Someone named Steve Holt has released a bunch of Windows/Mac icons for various programs. If you use any, you totally have the ability to ponify them now!
The link/instructions are below!
Pony Icons
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OMG I have been looking for these.
VastaKustutaMy computer is never going to survive the drought, between the desktop ponys and now this!
VastaKustutaSteve Holt!
VastaKustuta>Pony Icons
VastaKustuta>All filly form
>Made by someone named Steven
Trixie as my Skype icon?
I'll take that Vinyl iTunes icon though.
I tried to do this with screencaps from the original version I found on Ponibooru, and failed miserably.
VastaKustutaThank God there's an readme for the technologically illiterate bronies like myself on how to replace the icons the right way now.
Haha, this is so awesome! But there's so many more icons needed! Safari! Calander! GarageBand/Logic! Pages!
VastaKustutaAlso, is it possible to return to your old icons if you want to?
VastaKustutaAmen to that! I am not good with machines. I like all icons, especially the Team Fortress 2 icon. I'm just a bit sad I can't use the Portal 2 one. I don't have Portal 2 for my computer.
It won't let me change the Icon for the Microsoft Word or Skype on Vista. :(
VastaKustutaI am going to start using more desktop icons just for these :>
VastaKustutaObligatory Steve Holt! comment incoming...
VastaKustutaSTEVE HOLT!
I need these made for iPod and put on Cydia... um... if you don't mind... *squeak*
VastaKustutaDoes anypony know how to resize them properly so that they fit correctly, because when I try to put them as my icons, they don't look good, and they look at pixilated.
That is what they turn out to be for me, and I need them to be a proper 200x200 size
VastaKustutaThis post literally has me jumping for joy.
VastaKustutaWhere's Derpy mail???
VastaKustutaThe icons are lovely.... but I would really love to have that wallpaper, on the example of what itlooks like on a pc... if anyone has it or a link it would be most appreciated...
VastaKustutaGreat, except I don't use half of these programs, and often use completely different ones. Is there a way to customize these (besides redrawing them), or more generic versions?
VastaKustutaI had to go in and change the accessibility permission for some programs to "read & write" for "everyone" on my Mac. Is there something similar you can do on a PC?
VastaKustutaI have it. I got it from /wg/. You might still be able to find it I'm also willing to email it.
I like these icons very much, but I ALWAYS except on one occasion have to mess with new icons.
VastaKustutaI have been fiddling, trying to get em to look good, but i cant.
The one on the left is the png image in the mac file.
There is no earthly reason why I can't get an icon to look like the png (Well actually there is but in principle...), I've seen and made custom icons that look really good, but photoshop has failed me D: (again...)
for background, if the thread still exists
Horray! Ponies on my dock! My Macbook is now 20% cooler.
VastaKustutaIf Celestia is System Preferences, doesn't that make Luna the Terminal?
I have to admit, the window ones do look very pixilated D:
VastaKustutaif you could fix that it would be awesome!
The icons are scrunched quite smaller than their 200x200 source size, even though I've increase the size of the desktop icons.
VastaKustutaWell it's apparent that the Windows icons are broken according to everyone.
VastaKustutaMac works fine, though.
Can't get skype or minecraft to give permission to allow me to change the icon. Oh well, I've got Firefox and Steam working.
VastaKustutaDo want but cant has.
VastaKustutaAnyone up for making alternate RD and Applejack for the non-gamers among us? Feels weird not having the mane 6 there...
VastaKustutasweet cant wait to try them out
VastaKustutaMy resolution is too high, all the ponies are tiny XD
VastaKustutaBut great work nonetheless!
I converted the Mac Icons to the Windows .ico format. It should make them look much better on windows.
I think the problem is we have too high resolution screens for low resolution icons.
VastaKustutaWhat I don't understand is the 256 pixel limit and the fact that the original 600 pixel picture looks so much better with it's own icon on the desktop.
I found out that the Mac .png files work fine with Rocketdock, so if you want to go get that, you are welcome to for wonderful quality.
Got it!
VastaKustutaTake the png image (needs to be shrank to 256 pixels or less) or the original ico image, open Photoshop (you need the ico plugin) and here is the key: Gaussian Blur filter (up at the top). Around 1 pixel setting does the trick. Then save the new ico image. :P
The world thanks you Steven Holt!
VastaKustutaI used the website and took the MAC PNGs and converted them to proper 256x256 ICOs for Windows 7.
VastaKustutaI then used this little program here:
To change the Library Icons
HHHNNNNGGGGGG!!! Overload!!!
VastaKustutaNice to see my fillies being put to use.
VastaKustutaI can't change the icon for skype in windows 7 but I got others to work. Is there something special I need to do?
VastaKustutaAlso any chance of getting icons for VLC and bittorrent? I would love those.
Steve Holt!
VastaKustutaDownloaded and rushed to get it set up!
VastaKustutaLooks super cute on my mac! :D Absolutely love it!
I really hope Steve (or somepony else!) makes more of these icons! I'd love one for a calendar, dictionary, and encyclopedia, and anything else people would want to make!
I'll probably reuse some of the icons for more than one application.
I am so going to make .desktop files for Ubuntu's Unity interface from these. Where should/can I post them once I've got them? Or is anypony else interested?
VastaKustutaTrixie for Skype?
VastaKustutaHow appropriate!
As many people have had some issues with the Windows icons looking pixely (silly Windows for not scaling it using a proper algorithm), I've made a somewhat fixed version of them. I also included the two Mac icons that weren't put with in the Windows folder, so there's 20 icons in all now.
As for those having issues with Skype, I fixed it by making my own shortcut. Hopefully that fixes that problem (I don't know if it's the same issue with the Microsoft Word shortcut).
VastaKustutaI'm the same person that posted above, but I sucked it up and made alternate Rainbow Dash and Applejack ones.
Google Chrome Rainbow Dash:
Instant Messenger Applejack:
I also made one for Anki, a flashcard program
Scratch that... Tinypic keeps converting it from a PNG to a JPG whenever I upload it. What. The. Hay.
In other computer problem news, I changed the calendar icon to Luna, and it shows up in the Finder correctly, but no matter how many times I delete it from the dock and put it back, it still shows up as the original icon. Even after restarting. Can anyone help?
Also, does anyone know where I can find vectors of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in the same pose as all the others?
VastaKustutaI'm thinking Applebloom ->VLC
and Sweetie Belle ->Garage Band
not sure about Scootaloo... maybe torrent?
I'm the same person that posted above, but I sucked it up and made alternate Rainbow Dash and Applejack ones.
VastaKustutaGoogle Chrome Rainbow Dash:
Instant Messenger Applejack:
I also made one for Anki, a flashcard program
Scratch that... Tinypic keeps converting it from a PNG to a JPG whenever I upload it. What. The. Hay.
In other computer problem news, I changed the calendar icon to Luna, and it shows up in the Finder correctly, but no matter how many times I delete it from the dock and put it back, it still shows up as the original icon. Even after restarting. Can anyone help?
Also, does anyone know where I can find vectors of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in the same pose as all the others?
I'm thinking Applebloom ->VLC
and Sweetie Belle ->Garage Band
not sure about Scootaloo... maybe torrent?
While I'm not using these icons, I certainly like the idea of making myself some MLP icons. Disappointing that I can't use most of them too, although I suppose not everybody needs a parasprite icon for alien swarm
VastaKustutaok i am the dumbass here but can anypony tell me how to do this since my read me fil wont show me how to do it
VastaKustutaI really like those, but the set programs in not the one I use. I hope more will be made (like chrome and thunderbird).
VastaKustutaIs there a ponychan thread for that where we can talk to the author?
Was I the only one who read this and instantly thought of AD?
VastaKustutaHAHAHA! I've been replacing all my icons on my mac now that I know how to! PONIES EVERYWHERE!!!!
VastaKustutaSorry, but I have to.
VastaKustutaSTEVE HOLT!
Moar liek, Steve Colt, Amirite?
VastaKustutaAnd us Linux user left behind once again... =C
VastaKustutaSTEVE HOLT! Ponies and an Arrested Development reference? Best post ever
VastaKustutaSTEVE HOLT!
VastaKustutaHow is the iPhoto icon NOT Photo Finish?!
VastaKustutaBecause a Photo Finish filly has yet to been created
Can anypony out there help me change my icons to these? My comp wont properly open the read me file and only shows a bunch of symbols.
VastaKustutaThese are awesome!
VastaKustutaGranted they're pixelated (as everypony has said by now), but I still dig them.
VastaKustutaI couldn't find it ... if you could email it it would be much appreciated. [email protected]
yay! these are great, need set a few more. added Fire Pony and Scratch Tunes
VastaKustutaOh dear. Ponies have spread to my dock. It's only a matter of time before I start doing the case up in rainbow stripes and plaster Derpy eyes on the back.
VastaKustutaCurious why Rarity was used for iPhoto instead of Photo Finish.
VastaKustutaTip for Windows users:
VastaKustuta1. Get ObjectDock (it's free)
2. Put your shortcuts on the dock
3. Swap its icons for ze ponies
4. Your PC is now 20% cooler
YAYY!! Now my macbook is gonna be ponyfied!!! :D
VastaKustutaHoping for a Philomena Thunderbird icon soon.
VastaKustutaSomeone submitted my stuff to ED? This is the BEST DAY EVER.
A few little notes here;
>I'm sorry about all the issues with the Windows icons. I generally only use Windows for gaming so I'm not too familiar with the whole ideal icon set up. Some bronies like MelonYoshi have done us the huge favor of properly converting the files so it would be best if you download from those who know what they're doing. Thanks to those who did that.
>As for more icons, I'm not sure.
I had originally intended this just to be for myself so I missed out on a lot of programs people use, but I don't. I also had time to kill but nowadays I'm a bit busy.
A lot of folks have taken the liberty of using the vectors for themselves and customize them for the programs they use most and the results have been pretty awesome.
>Also, Photo Finish would have been perfect for iPhoto but I didn't have enough time to make a Photo Finish filly and I had no where else to put Rarity.
I also wanted to have Dr. Whooves as Time Machine, but again, had no time.
I'm sorry for typing so much, I'm just so giddy and happy that so many people have liked these icons!
Oh, and also
I see ponies have problem with resized icons? No wonder, since they just have one image of 200, which is large, and not even a multiple of 16!
Seems like MelonYoshi Tried to fix that though. It's better, but still gets pixelly with small sizes, not to mention he has forgot to include two common sizes; 72 and 96, which would get pixelly if used.
I've taken all the mac pngs, also the two pics amaiakuyume made, and softly resized them to 32-bit squares of 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128 and 256 with IcoFX. Should cover pretty much everything.
Much better IMO, they look good even in 32px!
Sounds pretty cool. :D
VastaKustutamy heart gonna explode xDDDDDD
si ya solo faltan
sonidos y tema de W7 seguro :D
@Steve Holt
VastaKustutaWho is the MSN pony? I don't know who she is!! D:
Lol it's the BG pony colgate!
VastaKustutamake more....make more!!!
VastaKustutaBroken. All the download on his page has is two .ds_store files, whatever that is.
VastaKustutaNever Mind, Emil Björnfot posed the .ico files :D
VastaKustutaNo Linux Ubuntu D,:
VastaKustutai don't know how to change system preferences icon on mac
VastaKustutaHow do I do it for pc? I can't find the tutorial! It doesn't say anything!
VastaKustutahey guys, im going to try to make an icon theme for Ubuntu :)
VastaKustutaGahh! it was only uploaded to mega upload which has been shut down! Were can I download this now?
VastaKustutaGoing with Nintyuk's comment. Where can I get this now?
VastaKustutaNOOOO!!!!!!!! WHY MEGAUPLOAD???
VastaKustutaAwww man, can't get them since Megaupload's down. :<
VastaKustutaOh, wait, here there are everybody:
VastaKustutaWouldn't that be a flood, rather than a drought?
Can somebody please upload these to somewhere, as megaupload has been shut down, and I can't get these icons. Please link in these comments if you do.
VastaKustutaCan somebody please upload these to somewhere, as megaupload has been shut down, and I can't get these icons. Please link in these comments if you do. (reposting under proper name)
VastaKustutaOver 300 MLP icons.
Click on the icon to see it's best quality & transparency.
VastaKustutaV3 with a up to date url.
Pack for Linux Ubuntu ???
VastaKustutaMake it happen !!