• Pony Apocalypse Podcast

    The guys over at "The Greatest Movie Ever!" Podcast have seemingly joined the herd.  If any of you are interested in podcasts, this might be something to listen in on!

    You can find the page and download link here!

    9 kommentaari:

    1. Not to harp Seth but there are a bunch of posts that are missing the Non-Fanfiction tag.

    2. lol, Twilight is dressing as Celestia huh?

      Obsessed much?

    3. Eh, out of class for the week, roommate's still sleeping through the day, I've nothing else to do.
      Curiosity piqued, off I go to listen to my first ever podcast.

    4. Just gotta say, I approve of the amount of Gummy in this pic. :3

    5. Overall it was a very well done podcast. It was a bit weird though, that it took them about 20 minutes to realize, they still haven't actually explained why they are talking about the show and what's good about it. Afterwards it got better and they brought up some good points about the show. I also liked that they talked about the show itself and way less about the community around it.

    6. Anon 2:22 finally finishing up.

      I actually liked the long non-pony introduction. I'm one of those people who didn't pay MLP very much attention until FiM, so it was nice getting a feel of the history of MLP and it's '80s roots. It set the stage for seeing what MLP has been able to blossom into despite its origins as a series of 30-minute commercials.

      Was not expecting this thing to be so long, but it was a very enjoyable listen. The number of topics they touched on was great, and they were constantly bringing new concepts to mind that I had never realized. For example, Pinkie's family being a Pac-man reference went completely over my head. My reaction to hearing that was very similar to that of the other two podcasters.

      In addition, I never really focused on the mythology aspect, but now that it's been brought to my attention consciously I am really hoping that they're able to bring more excitement to the show in that aspect during the second season. I was unaware that Hasbro owned Wizards of the Coast, so I'm hoping that they'll be able to bring other creatures in should an episode or two stray into the Everfree Forest.

      I rarely find myself talking about the aspects of this show in a manner similar to how the podcast went. Being able to talk about the show not only in an adult manner, but with more of of a focus on the worldly ramifications on the MLP universe would make for a fun conversation every now and then, even if I have to keep in mind that it's a children's cartoon where they aren't really trying to depict a normal functioning society. Still, pointing out the amount of hidden messages that this show hides in the subtext truly does give FiM much potential that I wish could be explored.


      srsly XD

    8. "Just as long as they don't start saying somepony in real life"



      Too late.

    9. Something is wrong with my recieving of this podcast. I get the audio terribly warped and echoed. I've not had trouble with the brony or diamond dog podcasts like this. Any idea whats the deal here?
