• Story: The Last Element

    [Sad] 1,000 words of SAD

    Author: Sir Ginger
    Description: A short story set many years after the adventures of our favourite ponies. Spike and Rarity remember the god old days, but Spike still has a lifetime ahead.
    The Last Element

    Additional Tags: Short, Sad, Future, Changes, Sparity


    1. Gawrsh...

      I simply cannot compose myself while reading into the "futures" of our cast ;-;

      But great read, most definitely. 1,000 words of sad is right.

    2. It is sad...
      Solid four star.

      While good, it didn't quite hit home like other sadfics.

    3. "Sparity"


      I quite liked it. Nothing groundbreaking, and it did use that annoying little trope of "EVERYONE DIED SO ITS SAD", but it didn't drag it out for too long. Good job.

    4. weird how this made my eyes get wet and made me really sad

      but the ending made me smile i reaaly liked this

    5. Oh gawd, I almost couldn't finish. I started crying half way through - dang it. Had to take a break and come back. Confound these ponies, I never had thoughts like these about fictional characters before.

    6. Why would you write this ;-;

    7. Yeah, like Cotton said, been done many times before. But it was done well enough. Short but touching, and not badly written.

    8. This one just didn't do it for me.

      I'm not sure why, either. It is well written and paced. But for some reason this on just didn't pull at my heartstrings like I was expecting it to do.

    9. That was nice, and I don't usually go for sad stuff. It's weird how the only Spike/Rarity fics I've read tend go for the bittersweet.

    10. Now i has a sad :(.

    11. Who wants to live forever?
      Who wants to live forever?
      There's no chance for us,
      It's all decided for us,
      This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us.

    12. @Anonymous

      Ahhh, Queen.
      Couldn't have said it better myself.

    13. Pucha, no lo quiero leer, me va dar penita y ya es muy tarde pa' eso.

    14. I was worried about reading this, but it was actually very sweet. Touching enough to make me feel sad, but not enough to bring tears. I am content with this.
      4/5 stars, as I feel it's too short for its own good.

    15. This one got to me, as all sad Spike fics tend to. Listening to "Dead Can Dance" while I read this didn't help any, either.

      The Carnival Is Over, indeed....

    16. Even though it uses the familiar element of "Everybody passed away, and I'm the last one." I believe it still managed to achieve its goals. Like most of the sad fics, the message here is clear.

      Solid writing and good composition. Words are indeed powerful.


      Who am I fooling? Sorry trees, I'm gonna have to kill a lot of you now.

    17. I'm a very emotional guy so I'd be kidding myself if I said my eyes didn't get a little watery.
      But that's just it, it was only a little and was over in seconds. For someone like me, well it didn't work on the level I expected.
      I couldn't possibly explain how to make it sadder though.

      I'd say the best part in this story is the one related to generosity.

    18. Forever young,
      I want to be forever young
      Do you really want to live forever

    19. Bluh. I'm pretty sensitive so I satrted crying hard about half way through :/

    20. I was doing okay with the story, then I read these comments. Who wants to live forever? Freddie will always get me with some of those, every time.

      Good story, short and to the point.

    21. A little too short for my liking, but touching nonetheless. Solid 4/5.

    22. Got my eyes a waterin' and I did enjoy it. Touching to say the least. Nicely done

    23. So sad, almost manly tears sad.

    24. And this is why it sucks to be Spike. Yes, I know he can theoretically go on and be thankful for the time he had with Rarity and the others, but unless he's just a paragon of emotional strength, that stuff starts to weigh down on a guy. And even if he makes new friends, what happens then? The same thing.

      Death is scary, but it is (somewhat) eternal life that is painful.

    25. Q_q That's not fair... that was too sad. Also would've expected for magic to enhance longevity but I guess I'm wrong. I don't even know them personally and yet I still feel such sadness for fictional cartoon characters in a fan-made fanfiction.

    26. Very Sad and Well written. Thanks for making a great work of Fiction.

    27. Confound these ponies, they drive me to tears. ;.;

    28. Oh Pony apples... I'm not crying.. I'm NOT crying! TT^TT

    29. @TotalOverflow
      Manly tears indeed! The scope of this story is relatively tame, and a bit mediocre, but its power is outstanding.

    30. aww wow, just about missed the full emotional crotch kick but it was effective given the length

    31. SO SAD! I died a little inside, very well written! TT^TT

    32. im so weak for this type of fics. the ending made me shiver. bad.
      can't really 5 star it. but a solid 4.
      Keep it up!

    33. This is way too short to be this sad!


    35. "I have lived and loved, but more lived than loved. That's my friends is but the greatest curse, and nothing I do will ever change that."

    36. From the background, at least all the Mane Cast got to live out their lives.

    37. wow, please write more of these short sad stories.
      5/5 tears

    38. Manly tears were shed.

    39. "Then Legolas built a grey ship in Ithilien, and sailed down Anduin and so over Sea; and with him, it is said, went Gimli the Dwarf. And when that ship passed an end was come in Middle-Earth of the Fellowship of the Ring."
      -- J.R.R.Tolkien

    40. I wanted intensity, so, I played Americas "the last unicorn" in the background. Huge mistake. I had to listen to nyan cat for 3 hours to brain bleach.

    41. sad indeed, though not as touching as i thought it would have been. great character choice though, and written fairly well

    42. @Anonymous
      What is that quote from? I have to know. This was suck a sad story, and god did that really drive home SOMETHING, and I just have to know, so I can go read what its from.
      Anything that can make you cry, especially when its a fanfic about magical cartoon candy colored ponies from a children's cartoon, is one of the better stories you've read.

    43. Manly tears were shed.

    44. Really great and touching story!

      I haven't read any "sad" stories before 'cause I normally can't get... "in touch" with them, but this one nearly made me cry. (Would've been the second time in my life I had cried because of sadness.)

      Also I#M glad I didn't listen to the "Last unicorn" song one anon mentioned above, that would have made me cry for sure D:

    45. Manly tears were shed :(

      So she dies at the end T_T
