• Pony Flash Drives - Orders On Hold

    The brony working on those pony Flash drives was a bit overwhelmed yesterday.  He wanted me to let everyone know that he is reworking the ordering process.  He is also adding a bunch of new designs tot he mix. 

    Once everything is finished, orders will be re-opened at the same DA page, so keep an eye out. 

    36 kommentaari:

    1. Give me doctor whooves and I'm buying one

    2. We could hope that The Hub/Hasbro reads this and (finally) understand that there is a serious demand for products for the older fanbase, who are ready to pay for it.

    3. I must say his work is fantastic and trust me when I say he is working on a very special design of our favorite Moon goddess.

    4. Needs moar Lyra!

    5. dat octavia drive. HHHHNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG.

      I'd be too ashamed to actually buy one of these though, not to mention I'm fine with my 2GB and 32GB.

    6. Now that I see the designs, I would get one of Octavia!

    7. Yessssssss, maybe there'll be time for me to get some money together by the time everything's all sorted out.

    8. I'd get one. I mean it's not like you're putting it on public display like a T-shirt or anything. It's just something personal. RD flash drive, you will be mine :D

    9. I WILL be buying a Fluttershy drive, thank you very much.

    10. Why is there no Twilight Sparkle?

    11. as awesome as this is, and I hate to be a debbie downer, but I'm pretty sure this is highly illegal. It's one thing to make a mlp themed flashdrive for yourself, but to make a profit off of another companie's intellectual property can be seen as counterfeiting. So i guess what I am trying to say is, if you want a mlp flashdrive, buy one now before the inevitable shutdown :T

    12. I would love to get one of these sent to the UK!

    13. @Anonymous
      >Needs moar Luna!


      I would get one if
      a) Luna
      b) the picture wouldn't get scratched-up
      c) somepony wouldn't steal it

      Actually, scratch that. I'll get Luna engraved on my 1TB drive instead.

    14. I can wait for my great and powerful flash drive

    15. The Pinkie Pie one in the back is the one that's being shipped to me.

      Can't wait for it to arrive.

    16. OMG.
      DO WANT the Octavia one

    17. @Soapy5
      Counterfeiting WHAT? There are no official MLP flash drives. There is no official MLP anything aside from a handful of cheap plastic toys. These are very clearly fan-produced and the creator is certainly are not attempting to misrepresent them as being official in any way.

      And there has been a tremendous wealth of other fan-produced content for sale, and Hasbro themselves, as the owners of the intellectual property, has yet to issue DMCA takedowns or any other legal action for any fan-produced products (as far as I know, at least).

    18. @Soapy5

      Ummm...Actually he's not making any money off these, in fact he had to stop and up the prices(by a $1.50) 'cause he was losing money thanks to paypal hidden fees. Also what about the pens, t-shirts, shoes and other things that have been selling stuff for much longer then this? A few have been shut down but most are still selling and I bet some of them DO make money off the stuff they sell.

    19. I've been in good communication with him too, really nice guy! I can wait a little more for mine, especially since the preview he sent me made it look really nice.

    20. @Anonymous

      And to be clear, those places that have been shut down weren't shut down by Hasbro. Shoe Brony's store got closed because someone told Zazzle that the store was infringing on their copyrights. The DMCA clearly says that you have to provide proof that YOUR copyright is being infringed, but too many places aren't going to invest a huge amount of effort in pursuing stupid legal battles and would rather just pull the plug - which, to be fair, really is sensible. If I were running such a site, I definitely wouldn't want to deal with the volume of paperwork necessary to validate every potential copyright/IP infringement claim.

    21. @Anonymous

      Err sorry abit of bad wording on my part. What I meant was "Trademark infringement". Im not saying hasbro is going to go send a cease and desist letter tomorrow, im just saying that if they did, they would have the law on their side. Hasbro has been lenient on MLP on youtube since they care more about merchandise sales. Of course hasbro isnt selling their own flashdrives, but they could still see this as cutting into their profits (brony wants to buy something mlp related; his choices? a crappy gen 3.5 mlp toy or an awesome fan-made flashdrive). All I am saying is, as a company focused on making a profit, I cant see this going on for much longer before hasbro steps in.

    22. Want 'em all! :D

    23. So where is Twilight Sparkle on all of these USB flash drives?

    24. @Soapy5
      That's assuming that (a) they give a crap, and (b) they have some reason to believe that this REALLY is having an effect on their profits. I don't think either of those are the case, especially if you consider that bronies ARE still buying the toys, and lots of 'em, since a lot of us have both a bit of throwaway income and also reasonably reliable transportation to get to stores. Heck, there are some who are buying them to ship overseas for people who don't have access to them. If we stopped buying everything pony related altogether, they still have the core audience of little girls that they're ACTUALLY catering to. That hasn't changed, and there's way more of them than there are of us despite what some people seem to want to believe.

      I think there's even a small (nonexistent) chance, if we get the right people together to convince them that we are a viable potential consumer group, and not only that, a highly creative one, maybe they'd even consider contracting the creator of these to make real official flash drives.... oh wait, I was dreaming there for a second. Still, I don't see them doing a 180-degree turn, that'd be a major dick move on their part. It would likely affect our outlook on them negatively, and they know that. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for "Brony Edition" toys or something like that either, though.

      tl;dr Hasbro is a pretty cool guy, eh lets us make flash drives and doesn't afraid of anything.

    25. @Coolblue

      There are some Twilight graphics! The image I have supplied doesn't show every graphic available, it's just an example. Once I begin taking orders again I will have a chart with every graphic I offer on display. :)

    26. @McGack

      Trixie's graphic is almost done, I am working on it right now! I have a ton of people waiting for one of her, so she is on the priority list. Luna is next.

    27. @Luna

      Luna's graphic is in the works. I might actually do a couple. The first one is going to be a "bust" view of her head, and then I'll try to get a second one that is full body.

      The image is laser-engraved on anodized aluminum so you'd have to be pretty rough on your drive to damage it badly. :)

    28. @MichaelXX2

      There are, I've got two of her ready. She just isn't in the particular example image I supplied to Seth. :)

    29. @Anonymous

      That is exactly what my thought process was when I came up with this idea. I wanted something that would be subtle and more importantly, useful!

    30. @Anonymous

      Heh, definitely! I was completely stampeded over with orders and inquiries when this was posted on EQ the other day.

    31. @Toty

      The Doctor is in the works, I've had several requests for him. :)

    32. I think this is a good example of an intellectual property having a demographic-shattering fan base develop around it faster than it's parent company can maneuver to take advantage of it. If this were Disney instead of Hasbro we would already have brony targeted merchandise of every shape and type imaginable looming just on the horizon.

      Actually, it reminds me of driving down the street and seeing Tinkerbell everywhere, from t-shirts and bags, to car seat covers and window graphics. Then again, while Tinkerbell was already a beloved character and pop culture icon (like MLP), the current Disney Fairies franchise was engineered to be popular with a suitably big marketing strategy to propel it forward, whereas the craze over MLP:FiM is as unexpected as a horse-drawn, horse-drawn wagon train barreling toward you out of nowhere. One wonders if a large company did try to capitalize on it, would the series lose some of it's heart?

    33. @Roger Smith
      Yes. It would have been soulless and shitty, like most Disney crap.

    34. Rainbow Dash 16 gig on the way <3

      Love your work Moongaze
