Seth's at work. That means I can upload all the Rarity-in-the-shower than I want.
Anyway, the Ponycraft admin has sent us a delicious video teaser for his Minecraft pony server! This is seriously impressive stuff. Whenever I play Minecraft I usually settle for a nice little cottage. This guy built an entire city.
Video after the break.
...Sorry, what did you say?
ReplyDeleteand so is the video :p
i'm seriously thinking about buy a minecraft account to see that awesome place
ReplyDeleteI have a texture pack that would make all of that 20% cooler
ReplyDeleteThat looks Amazing! :o
ReplyDeleteoh wow, manehattan is really looking good since the last time i logged on.
ReplyDeleteMan, a hell of a lots been done since the last time i saw it......
ReplyDeleteprincess celesrtia is a skeleton?!
ReplyDelete(Near the carousel boutique)
So if I buy Minecraft, I'll get a showering Rarity for free?
Okay, ive totally gone rarity here. I know i shouldn't but i can't help feel jealous, dont tell fluttershy!
ReplyDeleteEQD needs a update on my little minecraft server too? We have been hard at work and we will blow your minds!
Am I the only one who thought of ponycraft as in the whole 'starcraft 2 ponycraft 2' youtube videos?
ReplyDeleteRarity in shower???
Oh wow... Thats freakin amazing
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I thought as well, lol.
The stars will aid in her escape...
ReplyDeleteI am amazed.
ReplyDeleteI may like Terraria as an actual GAME, but for a building/creation tool, Minecraft takes the extremely valuable cake.
That's just win right there.
>Takes a shower
ReplyDelete>Gets on EqD after I'm done
>Showering Rarity
That was unexpected.
ReplyDeleteYou must have just missed her- go back in and check!
ReplyDeleteumm don't tell me what sweetie?
my gosh this is astounding!
Just to let y'all know, y'all are getting a website, IP forum, community and total freedom VERY soon
ReplyDeleteSomepony needs to make a pony-themed Minecraft texture pack
ReplyDeleteThat's the texture pack being used.
QSA: O.O (Having Minecraft actually means something to me now) *Rainbow Dash squeal!!!!!*
ReplyDeleteIf yall want an IP, send me an email saying why you want it! [email protected]
ReplyDeletethat was amazing must have taken months to finish a masterpeice like that
ReplyDeleteWhat about ponycraft.net?
ReplyDeleteManehatten is 2 and a half weeks in the making, its being expanded too, we just have an awesome project manager and some good builders
ReplyDeleteYou're not the only one.
>ponycraft.net is down
ReplyDelete>ponycraft.org has the old castle ruins
ReplyDeleteWe haven't even began our new Ponyville yet. We got all the cities and stuff but it's not the super full scale. Once our mappers get done mapping out Ponyville, we'll begin building in a (Don't quote me on this) IIRC, 1200X1200 area, or somewhere around that size.
That was impressive and all.
ReplyDeleteBut I was more blown away by Rarity in the shower.
Most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
ReplyDeleteAnd that Minecraft server is very impressive!
Gdi Cereal, Rarity is a pony!
ReplyDeleteLong time Minecraft player here, I've owned Minecraft since its early Alpha stages.
ReplyDeleteI felt like I had to say something. This doesn't really make much sense. What is this server going to be used for, roleplaying? Minecraft is about three things: building, exploration and fighting... if you have a server thats sole purpose is roleplaying you are doing it wrong. Now I know some of you might get angry at this and say "But Anonymous, it is a sandbox game, we can do whatever we want!" Well there are much better ways to roleplay, Second Life would probably be one of them, Minecraft is a game about placing and destroying blocks and it will always feel that way, you won't feel like Ponies, you will feel like humans with the urge to build... but you can't build because everything is built for you! Annoying.
I think it would be better to have a Pony community server where everybody participated in building fantastic things, not just something one guy worked on and then invited everyone to marvel at (then there doesn't even need to be a server, he could just let people download the map file.)
Do you mean ponycraft.net?
ReplyDelete^ Previous anon, you sure are close-minded.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you being a "longtime minecraft player" means what, you've been playing for a couple years? It's so new of a game that that isn't any kind of a special thing and doesn't mean you know more about how the game's "meant to be enjoyed" than anyone else. And people CAN do whatever they want. No one's doing anything "wrong".
As a SecondLife player myself who's been enjoying the huge FiM boom there lately, I can think of several reasons why to play minecraft instead -- There are so many ponies at once in SL that sims are tending to crash or lag a lot of all of us online even try to coexist in the same space. You're going to need a pretty decent PC to even run it and not lag to death with how many ponies there are, and it's only going to get worse and worse. And in SL people have the ability to do all kinds of annoying things, using gestures that spam annoying text and annoying sounds is far too common when you have 30+ ponies all in one small tight area. In Minecraft, none of these would be issues at all, and you could still chill and have a fun time with your friends. Plus, in Minecraft you just have to get a server running and build what you want. In SecondLife you have to RENT an area in the virtual space for REAL MONEY and building is much more difficult and time-consuming.
Sooo... let these ponies do what they wish, and you keep your close-minded can-only-enjoy-a-game-one-way attitude to yourself.
ReplyDeleteIs she actually naked in the shower? She isn't wearing any less than in the show. Who's to say that they aren't naked when they AREwearing clothes! I mean what if- *HEAD EXPLODES*
At the first long post anon,
ReplyDeleteI have RPG elements installed such as an economy, level up, questing, and classes.... Yeah not roleplaying like you think...
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have people in my server, quite a few, Im not alone, and there ARE MANY PLACES TO EXPAND, you can BUILD YOUR OWN CITY, EXPAND ON A CURRENT CITY, and DO MANY THINGS TO ROLEPLAY LIKE IN A ROLEPLAYING GAME, WITH LEvELING UP so, seriously, what?
Also, if I give you the map file IT WILL ALL BE BUILD FOR YOU! FFS, just think about what you say.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteI believe this qualifies as "advanced nakedness", to use the Housepets logic.
I have to admit...I didn't go into this thread for the video...
ReplyDeleteLol, TO, you so crazy!
ReplyDeleteI do agree that I find it hard to try to role-play in Minecraft, it's not the perfect game for it.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't mean you can't have a great time altogether.
But it would go a little far to make the server downloadable, it would ruin a lot for the maker.
I'll make sure to visit sometime, thanks for your great efforts! :)
Mylittleminecraft>ponycraft IMHO
ReplyDeleteHave you played on my server buddy?
I wish my shower ran that smoothly... it tends to drip...
ReplyDeleteAwesome map though, those cities are HUGE! And the atmosphere is so awesome!!!
@PonyCraft Blog
ReplyDeleteDon't feed the parasprites.
@AnonymousOpenly saying shit like that is not cool, seth needs to swing his ban hammer, I have not downed the other servers
ReplyDelete@PonyCraft Blog
ReplyDeleteJeez, all he did was state a personal opinion. He didn't insult your server, he just said he preferred the other one over it.
If anything, it's you that's in the wrong here. You're really just making yourself look bad.
ReplyDeleteBut you have taken their name, despite them being older as both a private (november) and then public server (march), which to be honest is kind of uncool. Though to be honest you're the not the first server that's tried to take Ponycraft after ponycraft.net, but seeing as you don't have a website (or so it seems because ponycraft.org doesn't work) it wouldn't be hard for you to change your server's name.
I'm doing my best to ask nicely, but could you please consider another name? Ponycraft.net would be in a huge bind to change it's name, what with the site and all, while it seems like you would have no problem doing it. It would be the right thing for you to do to consider changing it (it would also be very brony-like). Heck, you could even make a server event out of it where your members think of the new name and vote on it.
Personally, I think Ponycraft is looking far better in terms of construction and landscaping and such, but My Little Minecraft is better as far as entertainment goes. Building regulations are probably less restricting, it gives a sense of community rather than a sense of realism, and what gets built depends on the player's ideas, not what would actually be there in the show.
ReplyDeleteI say this as someone who's played MLM and not Ponycraft, so I might be mistaking the latter for something it isn't, but either way, riling yourself up over a simple statement is rather ridiculous.
Okay, heres the thing, maybe you guys didn't know, but I coined the term ponycraft LOONNNGGGGGGGG ago, also, my building rules are lax too, im not restricted to canon building, also, learn yer shit before spewing stuff, and stating an opinion against my server while in my post is uncool. Also, just because they got a URL before me doesnt make them original. Also, because you dont see it through ponycraft.org(In the process of transferring, you can visit my website here! Being beta since December, and a private server in planning sice late October, when I coined the term, definateley makes me younger right!?
ReplyDelete@PonyCraft Blog
ReplyDeleteForgot the URL
PonyCraft Blog is telling the truth, I've been in his server before, and I've heard about his whole project for a while. Try to research the topic before bashing someone :/
ReplyDeleteAnd remember, friendship bro, if you don't like his server, just stay away from it. There's no reason to be mean.
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteI agree, I visit MLM and UI love you guys very much, but you see, I let people free build too, and have a WHOLE world file dedicated to sprites
woah, quite a lot of flankhurt in here.
ReplyDeleteAll I know is that sometime around Feb, ponycraft blog's server was already up and running and now has a massive world built.
Being in planning doesn't count for anything it's implementation that counts.I mean heck, for all I know Pinkie Pie (former owner) could have been planning ponycraft.net since September, but seeing as neither you nor I can provide evidence proving that you had thoughts in your head at an earlier time, that doesn't matter. It's tantamount to claiming you thought of the iPad back in 2001, you wouldn't then own the rights to it when it came out if you couldn't prove it. Ponycraft.net predates you as both a private and as a public server, that is what matters. You've gone ahead and knowingly taken a name from someone else who has already created something and despite that we already had the website (which apparently you are quite aware of) you've gone ahead and created one with practically the same name. If we had copyrights on the name what you're doing would have been illegal.
ReplyDeleteAnd since you you aren't a fan of practicing what you preach, perhaps you should learn the shit you're spewing too. Ponycraft.net is mostly freebuild, with a canon section with all the towns. Being this way we have places for our users to build whatever they like and still have towns that actually look like the towns in the show, best of both worlds. And I'd like to know how you'd expect anyone to 'research' your server when you don't have a website up yet or anything to validate how old it is or anything about it aside from taking your word on it?
ReplyDeleteMy server was aroud LONNGGG before your website was up! What the fuck man!
I'm an operator over at ponycraft.org... have been for a while, I can verify that the server has been around since October. We've put a whole lot of hard work into the server (a lot more than what is seen in the trailer video posted above), and I'm sure that ponycraft.net has as well. Also, our building rules are a whole lot more lax than .net's, which people find appealing, and I am sure that, likewise, .net's building restrictions appeal to a certain group of people as well. For all intensive purposes we truly did not steal ponycraft.net's name. It had been conjured up back in October during .org's planning stages. I respect peoples' opinions, but when it gets to the point where feelings get hurt over them, I mean, come on. What's the point? Just quit. The last thing anybody (or should I say anypony?) needs is more arguing on the internet.
ReplyDeletedo you have to apply or something to play on the server? also where is the server based?
ReplyDeleteServer is based in dalas texas, but has a GREAT speed, and noone exer expirences lag, email me at [email protected] for details
ReplyDeleteYou guys should check out My Little Minecraft too. It's a creative server so you can have unlimited items and you don't have to worry about the weather or mobs.
ReplyDelete@BRS_CHIYO | elviswjr
ReplyDeleteI do visit my little minecraft, i enjoy yer server VERY much, I love you guys!
You know what Zac, never mind. I can see this is going nowhere. I figured we'd have dealt with this after you came over to our forums after you spewed a bunch of non-validated crap about us on your blog and we took a little offense to it (albeit only expressed on our forums). We were real civil in dealing with you after when you came over to our forums to yell at us for it. Looking at your blog now, I see you still managed to put in a few jabs at us after that. Not cool mate.
ReplyDeleteAlso, your site: 16 members, out site: 279 members. I wonder who the real ponycraft is?
@PonyCraft BlogThanks for the reply! I've only been on PonyCraft one time but I'll be sure to check it out again. I've already made "the walk". :)
ReplyDeleteWoah, quite the discussion this is!
ReplyDeleteI've been quite near the whole project too, the idea of PonyCraft.org has been known to me since February, however, this won't get everypony near any solution to this dispute at all.
Might I recommend, or if it's made already perhaps a reference to, a small index on EqD listing all the known Minecraft servers? That way both PonyCraft servers will be able to retain their own identity without much confusion (of course acknowledging the differences by adding .org and .net)
Perhaps I'm thinking too simple but please; let's not act like angry parasprites here.
This thread is extremely hard to follow. We also need to cool the aggressive tl;dr a bit. This isn't a contest to see who can write the best novel.
ReplyDeleteYeah, pull out member base, someones butthurt!
Also, Who the fuck said they were jabs at you, and the one thing I said was that you guys got the URL before me. remember what you said! OTHER PEOPLE HAVE GONE UNDER PONYCRAFT. Also You ghuys hide in your little forums posting about me, and I make a vastly public blog post.. Yeah...
ReplyDeleteAnd your post!
Mine was first... Yeah..
I'm an operator/admin and project manager for Manehatten over on Ponycraft.ORG, though I have not been around as long as Madden, as a member of the IRC Highway Group which PCB is apart of, I can verify the server has been in the works for a long time. Also, it is pointless to argue over who came first or who is better, there's plenty of room in the sea. I do remember PCB going to register the Ponycraft.net address only to find that it had been taken, when the previous day when he had been talking about registering it. A whois lookup on both domains will show that .Net was registered probably shortly after his mention of it at 05:25 and then PCB taking the alternative at 21:34.
ReplyDeleteBut again, there's no point to argue over this, especially on the internet. Love and tolerance.
I'll quote some anonymous person here: arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics. Whether you win or lose, the whole thing is still retarded.
ReplyDeleteAmazing job on it!! But how did you get the stones to look like that o.O?
ReplyDeleteAnd how does everyone get so much clay!!! I can never find any Q.Q
ReplyDeleteAdmins and betabuilders have the option of the /give command
It's pointless to argue who is the best builder. Everypony knows that I'M the best builder.
ReplyDeleteWe get ponycraft.net
ReplyDeletesomeone else gets ponycraft.org
.. later... CONFUSION!
I can't bring up ponycraft.org, looks like a DNS issue. I hope that gets fixed soon, I'd like to check it out. I like the use of MultiVerse for cloudsdale, that's pretty clever.
ReplyDeleteAs one of the long-time members for Ponycraft (.net), I've watched as this has been all blown out of proportion for the second time now.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the point of contest here is that visitors to both servers are getting confused and mixed up over what each has to offer. People are letting emotions take root and cause a simple confusion into becoming a topic of rage.
At Ponycraft.net we have a freebuild area around the spawn (dubbed Bronyville). There is also a restricted build area for each one of the towns in Equestria --most canon, a couple fanon.
I have yet to visit Ponycraft.org or MyLittleMinecraft to see what each server has to offer; but I would just like to extend a hoof in friendship. We all are bronies, we all are fans. Can we all just enjoy a game we love and tolerate one another?
Moderator and artisan for Ponycraft.net
ReplyDeleteFinally... someone reasonable. I have no problem with competing servers
@PonyCraft Blog
ReplyDeleteYeah, Sin's good lol
Also in all honesty I had no idea you were going to get the .net domain, It was all just dumb luck that I got it only hours if not minutes before you.
Also, I had no part in the posts above that seemed to be putting your server down.
I still don't get why people are argueing over it. The server are all just for fun.
So now we all get along all happy and well.
I really don't see what the big deal is. Ponycraft.net/.org both look good and it's a good thing that theres multiple brony MC servers.
ReplyDeleteTo whoever our little anon is that is flaming in here, cut it. Were not here to have a war with bronies over a server name. If we were, i'd have brought pies. As Sintanan said, I haven't played on any other MC brony servers besides Ponycraft.net, so I have nothing good nor bad to say about them, and I agree fully with offering a hoof (Or in my situation a claw) in friendship.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOwner of mylittleminecraft.com here..
ReplyDeleteYeah, you guys should check out all the servers, we're all basically creating 3d artwork with blocks, why not see all the fan art each server has? I'd love to have some honored guests from other servers, and maybe I arrange a group visit to your server from ours. I'll ensure everyone from my group would be honorable and be good guests and we can give tours of each others servers?
There's plenty of room for different servers, we each have our own strengths and weaknesses. There is no way any server can be the best for everyone anyway, can't we work together?
A server can either be strictly survival with no /give command, or it can be creative mode where everyone has /give. Then a server can allow sprites or not. It can be carefully planned, or just can spread out organically.
There's a lot of different ways to run things, just pick your favorite and join in. Time is better spent ignoring the haters and just working on helping improve your own server. I keep an eye on the other servers to make sure we're better. I hope other admins of other servers are also working hard on making things awesome for their servers too.
A mention on equestriadaily is a blessing, its a chance for ponycraft.org to show everyone how awesome things are there, and maybe get a few new regulars to join them. Its just a shame there's so many negative comments, its really rude.
And to the ponycraft.org guys, you may or may not have been first with the name, but the fact is ponycraft.net is much more well known and you should try to pick another name. It didn't take long for me to come up with "my little minecraft", just sit back in your chair and get creative, its fun! How about, equestriacraft?
and btw I think there's even a 3rd server with ponycraft name, http://ponycraft.webs.com/
But I hope thats not the same as ponycraft.org, their leader is not a nice pony.
ReplyDeleteThats me, what makes me so mean?
I never did anything to anypony, All I did was go to the ponycraft.net forums and kindly asked my flamers to shut it, is that so bad... no
@PonyCraft Blog
I also run the blog, i've been around a lot longer than you all think. Its only because i kept private until I felt my server was ready to see.
Just to be clear, I was talking about the http://ponycraft.blogspot.com/ one, isn't that the same one as http://ponycraft.webs.com/ or do we have a 4th minecraft server calling itself ponycraft now?
ReplyDeleteFluttershy of ponycraft.net said you sent them a very unprofessional message on this thread:
"You know I was gunna buy this domain you fucker"
then there's this post
Which made the ponycraft.net people very suspecious and wondering how you knew they were getting griefed 'constantly'.
So, truth aside, it didn't present a good image sending a flame to someone else who got the domain first, if that happened to me I'd be upset but then I'd just go and register a different domain name since I didn't get the domain.
ReplyDeleteThat was me, and I was getting emails from someone claiming to own ponycraft.net, coulda been a troll, but that pissed me off.
"I'd just like to say this, I only just noticed this message:
ReplyDeleteFrom: freewebsformbuilder
To: Fluttershy
Subject: Webs.com:
01 - Name = You
02 - Email Address = Mother fucker
03 - Phone Number (optional) = Asshole
04 - Your Message = You know I was gunna buy this domain you fucker...
Message ID: 81655377
Now, IMO this doesnt sound very pleasant at all, it may have been a few weeks ago but honestly how was I supposed to know that you were going to buy the domain? I figured you already had it and when I realised you hadn't I did just in cae I lost it. You really seem to have mixed emotions going on. alternating between hatred and calm discussion.
There's no way something like this could have been from anyone else."
If y'all mean that, hell no i didn't do that
So much drama, I'll just not make any conclusions then since I don't know anyone involved.
ReplyDeleteSo, is ponycraft.org the same as these sites, or are there multiple ponycrafts? I'm really curious. I'd love to just visit all of them and see the sights, I love being a tourist! :)