• Story: Forgotten (Update Part 2+3! )

    [Normal] Pre-readers said it invoked the power of potential tears! So maybe a bit sad?

    Author: JenovaII
    Description: A pony from Twilight's past returns.
    Forgotten Part 1
    Forgotten Part 2: Soft (New!)
    Forgotten Part 3: Hollow (New!)

    Additional Tags: Nopony should ever be forgotten.

    24 kommentaari:

    1. Dark Side of the World8. mai 2011, kell 21:13

      This story was really good. Not a bad OC and I like the moral. 4 stars

    2. I cried. Should have 'Sad' Tag

    3. Likewise. As a short story, it certainly did what it set out to do. Job well done.

    4. I almost cried...

      This story is amazing...

    5. A stirring story, it evokes images of those who feel they have little or nothing to live for, which hits home... I have been at that point.

      I've never been desperate, but there are multiple methods to cope.

      Nevertheless, it makes you realize who you COULD be influencing, but might inadvertently choose not to, and that's something we could all be a little more aware of.

      Well written, and a good story. Quick, but efficient.

    6. Well written, a little sad, at least a 4 star.

    7. Liked it. A lot.

    8. Five stared. Shuppow. I've five stared like maybe 8-9 things on this website? Too good. Said everything necessary on dA.

    9. made me feel a little sad there for a bit, but I agree with Marrock, a sad story is one that containes a tragic tragic ending, this isn't sad, this is inspiring. I love the friendship report at the end.

    10. I fell in love with this story.

    11. ;_;


    12. Noooo not such a well developed Moondancer!

    13. I think I died a little inside... I need to stop reading sad FICA... Time for some grim dark! :)

    14. @Marrock Ok, never mind... I was painfully horribly wrong.

    15. This is amazing. The third part just doesn't hold back, does it? And the spiritual power behind her last two letters... wow.

      5 stars, for sure. Needs a Sad tag, too.

    16. I cried.... This is one of the more touching stories I have ever read. There are moments where theres happiness and moments of true sadness. This fiction gives a very strong message and speaks to those who have nothing. I'm giving this a Five.

    17. T_T

      >mfw 4/5 latest stories on EqD has [sad] tag


      >mfw after reading this story.

      Oh God why... why must these pony fics be so gosh darn sad? ;A; Still, an excellent story.

    18. I've read a lot of pony fics that have made me laugh. There have been some that made me think. There were a few that made me sad. This is the first one that's really made me cry.

      Thank you.

    19. Oh goddammit, now im all sad again.

    20. Very much in need of a sad tag as well as one I would deem "hopeful"

      The story is great, sad, but a clear and deep meaning. Well written and I enjoyed it very much.
