• Story: Beyond Forever

    [Sad][Light Shipping] Does anypony remember reading Forever? Did it make you sad? Then please accept this hug and cookie, and sit down and read this. You'll like it, I promise.


    The long awaited (?) sequel to Forever! On the night of the Grand Galloping Gala, Photo Finish must choose between her career and her family.

    Beyond Forever

    Additional Tags:
    Sometimes ze mask wears you

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Beautiful. It just fits.

    2. Simply beautiful

    3. So hard she pulled something. Oh lol

    4. Love! Absolute Love! and not an ounce of fluff to be found, very well done. Thanks for this, the original was lovely, but this brings it around to a wonderful place!

    5. Awww, not sad at all !
      Really cute, leaves a good feeling and Happy End to your other FF.
      Good job !

    6. Photo Finish and Hoity Toity, eh? Makes sense X3

      Confound these fanfics, they warm my heart! :P

    7. Wow a really great sequel / ending to forever . And really heartwarming too. Great job!

    8. These are really good. Forever was heartbreaking but this one made me smile again.

    9. I read Beyond Forever before it was cool. :p

      5/5, as usual, DBC.

    10. Lovely. I have no other words to describe it. 7 out of 5. Easily.

    11. Briefer than most, but still a masterpiece. All my stars are belong to you.

    12. Forever was my favorite fanfic, and Photo Finish is my favorite pony. This fanfic warmed my heart. Thank you. <3

    13. great story, the first story made me sad for pinkie, but this story made me happy for all the sisters. 5/5. someone get this person a 6 star tag!

    14. Everything well starts well!!!
      5 stars!

    15. Oh lord, where to begin.

      I started by reading Forever, considering that was the prequel to this one, and it left me with a heart wrenching feeling. I felt the tears in my eye as they made their way down my cheeks, because it was just so sad and emotional. One lovely read, and I honestly thought I had to seek long for one as good. Luckily, I was wrong.

      Now, after reading Beyond Forever, I feel almost completely opposite how I felt after the prequel. I have this warm, gooey feeling in my chest, a dumb smile on my face, and the sudden urge to hug everyone in Bronydom and tell you how much I love you all. It was sweet, emotional and heart warming. Lovely read on a warm summer day. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for writing these Fics, and most of all thanks for ending the series so lovely!

    16. Luhood kind of... covered it the best, I think. This story isn't sad, it's... uplifting. It's a great coming-to-terms story and Purple Pie is a great character I think.

      This was great. Thanks for writing it and posting it.

    17. I could say something myself, or you could just reread Luhood's post. Take your pick.

    18. *sigh* I love happy endings...

    19. I can imagine Pinkie Pie smiling that hard.... :D
