Hahaha! I see you're all DELERIOUS! Scootaloo is OBVIOUSLY the best pony. I am only allowed to obsess over Rainbow Dash because I obess over Scootaloo who obesses over Dash. I wish I saw her do that, she obviously went through a rip in the universe then went back to Equestria.
27 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaThat looks so good!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
VastaKustutaNo, it's Rainbow Dash!
lol, rainboom attack where dash carries an apple with her during a rainboom, then divebombs it on the target... I could toally see that in a game.
VastaKustutaI want to believe.... :D
VastaKustutaDash Combat 5
VastaKustutayay 3d Sonic Rainboom!
VastaKustutaBlah, I always see a lot of these videos first, but it never crosses my mind to send 'em to you, Seth. I need to get on that.
VastaKustutaAmerica! F**K YEAH!
VastaKustutayeah, a Sonic Rainboom
VastaKustutayou are awesome Rainbow Dash XD
I liked the part where it panned to the right.
VastaKustutaThat's well done, but I think everyone is overlooking the biggest part of this post.
VastaKustutaSeth called DASH the best pony.
^ There's nothing wrong with stating the truth.
VastaKustutaSeth only said the truth. Dashie IS the best and coolest pony ever.
No argument from me, Rainbow Dash pony is best pony
VastaKustutathat was pretty cool.
VastaKustutaDash is best!
VastaKustutaDash 4 lyfe etcetc
VastaKustutaIsn't Seth the guy that prefers Trixie?
VastaKustutaI wonder what happend to him that he likes Rainbow Dash now.
@Black Yousa
VastaKustutaThere is when Fluttershy is clearly the best.
Dash is the worst pony. There, I said it.
VastaKustutaHahaha! I see you're all DELERIOUS!
VastaKustutaScootaloo is OBVIOUSLY the best pony. I am only allowed to obsess over Rainbow Dash because I obess over Scootaloo who obesses over Dash.
I wish I saw her do that, she obviously went through a rip in the universe then went back to Equestria.
I believe the appropriate expression is;
OBVIOUSLY still inferior to the flutterstare.
VastaKustutaWould drop dash mid-flight like a baked bad in sugarcube corner.
VastaKustutaThat's not what I was getting at. Seth loves Trixie and Twilight, something apocalyptic must have happened for HIM to say that.
I still tand to say Twilight Sparkle is the best pony. But everypony is entitled to choose their most favoured pony.
VastaKustutaBring forth the next BEST PONY poll!