• Story: The Gratitude of Night

    [Normal] Another Episode style story! Hopefully we get more stuff like this over the break.

    Author: HeatWave
    Description: Twilight Sparkle understands that of her friends, she alone knew of the prophecy of the return of Nightmare Moon and she is determined to do her part to prevent history from repeating itself, but can one little pony possibly make a
    lasting difference?
    The Gratitude of the Night

    Additional Tags: Consideration, Dreams, Friendship, Follow Up, Grattitude

    12 kommentaari:

    1. This was just a sweet story. Very much in the spirit of the show IMHO. Nice job there.

    2. Well written, entertaining and very enjoyable. Its mostly Twilight and Applejack, and I think you got their characters down well enough. I myself find it hard to write in accents, perhaps you share this view. Even so, I think you did quite well with AJ's personality.

      The other main ponies weren't featured much, but I reckon you did ok with their characters as well. I like the explanation you give for Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. I am not sure how much sense it makes for her to pull that prank, but I don't really care. Her conversation with Twilight was well done, and it certainly provides some interesting notions.

      All in all, I am very glad that today has brought at least one very decent fanfic. I am not sure if you will write more, but if so, I am looking forward to it.

    3. This would make a great episode, I loved it!

    4. Simply splendid! You have a wonderful way with words.

    5. I disliked Rarity's characterization somewhat, but otherwise, it was a nice story. I enjoyed it quite a bit!

    6. Fantastic fanfic. All the characters were captured really well and the dialogue between Twilight and Luna gave a great believable backstory to MLP. In short, I can't wait to see more (if you're think about it)!

    7. This was really well-written. It's officially part of my head canon.

    8. Hey Guys; HeatWave here... Breakfast is my google account name, but it was already taken on Fanfiction.net, so I went with an older name there.

      Thanks for the reviews. You seemed to enjoy it for the most part, and that makes me happy. I usually try to write stories that don't knock the canon for a loop for the most part, so I'm glad many of you found it fitting to the world of MLP, that was a major aim of mine for this little story.

      I've gotten a few minor complaints about my characterizations of some of the ponies. I had to exaggerate them to compensate for their lack of screen time. Inasmuch as the main part of the story (the chat between Luna and Twilight) was the idea that sparked my writing this, the rest was added in a little ad-hoc.

      Thanks again for the comments!

    9. This is very good. You have a natural talent for writing! Congratulations!

    10. I enjoyed reading this, though it's sad to hear that Luna isn't a fan of late-night pony orgies... D:

    11. Very lovely though Pinkie Pie occassionally came across as a a bit off but it';s truly a minor gripe. Rarity was quite cute and fun.
