[Normal] This got a lot of good reviews from the pre-readers! Charge!
Author: Red Charge
Description: Disaster strikes Equestria! Princess Celestia has vanished with the Elements of Harmony, and now it appears Ponyville itself is under attack! Will four unlikely heroes, with almost nothing in common be able to save Equestria from the most powerful creature in Equestria?
Astral Wings: Prologue
Astral Wings: Part I
Additional tags: Humorous, fantasy, dragons, epic, historical
YAY LUNA! But I have a speech tomorrow and I need to prepare... I'm sorry Luna, but school comes first.
ReplyDeleteMy god narwhals' you're here as much as me.
ReplyDeleteI'll read this later, I'm writing. Sorry Luna!
It is 1am at my place right now...
ReplyDeleteI have to get up at 6am.
*Luna AND GaP Trixie working as a team*
"I'll just make my espresso triple."
ReplyDeleteI really do spend too much time here. If it wasn't for the speech I must give tomorrow, I would have already finished writing my Dashfire.
@Narwhals' BendHAHAHAHA
ReplyDelete... Mine wont' be done for a few days...
ReplyDeleteEven if I do finish writing it tomorrow, I still need to edit and revise it which will take a day or two more.
ReplyDeleteSame with me. I still need to finish it and edit/revise.
I am sad by the lack of Luna in this fic. But oh well. It was still a plenty good story.
ReplyDeleteI certainly liked it.
A bit of false advertising with the pic, but still an interesting beginning. Looking forward to what comes next.
ReplyDeleteYes, despite the lack of Luna I am liking what is going on so far. Do continue!
ReplyDeleteHmm. So we have an OC Diamond Dog, who happens to be a husky. A very well-groomed husky.
ReplyDeleteI see what you did there.
That aside, I have one critique. Huskies look wolfish, but they are not what most people think of when they think of "wolfhounds". I AM aware of the husky/malamute-like "Saarloos Wolfhound", but Irish Wolfhounds are what comes to the minds of most people when they hear "wolfhound" (just Google-image "wolfhound" and see which one is most common - the Irish will outnumber the Saarloos by at least 100 to 1, guaranteed!). Irish wolfhounds are tall, skinny grey dogs that look more like huge shaggy greyhounds than wolves. The two mental images just don't mesh. It's a little distracting... you might reconsider it when using it to describe the HUSKY character.
- an ex vet tech who has met dozens of huskies, 3 Irish wolfhounds, and only ever heard of Saarloos wolfhounds.
Needs more Eyebrow Overlords. Author knows what i'm on about.
ReplyDeleteI agree and I'm sure he would too!
Interesting. Gilda and Diamond Dog? Spike and GaPT? I like it!
ReplyDeleteThis smacks of DE raid! Emperor protect us!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to continuation, looks promising!
i kinda want to see this one continued, it seems interesting.
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty good. I'm interested. The sword is a dead giveaway connection and I like that. Also it sorta feels like gilda might have a crush on Bowie. The only problem I had was certain sentence's seemed to run together and it was a little hard to catch things the first time. I had to reread a few things to fully grasp it, but at the same time I am an extremely fast reader so that could be fault on my part. I'm hoping luna is in the next chapter should this continue