For all you crazy roleplayers out there, another website has popped up! This one is a bit more robust and built specifically for roleplaying (so not just a forum!)
You can find it below, as well as any other information you need on it!
They are currently looking to fill out various roles, so if you want in, get over there!
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13 kommentaari:
more pony roleplaying sites? fuck
VastaKustutaAn awesome sight to hang out with other ponies, both in and out of character.. Ive been there for about a week now and it's just too much fun... needs more herd tho :P
VastaKustuta*Roles. Annoys me so much when people get that wrong.
VastaKustutaAnd just what is wrong with roll's Maverick Flourish? Do you not also fill them with butter or various jellies?
VastaKustutaugh, roleplaying ponies...
VastaKustutaTolerance people, if you don't like it there's no reason to voice your distaste, no one's forcing you to click on the link.
VastaKustutaFire comes the OC doodles
VastaKustutaThen the 2nd-person fics
Then the OC shipping
Now the roleplaying.
Can I join as Cave Johnson and just run around burning houses down? With lemons?
I really do hope they expand their content to not just Roleplaying but to other stuff too.
VastaKustutaI have also joined, and I have high hopes for the site!
It seems as if there's some confusion as to why OCs are generally unpopular on the internet.
VastaKustutaIt's not because the characters are fan creations, but because many OCs end up being author avatars and Mary Sues. A well-done OC is fine, and really shouldn't offend anyone since no one ever said any fan fiction was canon. I'll go on the record as saying that I haven't seen an OC on ED yet that could be construed as a Mary Sue.
Furthermore, RP is usually self-governed, as well. The rule of thumb for any roleplayer in any kind of setting is that, excluding extremely skilled roleplay or extreme circumstances, canon is off limits. Characters that self-declare themselves the most popular pony in Ponyville, or Rainbow Dash's sister or what have you, quickly become shunned, if not told to GTFO.
There's really nothing to worry about when it comes to OCs, thanks to the large amount of quality control that ED enjoys. In addition, even if you're opposed to the best OC work, or work that deviates from normality in any way, there is always this: no one is forcing you to look at it. Tolerance, everypony.
Yo. Anyone who's bothered to take a look, thanks. I know that there's a lot of talk about how roleplaying can be kind of silly, and that's to be expected, but the main focus of the site is to form more community as well. Don't feel like you have to roleplay to just come and enjoy the chat, there's plenty of room for that too. When you say you want more than roleplay, feel free to send me emails with suggestions. I want to make a good experience for everyone involved.
VastaKustutaI am happy for this project and will surely participate. I don't see how roleplaying ponies is any different than any other form of roleplaying - when you play a wizard, a barbarian, a future punk or half an each pixie its OK, but Pony is wrong? The hay with that? Good roleplayer will pley well with any setting or predefined character. On rpg cons there are alawys GM's with adventures driven by predefined characters for random players, and it works just fine.
VastaKustutaIf someone think that roleplaying ponies is worse than roleplaying, let's say, a Space Marine, than he/she is quite a strange person - in both situation you are going to play absolutely ridiculous fantasy character xD
Roleplaying ponies is fun, and contrary to popular belief, doesn't immediately equate to "shipping" or even necessarily "OCs" (though the latter is highly likely and there's nothing wrong with that).
VastaKustutaHaters gonna hate, despite the fact that in the pony community they should at least pretend to love.
If Trixie can't turn me into a pegasus and transport me to Ponyville, then this is as close as I can get. lol