• Ponies Sneak Into Sequence

    A new indie game just released on Xbox Live today.  The project head regularly visits the Neogaf forums, where a huge brony following has popped up.

    Apparently, he snuck a pony item in! 

    For those of you who are planning on buying the game, here is the sequence to unlock it, directly from Feep (The guy in charge).
    "Upon reaching the seventh floor, go to the Gear screen. Hold down the following buttons: D-Pad Left, A, Y, Left Trigger, and Right Bumper. Then, use your mouth or something to press the Right Analog Stick inward. You'll get your special PonyGAF item!"
    In a stroke of genius, he makes you use your mouth to unlock it!  Just like a pony!  And judging by that poll that will be the greatest discussion post ever, most of you want to be ponies!

    No word on what the item actually is yet, the game literally just released on XBLA today.

    Thanks to Macintosh Apple Brony for the report!

    Also a trailer for the game after the break for those curious.

    43 kommentaari:

    1. How much is the game?

    2. @Anonymous
      240 points, which is equal to $3 USD.

    3. how cheap! if i had an xbox i'd buy it.

    4. @Anonymous

      XBLA indie games tend to be $10, tops.

    5. Was exited until I found out it was a rhythm RPG. Ehhhhhhhh.

    6. Hahaha really clever touch making people use their mouth!

    7. UGH, the ONLY game with a reference to MLP and IT'S A FREAKING RHYTHM GAME.

      Like WTF?

    8. And now it starts.
      The mass media take advantage of our pure natured love for ponies and the friendship and the magic and what comes after and want to squeeze every penny out of our well deserved money!

    9. I really want to know what this thing looks like.

    10. Wait, Rhythm RPG? That sounds awesome, what's wrong with you guys. If I had a 360, I'd buy this five minutes ago.

    11. Wth is a rythem rpg?

    12. Honestly, the trailer made me want to play the game more than the possibility of getting a secret MLP item. Very humorously written. Too bad I have a PS3, and not an X-Box, 3 dollars is something I'd actually seriously consider spending for something like this.

    13. @Anonymous
      Dance Dance Revolution is also a rhythm game. All I've seen of gameplay for this is just matching the arrows and some lame voice acting.

      Though seeing as it's an indie game, I'm willing to let the voices slide. It still isn't a game I'd be into, however.

    14. Looks like a fun game. I have a PS3.

    15. Sequence looks... interesting, but I wouldn't call it an RPG. It seems to be its own genre, I think.

    16. I'm actually buying this right NAO!!

    17. I second the disappointment at the genre, whatever you wanna call it. I've played Falling Arrows:The Game in both dancepad and gamepad format and it doesn't appeal to me. Elite Beat Agents is the only rhythm game I've ever enjoyed, much less found maniacally addicting.

    18. @siraj

      This looks to be an Indie game specifically, rather than a straight-up XBLA title. $3, and the money goes to the developer!

    19. I know a guy who works on The Cleveland Show who's been sneaking Pony stuff in for months. But you have to wait until next year to see it.

    20. @Anonymous
      If that's actually true... I'll actually watch the show for once.

    21. Really? That might actually be a reason for me to start watching that thing.
      I actually didn't know they were still making the Cleveland Show.

    22. @Dat fucking Writefag

      Dude... this is a merchandise driven franchise to begin with. this show can't sell out because it already sold out before it even existed!

    23. too bad Xbox indie games aren't available at my country :( of course I could make an american/west european account for that but it's just so much hassle

    24. I was going to buy this regardless of any references it made to outside stuff or not.
      This is just further reinforcement that the creators know what's hip.

    25. "Or I will find you. So help me, god, I will find you."

      I guess that means we don't really have a choice, eh? :D

    26. yeah really. he even has a pony ID on his cubicle wall at the office in LA

    27. Oh god. Looks like the kind of game I will play! *Loves music-games and RPGs* The music used in the trailer makes me t hink of more pony. Not helping at all...

      But boo. Not sure if my brother uses XBox LIfe, let alone his sytem is at his room... And I always prefer the PC as my gaming system. (Since we don't have a PS3 or Wii too...)

    28. I'd buy it but I can't even pass level one on any game like that! Plus Im starting Fallout 3 over again cause of that fan fic

    29. So apparently the pony item gives you a 20% boost to all stats . . . .

    30. On the note of using cheat codes with your nose/mouth, there's another game that requires the same one-trick pony. Anypony remember Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire? There's a debug code in that game (you activate it while the game is paused) that has you pressing so many buttons while moving the control stick left->right->left->right, as I recall. I'd always be needing my face for that!

    31. @Anonymous

      L+R+Left on D-Pad+Z+All C-Buttons,
      then you had to move the joystick in a rather precise manner.

      Damn that code was a pain, but it was rewarding because of all the crazy stuff it let you do.

    32. I heard that they were looking into releasing this on Steam as well. I am also tempted to buy, and may do so at week's end.

    33. Controlling an AT-ST made the first mission was lulzy, but I think you were still flying so you could be shot down... Wampa mode was fun in the hoth base. though I think taking a tie fighter in the last level was always crazy.

    34. PS3 has no pony games

    35. Oh god . . .
      The dialogue . . .

    36. What is a PonyGAF?

    37. @Anonymous
      The forum is called NeoGAF, so the pony thread is called PonyGAF. The item isn't called a PonyGAF though.

    38. Out of curiosity, has anyone reached the 7th floor to access the item yet? I'm on the 6th floor and intend to beat the game/reach the 7th floor later to try the code out. Does anyone want me to comment again tomorrow with the information? I'll see if I can get some pics and put them up too along with it if you like. I'll check back later on today (it's 12:03 am where I am) hopefully I remember.

    39. The item is "NeoGAF's Little Pony", and its description is "Increases Honesty +4, Kindness +3, Laughter +8, Generosity +4, Loyalty +5, Friendship +10. This one's for you, bronies." It generally does nothing in that regard, but when you go into battle with a pony as your accessory, how can you lose?

    40. @Anonymous

      Yeah, I just beat the game completely. I have to admit it was a fun and challenging game. And the story wasn't that bad in my opinion. It was also quite the challenge which is great since I'm a music game chronic.

      OT: Does nothing? That item gave me such a boost in friendship that I befriended all the creatures in the game. My laugh stat was so high all the guardians in the game couldn't help but laugh and let me pass when I told them a joke. Not really, but it was a nice touch.

    41. Hmm, +20 mana or +10 friendship and ponies......ponies.

    42. What is the code for the PC version of the game?
