• Shine Bright Fluttershy

    I won't pretend to be an expert on these toys at all, so I admit I had no clue this thing was new, but apparently it is!

    The Shine bright line tends to have light-up horns/wings.   It is currently on the same chinese website as the Canterlot Castle and random recolor ponies

    Those guys must have some pony hacks rolling or something on Hasbro's marketing department servers, they beat everyone to the punch!

    Anyway thanks to everyone who told me about these!  

    Now to just wait for those high quality molded cast ponies... you can do it Hasbro! I have faith!  Twilight Sparkle and Trixie are worth it!

    24 kommentaari:

    1. I'm starting to lose faith in getting a good quality model of the characters, guess we gotta leave it to the fans.

    2. I'm not buying any more pony toys that don't look like the FIM style. I just won't. there's too much of the old crappy pony style in the new toys.

      Yell at Hasbro or something.

    3. come on hasbro, me want luna figure! GIVE ME MY FUCKING LUNA FIGURe, OR I WHILE UNLEASH FLUTTERAGE!!!

    4. Seriously, quit with the G3 style. SEE THOSE PAPERCRAFT MODELS? GET ME A PLASTIC VERSION OF THAT!


      In all seriousness, I have nothing to say other than what has been said in above comments. Especially the luna toy line.

    6. I want a gift set with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Luna and Angel dammit. They made the Twilight / Applejack / Pinkie / Celestia / Spike one, so, why not the rest?

    7. And I mean, really? A Fluttershy model, but no miniature Angel Bunny to go with her? Come on, Angel Bunny is the most smartass character on the show. You can't NOT have Angel Bunny.

    8. @Anonymous

      I'm actually kind of looking forward to a fold-open model of Twilight's library.

    9. I saw the Pinkie Pie and Rarity light-up figures in a store in Manehattan the other day. Pinkie Pie actually looked OK: she had her Laughter Element necklace as the light-up bit.

    10. I saw a rainbow dash one at my local wal-mart consited buying it but it but the fact her tail was wrong only has the blue parts in it was really off putting

      it drives me nuts all the rainbow toys/dolls eather look wrong or worse have the older version of her cutie mark (plain rainbow between two clouds)

    11. Sorry, but for me, almost all of the MLP toys are made without any sense of taste. Okay, they are dedicated to the little girls, but seriously...

      *Takes a look on the sheet that was added to pocket ponies, showing some of the MLP products*

      ...considering the quality of the show and the fact that it's entertaining even to 25 old males, creating toys like THAT is like trolling us with "Yo dawg, I heard you like ponies so I created overly girly and supa-sweet pieces of thingies barely related to the show so you can waste yer money and show yer friends how manly you are while you're cuddling your supa-pink Celestia wannabe".

      (Some may disagree here, but I really hate the way they're creating hair. Honestly, this looks so horribly bad. Would girls really suffer if it was replaced with some good-looking static hair? Do they really HAVE to comb it in order to have fun?)

      So far, the only MLP toys I'm going to buy (and I already have Pinkie Pie and Rarity) are these ones: http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t309/picklepud/My%20Little%20Pony/MediaOne7.jpg They make a very nice decoration for my desk. But even in this case, I'm not certain if I'm going to buy Twilight and Applejack. They don't look very nice here... (But for the other hand, Pinkie Pie is just lovely. Her gaze sometimes makes me lower my head so we can look at each other. This is so cute.)

    12. I'm through with toys unless they release an accurate Fluttershy, which I'd gladly pay up to $50 for.

    13. Still waiting for figures of The Great and Powerful Trixie... ;__;

    14. Well I like it, it's Fluttershy, who doesn't liek Fluttershy?

      Anyway if you notice this is part of the Canterlot set that Target is pushing.

    15. It probably takes a long time for toys to get from design to the shops, so the popularity of the show among people who might pay decent money for merch probably wrong-footed them a bit.

      It kind of sucks that they'd probably have been happy churning out old-school figures with a picture of whoever it's supposed to be on the box forever if the show had kept to its target demographic, but it'd be pretty amazing if Hasbro totally failed to capitalise on this in future.

    16. Guys, these were probably planned before MLP reached popularity. I have a strong feeling that we'll be getting some good toys in the future. We just have to be patient!

    17. Fan perspective:
      Toys don't look like the show.

      Hasbro perspective:
      The show doesn't look like the toys.

    18. and still hasbro havent throw a decent pony toy that doest look 3g i mean the fan make far better models than hasbro its an embarrasment come on hasbro stop making copy paste of the ponies >:(

    19. I like that this Fluttershy figure has her Element of Harmony necklace, although it looks nothing like it.

      I find it hard to believe the excuse that the toys look the way they do just because Hasbro did not anticipate how popular the show would become. Even if all they had to go off of were concept drawings from the show's pre-production it is still no excuse for the sub-par showing. They could have made high quality figures from the start but chose not to. That just shows how much respect they had in their own franchise and more despicably the girls the toys are marketed to. The toys are lame because Hasbro's toy department doesn't think girls know any better.

      It is just a continuation of the mentality that pervades the Television and toy industries, That little girls are simple, dumb, and generic. The only colour girls like is pink, the only games they play is dress up, etc.

      It is especially sad with the current MLP toys as these ideas are the mindsets that the FiM show is trying to change. Girls are as varied and different as the members of the main cast and the CMC.

      When a single individual with simple art supplies can make a better quality toy then a billion dollar toy company with dozens of artists and sculptors that have access to the latest in technology and massive production facilities you know something is not right.

      I do hope that Hasbro diverts more funning towards the MLP toy production to produce and release figures in the near future that more closely resemble the look and feel of the show. (Maybe create figures of some of the background ponies). Make toys that will inspire those that play with them to be designers, athletes, veterinarians, chefs, scientists, authors, farmers, and countless other professions. To pursue their hopes and dreams and be an individual, just like the show.

      But what do I know, I'm just Some Guy on the Internet.

    20. "Fan perspective:
      Toys don't look like the show.

      Hasbro perspective:
      The show doesn't look like the toys."


    21. @SomeGuy "It is currently on the same chinese website..."
      I don't think Hasbro had full management over the product.

      She almost looks bald. D;

    22. EEEEeeeeee, weird synthetic thread hair, get it away from me...!

    23. We need a rainbow dash with her cutie mark around the right way >:l

      went into the local store to buy some manly merchandise, and find a G3.5 RBD with 2 backwards cutie marks.

      What is this nonsense??

      (although to be fair, it was 30% off)
