• Season 2 Information from Kreoss (MLP Animator) on DA

    This is some really interesting news from Kreoss on Deviant Art.  I'll bullet point the main parts below, because bullet points are cool.
    • Seven known episodes so far
    • Derpy is now an official Character, showing up in storyboards.
    • Returning characters (*queue Twilight yesyesyesyesyesyes*) 
    • Luna episode is "pretty cool"! 
    • MLP Animators also watch it for the plot. (Confirmed x2!)
    Screencap and Link below!
    Kreoss Journal

    139 kommentaari:

    1. Luna Episode and Ditzy Doo?

      FRACK YES!!!



    3. >New characters

      ohcrap. This could mean the death of the show.


    5. . . . . is it wrong that I sort of hoped Derpy would remain the silent background character, so we could all fill in the blanks with our own imaginations?

    6. I dunno, the way she puts it doesn't sound like she'll become a main character. It just sounds like everyone there likes her.

    7. @Anonymous
      Not at all. I know that feel, bro.

    8. @Anonymous

      That doesn't mean she's gonna be having speaking roles all the time, it just means the studio officially acknowledges her now.

    9. >i watch it for the plot

    10. @Anonymous

      They probably mean in the same way Zekora and Gilda were new characters... I don't think they are gonna retool the whole cast.

    11. @Filly

      Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that.

    12. Derpy is an official character... Oh... God...

    13. I just got chills.

      Also derpy an official character?

    14. Someone on ponibooru pointed out that "old characters" could refer to characters from previous gens of MLP... Not gonna lie that COULD be awesome.

    15. Oh man, fellow bronies, this makes me feel a lot better, I thought i was going to have to drink all my vodka tonight. Now I'll only have a couple as a toast to Faust and everyone that worked on the show!

    16. I know it's not with in the normal context of this sound bite, but I think it speaks more than I can.



    18. on the DA page it says his current game is mortal kombat. while he is watching season 2 animatics. Discuss.

    19. Mission Accomplished.


    20. Sweet, we only have to wait 7 Episodes to see Luna in Season 2...

      Unless these episodes are being done in a random order that is.

      I wonder if season 2 will have a new opening sequence? One that includes Derpy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders? It can be possible!

      December, please come soon.

    21. Great counter to the Faust announcement earlier. I applaud the reaction times/planning of their PR department.

    22. I don't know how you didn't get any emails about this, but I'm glad I could clue you in, haha. It's actually nice having this above the "Lauren Faust is leaving the show" post, maybe it'll give people hope for season 2.

      And as for returning characters, how many characters could actually return? Trixie? Gilda? Sapphire Shores? The Diamond Dogs? Photo Finish? Spitfire?

      There's actually a lot more named side-characters than I thought...

    23. headblown.jpg
      I can die happy now simply knowing this.
      Derpy! And Hasbro, don't ruin her for us ;)

    24. Read the comment about Derpy more carefully guys, he says that Derpy seems to be an "official character here". "Here" being the Top Draw animation studio in the Phillipines. Basically, I think all he's saying is that the animators have taken to calling her by her fan name and may get a set of custom expressions etc.

    25. I'm hoping that by new characters they mean more along the lines of those that are there for a single episode, such as Trixie, Gilda, Braeburn, etc. Or maybe some more along the the lines of the CMCs. My main fear is that they bring in new main characters that might upset the interplay between the mane six. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.

      Regarding Luna, I just hope that everyone understands when she doesn't perfectly match what they have built her up to be in their imaginations (something that I worry a ton about regarding myself to be honest). Actually, that about sums up all my fears for season 2. That we are each going to build up this golden, perfect thing in our head as to what we think the next season is going to be, and even if it is good, but not amazingly astounding, we all go berserk and give up on watching.

      Also, the way I read things, it sounds more to me that Derpy is just going to still be around as she has been. If the guy who sees everything still doesn't know if she has her own presets, it sounds more like she may be given the same as she has in the second half of season one. Some more brief appearances/ cameos, like where its shows her being responsible for dropping a lot of stuff on Twilight's head in 'Feeling Pinkie Keen'.

    26. Judging by how it was worded, I think that derpy being an "official character here" simply means the people over at the Philippine studio like her and now regard her as more than a background pony, even if that is all she ever amounts to in season 2 as well.

      I don't think it means shes been cast as a main pony of any sort, or even had her role changed at all.

    27. @Adrian Brony

      If they somehow work the Smooze into the show, AND give it an awesome song, I'm definitely going to lose it.

    28. Hoping for Spitfire and her sidekick Soaren here... they're really cool, friendly ponies. Unlike, say, a certain Blue Bombastic Braggart...

    29. @Sethisto
      I noticed it and immediately though "If he watches it for the plot, wouldn't it have to be animated?"

    30. @Killsteal_Wolf

      How do you figure? she could be in the first episode for all you know. Where did he say Luna returns in the 7th episode?

    31. *sigh* Thank goodness, we needed news like this...

      But you all saw episode 26, don't get your hopes up too much!

    32. Oh... well...

      With Lauren Faust stepping down and all these changes that are being introduced... I only pray that it will work out well.

    33. @FasterThenRainbows
      What's that suppose to mean?
      Ep. 26 was a good episode

    34. @Filly

      But wait. Doesn't he WRITE the plot? OH hell, what kind of people are we dealing with? YES, I SCARED!

    35. He means the moral from episode 26, which was 'Don't get your hopes up too much'.

    36. I've liked all the episodes so far and I'm really looking forward to the new ones! This sounds spectacular. Really looking forward to Fall.

    37. Even if Derpy being an official character only means that she isn't cloned when she's in the background, that's still going to be awesome. I hope she get's some lines.

      Luna episode!!!

    38. Things I don't like: the idea of Trixie and Gilda coming back.

      I mean. Really? I don't want those two getting any sympathetic qualities or screen time at all :I

      I'm also not too thrilled at Derpy/Ditzy-Doo getting more screen time. I liked her more as an easter egg so that we could each have our own interpretations of her.

      Still, this part right here: "I watch it for the plot ;)" gives me a little hope for season 2....

    39. @Anonymous

      Faster meant that the girls in Episode 26 got their hopes up about the Gala being the "Best Night Ever", only for it to be anything but. Faster wants us to guard against hoping this will be the greatest thing in the history of forever and getting disappointed.

      I just hope season 2 remains fun. That it still has some of the heart. With most of the crew from season 1 still in, I'm optimistic about where the show will go.

    40. I really hope they keep all the mane cast, I assume they will - But if not.. >_> Well..

    41. This does make me feel better. Thanks @Lovecraft.

    42. Derpy's official?!
      Interesting. My only thought will be if she'll be smart yet absent-minded or a true ditz.

    43. @McBehrer

      What I meant was that if 7 Episodes have already been made, and assuming they are making the episodes in the order they are going to air them, Then Luna will be in at least one of the first 7 Episodes.

    44. Things really seem to be fluctuating between "PABODY NONIC!" and "EVERYONE PANIC!" so fast right now that it's getting hard to follow.

      Tonight I've heard things I like, things I don't like, things I wished weren't, and things I wished that were, but aren't about season 2.

      In the end, even if it all goes to pony hell, we'll still have one good season worth of ponies, and if anyone mentions season 2, we can just act like the four last panels in here


    45. Suffice to say.... im not that worried, even with the news of faust leaving.. i think the show is in capable hands.

      Also derpy!!! WOOOO!!!

    46. I think I would seriously shed tears if they axed ANY of the mane six...

    47. Going to clarify a few things real quick as another artist who works on the show:

      (Seven episodes of season two are already complete!)
      -Not true, he was talking about animatics, not finished episodes.

      (Derpy is now an official Character)
      -Sorta, she is now showing up in storyboards instead of being added in as an afterthought.

      (Returning characters)
      -Yes some characters may make a return, but there will also be new characters as well.

      (Luna episode is "pretty cool"!)
      -Yes, yes it is.

      (MLP Animators also watch it for the plot.)
      -Yes, yes we do.

    48. Dear Hasbro

      its nice that youre making Derpy an official character, but please keep her a background character. I think part of why shes so special is cuz we each have our own interpretations of her. Take your own advice in "art of the dress", if youre gonna try to please every pony, youre gonna end up pleasing no pony. We aint gonna look a gifted horse in the mouth.

    49. @Anonymous

      So... do we believe him, or we keep on acting like a rabid mob?

    50. >Seven episodes of season two are already complete!

      those episodes still need to be actually animated.

    51. @Anon-who-works-on-the-show: To paste what I wrote on deviantart:

      "I must say, one of the great benefits of being an animator to My Little Pony is that you get to see the entire season 2 before it even gets aired. Sure its just the still drawings of the animatic but who cares. I watch it for the plot "

      Did you say...plot with a...WINKING FACE?? :'D

      *insert hesitant, teary-eyed fangirl squeel, here*

    52. @Anonymous Just wanted to say we love you guys. Please accept this virtual hug.

    53. cant wait for season 2 and the luna episode. i am so excited.

    54. Wow, I didn't expect this kind of info so soon! Yay Luna!

    55. Now that's awesome, 7 already completed(lucky bastard), Luna returns as well as some old faces and some new ones. Plus plot(now I'm intrigued), Lauren said she had a hard time squeezing an over-reaching plot in like the ol' G1's.
      I wonder if will get a new Opening, they don't have to change the song but an updated or expanded intro could certainly rock.

      Plenty of interesting and stellar news today/night.

    56. In terms of 'returning charaters', maybe they won't be ones we'd suspect right away, like...Twilight and Pinkie's parents...?


      Pinkie: FOREVER! (Pops out of a thimble)

      Brony: What's more, we'll keep making stories, art and media. Even if seasons 2 doesn't meet up to expectations we can still carry the dream of season one upon our bare backs like saddles!

      Derpy: In other words, "MUFFINS"! (Has a giant muffin behind her and a chorus singing its praise of ponies and baked goods)

      Brony: Finally we must give tribute to the hard workers for making the show as loved as it is now and hopefully into the future.

      Fluttershy: YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE US! (Fluttershy screams angrily to everyone and everyone laughs and wants to cuddle her)

    58. @T.O. Brony: Haha, that'd be kinda cool! I just hope it's not Gilda...Trixie I can perhaps tolerate, but...Gilda? I'd much rather she not be portrayed in a sympathetic light or anything :I Though if Zecora made more appearances that'd be cool~

    59. After the last story I dont know how to feel now. whether I should be happy or sad. I am so confused

    60. @Anonymous

      Gonna need some evidence on that post.

    61. @Anonymous but but... i like gilda... :3

    62. "Derpy is now an official Character, showing up in storyboards"

      *instant wingboner*

      While I'm sure this just means she isn't cloned like everypony else, I'm fine with whatever interpretation they give to Derpy. I know people are nervous about what will happen to her but I trust Lauren and the crew. Hmm...I wonder if they'll officially make her a mailmare...that would be *awesome*.

    63. As of now, I think I can say I am officially excited for at least a fair continuation of the show. I doubt It'll be horrible by any means and if we're lucky, It'll be just as good as we dream.

      Expectations aside, I never thought about the new Opening until someone else in the comments mentioned it. Honestly, I think I'd be okay with them re-using or extending the first season's opening a little. Or they could use a new song, that'd be nice too.

    64. @aldariz

      Girls like Gilda have bullied me since kindergarden, so I don't care if you "like Gilda", I'm still allowed to dislike her if I want to.


    66. Why derpy??? it's ok if she can talk...
      But it's LUNA we want!!!!!!!
      and why is that her episode will be "cool"??? no cuteness???? Cuteness and lovable IS important in MLP universe!!!!!!!!
      and I hope we see season2 soon, I can't control my addiction! :D

      I wish I could see those animatics right now !!!!!!!!

    67. I CAN'T WAIT 6 MONTHS!1!!!!!ONE1!!11!1

    68. Dark Side of the World8. mai 2011, kell 04:02

      I have faith

    69. Don't get too excited guys. Remember, too many cooks spoil the soup. If they go out of their way to appease the fans they can lose sight of the original vision.

    70. ^I agree with you, chef!anon

    71. I have a feeling season 2 is going to blow because they're going to try too hard to appeal to us 'bronies'.

      Also I really, really hope they don't call Derpy "Derpy Hooves" and stick with "Ditzy Doo".

      Because seriously. I love Derpy, but her canon name should be something less retarded (no pun intended).

    72. I actually prefer "Ditzy Doo" to "Derpy" But I do like Derpy all the same.

      There are LEGAL reasons she'll probably never be called DERPY in the show. Any one of us could come crawling out of the woodwork demanding money and credit if they actually used Derpy.

      So, they won't.

    73. Whats wrong with silly hooves name?

    74. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    75. n most anime shows, best example, yu-gi-oh they start the next season right after the previous finale is over at normal schedule....
      I know this show is not like that and it takes time to finish....
      It's ok you guys are doing great! and we're looking forward maybe around sep, oct or nov :)

    76. I guess Derpys appearences will be more like in "Feeling Pinkie Keen"... Looks like Twilight Sparkle should wear a helmet more often.

    77. @Anonymous

      I like to think that Derpy Hooves is her nickname, while Ditzy Doo is her legal one. That way everybody is happy.

    78. happy as long as they keep AJ/dash, hm..

    79. This is awesome news !

      I am very excited to learn that Derpy is now "official" and that Luna's episode is cool. I'm also a little concerned that the developers might try to please people too much and that in the end they please no one ; or that the fans get their hopes too high and then gets disappointed.

      However what made this show great is the quality of it imho. After all the cartoon-makers managed to make us love a tv show about the daily lives of bright colored ponies ! :) So if they keep the quality that high, next season will be great too. Not what we expect perhaps but great nonetheless.

    80. Having too much catering to the specific periphery demographic to which we belong could be bad. Remember Suited for Success, where they kept adding stuff they liked to the dresses, until they ended up looking stupid to everyone else? I think that is an apt metaphor. Let's hope they keep it toned down and remember why people like the show in the first place.

    81. oh yeah.

      ive never been so excited for anything in my fucking life

      and its ponies


    82. Bringing back old familiar characters
      I instantly think of Trixie and Gilda.

    83. Derpy becoming official: Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes......

      Okay well even if she doesn't become "official" in the sense that we think, and she's getting storyboarded as a commented said....it will still means more attention to Derpy. As a background pony, she got a lot of screen time in season 1. Now, I'm hoping she gets more even!

      As for her name if they ever do officially mention her in the show, I'm hoping it is "Derpy Hooves" instead of "Ditsy Doo". I don't think it would be that hard for them to do this, all they have to do is ask the first guy that named her on 4chan (the foreigner or something?) if he is okay with it. And honestly, would any of us fans really be upset with them and try to argue with them that we owned the "Derpy Hooves" name?

      As for Derpy's character, I don't think they could mess her up. I believe they're smart enough to do her tastefully and with enough subtle elements of what we've all envisioned for her to be able to please us all. From what we've seen of her on the show, she already has characteristics. She's often smiling in the background and gasping in excitement, she's a top 16 young flying, she's at all the major events, and she helps out a lot. Throw in some of the major mutually accepted fan stuff like she likes muffins and she delivers the mail....presto the Derpy everybody loves and recognizes. The only group of fans I could possibly foresee being upset are those who demand Derpy to be full blown retarded. I mean this trait could be subdued to moments of lost concentration/forgetfulness/clumsiness or like in Pinkie Keen dropping all the stuff on Twilight by accident, but they can't make her extremely retarded. I mean is that what people want and are afraid they can't deliver on?

      Anyhow, I hope she does become a frequent side character, and also appearing in the background as frequently as she did in season 1 when she's not needed for the plot.

    84. You know what bothers me a tiny bit?

      When he says returning characters.

      Does that imply returning mane characters as well?

      Because if it does it may be assumable some of our favorite ponies won't make it into season 2...

      I hope none of them get written off or just disappear.

    85. I have reservations about Derpy becoming an official character. We knew and loved her as a background character.

    86. I'm kind of thinking Derpy might be like Bloody Gir or Emmitt Nervend. Like, this fun background character that keen eyed fans notice and have a good laugh about. Still, it would be cool if she actually played a role in an episode's plot sometime, even if it were tiny. What might be fun is if they actually included Dinky sometime. It wouldn't have to be a big deal or anything. Just show Derpy in the background nuzzling a little purple unicorn. I'd love it.

    87. I get me own episode?

      *Cue frantic bounding that could terrify Pinkie*

    88. Luna BETTER have MORE THAN ONE episode. If she doesn't I'm going to... to... I'll probably go write another Lunafic.

    89. @BlitzWing00

      This right here. This is what I'm hoping for and kind of expecting. I like to think that the writers and creators of the show know and appreciate how much Derpy/Ditzy means to us and will respect that. Besides, all they're really doing when you get down to it is giving us what most of us wanted in the first place. As long as she's shown to being a happy, helpful citizen, delivering mail, and sometimes eating a muffin or two, I'll be happy. It's certainly something to look forward to in the second season.

      I predict that if we all like how Derpy/Ditzy is presented, fan art of her will skyrocket on DA.

    90. The only reason Derpy being an official character disappoints me is that we won't see another ferris wheel of derp, like in Cutie Mark Chronicles.

    91. For returning characters I hope he means that all of the mane 6 stay and we get some guest appearances back, like Trixie. Other one episode characters. Maybe even Steven Magnet.

    92. This is such a strange thing happening to us, no more ponies until 6 months! :/

      Wow we were so much addicted to mlp:fim than any other animations we seen before! I think we loved it so much! Hope season2 arrives soon.
      Until then we'll be busy in our life, as we forget mlp for the time being :/

    93. @Anonymous
      And I hate Trixie (especially now with all the pushing this blog has been doing with her) and love Gilda, especially her design.
      It's like the two are arch-off-character nemesis :3.
      But who cares, DERPYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

    94. @Anonymous
      Cheerilee, the Mayor, Snips, Snails, the Wonderbolts, the Cakes, and Zecora didn't ruin the show.
      He didn't say new MAIN characters. Just new characters, be they one-offs or recurring.

      And yeah, the thing with Derpy means that they'll be deliberately inserting her rather than using her as a random background pony. But heck, they already did that in Pinkie Keen...

    95. I'm hoping Derpy becomes Ponyville's offical mail carrier and shows up accordingly to advance the plot. I kind of don't want her to become part of the mane 6. She should be the star of the background ponies.

      Also, here's hoping the Great and Powerful Trixie makes a triumphant return though it would probably be an episode of forgiving

    96. I'm really hoping to see Gilda redeem herself. I've never seen her as all that bad - IMHO, she's immature, and was just really insecure about her relationship with Rainbow Dash, and saw Pinkie as a rival, and just really handled things badly in general.

      Her bahaviour isn't a whole lot different from how Spike treated Owlysius, except that ended much more pleasantly. I hope Gilda gets another chance.

    97. Looking forward to see Trixie, Gilda and Zecora return! Those three have so much untapped potential :D

    98. *check EQ*
      *sees my Moongaze commission as a header image for a post*


    99. Derpy is canon. Holy shit, we really did it.

    100. @Anonymous

      I know! Isn't it exciting?!? Shows what a community can do together when a show listens to their fans.

    101. Woahwoahwoah people, he never actually said "Depry is an official character", he said "She is official over here", I'm guessing that means that she is a meme just like in the fan-base she is official.

    102. @Anonymous Yeah I don't want them to lose sight of their vision either but still the "watching for the plot" kinda has me concerned a little

    103. In the words of the immortal Pinkie Pie...

      Isn't this exciting? Are you excited cause I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time I went [gasp] but I mean really, who can top that?

    104. Yeah that's the spirit guys! Force that enthusiasm!

    105. Why would anyone think that the main 6 won't return? Of course the main 6 are coming back, I mean they're the MAIN SIX! They aren't going to replace anypony with a new pony O_o.

      I don't like Trixie and Gilda, like at all. But I wouldn't mind them coming back and get taught another lesson or two :P.

    106. Kill me, I'm a PONY8. mai 2011, kell 11:14

      What I love is how all of this can be interpreted however a person wants it to be. I will laugh if the actual interpretation will be (just to troll us *cough*Trollestia*cough*):

      -Luna shows up and is given a minor role similar to Celestia

      -Derpy being an "official character" just means that they will include her in the background more often (possibly filling a mail pony/muffins role), she won't change from pegasus to unicorn/earth pony, and no other ponies will use her cutie mark/color scheme

      -New characters will just be one-shot characters *cough*WeirdAl*cough* (possibly reoccurring in later episodes)

      -Returning older characters will only show up for single episodes and build upon their character (meaning we may need to sympathize)(you know that would fit right in with the Friendship theme)

      -Plot comment is just a joke/Plot will only cover single episodes (barring some specials and stuff like the Gala in Season 1)

      Of course, any trolling done by the team will probably tie to Trollestia (since, with EP 26, she is essentially canon). For lulz at our expense.

      Also, inb4 flame wars over quality of the show in the Fall. Seriously, we all know that some people will automatically hate it because it is a new season, even if it is awesome, and some will love it, even if the show falls apart.


    107. It'd be nice to get a timeline


    109. >Derpy is now an official character
      >Luna gets her own episode


    110. I don't care how much anypony hates her, I do have sympathy for Gilda and hopes she makes a reappearance in the series. The end of her episode was a total sour note for me.

    111. I'm of two minds about Derpy: on the one hoof it's nice to see them incorporate her, but on the other hoof a character like Derpy worked because she was a cypher- a background pony who set the forums alight with speculation because of her googly eyes.
      If they give her a part, they will crush the expectations of more than a few bronies.
      It won't be nearly enough to chase people away, hopefully, but it will likely ruin some of her best fanfiction (Bubbles, Dinky goes to School, etc.).

    112. @Anonymous
      I mean season 1 timeline, of course

    113. I'm thinking the comment about Derpy being an official character just extends to the creators making her a unique background character.

      I think this just means we won't be seeing multiple copies of her in the background and maybe subtle nods to us such as seeing her delivering mail or eating a muffin at Sugar Cube Corner. At most she might have a minor role where she delivers an important message to one of the main characters, but I can't see her being anymore involved in episodes than that.

    114. Derpy isn't an "official character". He meant that she's an in-joke at that studio just like she is in our fandom. She'll probably still be a silent background pony, with a few more deliberate portrayals along the lines of "Feeling Pinky Keen".

      Anyway, I am excited for the new season.

    115. Oh wow what ?

      They are going to make Derpy / Bright-Eyes / Ditzy Doo ...an OFFICIAL character ? ...as in ''not just background'' ?

      Did they... does it... I mean, I wonder if this is a decision made AND related, because of the ENORMOUS interest in the fan community about Derpy ?
      Did they listened, for real ?
      That's something quite unique, I would say.

      Also, even if it's something that I REALLY, really want... I suppose they will not give her Dinky ? ...I really hope they do... But, I think they may choose to not go for it.

      BUT ! If they do... I'm gonna buy an airplane ticket, just to give them a hug ! ...and all my money, of course. :)

      And also... Hurray for more Luna, and possibly Trixie (Gilda too ? Who knows.)

    116. Well folks, QUANTUM LEAP was gonna be cancelled twice and the fans saved it by flooding ABC with letters and phone calls. FAMILY GUY was cancelled twice but it was DVD sales that made Fox reconsider putting it back on the air.

      HINT HINT!!

      You can let Hasbro know you want them to re-hire Lauren and cave in to all her needs ( schedule and creative-wise )

    117. @Anonymous:

      >Spitfire and Sauren

      DANGIT where have I heard those names before?! I remember hearing them just the other day but now I've got nothing.

      @Other anonymous:

      >You can let Hasbro know you want them to re-hire Lauren

      Isn't this the post telling us she's still working there?

      And even if she weren't, it wouldn't be a matter of "tell Hasbro to hire her back", it would be "tell Lauren to take her job back", because I believe it says she stepped down.

    118. im worried
      durpy has been presented as a retard
      she may or may not come out all that well

    119. @Display Name

      Spitfire and Sauren are the Wonderbolts that Rainbow Dash meets at the Gala in the season finale.

    120. Derpy Hooves is an official Character?!

      oh. my. GOSH!

      Please be true, Please be true, Please be true...

      Season 2 can not come soon enough.

    121. @Anonymous ditzy? Nah brah. It is now Dixxie doo, a rebellious but kind wall-eyed southern bell. Main phrase: "Them dang ol' yankees"

    122. If I ran the show, here's how I'd handle Derpy every season, by using season 2 as an example:

      I'd pull together everything from the last season people are deciding about her character: Derpy being a mailpony, having Dinky as her daughter, her level of mental competence being more of a balance between "good day" and "bad day" but still only able to speak in a confused manner.

      Then do an episode featuring her summing up what the fans have decided about her. Then drop her back into the background again, this time intentionally dropping in additional hints that could be interpreted many ways by the fanbose so that in season 3 we can expand on Derpy AGAIN based on what the fans say.

      As in, one episode per season showing how the fanbase is developing her as a character for the show. Wouldn't that be cool?

    123. i love how everyone's freaking out about "some old charactors returning" LOL i can promise you, in fact i'd bet my life, that all the mane 6 will be there. if they removed one it'd practically defeat the purpose of the entire show. the words "Friendship is Magic" are in the title for a reason, and that part of the title refers to the mane 6. they'd have to like, change the shows title if they removed some or even one of the mane charactors. nuff said. and i try to look at things like this as a pecimist so i don't get my hopes up and i must say, even looking at it from a pecimist point of view it still looks like an improvement from season 1, which is saying a LOT concidering season 1 was so full of win.

    124. Hehe, Kreoss is a real-life friend of mine back here in the Philippines. I trust what he says, so I'm certain all of what he says is true.
      /)^3^(\ <---So awesome!

    125. Does anyone know if Ditzy Doo/Derpy will have any lines? I'd actually like to see what kind of voice they give her.

      Another question: has anyone asked for ANY details at all other than what's given in the post (somewhat directed @Anon 2:40)?

    126. Hell yeah i cant wait for Season 2

    127. they will be GODS of the internet if they keep her name as DERPY

    128. the waiting is the killer, I believe we all have our vision of what we want season 2 to be and our expectations for it are skyrocketing. I think everypony needs to keep their hooves grounded and not worry and agonize so much about it. there are bound to be disappointments, inevitable given the lofty expectations. they cant please everypony nor should they try just for the sake of fan service. I believe as long as the writers genuinly care about the show and are not merely using it as a vehicle to sell toys for hasbro that it will continue to be good.

    129. "Some main characters are returing"
      Does this mean only some of the mane 6 are returning?
      Or does that mean some side characters will be making appearances in season 2?

    130. I'm HOPING season 2 will be good, Derpy/Ditzy will get at least a minor speaking role, Luna's episode will indeed be cool, and overall the whole thing will be enjoyable as the first if not better.

      I'm EXPECTING nothing good of bad, just whatever happens happens.

      I'm WAITING for December.









    133. I wanted so see dr.whooves, but yay derpy!

    134. I hope photo finish, hoity toity and trix will return

    135. Anyone else notice he spelled "a lot" wrong? First thing that jumped at me. Curse you caps lock!
