• Story: Mushy Stuff

    [Shipping] One of the April Foals finalists!  I stopped rotating these in, but I guess I'll get going on that again!

    Author: Nathan
    Description: An epilogue of sorts to Porcelain Secrets, Apple Bloom asks her sister for advice on how to be a better kisser and, in true April Foals day fashion, Applejack gives her some... questionable pointers. Nothing dirty here, just lots of funny and a little bit of cute.
    Mushy Stuff

    Additional Tags: Comedy

    23 kommentaari:

    1. did she suck the pickle in a manner that will make alot of boys noosebleed? lol

    2. @Anonymous
      Gross dude, you have a sick mind.

    3. Nice noodle incident at the end there.

    4. I'm going to be honest. I am very hesitant to read this. On one hand, that is the most adorable picture i have ever see in my life, and this may be just some innocent schoolyard crush story. On the other, I have seen how horribly wrong these ships con go, like seriously, this has unlimited potential to be a seriously fucked up piece of literature. I mean they're ...kids. I feel like if i open this document then i am going to end up in some government database of potential pedophiles.

    5. @Muppetz Damn, he's on to us.

      No but seriously, D'awwwwwwwww

    6. I'm a sucker for Applebloom :|

      I guess I'll read it.

    7. This is my first fanfic of MLP that I read. Awww that was cute. Though I am curious about the pickle

    8. @Despised

      Your first?

      and it was shipping, too!

    9. @Despised
      You should definitely give Porcelain Secrets a shot then. This fic is a continuation of that.

      @Anonymous #1
      You have a sic mind.

      I don't right hard shipping. It's all innocent schoolyard crush stuff here.

    10. Heh poor Applebloom,I guess a big sisters desire to protect overrode her Honesty element for a bit there..

    11. ...ohgosh I don't want to think what happened with the pickle. I'd rather just leave that alone. XD

      Anywho: I'm a sucker for Spike x Apple Bloom, if it's written well. They're just so cute. X3

    12. I am sad to report, that THIS picture of Applebloom spawn a zoo-pedophil each time anyone zoom it. Its true, so be careful with zee zoomin'.

      Also, nice story.
      And yes, I don't want to know about the pickle surprise here.

    13. I'm one of the ones who voted for this on its day. I'm glad it gets a chance to shine on its own now.

    14. I'm sick of everyone thinking "zoophilia/pedophilia" when it comes to underage shipping. It's simply puppy love, mixed with a bit of adult humour. Nothing wrong with it, it's funny and cute.

    15. @Sweetie Belle

      Of course it is.
      But the nature of the universe and especially - the Internet is so wicked, that there IS at last one lonely soul somewhere fap- clopping to this picture. Face the scary truth.

    16. So what DID she do with the pickle? D:

    17. That thing about the pickle just splattered my brains on the wall. DOES NOT COMPUTE.

    18. I'm surprised such cuteness didn't crash my computer...
      Very well-written.

    19. I'll just go ahead and bid farewell to my conscious control over my thoughts. Pickles will factor heavily into my imaginative time tonight.

      That being said, this was just a bit too short and AJ was just a bit too much of an asshole for me to fully enjoy this. With AJ being the proverbial mother figure of the main six, it just doesn't seem like she would go this far with something like this.

    20. @Aquaman52 AJ may me AppleBloom's mother-figure, but don't forget that she's also her sister. And it's a sibling's job to mess with another sibling every once in a while. ;)

    21. Am I the only one going "D'AAAWWWWWWW!" at the moment?

    22. 3 step problem solver:
      1) wear rarity's jewel costume
      2) stick one jewel wear it may hurt ;D
      3) strut your stuff up to spike

    23. you could say she's got herself...
      *puts on glasses*
      ... into a pickle.
      (steroid Pegasus) YHEAAAAAA!!!
