• Story: Luna's Excellent Adventure

    [Crossover][Comedy] Luna Comedy! The best comedy really..

    Author: Blueshift
    Description: Princess Luna is fed up with not having any friends. So one day, she uses her magical pony powers to travel across the pony multiverse. Surely one there is some pony who will be her friend? What could possibly go wrong?
    A MLP/MLP/MLP/MLP/MLP/Transformers crossover
    Luna's Excellent Adventure

    Additional Tags: Old Pony Generations, parties, bonkers

    31 kommentaari:

    1. happy luna is happy

    2. "MLP/MLP/MLP/MLP/MLP/Transformers"

      Wait, WHAT? *rushes to read story*

    3. Bah, already read this on DA :P

      But yeah, still a very entertaining story ^^

    4. I especially liked that ending.

      Luna: "A little conflict is good... so tomorrow I'm going to try and bring about eternal night again!"

      Celestia: *Chokes on candy*

    5. After reading this story, I am now convinced we have it SO GOOD to be blessed with the wonders of FiM. Seriously, poor Luna. Personal favorite scene was when she paused before leaving the first world to destroy the Ferris wheel. Comic. GOLD.

    6. "I like socks..."

      Is someone going to write a grimdark/comedy fic with Minty now? Because that part was way funnier than it ought to be.

    7. That, my good sir, was MAGIC.

    8. This story is absolute gold. I was laughing uncontrollably by the end of the ferris wheel disaster. Poor Luna, nothing ever works out for her.

    9. My God... Rainbow Dash, NO!

    10. "Oops, I'm SO naughty..." Oh Luna :p Brilliantly done Mr. (or Ms. (or Mrs.)) Blueshift... (You never know.)

    11. I haven't had a laugh like this in quite some time. Though I am curious, the world where the ponies walked on two legs, drove cars around, and had 'given up on their dreams' sounds awfully familiar...

      In any case, have five stars!

    12. Any pony or monster would have done that to the ferris wheel, EVEN FLUTTERSHY. (I'm a minority as a supposedly evil monster that hangs around here waiting to be thwarted)

      Also I would have had the same reaction Luna did at the end of it all. Though I wouldn't bring eternal night or ruin the nature of the world. I would; however, become five times more annoying from a interdimensional journey like that out of insanity.

    13. Transformers Crossover?? Damn it! Someone beat me to it again! But I seriously must read this fanfic, by the comments it seams very good.

    14. Reading this fic makes one realize,wow past generations of MLP were Turrible.

    15. No not the sea ponies, I just got that horrid song out of my head.

      Good fic, have a sock for your troubles.

    16. Luna, confirmed agent of chaos number 3, next to hellraiser and the joker.

    17. @Roman500

      Seaponies are the spawn of Dagonpony and worship a large squidheaded pony who sleeps in dreamless sleep underneath the sea.

      Its like a cross between the Litttle Mermaid and Cthulhu.. with Ponies.

    18. @Garnot

      MLP Tales. That was late G1, all the ponies acted like people and had banal problems. I seem to remember the moral of one episode wsa that if you want to get a boy to like you, you need to completely change yourself to what he wants. :(

    19. That was too funny, particularly the transformers (Megatron's "there will be hell to pay"), G3 (Minty's"they all turn out white in the end") and G1 (Surprise's overall calm reaction to the rampaging demon) parts.

    20. @Sigil

      It's brief, still room for a fleshed out one!

    21. I freaking *died* lauging at the Transformers part.
      "Oh. Ponies. Great." The statue brought its other huge hand up to its face in a heavy face palm. "No, sorry. This happens quite a bit actually, magical pixies and unicorns and imps keep popping up looking for ponies. But there isn't a pony G2 universe; you've actually come to the Transformers G2 Universe." It picked up a gigantic neon purple cylinder which it clutched tightly in its hand. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm right in the middle of a terrible, bloody and violent war."
      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dude, seriously, thumbs up.

    22. @AnonymousMLP Tales, proof that stuff worse than G3 existed.

    23. Extremely funny stuff I laugh the whole way through. I especially liked the ending. Very inspired.

    24. can someone explain minty? She was creepy but i feel like I'm missing the point.

    25. @Anonymous

      In the G3 'movie' A Very Minty Chistmas, Minty accidently breaks the candy cane which guides Santa to Ponyville, and so decides to break into everyone's houses and put socks there instead of gifts whilst singing a song about how 'Nothing says Christmas like a pair of socks'.

      It is both amazing and terrible. Minty is the only previous gen character I'd like to see in FIM.

    26. Genuinely laugh out loud funny, and surprisingly insightful!

      A super story that really raised my mood.

      Thanks muchly, Blueshift!

    27. This was hilarious! Write more :D

    28. @Anonymous
      Jesus, that's depressing. Early G1 (what little I've seen) seems pretty inoffensive, I'm kind of surprised (and glad) that MLP Tales didn't kill the entire franchise, if what you say is true (and I have no reason to doubt you).

    29. That was an excellent read.
      It actually took me a few minutes to realize that the alternate universes were previous generations of MLP. This was easily the best comedy fanfic I've read.
