• Periodic Table of the Elements of Harmony

    I honestly didn't realize there were so many characters in this series.  No one has ever really listed them out before. 

    And sadly, aside from the monsters/pets on the bottom, I'm pretty sure every single one has been shipped with some(thing).

    You learn something every day!

    60 kommentaari:

    1. NICE! Though who's Speedy?

    2. @Ud the Imp

      I believe that Speedy is the name of Rainbow Dash's pet Turtle from the ToyLine.

    3. You do realize that now that you've said that, someone is going to ship all those things on the bottom.

    4. I was in a rp that had Derpy dating the manicore

    5. Speedy is Rainbow Dash's pet turtle. Although I don't think he's actually appeared in the cartoon so far, he does appear in the toy line.

    6. I cant believe nopony has given the mayor a name yet, she needs a name. maybe seth could make that a future poll?

    7. Owlowiscious? Gaaaaah. The name is Aloysius. It's the Latin equivalent of Louis/Ludwig/Luigi. If you really must punnify it, it's Owloysius.

      It may be a minor thing, but it really gets on my nerves.

      And I see a distinct lack of both Carrot Top and Colgate on that table.

    8. @Anonymous

      BRB, writing Opalescence/Hydra shipfic.

    9. "aside from the monsters/pets on the bottom"

      Challenge accepted, Dave. Challenge. Accepted.

    10. Hm...I thought the mayor had a name.

      Maybe I'm just remembering incorrectly. Only way to check is to re-watch the episodes, right?

    11. @Anonymous

      I always thought the mayor was Mayor Mare?

    12. The spelling of the Owl's name is canon, actually. Lauren admitted it was a little silly, though.

      The thing that gets ME is that obviously not enough thought has been put into 'element families' as far as where the characters are placed. All the Apple Family (at least, the immediate family) should be in the same column.... to name just one example.

      (Still pretty neat.)

    13. Since two of the Bolts have names now, that's two more 'elements' for the table.

      ...I wonder what happens when you mix them all together...

    14. Latin...IN MY LITTLE PONY?!

    15. @Rainbow Dosh

      That's the owl's official name spelling.


    16. Yup, Soarin and Spitfire need they're own spots now!

    17. Kill me, I'm a PONY9. mai 2011, kell 21:00

      Yes, need more family periodicity

    18. Kill me, I'm a PONY9. mai 2011, kell 21:00

      Yes, need more family periodicity

    19. Kill me, I'm a PONY9. mai 2011, kell 21:01

      *sees two comments*


    20. gonna be interesting to make chemical equations for these :)

    21. No Carrot top...this gives me an idea.

    22. Magic is Science. o_o

    23. I don't happen to see Aunt and Uncle Orange, either.

    24. @Anonymous:

      The Mayor was specifically addressed as Mayor Mare.

      Also, elements can only be combined in combinations of three or more, because any combination of only two elements results in the already overabundant Shippitus.

      In fact, occasional Shippitus mixtures have been found in combinations of up to seven elements, making this the most unpredictable science imaginable.

      ~Display Name

    25. Some Rd + Br +Sv = TEERRRIANGLE! Which turns out to be a compostions of Rd + Pp while makeing Br and Sv look like fools trying to get Rd's attention.

    26. Am I the only chemistry nerd here who thinks this should have been arranged better?
      The periods seem to exist (Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie all under one column) but there are inconsistencies. Why is Scootaloo in that column? She fits better under Rainbow Dash's column. <.<
      I mean, I understand compromises must be made (like you can't fit both Granny Smith and the rest of Applejack's family under the same column), but it could fit better.
      Other than the column complaint, I think the rest is sorted quite nicely. Pretty cool. If he flips it around, I might be able to figure out the chemical tendencies of each pony :P

    27. I'm surprised it took this long.

      Although I know it was obviously made for fun, I still think having them arranged by column rather than rows would of made more sense (size increases as you go down and elements in the same group have similar chemical properties). It just would of made more sense...

    28. I wanna see some Sm + Hy + Dh + Rd shipping. I can imagine a random tag getting slapped as well, just from the combo.

    29. Spruce it up, add some atomic properties, and this would make a great poster.

    30. Maybe old off for another season or so, see how many characters are introduced/established.

    31. @CrimeOfKicking

      Of course it is. Did you learn nothing from Twilight's soapbox speech?

      I would have liked it if Silver Spoon's element shorthand was "Ag" though.

    32. The whole thing should be flipped around! I can't see it as a true periodic table if it's backwards like this!

    33. DJ Furtive Otter9. mai 2011, kell 23:18

      I thought it was Mayor Mare...?

    34. Can the mayor be named mare Yorse Tooly? I like pun names. The big 5 is at hand only a few thousand left.

    35. No Carrot Top?

    36. periodic tables should have some theoretical entries at the end. add harry!

    37. Preliminar ressults about unstable elements in the Periodic Table of Elements of Harmony:

      Acording to the ressults of a In deept serious inestigation, the pinkie pie element is one of th most unstable elements due to the usually random results when the element is used or mixed with others...FOREVER.

      By other hoof, the derpy hooves element is just another unstable element due to its chaotic nature,with similar propierities of the pinkie pie element and some-what usual catastrofic results when used with most of the elements on the table, aparently the only eseption to the rule is when used with the doctor whoof element in that case they work cohesivly when mixed as chaos catalist and as a neutrallizer agents cancelling most of the chaos in the time and space continum.

      NOTE: The doctor whoof element requiere more ressearch an investigation due to its dfficulty to find enoght samples

      Althought the fluttershy elemet is usually one of the most stable elemets in the table most of the time due to its neutral nature itself, it was prooved that it contains a highly explosive combustion rate when mixed under certain conditions with any chaothic elemet thus turning it in one of the most(if not the most) dangerously explosive unstable element in the whole table, whit is werid propierity of being capable of "exploiding twice" wich means that at the moment of combustion, the element in question suddenly unstabilise itself by practically riping its molecules apart producing a chain reaction which ens in the first explosion, the reamaingin parts of the element when they suddenly get hit by the now free particles, these ends up traring appart the remaing molecular cohecion, thus this way, creating a second explosion.

      NOTE: this element is also nicknamed "The PoNuke Percutor", and future investigation and ressearch is needed, for more reference abotu the PoNuke bomb, see the Weapons of Mass-Pony-Destructuion section.

      and Finally the twillight sparkle element is usually one of the most stable elemets in the table most of the time due to its neutral nature itself, it was prooved that it contains a highly explosive combustion rate, althought maybe not as combustion explosive as the fluttershy element, is still considered a highly powerfull explosive, even when its usually an neutraliser agent, and its combustion rate is pretty bellow average, this is also considered one of the most safest elemets to work when used right, when used without any kind of care or incorectly with any other element, it can produce an explosion so powerfull that can only be described like "watching the power of a thoustand suns" even if is for a small fraction of time, its destructive power can put to shame the one produced by the fluttershy element

      NOTE: this element is also nicknamed "The PoNuke Fuel", and future investigation and ressearch is needed, for more reference abotu the PoNuke bomb, see the Weapons of Mass-Pony-Destructuion section.

    38. @Anonymous
      *slow dramatic clap*

    39. No Soaren / Spitfire yet it has non-canon OCs? Eh, no good at all.

      Also, I'd change order, Ag suggestion is also good.

    40. ... I'm happy I'm not the only chemistry nerd who spotted the inconsistency in the grouping.

      Now question is, should Pinkie Pie be fluorine, due to her personality, or should it be Rainbow Dash, who ends up shipped/reacted with everyone?

    41. *Waiting for periodic table with corrected families*
      Now, what is the atomic weight of P. D. Pie vs the atomic weight of Pinkie Pie? Which form is more stable? Does P. D. Pie fission spontaneously into Pinkie Pie and Gummy?

    42. @Frith

      It would probably be reasonable to suggest that P.D. Pie would be a slightly unstable isotope of regular Pp, occurring in roughly every 2/25 samples with a half life of around 20 minutes before decaying into the more stable form of Pp.

      Also, why is it that I can see future ship fics being displayed as chemical compounds? e.g 2PsRdPp?

    43. Not much of thought went into this I see.

    44. @Anon 5:09 AM

      But so much colour did. It's lovely to look at!


      Research grant approved.

    45. @Coffeebean

      If I may, I believe that "ordinary" Pp is actually an excited, long-lived metastable state that decays to the highly unstable PDp.

    46. I ship Gummy and Angel. I've just never got off of my lazy butt to write a fic about it.

    47. i feel like those should be rearranged. For instance, the far left is where unstable elements go, and the noble gases are on the far right. For starters, switch Lune and Princess Celestia's places.

    48. The science nerd in me does not approve! The table is periodic and it's BUGGING ME SO MUCH!!!



      *Insert Pinkie-Pie-esque psychotic breakdown*

    49. ^I meant to say not periodic. Wow, that ruins the comment...

    50. Alright children, today in chemistry we are going to mix fluttershy with Gilda! I should warn you to get behind this 6" thick gummy lined blast chamber as the reaction is a little... unstable to say the least. But don't worry, you'll be safe as long as you all stay as far back as possible and look at the camera feed from inside the chamber. Alright, here we go... *Red lights turn on and a siren goes off as the blast chamber doors open* perfect! now, everyone go to the monitor room and watch the camera feed. *loud siren as the blast chamber closes* ok, 3.. 2... 1... OH GOD WHERE'S RODNEY!!?!!! *tiny poof inside the test chamber and the blast chamber is opened again*
      Rodney: well that was anticlimatic.

    51. Spitfire really needs two brothers named Hurricane & Typhoon...

      And as long as we're on WW2 fighters, here's some call signs for the other Wonderbolts:

    52. Chemistry class just went 20% cooler.

    53. wow I only didnt know about 10 of those. 200% cooler chemistry

    54. wow I only didnt know about 10 of those. 200% cooler chemistry

    55. I thought that RD's pet was called Tank?

    56. I thought that RD's pet was called Tank?
