• PMV: Pinkazoid #3! // Dash, Pinkie's Got a Few Words for You

    >Tearing through Email
    >Realize it's another Pinkazoid Video
    >Instantly groan at the idea of watching another
    >Xpecting the worst
    >Infinitely better than I thought it would be
    >Eventually realize greentext doesn't work on a blog where 50% of the users aren't from 4chan

    Yah so, Pinkazoid again! Enjoy! Also some Cee Lo Green Embed after the break, links below.

    Dash, Pinkie's Got a Few Words For You

    It's so Great and Powerful!


    Dash, Pinkie's Got a Few Words For you

    [MLP:FiM] Dashie, Pinkie's got a few words for you from Derpy Hooves on Vimeo.


    1. ughh!!!!!! my speakers are broken well maybe i'll steal my sister's pc for a while

    2. That was so great. Scootaloo was awesome in video #2

    3. Both of these are so amazing I could cry.

    4. Ya know, I really didn't think Pinkazoid would take off. But now I'm glad it did.

    5. Pinkazoid 3.... very good, but... lacked the female only bit for the "check out" bit, and seemed a bit off in timing in a few spots

      vidja 2.... no... go away please

    6. 3rd is alot better but the BGM still doesn't capture the "energy" for this song.

    7. pinkazoid 3 is pretty good. best yet.

    8. Does anyone know the song used for the second video? Not mentioned on the Vimeo page.

    9. @Anonymous

      Cee-Lo Green - Fuck You

    10. @AnonymousI'm surprised there's still somepony who hasn't heard of "Fuck You" by Cee-Lo. It's even the first result on Google when you type in "Fuck You". It was only really ever popular on the internet though, because censorship laws would require half of the lyrics to be cut from the song or changed to the point that the song loses its impact and recognition.

    11. @Anon:

      I believe the 2nd video's song is by Gnarls Barkley.

    12. Absolutely LOVED the first video. XD

      But I'm surprised things like the second video even fly in this fandom. It just ruins everything that is good about the show. At this rate, it's going to be a long summer if you people keep this up.

    13. The vimeo video was amazing. I don't even usually watch music videos like that.

    14. @PixellatedPoni "Fuck you" by Cee Lo Green.

      And Makkon, what, because it's got swears in it? It's a pretty great song. C'mon, let's have love and tolerance, even if you don't necessarily agree with all the content in some fan stuff, it's still produced by a fan.

      Also, I'm glad to hear my Pinkazoid rendition's being positively received.

    15. This all started on 4chan, and I contend that this fandom is so amazing exactly because of that. Thus you are well within your rights to use greentext - those who don't get it should lurk moar.

    16. The pinkazoid video was awesome, but the second one kinda went downhill from about 30 seconds in

    17. "Guess she's an xbox...and I'm atari..."

      LOVE this song.

    18. @Anonymous
      Agree. I became a brony on /b/.

    19. ">Eventually realize greentext doesn't work on a blog where 50% of the users aren't from 4chan"

      >Implying the other 50% of the users ARE from 4chan.

      Which, actually, is probably true.

    20. @BronyMike

      You probably wanted to say "Forget you".


    21. @Anonymous
      That's the version they play on the radio because swearing isn't allowed.

    22. Laughed for real at the "animated using flash" part

    23. I was gonna do that song on the last video, but with Flutterguy. Somepony should also make one for "Crazy".

    24. >recovering /b/tard

      Green text is fine.
      It's not hard to figure out
      You do need to make the blog apply color to it in comments though =/

      Maybe a poll to figure out how many viewers come from *chan?

    25. @Anonymous
      Hah, thanks. Yeah, that's the one part that wasn't just a still taken from the show, so I figured I'd do something special when converting it to film as well.

      And the anon two above the post I'm responding to: Naw, I mean the actual song, the one they used. I usually hate radio edits, "Let's Get it Started" sucks compared to the original "Let's Get Retarded". Words and opinions, though, whatever.

    26. @Anonymous:
      >because censorship laws would require half of the lyrics to be cut from the song or changed to the point that the song loses its impact and recognition.

      Actually, I think the "F You" version is even better than uncensored. Like with "Perfect" by P!nk(ie).

    27. @anon3: It's from Rick Astley.
