• PMV: Fashion Is Danger // Rock Band Songs

    PMV Time!

    Fashion is Danger

    Winter Wrap Up-Rockband

    Art of the Dress-Rockband

    All embeds are after the break!

    28 kommentaari:

    1. AHHHHH OMG I Love Rockband and My little pony!!!!! Nice

    2. If a band decided to play pony songs as a concert at my local venue, I would probably buy tickets. Also, I saw part of why I like Rarity's singing, it's the way she changes pitch in the middle of some words, not to mention her voice is awesome.

    3. The Rarity themed lead singer in the art of the dress video was a nice touch :D

    4. Nice take on the humanized Ponies. Too bad you can't get more than four band members on the stage.

      Lessee... Rainbow Dash and Applejack on the guitars. Winter Wrapup has Twilight singing and Rarity on the drums. Art of the Dress switches Rarity to singing (appropriate) and Pinkie Pie to the Drums (also appropriate). I like it.

    5. Yay Flight Of the Conchords!

    6. Ow, somepony beat me to authoring Rock Band pony songs...
      Needs moar pro keys and harmonies, though

    7. Oh wait, it has harmonies...

    8. My favorite part is how the band members look like humanized versions of the ponies.

    9. I like how the camera focused on the characters when appropriate during "Art of the Dress", like Rarity & Pinkie's exchange. Perfect.

    10. With the exception of Weird Al the one band I can think of that would do a cover of one of the songs on this show would most likely be the most awesome ska band ever, Less Than Jake. Hell they once did ska covers of the songs from GREASE. They called the album GREASED.

    11. ... I want those Rock Band songs now. @.@ Of course, I need RB3 first... I'm still just rockin' 2.

    12. And then Rarity stage dived.

    13. hey guyz if you are from usa and u want fluttershy from blind bag dont worry i found one u can buy it here: http://cgi.ebay.com/My-Little-Pony-G4-FiM-Blind-Bag-Fluttershy-/220782627220?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3367ab8994#ht_500wt_1156

    14. awesome, love the game and will get those songs into my list

      very nice for when the those who sang were twilight and rarity, now if they get rocking with spike and the CMC

    15. @Gent
      that was also my favorite part in the third one

    16. These were pretty neat

    17. Holy fuck I want Rock Band 3, I had no idea you could upload music to it..

    18. The rockband songs are really well done but...

      People still play music games? *shivers*

    19. With the Rock Band "Art of the Dress" song, check out the singer in the background at 2:35 with "Applejack's studs must shiiiiiine!" Awesome.

    20. @Anonymous:

      Somepony doesn't keep up on trends~

      @Rock Band videos:

      Fund it. Take all my money. And fund it.

      If you want songs that have more interesting keyboard parts, just get some Eurobeat Brony going. Instant devil-tier on everything.

    21. Oh also I do think Rarity's character looks just a smidge creepy, however DANG I WANT THOSE DRUMS.

    22. The singer in Stitching it Together looks kinda like Rarity.

    23. rockband just got 20% cooler.

    24. I loved that Rarity did a stage dive when she fainted in the original.

      These videos make me want to get back into Rock Band. Damn you...

    25. Holy balls, I would never stop singing these if they somehow made it into RB.

    26. Well played on making the humanized ponies, but goddamn...


    27. I've always been tempted to buy the license for all the amazing custom songs but never completely enough to do it. Seeing these two videos is probably the closest I've ever actually come to giving them my money for custom songs. On a side note, THIS is how to use harmonies people.

    28. Woah. Pinky Pie was going crazy on those drums. Rock band must be another of her favourite party games.
