• Story: The Grief of a Nation


    Author: Scorch_Mechanic
    Description: What does it feel like to banish your own sister to the sky?
    The Grief of a Nation

    Additional Tags: exile emotions mistake forgiveness elements

    23 kommentaari:

    1. eh. Just a retelling? :( dissapointing. I didn't even tear up.
      However, it did give a little backstory.

    2. Eh, sometimes the simple things work better?

    3. Interesting story. It is a good take on the battle that occurred between Luna and Celestia. And maybe it is just me but I kind of like the depiction of Celestia feeling bad over being force to banish her own sister. Good story overall.

    4. Dialga evolved into a Nightmare Moon!

    5. Scootabuse :'(

    6. I like this retelling of the story through the eyes of Celestia. It's a neat change of perspective. :3

    7. Wow. For whatever reason, this piece really resonated with me; I was moved almost to tears. Perhaps it is simply my reading of it, but I found this to be quite epic. Bravo.

    8. I have to admit, that's a pretty good reason for why Celestia banished Nightmare Moon instead of destroying the corruption...

      She couldn't. Since she was borrowing the power of the Elements, she couldn't use them to their full potential. That makes sense.

    9. GUISE who is responsible for this drawing? :O

    10. @Anonymous

      Scootabuse on the frontpage, no less.

    11. @Anonymous

      Look up scootabuse in google. There is a nsfw gallery which has this picture AND the picture that came before it.

      I unfortunately don't know who drew it but whoever they are, bless them.

    12. @chiselite

      It's Tsampikos.

      Sorry ahead of time if this is a double post. Blame derpy.

    13. I like this one. It's short but to me it worked. It's always hard dealing with backstory - and whilst this was indeed just a quickie retelling it left enough world-building to whet the tastebuds for something more.

    14. @Anonymous

      I think that the drawer is Tsampikos

    15. Read this at least four times now, enjoyed it every time. well done. :)

    16. @Sigil and Ten Mihara

      The only thing I really wanted to get across with this story is that what Celestia did is almost unforgivably horrible, and she knows it.

      Think about it. She banished her very own sister to the moon for a thousand years, with only evil thoughts to keep her company. It's a testament to Luna's will that she didn't go outright insane.

      If even a little bit of Celestia's pain was conveyed to my audience, then my work is done.


      Quick? Certainly, there's more to explore, but I rather think my fic contains all the salient points of importance. In this case, I actually did less world building than in my previous fic. Everything in that story link is readily inferred from the known canon and from comments made by the show's creators.

      As for more, I make no promises. I'm not an artist of any note, but I know better than to let a flash of inspiration slide on by. The short story is my favorite format, simply because it leaves room for the reader's mind to expand on the details however he or she sees fit.

      Still, I'm glad you liked it.

      @theredangelz, Anonymous, Anonymous, and Anonymous

      That settles it. From now on I'm going to gently suggest/supply images for my stories when they're published on EqD.
      Whenever I next write, and whatever it may be...

    17. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    18. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    19. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    20. Well, I personally think this is one of the most interesting fics I've read yet. One has to remember, it's not the tale that makes a story great, it's the storyteller. So what if it's a retelling? The detail of the battle, the imagery of Celestia's feelings, none of that existed before.

    21. I liked this. The language used was interesting. Good work.
