• Story: Ah Ain't Got no Ack-Cent!

    [Normal] Manehatten style Applejack!? Why did this take so long to happen?

    Author: Conner Cogwork
    Description: When Rarity is overwhelmed with making designs for an agriculture exhibition, she turns to Applejack for advice. But when she gives Applejack a hair style treatment in return, the apple farmer lets her accent slip from southern drawl to sophisticated Manehattenite. The result? More fancy parties than you can shake a candy apple at!
    Google Documents
    Ah Ain't Got no Ack-Cent!

    Ah Ain't Got no Ack-Cent

    Additional Tags: Accent, Exhibition, Manehattenite speech, honesty.

    Live Reading

    107 kommentaari:

    1. Uhm, I've seen this before . . . I just know I have.

    2. I'm with anon here, It's been posted before.

      U derpin' Seth?

    3. Has it really? I don't see it in the archive at least.

    4. I also recognize it, but hey, if this is the 'archiving post', then that's cool too ;)

      It is also a good story, fairly interesting premise. I like it ;D

    5. It seems that way, unless me and Anon had the same Deja Vu.

    6. Same anon here. Yeah, I can't find it at all either and I went back a bit more than it was posted. Soooo, kay. Silly blogger, eating my pony-posts!

    7. Eeeeeeexcelent. Very easy to read, even with the constant accents. I only caught one or two spelling mistakes, and the chars. were simply DARLING! 5 stars, to be sure!

    8. I'm not sure what happened to it. I've never lost a post before aside from the blogger outage (and all of those have been restored sitting in my draft page as of today.. too bad a remade them all -_-)

    9. Kill me, I'm a PONY17. mai 2011, kell 12:42

      "Ah Ain't Got no Ack-Cent!"

      So... you do have an accent?

    10. I haven't seen it before, and I should now, I went and read through 75% of the fics while I was bored during finals (In retrospect, not a good idea -_-)

      I saw this on ponychan though like 2 days ago, so idk. http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/11667.html

      Very good and heartwarming read.

    11. Ack! Too many ponies viewing this!

    12. Kill me, I'm a PONY17. mai 2011, kell 12:58

      So, I was reading this, and right before Pinkie's sisters mentioned Pinkie by name, I was all "Waaaaiiiitttt.... Pies and rock farming.... PINKIE PIE!"

      So, there's my Derpy moment for today.

    13. WONDERFUL!!! I love how you wrote the pie family into it.

    14. Fanfics aren't supposed to be this good. You win, sir! grats on getting a couple achievements in the process!

    15. That was really good!

      Stupid google docs, being all full and stuff... I for one just copied all the text to notepad and read it there, let someone else load it up in the meantime. We need to get more people uploading on FF or Deviantart.

    16. This was good enough to be an actual episode on the show.

      5 stars for shore...er sure.

    17. Can you load this to FF.net or deviantart? I can't see it, too many are trying to view it.

    18. Agree, I've been trying to view this for more than an hour now. This is irritating.

    19. Open

      f5 for a while

      oh look now it loade- *press f5 by accident


      *repeat 2 more times

      yup been trying to read this thing since it got posted here, no luck.

    20. Courtesy: When you get a chance to view the doc, don't read it in Google Docs. Download it immediately and close the window so that other people can get at it.

    21. Ah reckon everypony havign trouble gettign to read it will take a look at the good ol adress bar, and do this:

      Replace the word "edit" in the adress bar with the word "preview" and then press enter

    22. @Anonymous

      Thanks for the advice

    23. I loved it! Definite My Fair Lady vibe, too.
      Hmm... My Fair Lady... My Little Pony...

    24. I would really like to see a fic about the Pie family by the same author.

    25. @Anonymous
      Works like a charm, thank you! Maybe this should be featured more prominently...

    26. Good job guy. Really nice structure and enough feeling, but not enough to be sappy. We could certainly do with more of this calibre of fanfic.

    27. @Anonymous

      Thanks for the info, Anon.
      That was a really good story. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was an episode put in story form.

      5 stars from me!

    28. Oh man, awesome stuff. Solid characterization, excellent flow and THE PIE FAMILY. Especially loved that all the mares in the Pie family have Pinkie sense of varrying accuracy. May be one of my favorite fics to date! Make more, brah!

    29. There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later.

    30. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    31. This was a really great story. I loved the characterization and the interaction between Applejack and Rarity. The inclusion of the Pie family was a nice touch. I could see this being adapted into an actual episode. It is stories like this that make me really appreciate this community.

    32. I'm gonna put my name on the line and say this hasn't been posted on EqD yet. Only on the count that this is refering to ponies that only took place a week and few days ago. Though it is likely those claiming to have read it got it from elsewhere (like say, ponychan)

      Anyway, very good read, certainly took my attention. Glad to see an Inky Pie who -isn't- Octavia for once, though, they both have a place in my heart.

    33. Celestia dang it! Please, PLEASE upload it to an additional site, CC! A lot of us are eager to read it, but it keeps saying too many people are viewing it.

    34. Heya bronies! Wow, I'm outright floored at how popular this really is! You guys really make me amazed. X3 Thank you all kindly!

      About everypony saying they've read this before, I posted this story to Ponychan first, before I submitted it to EqD. I got a fair amount of people THERE, saying I should submit it to Seth, so I caved in and did so. Glad I did too!

      Should I do more? Probably not real soon, but I DO have a few more ideas in mind... Scootalove, or Freakout Twilight with Great-And-Powerful guest star?

    35. @The Lovely Penguin

      I have an old, outdated FF.net account. If you can ignore the horrible name, I could upload it there.

    36. I found this story simply divine and the humor just marvelous. I do hope to see more of your fabulous work.

    37. This was a great piece of fiction :D

    38. Loved this. The interwoven Pie family was an excellent touch.

    39. I liked the inclusion of the Pie family and the display of inherited twitchiness.

    40. This was seriously incredible! Bravo man!

    41. I LOVED this story!
      Applejacks accent was captured PERFECTLY in text, something you don't usually see. The Pinkie Sense amongst the Pies made me laugh. This is the first fanfic I could actually PICTURE in my HEAD as an episode!
      I really liked this, and hope to see a lot more come out of the author. A lot.

    42. A 5 star Pony Fan-fic for sure.

    43. This was thoroughly enjoyable.

    44. So it's not really a 'Pinkie Sense' as it is a 'Pie Sense'.

    45. This was... Wow. As others mentioned, the entire time I was reading this I was picturing it as an actual mlp ep. It was that good. the story flowed beautifully, had the perfect mix of drama, comedy, and even had an overlying moral. Loved the inclusion of the pinky pie family, and *loved* the ending! Eyyyy-yup!

    46. ...Yokelahoma City. -gigglesnort-

      But i think you're giving them too much credit. Yokie folks couldn' act fancy if'n ya paid fer the less'ns

    47. A story worthy of an actual episode. Everything was perfect down to the characterization and even AJ's accent.
      Wasn't even expecting the Pie Family and their varying levels of the Doozy.


    49. @jenovaii
      Ah'll have ya'll know sah, ah'm a Yokie from Muleskogee mahself. Far as we're concerned, Applejack always sounds like ah normal pony!

      Speakin' o' which, thar wouldn't happen' t'be some other Yokie bronies lurkin' 'round these parts, would thar?

    50. @Conner Cogwork

      Yes, please. My computer can't handle large google documents.

    51. @rebound

      Yokie bronies! Off to Flankbook to make group, brb!

    52. As a new brony, this was the first MLP:FiM fic I've ever read. Perfect plot and writing style! A few grammar errors, but with all the warm fuzzies, who cares~? It reads like a real episode. Kudos to the author!

    53. Five stars. Y'earned 'em.

    54. I like it! Course, this means I have to go read the Cheerilee one next. Tragic fate, that is.

    55. Excellent. You know, I see a lot of stories that readers claim could easily be actual episodes. Yet, I find a lot of them lacking in some areas. Not this one. This story just has that perfect balance of plot, jokes, drama, suspense, and sheer pony-ness that goes into a good episode. The Pies just made it.


    56. You know, all those issues of max viewer limits could be solved if the authors would just Publish the document instead of linking the Edit/Preview Sharing link.

    57. @EspyLacopa
      Thanks for the protip. Published doc links are on their way to Seth now. You'll have to pardon me, I'm still rather new to this whole Google Docs thing.

    58. Script Broken, page stops loading after first paragrpah.

      plz fix

    59. *sigh* ...always late to the party when it comes to commenting. It's been said before but bears repeating: This was great. You got AJ and Rarity's characters down perfectly, a believable scenario, pacing was brisk without being overly rushed... the whole thing was definitely of a high enough calibre to be an episode, and one of the better ones at that.

      Very nicely done CC. One hopes to read more from you in future.

    60. As a southwest Missouri hillbilly born and bred—I have an honest-to-goodness blood feud in my ancestry—I've always said I liked Applejack for the way that she's the only one of the cast who doesn't talk funny. How awesome to find a story based on that very idea.

      I agree: that should have been an episode of the show. It has the whole be-yourself moral and everything. Very well done!

    61. As a southwest Missouri hillbilly born and bred—I have an honest-to-goodness blood feud in my ancestry—I've always said I liked Applejack for the way that she's the only one of the cast who doesn't talk funny. How awesome to find a story based on that very idea.

      I agree: that should have been an episode of the show. It has the whole be-yourself moral and everything. Very well done!

    62. This was good, it could be an episode

    63. Definite five stars. :)

      Wonderful plot and moral, perfect timing, just right characterization - everything that a story should be. I loved it.

    64. A five star story!

      No stupid shipping.
      No grimdark.

      If the hub ever made a contest for a winning script that would be turned into a real episode, please submit your fic. I wanna see this!

    65. Great story! Like a few others mentioned it feels like an episode without any of the typical fanfiction stuff that usually turns me off of fanfics. Great job! 5 stars from me. :)

    66. The story was taken down? Why hasn't it been updated?

    67. "We're sorry. You can't access this document because it is in violation of our Terms of Service."

      What the hay? O.o

    68. Augh! Both this and the Cheerilee one by the same author taken down for Terms of Service nonsense. I was really looking forward to reading it, too. ...Anypony save a copy somewhere?

    69. Yeah, I really liked this story as well, what's up with this "Terms of service" stuff? has it been uploaded somewhere else?

    70. Apparantly, somebody flagged the published document links for some reason, for content reasons. I've dismissed the one that popped up on the Cheerilee one, but on this one, I've submitted a request for review.

      In the meantime, the both of them are still up and present, and I've had no trouble accessing them, though that may be simply due to me being the originator. Can anypony double-check and tell me if they can still access them or not? *both chat and no-chat links.*

    71. Doesn't look like I can access either of them. I was looking forward to reading this one, too. )=

    72. Yeah, it still won't let me access either link on either fic.

    73. Okay, there are now FF.net links to Accent. I'm not a fan of the way they format things, but it works. If you can't access the Googledocs one, then try the second. Sorry about all this folks!

    74. Haha! I enjoyed it a lot! I can't really see Applejack breaking down like she did towards the beginning, but other than that, it was a great, fun read that kept me entertained the whole way through. I almost did a double-take when I realized the whole thing with the Pie family -- that was a nice touch!

    75. Googledocs seems to work now, great story really enjoyed it. Thought the inclusion of the pie family was a cute nod to the show's canon.

    76. A wonderful read, and good work infusing the written word with Applejack's Accent.

    77. That was a big twist at the end, there. I enjoyed the story. 5/5


      "It's" is short for "it is"

      The possessive form of it is "its."


    79. The only thing that would have made this story perfect is if you named the other sister Blinkie.

      Blinkie. Pinkie. Inkie.

      Think about it.

    80. @Anonymous By any chance do they have a non-referenced brother named Clyde?

    81. @Anonymous

      Either that, or a non-referenced sister named Sue.

    82. @Anonymous

      Actually, from what I understand, Pinkie's FATHER and MOTHER were supposedly named Clyde and Sue respectively.

      I have no evidence to support this, but it would make sense, and utilize all the names in one cohesive family. :]

    83. I think what I found funniest was that Applejack even THINKS in her accent.

    84. Cute, adorable, and utterly wonderful.
      A couple issues here and there, but otherwise a joyful work.
      On another note, I'd like to point out that there is no guarantee that Applejack's accent IS southern. It's simply a country accent or farmer's accent for ponies. We do not know if her accent is centralized in Southern Equestria, or if it's simply spread around. Given that every other pony speaks in what I will call High Equestrian (surprisingly like english, only with noun substitutions), I can only assume that Applejack's accent is a family thing. Sweet Apple Acres seems to have been there awhile, and Ponyville seems to only have High Equestrian speakers. Thus either Sweet Apple Acres is made of tree transplants entirely, or the family has its own accent that seems to have rubbed off on the citizens of Appleloosa.

    85. I'd say this is a near perfect fan-fiction in regards to its flow and story; however, where it really shines for me is in how true it is to the characters and style of the show itself. It's charming, entertaining, and full of the pony way of life that we all love! I haven't read many fan-fics on here yet, but a quality story like this makes me confidant that i'll be returning to read more! I know I said "near" perfect at the beginning, but i'm not even gonna write my complaints because you're obviously too busy be AWESOME to be bothered with such nonsense.

    86. This...this is brilliant. It really DOES feel like a legitimate episode! Well done!

    87. Is it later yet? I'm reading this! Drunk!

      The opening is weird, bringing the reader into the story like that. But that's cool, I can let it slide. I do like the setup, Rarity getting into something that she really has no understanding of like this.

      ...Do ponies have whiskers? Rarity's reaction to Applejack's changing accent is PRICELESS. That's really amazing. Mango Marmalade strikes me as a pretty fun character, a Hoity Toity for the apple set.

      This story gives Applejack a lot of the character development I feel she was lacking in the first season. I really wish I was seeing this as an episode! I want to hear Applejack trying to keep control over her voice. I ALSO WANT TO HEAR APPLE BLOOM SAYING THAT.

      Oh, another city name pun! I like the double meaning in that one, not sure if it was intentional, but it works brilliantly. One other thing I thought was very clever was working in the fact that, aside from Rainbow Dash, none of the mane six knows each others' cutie mark story. And that was a great cameo. Oh god, they all have the Sense! That's brilliant! That whole scene was hilarious!

      You know, I was expecting them to get there and find out that the ponies at the expo weren't so cultured as Rarity had been expecting. The speech is a far better ending. That was fantastic. As both a fic reader and a linguist, I salute you.

    88. I very much enjoyed reading this story.

      The beginning was excellent. I love the dance of Applejack and Rarity -- two good friends who have very little in common (except where it really counts). They play off of each other so well.

      The heart of this story is about being true to one's self, a key element of Honesty. This makes the story a great vehicle for Applejack, and ultimately enhances Applejack's cutie mark story by showing that her story ties into her primary virtue in a key way.

      I also loved Rarity's portrayal. There is a certain loneliness to her that you can really feel in her eagerness to connect to Applejack in this new way. Her epiphany at the end is expertly handled. I love how willingly she embraces that realization and supports Applejack completely.

      The humor of this story makes it a lot of fun. Rarity's reactions (especially to Applejack's first Manehattanite words) are priceless. Apple Bloom is in excellent form. But my favorite is the scene at the farm with the gift. I loved Granny Smith's bemusement and Applejack's thoughts about preferring to jump out a window, getting shards of glass embedded in her flank.

      The shared family trait revealed in the big scene was a complete surprise and utterly perfect. I loved it!

    89. This story... Is much better than I thought it would be. I don't read many Applejack fics, mostly because she's pretty far down on my list. I'm glad I decided to give this one a chance, even if it was because Kkat coerced me into reading it.

      Lately some of the fics I've been reading have done characterizations that rang false, so it was very refreshing to read such true-to-the-show character interactions. This made it even better when you gave extra personality to ponies that don't have much in the show. Portraying Granny as a sly old tart was especially amusing.

      I also wanted to congratulate you on sneaking Pinkie Pie's family in there. I did not see that coming at all.

      An excellent one-shot short story. My favorite kind. Thank you, dear author. You've brightened my day!

    90. Could easily be an episode of the show, which is the best kind of story. Very good job.

    91. Wow, that was great! I'd expected two more days of sophisticated speech before Applejack finally admitted the truth.
      And in the end, the title put out. She no longer had a definable accent.

    92. "ohh i got this self licking icecr.....awwwwww"

    93. The thing that bugs me about this to no end is the frequent use of "tain't" where it shouldn't be. Ignoring the fact that it's not a word, because of course it's something Applejack would say, it's short for "it ain't", but it is frequently used in situations where it wouldn't be preceded by "it". For instance, she says "I tain't" quite a few times, which just doesn't make sense. You wouldn't use a contraction to add MORE effort to your sentence; logically, that sort of drawl just happens naturally when two or more spoken words run together.

    94. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    95. But I still like it as a story.

      Although, I didn't like when Applejack said: "and before she gained the attention of Big Macintosh or I". If she's trying to have perfect grammar, she (or at least Rarity) should know that "I" is a subject, not an object. For instance, it's "between you and me", not "between you and I". That just doesn't make sense.

      < /grammar nazi >

      I'm not saying grammar has to be perfect. I love fragments and run-ons and comma splices as much as the next person. But there are just a few basic rules that ought to be followed. "Me" exists to be the object form of "I", so it's no good using one in the other's place, now is it?

    96. In Texas, we pronounce "Accent" as "Ack-see-yint". Yeah, like there's three syllables. :D


    97. I can see why this story got so much attention. Wonderfully balanced with humor and plot.

    98. This was a fun one to read; nicely done!

    99. A good Applejack story is hard to find. This is well beyond good. Someday I hope to not have a discernible order of preference for the Mane 6 at all.

    100. Ugh! I finally convinced myself to read this. I had thought that the idea was more along the lines of, "Applejack has been hiding her Manehatten accent to blend in with her fellow farm ponies, and Rarity discovers AJ's best kept secret." And that sounded horrid. Luckily that wasn't the case, and this story was great! 4-star!

    101. This story was very well-written and surprisingly touching!

      A very good read :)

    102. A great story by a promising writer. Some stylistic issues with said-isms and telling instead of showing, but that wouldn't show up in a script. The dialogue is great, really channels the voices of Applejack and Rarity. This would make an excellent MLP episode. Too bad Hasbro isn't trolling this site AFAIK.

    103. This has been on my reading list for the longest time and I am glad I finally found time to read it. It was a enjoyable read and felt like it could be an episode.

    104. Great story! Loved how you integrated the pie sisters and their abilities :D this could be a perfect episode :)
