• PMV: Piece of Me / Mareicles / Popular

    I hope you guys are in the mood to watch things tonight, cause my video folder is almost as big as my "stories in review" folder right now.

    Lots of Rarity this time around.

    1.) Rarity PMV - Popular
    2.) Mareicles
    3.) MLP Rarity - Piece Of Me

    25 kommentaari:

    1. I'm in the mood for shipping and Luna and Grimdark.

    2. I always thought Twilight would be Ephaba.

    3. The 1st one, okaaaay...

      The 2nd one, awesome.

      The 3rd one, lol.

    4. HOLY GAWD. #1 was AMAZING! I had to Google what that song was from though. I have always wanted to see the play and/or read the book...now I must.

      #2 scraped the pieces of my blown mind from #1 off of my wall and blew it up again.

      #3...uh...well...I guess I could actually say something about it if I could've lasted more than 15 seconds into that song. I'm sure it's great though!

    5. Mareicles was so well synched, I just lost it when Steven magnet came into play. The other's were okay.

    6. Wicked + poni? imokwiththis.jpg

      #2 lol freaking magnets

    7. So many fucking LOLZ
      1:52 on Mareicles.

    8. See Mare-icles. Expect Insane Clown Posse. Was not expecting Steven Magnet for some reason. Beautiful. This day keeps on getting better.

    9. Video 2-

      Started watching expecting Hercules pmv.
      Got Insane Clown Ponies.
      It's all good.

    10. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make a PMV using Popular.

    11. Friendship everywhere in this bitch.

    12. 2 was good enough to override my dislike of ICP.

    13. I knew someone would do Rarity with Popular from Wicked when I heard the song before the fourth episode of MLP had aired!

    14. Not sure why the rave reviews for #1. The timing is way, way off, and the content matching is only vaguely appropriate at best.

      Miracles was great as a video, though that song just drives me up the wall. I entirely approve of the concept of finding joy and amazement in our own wonderful world (and universe) without feeling the need to introduce magic, aliens, or the supernatural to spice things up. But they lose me when they start saying things like "I don't wanna talk to a scientist", as if learning the how and why takes all the fun out of it.

    15. Dang copyright for not letting me watch #3!

      But 1 and 2 are quite nice

    16. @Lucky Sanity

      vidproxy.com is your friend, I needed it for all 3 videos

    17. Lol, 3 new PMVs and not one is available for my country.

      Unblockyoutube works too xD

    18. I want to see Dash tryyyyy defyyyyying graaavityyyy...

    19. Yeah, I'm having trouble reconciling my appreciation for #2 with my intense hatred of that song. As if being able to explain amazing things makes them somehow less worthy.
      Carl Sagan
      Insane Clown Posse
      Round 1... FIGHT!

    20. @Anonymous

      Save that for when Scootaloo first learns to fly. (Or, I guess "Learn to Fly" would work, too. XD)

    21. >"Fucking magnets, how do they work?"
      >Steven Magnet

    22. Somepony has to make an official pony proxy... (stupid German copyright laws!)

      Great vids, btw. Love Wicked, and Rarity suits the role pefect, if only the synching was a little bit better.
