• Season 1 Stats and Stuff

    I have received a few emails asking for stats and stuff for the site.  So here is a stat post!

    Above is the all time blogger stats.  It resets the slope every month, so May looks like a massive drop, but it's just building it.  You can at least see the increase from when the blog started (January) to now.

    On the side you will see pageviews.  When I took this, it was ~2:00 PM.  The Blogger daily stats roll over at 5:00pm.  I am not sure if it will break yesterday in 3 hours, but it might!

    Now blogger isn't 100% accurate, and I figured this out pretty late.  I added Google Analytics some time around the middle of February for a more in depth analysis, meaning it's missing about half a month of data.  You can find all of that After the Page Break
    So technically we already broke 5,000,000 on just straight up pageviews, but the ticker on the side uses blogger so we will stick with that for benchmarks. 

    The most important stat is Absolute Unique.  That's a lot of bronies! Though it doesn't factor in the rotating IP's, and the 37% of them that ran for the hills when they saw Ponies in Lingerie and Cupcakes! 

    And finally, absolute unique IP's daily.
    There was a huge spike when VGcats posted the blog, but it seems to have evened out now.  Actual pageviews have increased pretty substantially, but I guess the new crowd is just digging through the archive or something.

    Anyway hopefully that answers all your questions! I'm pretty sure this will be the peak of it until season 2. It was a good run though! I'm not going to make this a regular thing, just a one time deal.

    27 kommentaari:

    1. I still remember going here when it first opened. Man this fandom exploded fast. Never thought this many people would be interested back in /co/ in October.

    2. woo, so many bronies!

    3. Pony statistics:

      Rainbow Dash is 20% cooler.

    4. I never thought I would enjoy My Little Pony, but here I am.

    5. Oh man, delicious numbers~ <3

      I think there's gonna be a drought when summer comes, but here's hoping we make it through.

    6. If you told me 4 months ago that i'd be eagerly browsing a My Little Pony news site everyday then I would have laughed you out of the building.

      Much <3 for my bronies

    7. new visits is going down... is the meme becoming less viral?

    8. it was a mix of VGcats and a youtube vid of the Sonic Rainboom scene with guile's theme that make me first give mlp a try and i love it more then ANYTHING :D

      might get a few new bronys sense http://www.brokenplotdevice.com/ just did a comic about them too

    9. If you told me 4 months ago that I would be watching MLP I would probably search it out ahead of time.

    10. Aswell as

      Something which many WoW fans such as myself seem to have missed

    11. @Anonymous

      It was a spike from VGcats. Not everyone stuck around.

    12. Season 2 will bring New fans. With how much content is being pumped out of the fanbase I think there will be a lull in activity but once October hits look out Loretta. Pony Train will be going faster.

    13. Thanks for the stats, Seth! This helps us get a better grasp on how big the fandom really is and how fast it has been growing. Hopefully we will be able to increase our momentum when the second season starts and get even more people into the fandom.

    14. For my part, I ain't goin nowheres! I'll be here all summer (at least when classes are out!) Bronys of the world UNITE!

    15. Thanks for stats, Seth

      The summer may actually maintain the community, I believe. I just hope Hasbro doesn't @#$# everything up.

    16. Just keep up the freindship, love, and tolerance everypony <3

    17. So the huge drop was caused by lingerie ponies, AKA creepy furry shit.

      And then some cockdevourers come in claiming furries do no harm?

      Let me laugh even louder.

    18. @Anonymous

      That was a joke, lingerie ponies actually spiked the population back when they came out ;p

      The VG cats people probably just didn't see anything interesting, aside from the bronies.

    19. I wonder why scott took down the comic - was there again some kind of drama ? I didn't know dailyblink did also a cameo. Interesting to see how many unique hits there are - gives a good impression how many people there really are (despite the not very accurate site hits).
      I'm going to stick around too, even if I can't figure out how to register an account to be no longer an anon over here.

    20. @Anonymous From what I heard from some other forums Scott took the comic down because he wasn't pleased with it. Other than that I haven't heard of any drama.

    21. @Anonymous
      your ignorance is amazing

    22. The page views and time spent on the site is probably actually more than the stats shows. I read most of the post using of Google Reader off of the RSS feed. I just pop onto the site to read/post comments or see newer posts that haven't gotten to Google Reader yet. Who knows how many more people do the same.

    23. I love statistics and numbers.

    24. I'm not being counted?

      checks... yes. I'm not being counted!

      good too because i'm swimming through the whole archive on a regular basis.

    25. @Free

      More Pony Stats:

      I read someone's comment on Youtube saying that Rarity was 10% more awesome after A Dog and Pony Show. While this is hard to quantify it seems about right.
