Seth said I had to make a serious post to make up for the other one.
Then again, there's not much I can say about these results other than I think everypony who voted 'no' must already be a pony living in Ponyville. The Other votes are obviously all Spike.
Spoilers, I voted 'yes'.
This says a lot about the fandom.
ReplyDeleteGirlfriend can't come? fuck that
ReplyDeleteor a lot about the world we all live in...
what are you waiting for oh Great and Powerful Trixie? Transform us will you please?
ReplyDeleteWell, if it was Twilight or Celestia making the offer, that's one thing... but Trixie? =p
ReplyDeletedude are you scarcely aware of the amount of females ponies in Ponyville? You could replace her in 10 seconds flat.
I was uncertain about it, because I mean you have to throw away all of your life including friends and family and you're not even guaranteed to make friends or be able to find food or shelter or even a marketable trait within Ponyville.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention more food has to be planted and more farmers have to be around in order for the influx of people.
But yeah, I voted "yes" too, hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with the responsibilities I have in this world.
ReplyDelete:| ME GUSTA.
ReplyDeletedude there's like a million females in ponyville, you could replace her in 10 seconds flat
I would so totally want to be a pony! its awesome!
ReplyDeleteSpoilers: Trixie can't do it and turns you into a mule instead
ReplyDeleteI said other because I'd only say yes on the condition that I could ensure that my friends and family were taken care of, and that I could bring my girlfriend, (ponytized too,) with me.
ReplyDeleteMy Friday routine of watching My Little Pony while sipping fine scotch and smoking a fat cigar would be disrupted, so I voted no.
ReplyDeletePonyville population confirmed for 495.
ReplyDeleteI said no because I love my family way too much to leave them behind for any reason short of saving their lives and/or the world. I'll just settle with watching the ponies on-screen with the people I love. :D
ReplyDeleteTrixie isn't exactly the most skilled when it comes to magic. She can handle a few spells, sure, but transformation and teleportation?
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine what would come out the other end?
"K-k-kiiiiill meeee-eeeee."
First I was: YES!
ReplyDeleteThen I was "Trixie?": Other
Finally I was "It's a blue talking pony! Why not?": YES!
I voted no due to family. It would be mean of me to just leave them hanging :I
ReplyDeleteInstead, I'll have an awesome life in THIS world.
I want a 1-week trial period.
ReplyDeleteI chose "Other" for a multitude of reasons.
ReplyDelete1. If Trixie and is in fact powerful enough to get you there whats to stop you from getting there yourself?
2. I'm a evil monster(reminiscent of a beholder type being, otherwise known as a giant eyeball or Oculon) known for writing fanfiction poorly and maybe not that well thought out. I am not a pony, but a supposedly evil creature and being turned into a pony might not be a bad thing but I wouldn't want that to happen to me.
3. I'm sure the ponies would not like my presence and would banish me to some dungeon, which is rather preferable if it's kept clean and tidy when I move in. After that getting rid of me is going to be hard.
4. If you happen to have a dimensional teleporter design and a hundred billion dollars...
5. Profit???
6. Bargain with Trixie to stay a monster and then help her terrorize ponyville with living cupcakes and fail horribly because Pinkie eats them all.
It would be my luck if I was turned into a hot pink pony with weird and socially awkward cutie mark.
ReplyDeleteBecome a pony? Nah, I'd rather be something vaguely eldritch, like the smooze.
ReplyDeleteAt what makes you think you wouldn't have any responsibilities in Equestria?
I voted No.
ReplyDeleteBecause I am a fan of the series, not a weirdo that likes to live in phantasmal plane of Equestria... LOL, I can't write it with serious face. Of course I want to be a freakin' pony in freakin' Ponyville, but for Celestia's Sake - Trixie!? U mad, bronie? I wouldn't trust her with a bucket of rotting apple cores or turnips, and You want me to trust her with me Life? Uh-huh, not going to Happen. She would turn me into a newt, for sure.
But if Celestia or even Twilight will be doin' the changin', I am in!
I voted Yes because I have already embraced the ponyness! Trixie would be the one to help me make my final transition and I welcome it!
ReplyDeleteI picked other, as I would trick her into giving me the ability the come and go as I please. Yeeeeesss....
ReplyDeleteWell, I -would- vote yes, but I mean, think about it.
ReplyDeleteWith all the tricks she had up her sleeve, she was really mostly blighter. She lied about being able to vanquish an Ursa Major. What if she's lying about being able to ponify you and transport you to Ponyville too?
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, you would have the potential opportunity of being a background pony that fans write shipping stories about!
"Do you do it?!" In principle yes, but could we wait with that until I have seen "Best Night Ever"?
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's full of sad miserable people who blame society/humanity for all of their problems and instead of taking an effort to improve and make their lives worth living they just sit around feeling sorry for themselves.
Not even a question, really. Who WOULDN'T want to live in a fairy tale?
ReplyDeleteMaybe the most boringest person ever... No, scratch that, even he wouldn't.
Of course there are nitpicks about what it being Trixie and how do you make a living and what about your friends and family but at that point you're probably thinking too much.
It's just a cartoon.
@Anonymous Way to be a dick, anon. Bonus points for irony though.
ReplyDeleteOh, there'd be responsibilities, obviously, but none that I seem to have taken upon myself in this world/universe.
Not sure about Trixie but as for the general question, it's easy - I would do it in a heartbeat.
ReplyDeleteI voted no.
ReplyDeleteMy humanity is important to me, I love being human. I love my hands and my opposable thumbs. I love being able to eat meat. I love our technology. I love the fact that we all occasionally suffer the temptation to be angry, hateful, spiteful, petty creatures but can rise above that temptation and be good people. I love the fact that conflict only serves to make our species stronger in the long run. I love my family and I love my friends and I would not give them up for anything. Your humanity is not something that should be thrown away, but that might just be too much WH40k speaking.
On the other hand, if I were given the chance to temporarily visit Equestria, either as a human or a pony, and then be returned to Earth as a human then I would say yes.
I voted no since its a fake reality and all fake realities are idealized. Once the reality becomes real, problems start to surface.
ReplyDeleteGoing to ponyville isn't like life will be one big party all day long. You'll still have to work. Then there's all the illnesses, diseases, and other problems that aren't in the series because its fake. If it became real, they might come into existence or eventually come into existence.
The way I see it, your trading one set of problems for another set of problems. Most likely less worse. Most likely it would be a more enjoyable life. I'd rather stick with the life I know though. Since I'm already building up my life here, and have goals set for the future.
Now if I could live there for a year, then decide to stay or return to reality the same day that I left, I'd do that. Alternatively if I could warp back and forth with large restrictions like only being able to bring my self and nothing else, I'd do that to try it out. Wouldn't ever do the matrix thing though. No red pill for me... (assuming the red one was going further down the rabbit hole)
Well asuming that you become a pony, Anonymous.(the one that talks of responsibilities)
ReplyDeleteResponsibilities matter less to one who can survive off randomly grazing and standing under a thatched roof for shelter. You'd also become a vegetarian but thats probably a minor set back for people who like eating meat, they'll just have to resort to eggs being their favorite food since ponies can digest them surprisingly.
Basically you can survive without money unlike the world as it is now which is on a quick decline unless space exploration kicks in high gear. Unfortunately you'd have to give up every ounce of technology you currently have, so no more Equestria Daily.
Of course The "Hitchhikers guide to Ponydome" had these words printed on it's cover.
"Don't worry be happy."
You should probably get a copy and don't forget to bring a brush.
I voted "Yes" why? well who doesn't fantasize about starting over? throw all caution to the wind and just carve out a new path in life? Also this was a poll question, not a real choice so why not? lol
ReplyDeletei wish i was a tree
ReplyDeleteI be liken the new banner.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't he use that celestia pasta? the one where you have to be her slave or whatever
ReplyDeleteWe've all seen the extent of Trixie's powers, other is the only real option since Trixie would probably turn you into some sort of gimp earth pony.
ReplyDeleteNow Twilight Sparkle or Princess Luna....
ReplyDelete"Also this was a poll question, not a real choice so why not? lol"
Police still baffled by the unexplained disappearance of a young man from his house yesterday evening. More on this story and others at 6.
Argh, if only I had but a shred of artist talent to draw something like this.
Give up every ounce of technology for magic, hell yeah dibs on unicorn.
ReplyDeleteEh, I'd like both worlds.
ReplyDeleteI'd prefer something like the Ocarina of Time, so I could transport there and then put on a pony mask. The only problem is taking the mask off without thumbs.
I wished to Trixie that she would turn me into a pony, and transport me to Ponyville.
ReplyDeleteBut then I realized that being a pony would make reading all the snarky comments on Equestria Daily much more difficult. (My laptop isn't developed for use with hooves.)
Side Note: Is it bad that I just added "Equestria" to my spellchecker's dictionary of words so that it wouldn't show up highlighted in red every time I typed it into a comment? The implications of this are frightening, and I'm not entirely sure where this path leads... Hopefully to Ponyville. Sally ho!
For sure! And if I could make it in time for the grand galloping gala, all the better! All of Equestria would turn out all to hear little old ME tell my tale of the far away land filled with people, where ALL the forests are like the Everfree forest, and no one is able to change the weather on their own. Then I would awe them further with my blank flank - how on EQUESTRIA did somepony survive as long as THIS guy without a discernable quality?
ReplyDeleteOnce in a lifetime experience, so why not.
ReplyDeleteI voted yes. A thousand times yes! This might sound mean but I wont miss anything from our world but meat. Cause I am sure Ponies dont partake in eating other animals. But I will get over it. I can live on a diet of fruits, vegetables grains and baked goods.
ReplyDeleteNow here is a question: would a pony choose to come here and become a human? Prerequisite is that said pony knows a similar amount of knowledge of our world compared to our knowledge of theirs.
ReplyDeleteI would think no.
This isn't entirely related, but some of the posts in here have gotten me thinking. There are a handful of Human in Equestria stories on this site, but has anyone ever seen a Pony on Earth story? I'm not entirely sure how it would work what with humans not being quite as trusting of strange talking creatures as ponies are, but it seems like a fun idea.
ReplyDeleteI'll admit I voted no. But only because of the no going back thing. I.... I kind of like Earth :<
ReplyDeleteActually Mournblade getting the mask off wouldn't be as hard as playing an ocarina, but Pinkie would be capable of both.
ReplyDeleteDarn reality benders destroying my base on a whim like Deedee from dexters laboratory... I just had an awful idea of what Pinkie could do to Twilights lab.
In any case getting the mask off would not be that hard, a ponies hooves are basically large spoons so prying a mask off wouldn't be that hard.
Plus eating ice cream would be easier if you don't mind a little dirt, because most ponies operate things with their mouths and front hooves. You initially have to be really resilient to bacteria.
I voted other:
ReplyDeleteTwilight Sparkle!
I picked Other. Maybe if their were an option for what kind of pony I'd be or if I could pick from the other races and monsters, then maybe yes. Also if i'm allowed to bring anything.
ReplyDeleteOf course the cons are I'd miss my family and despite all of Equestria's wonders they still haven't invented television or videogames yet. On the other hand there would be a whole lot of adventure, fortune and fame.
Then there's the fact that it's Trixie doing the spell and what if she botch's it and you wind up coming out the other end as the wrong gender or something more horrific. Trixie's a fav but she still lacking in the magic department.
Ask me again after Season 2 and I see what Ms. Faust and Hasbro have added to the little universe.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, that means you are normal.
I voted yes, however.
ReplyDeleteI sure as hell would like to get a computer immediately after coming into Ponyville.
I voted 'other' because I would only go if my twin brother could come along too
ReplyDeleteI voted no. I'm sure living in Ponyville would be awsome but I love my family more than I love ponies. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd wanna go but better I didn't. I'm not a settler. I don't arrive somewhere and say "Nice" and live. I look ti improve. Set me loose in Equestria and they'll have electricity before they know it. Might not be for the better.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you're forced to forget this world when you go to that one, whats the point? You can't enjoy one over the other.
To all the people that wouldn't go because the lack of technology.
ReplyDeleteYou know how electricity works. You have a rough idea how computers work. Bring the best of the technological world to the ponies.
Oh... and, the computerized readout in Twi's lab? Yeah... ponies have tech.
"Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie can't actually transport you to Equestria...but the Great and Powerful Trixie can beat you over the head until you think that's what happened!"
ReplyDelete3174 people are now in a blissful pony coma.
I voted other, because I'm incredibly unsure. Like a lot of folks said, you'd have to leave behind Family, Friends, everything. I'm... not sure I could do that, you know? Now, if I had no family here, I'd jump on that. I'd be begging before Trixie finished her offer.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe my opinion'll change later, who knows? Anything could happen!
I can't remember if I picked other or yes.
ReplyDeleteIf I picked other, it's probably either because I don't want to leave my family or because I wanted to be a dragon.
If I picked yes it's probably because I realized ponies never betray one another to their demise, so I could cause BALLOON MISCHIEF ALL THE TIME EVERYTIME. MUAhAHAHA. It would be a wonderful existence.
I can't believe I'm commenting on this.
ReplyDeleteI voted no. As much as I'd like to start over in a world where I have no past, no ties, and only friendly, smiling faces, I am very very very flawed. I would not taint their paradise with my mistakes. I will not be the snake in their garden. It's a cartoon show, it's not real. But if it was real, I wouldn't want to break it. Let them be. I would want to go but I would not go.
I have a real job, a decent family, a good amount of friends, and I'm also working on a good education to hopefully get me a better job.
ReplyDeleteWould I take her offer?
hell, yes. I'd really like to at least be able to leave a note or something saying where I've gone, but if that isn't an option, I wouldn't really care. As I've learned here on earth, it's very very easy to completely start a new life with a totally new set of friends, household, etc, and just leave the past behind you.
Voted yes because ponies.
ReplyDeleteI voted yes.
ReplyDeleteAre there many things I would miss about the 'real' world? Of course!
It all really comes down to one simple question to me. Actually having Trixie right there in front of me, giving me this kind of an offer, would I be able to look myself in the mirror afterward if I turned down such an unique opportunity? The amount of regret I would feel in the years to come if I said 'No' is something I don't think I would want to deal with, especially when you consider trying to explain years later to other people why you are so depressed, and then having them back away slowly and calling for people in white jackets and straightjackets.
Lots of other reasons too why I'd go, but they're boring, mundane ones to be honest. I would request that Trixie give me a couple of minutes to jot down a quick goodbye note for others to find, and maybe jump on YouTube and get 'Funkytown' playing so I could sing "Won't you take me... to ponytown!", but if I couldn't, well no big loss.
I actually given this some serious thought. I was thinking extremely hard about this. I thought out about everything our world had to offer.
ReplyDeleteAnd I realized that earth is a wonderful place. I really doubt that I could get the same things in Equestria as I would here. After all, would we have obsessive internet fandoms had we been ponies?
Then I thought about the other way. Equestria was a place where magic was blooming and everybody was happy. There was no such thing as pain probably. It was cute and everything was perfect...
My god Equetria sounds just like heven. Lets be a pony.
Heh. I figure that: using the logic of the way the universe works in alternate realities that: Trixie is a "bad" pony, taking her up on her offer will have troublesome results for Ponyville. So even if us humans-turned-ponies have the best of intentions, this will cause all kinds of headaches for our Mane Six with all these new crazy ponies running around and causing chaos!
ReplyDeleteI figure, Trixie will get caught and we will all have "Learned a Valuable Lesson". All of us humans-turned-ponies will then have to be turned into our proper human shapes and go home. We all go "Dawww..." with sad mopey faces. "We'll be good. Isn't there some way we can stay?" The Mane Six will feel sorry for us and work out some sort of proper plan with Princess Celestia about setting up lines of communication between our worlds where we can all negotiate eventually visiting and/or relocating to Equestria in limited numbers rather than all of us at the same time!
I said other, only because there were a lot of other factors that I would have had to take into account. Like, can my girlfriend come (she's obsessed with the show too), will I be able to keep writing for a living, and will I be able to keep writing while also being a pegasus? Also, the apparent lack of Metallica music could be incredibly problematic.
ReplyDeleteGood god, I'm overthinking this. I think I'd just like to be able to fly around with Rainbow Dash.
A few months and a couple of million clicks later and the visitors to this site is still pretty much the same. Except now they're so desperate they allow newbs like Trixie to handle their transformation. Equestrian Immigration is going to have a hell of a time...
ReplyDeleteI'd vote "Yes", but I do enjoy my hands. They let me wield tools and stuff.
ReplyDelete@Comrade Azza
ReplyDeletehands are overrated. i typed thisz reply by holding a pen in my mouth with my teeth. mouse buttons worry me, but strangely morev than the fact thati am really doing this.
I wouldn't trust Trixie, I mean just look at her name, it's bound to be a tric!
ReplyDeleteI did expect this from the fandom, but it's still quite pathetic. The level of escapism required to actually want to do this is simply astounding.
ReplyDeletePersonally I said "No". I enjoy my life as it is and I wouldn't want to change it. This 'My Little Pony' show is just a fun show to me, that's it. There's no ulterior motives behind it, and after it's over I will move on like I do with every other piece of media I consume.
Even if you did have the choice, who's to say that's what you really want? Grass is always greener, right? I'm an artist. I take pride in my work and love painting the things that I do. What would happen if I was sent over and became an Earth Pony? I'd have to learn to draw with my mouth after all those years of rigorous practice. You aren't guaranteed to get the 1/3 cherry pick you'd actually want.
Yes this world has problems and it's nice to escape those problems every once and a while, but I don't honestly believe that any of you that voted "Yes." has that little to live for. You obviously have a house, you're literate, you can access the internet, you aren't starving. You honestly have a really good lot in life.
I know that this is just a dumb poll, but I wanted to respond rationally according to my feeling if this were a real event. If you want, ignore my ramblings.
I choose to stay...
ReplyDeletesorry, bronies, I like my hands to much
I was going to think my answer of 'Yes' over a bit, but pretty much said 'screw it' and just voted yes.
Because let's face it: I'm NEVER going to have to own up the that answer. :P I easily bet everything I own that this ain't gonna happen. XD
I voted other as the only way I was taking up an offer with those kind of restrictions is if the place required my help because the situation there got that desperate (for ex. Twilight Sparkle's magic being turned against her without her being able to do anything about it and anybody on that world that could are tricked so far away that they can't help her in her time of need.) and I could only provide the help by going.
ReplyDeleteI voted other. Apart from the whole family-and-friends thing, I like having opposable thumbs, and there's only a fifty-fifty chance I'd have magic to compensate.
ReplyDeleteFriends and family be darned, I'd do it immediately. But I'd prefer to be turned into a female pony so I could be better friends with Twilight and the pony gang.
ReplyDeleteI voted other for similar reasons to everyone else: I don't trust Trixie.
ReplyDeleteActually, my Other vote was because I'd like to go to Equestria and be a pony, but I'd rather have a halfway competent sorceress make it happen. As is actual, inarguable canon, Trixie is a miserable hack.
ReplyDeletei voted other because i would prefer being a griffon.
Drat, I missed it...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it would have been a yes from me.
Someone needs to invent a trans-dimensional transporter.
Think of the profit you could make.
I, for one, would give all my stuff to go.
ITT people take a light-hearted poll at face-value.
ReplyDeleteAs short visit there probably yeah. But a pony forever nah. I got plans
ReplyDeleteI totally would, assuming that I could call a few people and set a few affairs straight first, but yes, I totally would.
ReplyDeleteThis poll totally needs fanfiction!
ReplyDeleteSomething like everybody who votes yes really gets turned into a pony and teleported to ponyville...
I can't write a good story to save my life so I'm just leaving the idea here.
ReplyDeleteSo what if it's not actually going to happen? If you wouldn't actually do it, why would you vote yes? What is the point of even having a poll if you don't answer it truthfully?
I am very disturbed by 3747 of the voters.
Since "Yes" involved never being able to come back, I didn't go with that. But "No" involved never being able to go, so that didn't work either.
ReplyDeleteSo I went with "Other", and by that I mean: "I would say 'Yes' if and only if there were a way back when I wanted to".
That's how my thought process works :P
I chose other because its obvious that the Trixie who was mentioned is not the actual GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE, because it just said "Trixie". Nice trick anyways. So I am curious as to who this other "Trixie" is and will follow it around to gather information.
ReplyDeleteYes, obviously, but I would like to let my parents and friends know first.
ReplyDeleteIf we're going to overthink this to that degree then I'm just going to pull the "It's another reality so it doesn't have to obey the physical laws of our reality." and note that it really could be all that. And perhaps even a bit more.
I mean, they have magic. We don't. Proof's in the pudding. Or in this case, the show. :P
But... I have friends here.
ReplyDeleteI want to go to Ponyville, but I'd like to stay a human, plz.
ReplyDeleteI picked "Yes" -- only because there wasn't a choice for "HELLS YEAH!"
ReplyDeleteI figure my worst day as a pony in Equestria would probably still be light-years better than my best day on Earth (and I've had a lot of really fantastic days). Oh, Great and Powerful Trixie -- PONY ME UP!
i voted other, no if it's trixie, yes if it's Twilight or Celestia
ReplyDeleteI was going to vote yes because I have no illusions that I would pass over such an escapist option, probably wouldn't even think twice (I guess that's a bit sad)
ReplyDeleteBut I also have another reason to accept, that made me pick Other. Finally here would be a chance to *really* fly. The wings we can make are nothing but pale imitations - but this would be the real deal!
And for that reason, I had to pick Other. Would such an opportunity truly appear I would have to think very long and hard if I would accept it or not unless I can specifically pick to be a pegasus (or even better, a griffon, but I guess that's outside the poll's parameters).
Because being groundbound in a world where 1/3 of the population can soar freely in the sky, living my dream, would truly break my heart and mind
I would take the chance faster than a sonic rainboom.
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting to get away from my family for years, with no idea where to go.
And as Cheers so eloquently put it: Sometimes you wanna go where everypony knows your name (except Trixie), and they're always glad you came (unless you hit a Pinkie-low, drink straight from the punch bowl or kick somepony in the face)
Although, if it wasn't for Fluttershy, I'd probably move to Trottingham instead of Ponyville.
I voted yes!
ReplyDeleteIt's one of those 'lots from Column A, lots from Column B' things.
Column A is how exciting, magical, and friendly Equestria looks- sure, Earth is awesome, but Ponyville is at least 20% MORE awesome!
Meanwhile, Column B is how much time I'd spend, if I'd decided to say no, daydreaming and wondering "But- what could have happened?!?"
I voted no because I'd honestly rather remain a human and keep watching ponies.
ReplyDeleteAs much as it would suck to leave everyone I know behind, Equestria IS the closest thing to a utopia. I dunno, I'm a little torn. Also, not sure if Trixie should be doing the whole "interdimensional travel/ponification" thing.
ReplyDeleteI was really tempted to say yes, but I'm not willing to leave so many people behind. Plus, I enjoy having fingers.
ReplyDeleteI voted other, because I'd accept if it was Twilight that was asking ! Trixie would crtainly do that with strings attached.
ReplyDeleteDon't go for it until you're sure you can go back.
ReplyDeleteHmm, well for one thing nudity will not be a big deal. :D
ReplyDeleteI'd say hell yes... as long as I can bring a few friends. :D
ReplyDeleteI choose the red pill (sorry, but that reference had to be made).
ReplyDeleteOr wait, which pill was it that took you into the world in the Matrix?
no....but trixie can turn me into a unicorn and i can get back to the real world
ReplyDeleteI don't care who does it, just send me to Ponyville, transformation or not!
ReplyDeleteYa know, it'd be a lot better being a human in Ponyville than a pony in... Human...ville...
Ponyville seems a lot more fun.
ReplyDeleteWell If I were a pony I'd be a Pegasus but I am a bit worried since my talent is on about any stringed instrument mosty violin and guitar but I won't have fingers and I don't think octavia gives lessons but I would still say yes even though I don't trust trixie's magic skiilsl lol :)
ReplyDeleteAs long as I don't end up as a plain old Earth Pony.
ReplyDeleteSPOILERS: She makes you helpless and weak and forces you to be her slave for life, Once she has a large slave count, She begins taking over Ponyville and eventually Equestria, Bands of bronies n ponies alike form to take her down, An epic fanfic springs up to tell the tale of how TEH BRONIES and TEH MANE 6 saved Equestria from the tyrannic rule of Trixie, In the coming days, Trixie is cursed and *gasp* turns into a monster and tries to take over again, As she tries to overthrow Celestia a spell goes wrong and every pony in the room (except Trixie who is de-monsterfied) becomes a Zombie, Equestria falls into a Zombie Apocalypse which then spreads to earth, Remaining ponies and Humans band together to fight the war, And after recovery, Humans and Ponies have socialized enough that the show we know and love is changed forever, In a bad way.
ReplyDeleteI need to ask Pinkie to teach me how to talk for really long periods of time without breathing.
Can we choose what kind of pony we would be? If not, it's a dead no. If we can, I'd have to give it a lot of thought.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that so many people chose 'yes' over 'other' because there is so much more life there, and mostly because it said pony and not unicorn or pegasus, that aside, I would have gone for other to pick being a dragon :3
ReplyDeleteI voted yes because its got to be a hell of a lot better than the migraine were living in today. Egads! Sign me up!
ReplyDeleteAlso peeps forget that food is everywhere. Grass, dandelions, Alfalfa, and various grasses are all over Equestria. The primary farmed food is Apples, Carrots and Celery Stocks, colorful flowers too, amongst a few other things. Besides being ranch raised in real life, I would do just find workin on Apple Acres.
495 Voted: NO becuse Family/Friends/Girlfriend
ReplyDeleteI just want to make this comment to simply say:"Thank you. I now I have a way to improve the concept I wanted to pitch to Hasbro. Oh, and I'll vote for the Hell of it.
ReplyDeletei vote other because of family, friends,and the fact that trixie is going to cast the spell does not give me confidence, but it would be cool to be one, and do you get to pick which kind of pony you can become (i.e. Pegasus, unicorn, alicorn, etc.) or is it just random?
ReplyDeleteI'd vote yes. A bit wary of it being trixie, but the way I see it, i got a 33.3% chance each of either magic, flight, or...whatever the hay earth ponies get, along with getting to live in a fairly idyllic land and hang out with all the pony folk.
ReplyDeleteActually there is already a game about this.
ReplyDelete"Banned from equestria [Daily]" (NSFW)
I would say "yes" if there is internet and videogames in Equestria !!
ReplyDeleteI would say "yes" i have nothing going for me here.
ReplyDeleteWe'd probably have a different set of responsibilities, etc etc.... But yeah I would become a pony as well. I kinda see all of us (could you call us refugees or immigrants?) bronies making our own little settlement or something.