[Shipping] So I heard you guys like borderline clopfics!
Author: ButterscotchSundae
Description: When Fluttershy goes looking for Rainbow Dash's help, she instead finds herself on an adventure with the gorgeous Spitfire and together they learn that love can be painful as well as pleasurable.A Mile High in the Summer Sky
Additional tags: ButterscotchSundae Spitfire Fluttershy Trollestia erotic but not too cloppy
"So I heard you guys like borderline clopfics!"
ReplyDeleteYou are mistaken, my good sir.
Mmm, Dom Fluttershy is delicious.
curse these ponies.
Lol; Awesome!
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
ReplyDelete>borderline clopfics
> borderline clopfics
ReplyDelete> posted by Cereal Velocity
Well well well, what have we here.
ReplyDeleteGuilty pleasures ahoy
ReplyDelete>borderline clopfic
...I'm ok with that
ReplyDeleteIt's on DA; has been for hours.
I Wonder if we'll be seeing Rainbow Dash with her goggles more often in season 2
ReplyDeleteThat ending.... MUAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDelete@Anonymouswow fuck me, I dont' see the journal update.
ReplyDeleteYes mad.
ReplyDeleteSpeak for yourself! mmmmm clopfics!
Funny how Celeal refueses to read cupcakes, yet aprooves of clopfics...
ReplyDeleteYes, yes I do like borderline (and not-so-borderline) clopfic. And I also like Buttersc0tch's writing. This is not coincidental. ^_^
ReplyDeleteNot really, I have exactly the same preferences. Little interest in being horrified, great interest in being titillated. :)
My god...My mouth was agape for like...half the story.
ReplyDeleteFlutterfire? What the hay. We don't even have many proper Spitdash's yet.
ReplyDelete*clop clop clop*
ReplyDeleteOh gosh... The ending... Internet fueled mental pictures are a go.
ReplyDeleteThis fic made my day. That is all...
ReplyDeleteYou know what? Despite all the fanart, I don't think we've had a single DashFire fanfic yet. We've had DashSoarin, and now this...
ReplyDeleteAm I missing something here?..
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is, I'm missing it too.
I expected a dash/spitfire story within a day of the season finale.
Writers, I am disappoint.
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again. Everything Butterscotch writes is PURE GOLD.
ReplyDelete>mfw THE WHOLE STORY
ReplyDeleteI just finished my Dashfire and left a note to have someone I know look over it.
well written but it was just plain too... rapey... for me.
ReplyDeleteas in, I kind of had to stop because I just couldn't stand that... but that was a creative decision I won't hold against you too much I guess.
What did I just read? Oh right a borderline clopfic. Should have seen this coming.
ReplyDeleteOh, I just got the Mile High club reference.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Flutterape.
@Narwhals' Bend
ReplyDelete2/3s done. My proofreader and I spend hours on it at a time, so yeah.
ReplyDeleteIt probably will.
I'm not a big fan of Butterscotch, honestly - for obvious reasons.
ReplyDeleteHave to say, however, that the little bit of self-deprecation at the end was funny. Didn't make up for the story, but it was funny.
Still want that G-rated clopfic competition xD
ReplyDelete... Not really borderline... <.<
ReplyDeleteoh god that last part!
ReplyDeleteTrollestia Queen of the Ships!
Butter's been my favorite writer since The Party Hasn't Ended and she still is
ReplyDeleteJust.... wut.
What did I just read!?!
I'm going to give Fluttershy some love now so I don'y get assaulted...good story by the way.
Why do we STILL not have any RDxSF fics? Really, seth has something like 20 pics just waiting for a fic, and there's nothing!
ReplyDeleteStill, awesome fic. Funny ending, good buildup, and rather cloptastic bit.
Spitfire and Fluttershy? That's not how you spell RAINBOW DASH.
ReplyDeletetalking about rape xd
ReplyDelete>So I heard you guys like borderline clopfics!
ReplyDeleteDid you put a fic in our fic so we can read while we read?
I'm pretty sure Dash x Spitfire is against the rules because it's too obvious. It's basically shipping Dash with Future Dash.
ReplyDeleteAnticipating a mammoth post of 20+ Dash x Spitfire for the 7 million view threshold ^_^
ReplyDeleteDid someone say BORDERLINE CLOPFICS?
ReplyDeleteIf I don't see that Spike x Mac followup I'll stab somepony.
ReplyDeleteNo. What gave you that idea?
Oh God, Flutterape. I am okay with this.
ReplyDelete2/3 of the population are girls? when is the last time you looked at other ponies? It's at least 4/5 of the population are girls.
ReplyDeletecrap wrong story
ReplyDeleteThis...was disappointing. I loved the first two/thirds, I loved the last one/third, but together...it was just too big a tonal 180. The Celestia reveal just made the beautiful descriptions and romantic moments between the two seem cruel and heartless.
ReplyDeleteI mean, the progression of the Spitfire/Fluttershy was beautiful, the events exhilarating while making it seem plausible for their relationship to happen. Then suddenly BAM! Celestia reveal, rendering every previous moment of sweetness and excitement between the two null and void.
ReplyDeleteThis exactly. =\
I should have just stopped when I realized the story was turning a completely different direction.
Still, very impressive writing.
Equestria: Everyone is a lesbian, apparently.
ReplyDelete^Everyone EXCEPT Dash.
ReplyDeleteAw, the last bit with Celestia is just a parody of the Romantic notion of Cupid pulling all the strings behind the scenes. No need to think of it as being a cruel trick - all love is a game after all! It's no more cruel than if you invite two mutual friends to a party in the hope they'll get together. Now, if Fluttershy and Spitfire HADN'T ended up together at the end, it would have indeed been horrible - a kind of rape-by-proxy. I leave that to our grimdark friends.
ReplyDeleteI think some people are confusing the fanon Celestia with my particular portrayal of her in this situation - which is definitely something I should have expected. Oh well! Perhaps a sequel with Spitfire and Fluttershy getting married and having a foal will help that. (coolface.jpg)
Oh, and thanks for reading everyone! Once I hit 666,666 page views a portal to Equestria will open - at least that's what I've been promised.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI hope this doesn't happen tomorrow on our date...
ReplyDeleteNever again....
ReplyDeleteAt first I was like, you know, that's not too Fluttershy-like.
ReplyDeleteBut then I was like, what in the hay, psychotic Fluttershy is dominatrix, oh Celestia, that's so awesome, give me more.
The ending just made me laugh hard, Trollesta surely have imagination.
wait. i didnt really see the 'borderline' there. :S also. SPIKE x BIG MAC OH DEAR GOD NO
ReplyDeletewow... That was unexpected...
ReplyDeleteRapey Fluttershy confuses me.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Celestia playing horrible matchmaker is all kinds of hilarious.
I sense A hint of Trollestia Here! (:O... XD
ReplyDelete"borderline clopfics"
ReplyDeleteYou've got my attention.
Okay, now I'm actually going to read it in bits and pieces.
On one hoof: I love everything B.S.S. writes! This is no exceptions. XD
ReplyDeleteOn the other? Now any drop of motivation I had to finish my semi-comedic FS ship is gone. =|
I feel like a kid who entered a talent show playing guitar and he has to follow Hendrix
This story is not good.
ReplyDeleteThe trollestia ending was a bit much, I don't think I enjoy her having that much power over everything. Would have preferred it if she simply talked to the escaped bird and saying how it turned out even better than she expected or something. The Spike x Big Mac talk would have to stay though!
ReplyDeleteOther than that, great story as always. Still weird that there are no rainbow dash x spitfire stories, although I can understand it would just be to... well, obvious.
Skimmed it. Looking forward to the Spike/McIntosh fix to be, actually. <3 Spike.
ReplyDeletethe words "borderline clop-fic"
ReplyDeleteit forever grabbed my attention.
This was pretty good; wasn't expecting it to go in that direction, though. XD Still, I liked it, especially the ending.
ReplyDeleteFlutterrape made her fall out of favor and applejack to take the place as my #1 fav. However referencing this fic is hilarious to get reactions.
ReplyDeleteLa la la la la oh happy shipfic la la BAM FUCKING FLUTTERRAPE OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible and stupid. No part of it is entertaining, nor amusing.
ReplyDeleteLousy, boring, and stupid story is lousy, boring, and stupid.
ReplyDeleteSpitfire is kinky.
Damn Fluttershy, you scary.
ReplyDeleteI pretty much had the same reaction Twilight had. Except all the time.
Wow, Fluttershy can't take rejection worth shit. It's always one extreme or the other with her. Oh well. Angry sex? Angry sex.
ReplyDeleteI'm not crazy about any kind of shipping that involves that much aggression. Maybe I'm too much of a boy scout, but I couldn't let that 'mares cheating on there husbands to be with spitfire' thing go either. It feels like I was expecting something like a pinkie dash ship and got 'cupcakes'...
ReplyDelete"so, i heard you guys like borderline clopfics!"