• Story: Knights of Equestria (Update Story 2 Complete!)


    Author: Solaris90
    Description: All heroes face temptation. When Twilight and others
    face their darkest hour, which heroes will fall and which will be left
    to face the coming darkness? Do the Lights of the Six have any hope of
    shining once more?
     All Links after the Break!

    Knights of Equestria Chapter 1
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 2
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 3
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 4
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 5
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 6
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 7
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 8 
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 9
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 10 
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 11 
    Knights of Equestria Chapter 12

    Additional Tags: Drama, High Fantasy, Hero's Fall


    Author: Solaris90
    Description: 14 months have passed since the events of Knights of Equestria.
    Twilight Sparkle, shunned for her actions, has taken Sweetie Belle on
    as an apprentice, while Rainbow Dash and the other new Knights have
    gone on to become heroes in Equestria. But when an old evil surfaces,
    the knights must go on a quest to save not just Equestria, but the
    whole world
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Prologue
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 1
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 2
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 3
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 4
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 5
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 6
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 7
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 8
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 9
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 10
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 11
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 12
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 13
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 14
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 15
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 16
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 17
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 18
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 19
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 20
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 21
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 22
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 23
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 24
    Equestrian Knights: the Two Powers Part 25 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Long, Quest, LotR-like, Darkness, Friendship

    Fan Art

    68 kommentaari:

    1. "Knights of Equestria" is the name of our guild in Spiral Knights >.>

    2. @ZettaLux: author here. Sorry for that, didn't know. Don't play Spiral Knights either.

      I take it you didn't like the fic then?

    3. @BrianOh no I don't mind, and I haven't read it yet. Went to go eat dinner. I just thought it was funny that the name is the name of our guild :P

    4. Author again, just wanting to compliment whoever chose that image for this story. It works great! ^_^

    5. Damn, I'm finding I really love it when fanfic authors turn the magic system up to 11 like this. I also think yours is, so far, my favorite story of Trixie's redemption.

      Overall reaction: MOAR PLZ.

    6. I really enjoyed this. The only thing that kinda bothered me was Twilight shrugging off the healing of her injury in the last chapter. Given how unexpected it was, I think the way she reacted was a bit strange. Otherwise, can't wait for more!

    7. @Anonymous: Yeah, I spent forever on that scene, trying to get it to work how I wanted. It may seem like she shrugged it off quickly, but have no fear. Chapter 6 (already about halfway done) will good a nice, clear look at just how badly Twilight's been messed up by it. Things are about to get a whole lot darker from here on out, folks.

    8. Why are you people always messing with me?

    9. @Twilight Sparkle: because we love you, silly filly. :3 And I very well couldn't do all this to Applejack, now could I?

      Magical Overlord Applejack, that's just silly. :P

    10. @Brian
      Rarity could...
      what am I saying?Offering up my friend like that!
      I'm going to go crazy again aren't I?

    11. I already commented on DA, so I won't bother repeating myself, other than saying I want to see what happens next.

      BTW, the link only leads to part 1. Yes, I know from there you can go manually visit the gallery, but it is a tad misleading: at first I thought only part 1 was out.

    12. Really liked it so far. One thing I particularly liked is the concept of Luna using one or two agents to accomplish things quietly, rather than through mass support like her sister; it seems to fit them really well, Luna's followers doing things quietly ("in the dark", metaphorically speaking), and Celestia's relying on mass support ("everything the sun touches", kind of).

      I am confused by (or waiting for the plot to fully reveal) Rarity and Applejack though: Rarity does seem to have been abandoned by her friends somewhat, forming an attachment to Big Mac in the absence of any visible support from any of her friends (bar the brief conversation with AJ in chapter 5). As for Applejack, I'm wondering what she has been doing all this time; her exclusion from the group at Sugarcube Corner, or anywhere else since Rainbow Dash woke up, makes me think she's been up to something else.

    13. @anonymous:

      Author here, posting as anonymous because google keeps saying I don't have an account.


      Anyway, I would just like to thank you for enjoying my story so far, and also tell you and everypony else to know that chapter 6 is well underway. It will indeed reveal what's been keeping Applejack busy, set up Rarity's joining back up with friends, and catch us up with our favorite wall-eyed pegasus. Hope y'all enjoy it!

    14. When I see that title, I immediately think "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse

    15. I htink of another fic about an alt-verse where the holders of the elemtns are knights or something.

      ANyway, read chap one, this is veyr intriguing, definitely going to read the rest of this.

    16. Suddenly, pinkie pie broke the 4th wall.

      4 staring instantly.

    17. And then derpy was an amazing character.

      5 stars.

    18. @NinesTempest:

      Author here. Glad you like Derpy, hehe. I've seen so many iterations of our favorite wall-eyed Pegasus, I decided to do something a little...different. Glad you like it. :)

    19. O_O



      How long does it take you to do a chapter, good sir?

    20. @Crimson Valor

      It takes me about a week, week and a half. Glad you like it.

    21. I can not say I enjoyed the sudden gay shipping. Kind of jarring.

    22. Every single chapter has me wondering what the hay is going on. Would this make more sense if I watched Dr Who?

      Gosh darn it, I remember reading the first chapter a long time ago. Never saw it again. Not sure if I missed it or if you only just know updated everything to EqD. But... I'm really, utterly, completely confused.

      *Sigh* Well, be that as it may, I'll just have to keep reading I guess to see if I can ever make sense of it all :P

    23. I read these on DeviantART before, and Everyone must love them! That is all.

    24. @Baree: Author here. Sorry so much of the story is confusing you. Even if not for this fic though, I would highly recommend watching Doctor Who. It's a brilliant show.

      @DiscoLeprekawn: Thanks for the support! :D

    25. And the plot gets even thicker; I hope it doesn't take so long to get the next update.


      I realy want to see where the fu-, sorry, is this going. I kinda feel bad for Twi tho, why does she always have to be the one to go an a crazy rampage murdering everyone? it's not fair!

    27. @Dawn:

      Author here. Oh come now, she's not all bad. You don't see her cooking her friends up as cupcakes like Pinkie Pie, or skinning and stitching them up into dresses like Rarity, or mind@%$ing with the Stare like Fluttershy. :P

    28. @Anonymous

      Yeah I guess you could say that...

      I'm still trying to figure out what is she trying to do. Is she still trying to share the magic? even before leaving Ponyville to find Jack she said she still loved her friends, or is she blinded by rage?

    29. You need to stop killing Twilight - she gets a little crazier every time she resurrects. Your writing is excellent, and I'm looking forward to future chapters so I can figure out WTH is going on.

    30. Wow, now that's a Fanfic!
      I do hope that the author decides to continue on the after-credits, however.

    31. @Ajaxis:

      Author here. Thanks for enjoying it I do indeed plan on continuing the story in a sequel. However, it will be a bit. I plan on taking a week or two off from big, epic fics to do a couple short, humorous fics. These will be set in the same universe however, so there will be glimpses here and there referring to this fic and its repercussions.

    32. Spoilers... I guess. Sorta.

      No happy end then. *Sigh*

      I honestly don't know what to make of this. Not only is it confusing, the final payback is not very satisfying at all. To me, anyway... Also, now that its over... how is this just a normal story? Where are the Grimdark and Sad tags? Whatever. I guess I do need to watch Dr Who to understand things better. Does it reference anything. or...?

    33. "stuck in a loop of self-hate and depression. Her own element has turned against her, eating away at her sanity"
      And this story doesn't have the [Grimdark] tag because?

    34. Hmmm...did I detect a sequel hook there?


      CH 6: WHHHYYYYYYY?!?!

    36. @everyone:

      Author here. Indeed that was a sequel hook, hope you're wanting one. Yeah, when I started the story I hadn't invisioned it getting as grimdark as it did. I'll try to do a better job planning the next one out, getting it tonally consistent.

      Honestly, I didn't even HAVE a plot yet when I started on the first chapter. :P Just the idea of Ponyville suffering a terrible fire. Probably accounts for how different things are by the end.

    37. @author


      I couldn't stop reading your story, it was just so ENTHRALLING... but after Twilight went all Anakin Skywalker with the whole 'going to the dark side thing' I just couldn't take it.

      Everything after that point just F*ed my mind. As much as I liked your writing and as much as I can't wait for the sequel, I just can't stand it; TWILIGHT WOULD NOT ATTACK CELESTIA. Twilight would not stick with Jack after he OPENLY admitted to attacking Fluttershy. I think the whole part with Twilight going loopy just made it drop from 6 star material to 4.

      I mean, I could understand how Twilight might side with Jack in the beginning, before everything is clear, but I think you got Twilight pretty out of character.

      All that said, I really enojoyed reading the story, especially the part where Trixie becomes a good guy and is Twilight's sister. I can't wait for the sequel, especially with the two crazed killers on the loose (although I am dreading a cupcakes-style turn of events...).

    38. @author

      Hi, it's me again. I'm sorry about that angry rant, I just... didn't like the way you handled Twilight Sparkle in the story (in case that wasn't obvious). I apologize for my angry words.

    39. @Anonymous

      Author here.

      Don't worry bro(ny), such a powerful reaction just means you were really invested in the story and characters. I also completely understand your complaints. Honestly, I'm not completely happy with the way I treated Twilight's character either, even knowing where I plan to take it.

      Although I am confused about something you said. The only time Jack mentioned being Fluttershy's attacker was right before killing Trixie, so I'm not sure what you're referring to.

      Also about Twilight attacking Celestia. Well, let's just say that more about the Magicahedron will be revealed in the sequel.

    40. Omg, you screwed my favorite pony's mind! You bastard!

      ok, ok, jokes aside your fic was mind blowing and I certainly approve of it! Twilight kinda got the short end of the stick there, but... it's ok, it made me want to hug her so much more! especialy when she was squeaking for forgiveness! ah yes, right there, you had to hit my soft spot didn't you? I love this kind of scenes, they insta-make me sympathize with the "baddies" if you can realy call Twi a baddie... (DON'T YOU EVER DARE! TWILIGHT WASN'T BAD! why? WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?)

      tl;dr version: I love Twilight 20% more now, procced with sequel please.

    41. @Dawn

      Author here. Glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, Twilight's my favorite pony too. I just wanted to give Twilight a big hug there at the end too. :( She wasn't a bad pony, she just made some bad decisions. She'll get her chance at redemption in the sequel.

      Speaking of, everypony, I am now trying to decide on a good title for the sequel, so if you want you can offer ideas. It will be a quest-based storyline.

    42. @Anonymous

      hah ^^ good to know you took some more of you time to reply to me here too. Should I post my opinion about that Twilight beats the crap out of jack here too? ahaha

      just kidding, seems like I a question answered abour her redemption, I thank you for that.

      What do you mean Quest-based? Will they be assigned to missions?

      ah and a random question I just came up with: Is it completely random that you choose Pinkie and Fluttershy (know to have the most intense psychological breakdowns in the show) to be corrupted like that? had to ask this, cause I think Crazy Pie and Flutterrage are awesome xD

    43. @Dawn

      Author here. To answer the Pinkie/Fluttershy question first, they just felt the most natural. Neither were really involved in the main plot too much, so just think of them as a gauge of how the events of the story are affecting others, giving it a certain level of seriousness. Plus like you said, they had the most dramatic breakdowns in the show.

      As for what I meant by quest-based. This story we could say was rather like a mystery. Things were happening, and the characters were trying to figure out what and why. Being brutally honest with myself, it was more like a series of (unfortunate) events than a real plot.

      By quest-based, I mean the characters will be going on a quest. To find a person, recover an artifact, on a mission from the princesses, who knows. But there will definitely be a clear end goal and clear antagonists to overcome. Including one character nopony thought they would ever see again.

    44. Author again.

      Something to add to the Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy thing. The original idea for the after-credits tease would have had Yellow Jacket's spirit possessing a traumatized by not evil Fluttershy through a soul anchor he placed on her element necklace. This would've explained why he attacked her and stole it in the first place. Pinkie Pie wasn't involved at all, but Jack!Fluttershy would've brutally murdered Applejack.

    45. @Author

      Yeah I read that in one of your comments at your DA, though I find it difficult to picture Shy murdering AJ, but yeah the fact that she is now lacking her element kinda makes up for it, or else it would have been like: "Uuum, AppleJack I... I will have to... to k-kill you now, that's i-if you don't mind of course!"

      One thing I find extremely disturbing is that I could easily see Pinkie Pie murdering AJ! I don't know if that's because I liked "That fic we don't talk about" or that Pinkie Pie is so random that I would expect anything from her as long as it's fun, ofc "fun" would only be defined by Pinkie, if (in this world) she thinks that killing AJ is fun, she might as well do it.

      Now I'm stuck thinking how close "Laughter" is to "Slauter" for some reason... they sound almost the same xD

      Oh, please, if you plan on killing AJ then at least have her wake up, I hate it when ppl die while they're asleep.

    46. Author here. Characters dying while they're asleep sucks, unless they're really old and have lived a full life and it's simply their time to go.

      And who said anything about Applejack getting killed in THIS sequel tease? >:)

    47. @Anonymous

      Don't SPOIL!

      but since you did anyway, I now wonder what can a heartless Fluttershy and an uterly depressed Pinkie Pie will do with her. If I remember well, AJ just shut off all connections with the outside word and went in Emo mode because she... errh, kicked Twilight off the stairs and broke her neck or something? (tears were shed at this part *sniff*) I wonder, if Shy and Pink will persuade her to join 'em and have her play "good pony" while using her new found "lying skills" to decive and confuse everypony, while Shy and Pink plan something awful, omg so evil! My mind is tinggly! eep!

      I want to see the elements of Chaos being born in this sequel,
      we can have Fluttershy as Cruelty, Pinkie Pie as Sadness and AJ as Deception xD

      awww, yeah... that's it for now :D

    48. Since there are two characters to which the "one character they never thought they would see again" may apply (technically three I suppose), this doesn't bring a lot of comfort. I'd be pretty confident in predicting who this would be, anyway.

      *sigh*. I just don't like ponies dying. Again, a grimdark tag would have been nice. Or at least a sad tag. Would I read a sequel? I honestly don't know.

    49. Yeah, just finished reading this thing. In serious need of some tags. Very [Grimdark], a little bit [Sad], minor [Shipping]. No way no how is this a [Normal] fic.

      Had a little too much Doctor Who references for my taste, even as someone who likes the show. Probably because I wasn't going in to the story expecting it.

      Apart from that, it was a good story, though it is in desperate need of a sequel! Most of the plot's loose ends were tied up (with the obvious exception of the threads leading directly into a sequel), but the ending was still somehow unsatisfying. It needed a little more resolution than it got, so hopefully it will get tied up a little more tightly later on.

      And that's all I'm going to say here.

    50. @everyone

      Author here. I would just like to apologize for the tagging. When I started this fic I had no idea it would get so sad and grimdark. Also every bit of shipping in this fic except Doctor Whoof's attraction to Twilight was completely spur of the moment, so sorry to those not expecting it. If it makes you feel any better, it caught me by just as much surprise. ESPECIALLY Dash/Ditzy.

      As for Doctor Whoof. I'll admit, I always planned for him to be a major character. I saw an opportunity to build him up as something different, not the Doctor accidently wandering into Equestria but Equestria's very own Doctor. I'll work to make it fit better into the universe I'm creating in the sequel.

      Speaking of the sequel, good news for everypony. It looks like most problems with this first one stem from my basically thinking up the story as I went along. I didn't even THINK up Yellow Jacket until the second chapter. With this two-week break I'm taking that allows me to plan ahead, so next story should be much more tonally consistent.

      I also plan on lightening up a lot. I know the pain of having to stop reading a fic because it gets too dark, and I truly don't want to make anyone else do that.

    51. @Anonymous

      Just refrain from killing ponies Yellow Jacket style, else is fine ^^

    52. @Dawn

      Don't kill more ponies like I did Yellow Jacket?

      *grins maniacally* Okie dokie lokie!

    53. I'll be honest, I didn't like it. I thought it moved way too fast, didn't explain anything, and had things happen out of nowhere. I couldn't really imagine it happening, and I don't think it could be ever be canon. I did read on to see if it got better, but I dropped it like a rock when I hit the shipping part. I don't like shipping and don't read any with that tag, so that part made me mad. (especially considering it made even less sense than a normal ship, if there's such a thing.) Sorry, but in my opinion, this fic kinda sucked.

    54. @bronydash:

      Author here. An honest opinion is all I ask of my readers. Negative reviews like yours are actually more useful than positive, as they better tell me what I need to work on. And yes, improved pacing has been my top priority with the sequel. Because truth be told, looking back at Knights of Equestria, the pacing really does suck. I tried to create a sense of events happening too fast for the characters themselves to keep up with, but uh...obviously that didn't work out well.

      I also want to apologize for the shipping. It had not actually been planned when I started the fic, so there was no tag for it. Rarity/Big Mac and Rainbow Dash/Ditzy caught me just as off guard as you.

      But anyways, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

    55. does that image have anything to do with the story?

    56. Just got around to reading this now and am halfways thru the second story but I must comment, your writing both in style, subject and pacing improve as time goes on. The first half of KoE was not particularly noteworthy imo, but the last few chapters were very solid. Now reading Equestrian Knights I'm pretty impressed, it's been a gripping tale and a worthy LOTR adaptation/homage.

    57. Hmmm wow we've got a lot going on, evil Pinkie, Fluttershy and "Dusk". Why are they just toying with the heroes? I have the sneaking suspicion that Dusk is at least in some small way a form of Trixie. Love this second story thus far. One hope that I had for KoE was for more Celestia and Twilight scenes and that still is my hope going forward. I really feel they have a helluva lot to work thru together before everything wraps up. Also, normally not too huge of either a Dr. Whoof(despite actually liking Dr. Who) or Ditzy fan but in adaptation I enjoy them both; Kudos to you for that!

    58. Also your Twilight and Sweetie scenes in chapter 1 were just awesome.

    59. @iastfan112

      Author here. Thans a lot for thinking I've been improving, that's always awesome to hear. I've often considered going back to KoE sometime and redoing it to fit with the style of Equestrian Knights more. Kinda depends on how much time I have. Also I can assure you, there will be at least one more scene between Twilight and Celestia before the end. :)

      Also also, glad you enjoyed my chapter 1 Twilight and Sweetie scenes!

    60. ooooooh I'M in Knights of Equestria! (The Spiral Knights guild) I hope I'm in this story hugging Luna!

    61. -twiddling thumbs- So bored. Nothing to do. You should totally surprise me with an update in the next 20 minutes.

    62. lol were taking over spiral knights now. i was surprised when i saw 3 bronies in 10 minuets. O_o

    63. >It would require decapitation, or something rendering more of my body damaged than healthy, for me to permanently die.

      For someone of Twilights power, lifting a massive boulder to crush herself, or something incredibly heavy to sever her own head, would be childs play. I thought her curse to be to live forever, with no way to die.

      Not sure that was what you were going for.

    64. @shadefox:

      Author here.

      Ponies cannot self-terminate. :P

      But in all seriousness, I think there's been a mistake here, and I apologize for it. See, Twilight hasn't been cursed to be immortal, her incredibly potent magic just supercharges her body's healing abilities. The healing itself is a subconscious defense mechanism, so it's easy to conceive that Twilight simply CAN'T hurt herself.

      Or, she knows that sinful ponies go to Silent Ponyville. :P

    65. Oh, my. Having read Chapter 24, I can say that my brain hurts too.......

    66. Final chapter of second story is live. Why isn't it marked "Complete" yet?
