAs at Canterlot U. cover this during orientation? "Congratulations to those of you with the chocolates baked into your cupcakes, because you've just been drugged!"

    17. More please! :)

    18. Anon 3:31:
      "or you will get roofied."

      Don'tcha mean "hoofied?"

    19. What. Okay, Fluttershy went a little crazy during the Grand Galloping Gala, but that doesn't make her a psychotic yandere! She's "the Element Of Kindness"!

    20. @Anonymous
      So long as you give her the attention and affection she apparently didn't have as a filly.

      She fell off a cloud and was literally left to fall to her doom. You can't say she got loving attention. Dash got defensive, but that may have had more to do with her hating the guys in the first place and Fillyshy just gave her a reason to yell at them.

      For all their interactions, Dash and Fluttershy haven't really had many positive moments. Dash was angry with her during most of Dragonshy, was appreciative of Fluttershy's support but still talked down to her in Sonic Rainboom...

      The Filly-flashback is really the only time Dash didn't have something negative to say about her.

    21. I agree with the others. I'd love for this to have a sequel!

    22. Yeah, I don't see the grimdark. I was laughing more often than not

    23. It's 3:24 in the morning, I'm reading an Angryshy fanfic and loving it, and I'm eating cereal...


    24. I don't think people would be objecting to the grimdark tag if it were a male pony drugging and tying up a female pony with the looming shadow ending. Rape is okay if it's female on female, aparently. Just like TVtropes said.

    25. @Anonymous If results are hawt, it's okay~

    26. It's not so much 'grim' as it is 'dark'. Unless she's enacting cutting or such as a fetish, or something extreme-S&M related, there's nothing involving real violence and bodily harm.

    27. Moarboar demands MOAR!

      please? but, whatever you want to do is fine.

    28. That is one of the most messed up things I have ever read on this site...and no, I've never read Cupcakes and I don't intend to.

      Another thing, four out of the six main ponies are gay? Four out of six. The rate of homosexuality in the general population is around 10%. So this is a bit of a stretch.

    29. Wow, I loved this. The personalities were all there. I was actually kinda happy to see Flutterrage again, but pooer Aj. She wasn't sure how to take it. The mechanisations of a Flutterrage are still yet mysterious. We need to know those mechanisations. I would love to know what Flutterrage does ....... and what Rainbow and Rarity think after finding this out. Personally I don't thinl Flutterrage, even on her "high" at the moment, would ever hurt her Applejack. I screamed when i read "The End." I was like "NO, NO, NONO, NONOnononono, this cant be it. I even doublechecked the page to ssee if my download was messed up. Now i sit here, half fulffiled in my day, reeling about the events that just transpired in this story....

    30. Fluttershy is too out of charactor. Way too out of charactor

    31. I dont understand why you all draw similarities to Cupcakes. It was never said as to what Fluttershy was gonna do. What if she did nothing like that at all?

      Anyway. I actually liked this.

    32. ...wut? I loved it, it was just so silly and random that I couldn't help but find it funny. Very good.

    33. [Shipping][Grimdark][Random]

      most random 3 tags ever.
