So. It looks like you guys have all picked D by a narrow margin.
Remember when I said that there was an option in the list that you really didn't want to choose? Well, guess what? You chose it. D was that option.
Click past the page break to see what's behind Door Number One.

Yup. You all chose to have your story star the Great and Powerful Trixie. Good work!
I'm not even kidding. Seth even tried to warn you off. It was what was in my original list.
However, I am acutely aware that there are readers that don't care for Trixie at all. Therefore, I'll open up the second-place option as an alternate. You can either have your story star Trixie, or your story has to start with, "Nopony could remember a time when it had rained so hard."
Sound fair?
And then I laughed, love this blog!
ReplyDeleteIs there bonus points for having both?
ReplyDeleteDon't you guys know anything?
ReplyDeleteYou ALWAYS pick C! :P
ReplyDeleteNope, but it's certainly allowed!
Oh . . . look what time it is.
ReplyDeleteSo are you guys going to tell us what A, B, and E were just so we can rage for not picking it?
ReplyDeleteIt's raining Trixie. Hallelujah.
ReplyDeleteI might save those for a future event, so they're hidden.
You fools! You've doomed us all!
ReplyDelete... I picked B, now I'm kinda curious what the others were.
I'd actually like to see a combination of C and D.
ReplyDeleteWe don't get to see what the others were? ACK! My curiosity is killing me!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, that's pretty funny, you should've kept it as Trixie only. But that one raining one sounds good too, can we combine the two?
haha trixie?? u serious?? gotta love this blog well at least there are two options for those who are already tired of trixie
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but why wouldn't we want a story starring The Great and Powerful Trixie?
ReplyDeleteThis seems like the best result to me.
How about "Nopony could remember a time when it had rained so hard on poor Trixie"?
ReplyDeleteYou have to see the loophole. It has to "star" The Great and Powerful Trixie, not have her be the star.
ReplyDeleteInb4 100 grimdark stories.
ReplyDeletePoor Trixie.
I did warn you guys though, I really did.
ReplyDeleteI love it! <3
Nopony could remember a time Trixie ______ so hard
ReplyDeleteBut you...I..But what...
whut is this i don't even
ReplyDeleteSeth, come on; we still love you, no matter how much we bitch! <3
300 words, right? I'll do it... after I'm done being drunk.
...Woooow. Haha, I don't like Trixie. xD.
ReplyDeleteMan, we are really amazing at choosing stuff, aren't we? :P
How did I KNOW that D would be THE "you don't want to pick this" option?
ReplyDeleteThat being said, no way is Trixie "noty" status. I may not be as nuts about her as Blog Brony, but Trixie's great. And powerful. What's not to like? I mean she takes care of Ursa Majors, sheesh.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I follow the golden rule: when in doubt, pick C.
At the request of Seth, I've added all the available options you COULD have picked.
ReplyDeleteRemember, C and D are the only ones viable for the event!
Jesus christ.
ReplyDeleteI love how you went into the comments section and was like "I SURE HOPE NO ONE PICKS D! HINT HINT" so... everyone would pick D.
Really, your obsessions over animalistic cartoon creatures is disturbing.
First you fantasized about that one dragon from Spyro, and now Trixie? I'm sure I would pity your sorry ass if I saw you in real life, but right now, all I can do is hate you.
You're really clever Cereal! We all chose the Booby Prize by a marginal amount. I was laughing my brains out when i saw the results! Man are we such eeediots for choosing D! *giggling* Trixie has won the polls and she's the one who is going to be a star.
ReplyDeleteI might think about writing something like "Duck Amuck." If i have the time. But what is the deadline?
I'm fine with Trixie.
ReplyDeleteWOW! I knew it! This makes me want to participate even more. I <3 Trixie. Going to be my first time, hope I dont screw up.
ReplyDeleteGRAH This is why we can't have nice things guys! Next time you have an urge to pick D, pick A. Just change them in your alphabet from now on.
ReplyDeleteOh wait....That's Grimdark...
ReplyDeleteI have not decided on a deadline yet. I'll start the event proper in a day or two and it'll probably run a week or so.
ReplyDeleteAnd then Cottonmouth exploded...again.
At least it's an entertaining persona you have going there!
Whee! Trixie! I'll get to writing my fanon of fanfiction with her life at home with Twilight Sparkle, Midnight and Nightmare Moon.
ReplyDeleteOopsy-doop, spoiled the big plot element, didn't I?
300 word story, eh? I can handle this.
ReplyDeleteTrixie will not appear in Season 2.
How does that make you feel?
hahaha that is awesome. C is always the best choice and this just confirms it. can't wait to see what everypony comes up with.
ReplyDeleteI chose A... Oh well.
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm sure I missed it somewhere, but...
ReplyDeleteHow/where do you want us to submit these stories? Inquiring minds want to know!
Also: Stop! Trixie Time! (cue MC Hammer dancing)
In my defense, I chose A. xD
ReplyDeleteDon't depress me bro.
But seriously, Twilight is still my #1 girl anyway.
ReplyDelete"Oh ha ha! It's just Cottonmouth!"
That's a great way to deny everything I just said.
No, I mean really. It is.
Sadly, everyone else in this fandom seems to be ignorant to what a giant closet furry you are. It's sad that such a giant figurehead of the fandom is such a lowlife.
I would probably have MORE respect for you if you came out and admitted you jerked it to Trixie everyday, but your too emotionally unstable to admit it. I fear for your personal life.
So who's going to write a [Sad]fic with pinkie Pie and "Nopony could remember a time when it had rained so hard."?
ReplyDeleteI'm tempted to write something with all five options plus second alternative, just because. Then again, seeing everything I've to do, I'd probably finish it by next year.
ReplyDeleteI voted D. I have no regrets!
ReplyDeleteWoot! 'D' really was for "Don't choose this one."!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure you just do that for attention at this point. Half the stuff you type can't possibly be serious.
You are pretty famous though, so it worked at least.
Looks like story number 47 of my 50 duodenum stories will actually be used. And yes I was serious in the fact that I had 50 of them on the back burner.
ReplyDelete@Cottonmouth "Sadly, everyone else in this fandom seems to be ignorant to what a giant closet furry you are."
ReplyDeleteOh I'm not ignorant, I know damn well who Sethisto is, I just can't care enough to do more than chuckle about it now and then.
Dang! We were sucker-bucked!
ReplyDeleteStarting paragraph:
ReplyDelete*... Nopony could remember a time when it had rained so hard; it was on that day that the world ended.*
Trixie, or "The Great and Powerful Trixie," as she called herself, laughed at the foolishness of all the silly little fillies that actually believed that mare's tale.
Applejack barely heard Trixie's chuckle as she walked past Sweet Apple Acres. "For the love of Celestia, not you again!" AJ facehoofed.
ReplyDeleteI think i will do the second option, maybe
If I recall correctly, both C and D were winning before Seth or Cereal had said anything about there being an "option [we] won't want."
ReplyDeleteI also think that they won because when most people saw them winning to begin with, they decided to vote for either of them so they could be sure they'd have a vote in the winning option (speculation of course, but that's what I do sometimes, hah).
Anyway, not sure why there's any complaining, since we have two options to choose from, and also that Trixie doesn't have to be the focus of the fics, she just needs to be in them (if you decide to use that option, anyway) in some capacity.
But dang, there goes the ideas I originally had, haha.
ReplyDeleteBest consequence ever.
ReplyDeleteWhen do we send our stuff in?
ReplyDeleteCareful Sethisto, remember not to feed the Parasprites XD
As for the results; I'm not sure I can do a story of 300 words or less @_@ Plus, I already used the one good idea I had for Trixie, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to come up with something =O
We've been Trixied!
ReplyDelete300 words huh? I believe I have something already cooked up pertaining to Trixie, but i'll see where this goes before I make my move.
ReplyDeleteA) This sucks. I love Trixie too much to write her. I feel like I can't get it right.
ReplyDeleteB) Totally writing a fic where Trixie and Cottonmouth have a troll-off.
ReplyDeleteThe most long time running trip-troll on this site. Cock-in-mouth deserves an award. He went to all the trouble to actually watch the series too.
ReplyDeleteI dunno bro, Seth conducts himself pretty well for a guy on the internet if Trixie fixation is the worst thing about him.
Sigh, not more Trixie.
ReplyDeleteAt least we have a chance of breaking Seths obsession with her, now that we know she's not in Season 2.
I chose A because no reasonable person would put the one they didn't want first :p
ReplyDeleteHow sad it must be, to live in a world of complete denial. Oh well.
I see this as an opportunity. Together we can all show Seth what Trixie really is. Lets all do this. Let's break the spell, and free him of the hold she has over him. TOGETHER!!
ReplyDeleteIs it alright if stories have continuity with each other? They will still be stand alone stories in their own right but can have an overall plot running through?
ReplyDeleteOh man, I can't wait to see the results.
ReplyDeleteHow awesome it must be, to live in a world where you're 100% right all the time. Oh well.
HAH!!! i knew it!!! Oh gods this is hilarious!! :D
ReplyDeleteYES! More Trixies! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
ReplyDeleteAlso you should combine C and D. :B
If my younger sister did this (too bad she's too little) she'd go crazy. Trixie is one of her favorites! (Sorry Twi,But my sister likes trixie too.)
ReplyDeletejust make a freaking shipping o.O ASAP xd i dont care who are in the story xD btw i choos D :D
ReplyDeleteThere once was a pony named Trixie,
ReplyDeletewhos boasting was really quite icksy.
Until one day, rejoice,
Poison Joke fixed her voice.
Now she sounds higher pitched than a pixie.
I voted B. I still like B. The great and powerful Trixie likes B. She told me.
ReplyDeleteNo. It's NOT fair. This place needs more Great and Powerful Trixie, dammit! >_<
ReplyDeleteD had an unfair advantage. Dash, Derpy, both start with D.
ReplyDelete~You ALWAYS pick C! :P
>>B is the new C
Okay, so Trixie Time. Got it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I find Cottonmouth's rage to be a pleasant thing to wake up to in the morning; he's a nice reminder that you can't win everyone over all of the time. Also his rage makes me giggle; much gentler than the bitter taste of something like coffee.
Why do I feel compelled to feed parasprites? Probably because they're being so cute in this thread.
ReplyDeleteBut apart from that, I got me a 300 word trixie story. where do i put it?
@Cottonmouth's daily rage
ReplyDeleteThere are far worse things on the internet than furries
Can I try to use all of them?
ReplyDeleteWell, except "A," since that would conflict with "C."
ReplyDeleteIt is possible, I have done it
Does the story have to be 300 words exactly, or can it be 300 words or more, or even 300 words or less?
ReplyDeletewhat're the rules for this?
ReplyDeleteBoth you Seth and Cereal are evil people.. and we love you for it. >>
ReplyDeleteim thinking of joining this
ReplyDelete300 words aint so hard
lets do this
I'm surprised nopony has said "Don't blame me, I voted C" yet. Time to remedy that.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame me, I voted C.
Now to try and think of something to write. And hope I can keep it under 300 words. Gonna be a toughie.
... Thank *Celestia* we didn't pick A. In my opinion, it woulda been kinda bumming. Though I'm sure a clever writer woulda found some way to make it ironically amusing.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, the only anti-Trixie twinge I've ever had was the ED banner debacle (NO MY RAEG D: ). Besides that, Trixie's okay in my book. Maybe we'll get some more good fuzzy Trixie stuff out of this like the "Over Canterlot" treatment and the hospital kid's ward pic to fic.
Trixie you say? I'm okay with this. All you upset people should have voted C, the answere is always C.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder I picked 'E'. Now I wish I picked 'A', though.
ReplyDeleteEverything I've written has had some form of a laugh, either hysterically insane, or absolutely content and amused.
Well I said I would write one with everything so... Wish me luck!
ReplyDeleteI picked C!
Well, fuck. There goes my original idea.
ReplyDeleteThen again, maybe not...
Oh man. We've just been trapped.
ReplyDeleteI picked A, and I kindda regret it now, but at least it didn't win.
Alright, Trixie time. Lets do this.
It can be Trixie time?
ReplyDeleteYesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! I might actually participate. :-P
*begins chant* All hail Trixie! All hail Trixie!
Is it 300 exactly or more or less?
ReplyDeleteI picked C.
ReplyDeleteThis is not my fault.
Finished my story which uses all five. Where do I submit?
ReplyDeleteThe Party Never Ended fits the bill perfectly for option C. Love that story. Be awesome if it became an actual episode/movie
ReplyDeleteCalling right now that half of these stories will feature Trixie being murdered
ReplyDeleteDangit Cereal! you evil evil tease, I think you nudged us all to picking D. I still vote C darnit!
ReplyDeleteI know of the trolling he did on /tg/ and I don't give a shit any more.
Stop being a loud faggot.
This will be my first serious fic.
ReplyDeleteNo pranks. No surprise twists. No time skips. No 'why is she holding a piñata?'
ReplyDeleteThe second Seth dropped that hint back in the poll post, I had a sinking feeling this was what he meant. (And then I voted A.)
I love Trixie and all (seriously, I'm dedicating my biggest project to her!), but I've long since learned that you actually can have too much of a good thing. You truly, truly can.
Here's hoping this isn't the strawberry that breaks the readership's back. when is this due?
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be amusing! There are bound to be some interesting fanfics coming in.
ReplyDeleteGood lord, what is it with you? Why are you even in this fandom if all you can do is complain about everything that is released by the fandom?
And Seth knew this would set you off too - apparently in rare form. He may be obsessed with Trixie, but you've got like some sort of pathological hatred of her that borders around the same area. Seriously, man, calm the heck down. Or find another old crotchety man to hang out with and take up shouting from a balcony.
Trixy is a pretty cool pony that doesn't afraid of anything.
Dude, we're all at least 25% furry for even being here. Accept it, and move on with your life.
Someone tell Cereal to post it!
ReplyDelete@Rainbowfinchbird Post it, Cereal!
ReplyDeleteAll of these opitions sucked so it doesn't really matter what the result was.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw the choices I immediately knew that D was the wrong choice. Now here I am going "I TOLD YOU SO" in my head.
ReplyDeleteThis should be fun!
ReplyDeleteYou realize now I'm going to pretend I'm not too lazy to write a story containing all five?
ReplyDelete~Display Name
That hardest part of this is trying to stave off the plot I have for another Trixie story.
ReplyDeleteWill someone please reply to at least one comment I have? Please?
ReplyDeleteI chose C. I had a feeling that D was going to be the one that we shouldn't have chosen.
ReplyDeleteCould we get a reminder of how to submit the story for those of us who missed the memo?
ReplyDelete@Pinkamina Diane Pie
ReplyDeleteGuards, this pink pony is starting to scare me...
What do you mean you won't do anything!? I'm a princess, too!
I don't care what sis said, I'm still a princess and I demand you do something before she does!
@Pinkamina Diane Pie
ReplyDeleteI will lay out the rules in the submission post, but it will be a maximum of 300 words.
ReplyDeleteIt will all be laid out in the submission post.
You cheeky fucker
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for the alternate! I'm not a Trixie fan, and my story involves rain, so...
ReplyDeletei voted E you fools!
ReplyDeleteThis can probably be considered paraspriting in its on right, but...
@marianne Actually,i wasen't planning on entering anyway,but i just mentioned it.
ReplyDeleteCelesita dang it, this completely throws what I was working on out the window! Why not the facehoof, or at least the laughing...?
ReplyDeleteSigh, I'll think of something...