• Story: The Grammar Nazi

    [Random][Shipping] Taking Random to a whole new level!

    Author: ponYthink
    Description: A new fanfic writer has terrible grammar!!1! Will Rarity be able to turn him around before its too late? Find out in ponYthink's Oscar winning new short story! Dun Dun DUNNNN
    The Grammar Nazi

    Additional Tags: Grammar, Nazi, Nottheantisemiticonesthough, oatmeal, Pokemon, comedy

    37 kommentaari:

    1. I'm not self-respecting, I demand to see the censored parts.

    2. Given all the fourth wall breakage, I was really expecting Pinkie Pie to show up somewhere. The ending would have been perfect when the Narrator was gloating about being alone not having any grammar nazis around.

    3. Absolutely hilarious.

      "I AM German!"

    4. Die Schönsten Fräulein Rarity.

      What the hell did I just read?

    5. I... I don't even know what I think of this.

    6. I laughed so hard that I fell off my chair.

    7. I think I may have suffered an aneurysm...

    8. That was fantastic

      Holy fuck


    9. hilarious! random was expected, and this is as random as oatmeal XD

    10. I just made out with my browser, this story was hilarious.

    11. OW

      mah brain

      that killed any semblance of work ethic I have for today, fanfic time now

    12. Wow, that's like Monty Python silliness.

    13. ...

      ponYthink, I'm sorry, but I honestly hope the poorly-written bits were as painful to construct as they were to read. Even when done deliberately, paragraphs like that first one must NOT go unpunished.

      Not a bad concept for the story.

    14. Lololololol.

      Good show, good show.
      Also, Die Schönsten Fräulein means The Prettiest girl, the most beautiful girl, etc.

      Either or, meaning is basically the same.

    15. Sire, you simply wrote one of the best fanfics I've ever read...
      *Tips his hat*

    16. I usually hate random stories, but I gave this one a chance mostly because of the awesome image. Hell yeah, Supertramp.

      The story itself was actually pretty damn funny. It really messes with the conventions of writing in a clever way.

    17. tvtropes will have a field day with this.

    18. Hahahaha Now all we need is the Censored part xD

    19. 5*s smiply bcuz it waz da 1st ff 2 EVAR maek me lol.

      (5 stars simply because this was the first fanfic to ever make me laugh out loud.)

    20. I laughed at the mentioned fanfic and didn't really find it all that disturbing. I also lack in self-respect deparment as a brony.

      Now can I PLEEEEAAAAASE read the censored part?

    21. Hahaha. I almost fell out of my chair. I hope my grammar isn't that bad.

    22. I read, I laughed, I grimaced. Well done.

    23. That was BRILLIANT.

    24. So, I open ED for my daily pony heroine.
      Then, I notice that my story's already been posted.

      And people actually liked it. O.O
      Thank you all so much for your comments. Stuff like that just makes me want to write more fanfiction! :D (I think that's a good thing)

      Oh, And I give permission to anypony who wants to to uncensor the censored parts. Cupcakes was far too mild for my tastes. ;)

    25. Kill me, I'm a PONY17. mai 2011, kell 20:58


      I see what you did thar

    26. This definetly is worth a read.

    27. That was a laugh riot
      I could just... I could just...
      once upon a time in the magical land of equestrian... /derp

    28. This story was amazing, and I loved every moment of it. I am a bit of a grammar nazi, because it bugs me when people don't even TRY to form a coherent sentence, despite English being their first language.

      As an aside, however, you should be careful how you use "Fraulein." It is no longer acceptable amongst German speakers to address females as such, as it's literal translation is "little lady," and this is considered demeaning and VERY sexist. The only people you can address as Fraulein (damn text box won't allow umlauts) are prepubescent girls. However, this would actually make it funnier if you were aware of that and were addressing her with the word as a way of saying she's a whiny little brat. :)

    29. What blitz said applies only if you're under 30 and a huge stick in the mud though :)

      What should have been pointed out instead is that "Die Schönsten Fräulein Rarity" implies that Rarity is so earth-shatteringly beautiful she is several people, since "die schönsten" is plural. Rather surprising that supposedly German Grammar Nazi Rarity would not have pointed out such a boisterously bizarre blunder. Of course, pointing this out is pointless and preposterously pedantish on my part. Please accept my most humble apologies.

      Now where is the orgy.

    30. The LOLing has commenced. This was awesome. 4/5
