Apparently the animators of the show like to parody existing musicals!
This is similar to what they did with Art of the Dress, which was based on another musical called Putting it Together.
Both the original and the Gala songs are below the page break.
Kind of blew my mind there.
ReplyDeleteNow my head is full of apples.
I love when animators actually have a taste in music and apply it to their shows.
ReplyDeleteMmmm, classy!
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping for more quality musical homages in Season 2!
ReplyDeleteThe musical director must be a Sondheim fan...
ReplyDeleteI knew it! I totally knew it!
ReplyDeleteI performed that musical in High school. The second I heard that music I could place the song. I was actually a little annoyed that the snatched the music from it.
Dammit, I knew that song was familiar... My school did Into the Woods in High School. This explains everything.
ReplyDeleteHeh. When we watch it on Friday, the second the Gala song ended, my wife laughed and started singing "Into the Woods"
ReplyDelete(it is, after all, one of her favorite musicals)
Between this and Art of the Dress, seems like the pony crew (or at least Ingram) are Sondheim fans.
Nice taste.
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ReplyDeleteI don't believe it's called Art of Success; I think the song is "Putting It Together" from Sunday in the Park with George.
ReplyDeleteStephen Sondheim? Approve, muchly.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first heard this I could have sworn at Twilight's part (2:28) that when she said "It is going to be so special as she takes" I swore she was going to say my virginity XDD Am I the only one?!
ReplyDeleteAlso, though, it was 'putting it together', not Art of success, wasn't it?
ReplyDeleteCan someone comfirm for me that they used part of robotech opening music in 'Cutie Mark Chronicles'?
ReplyDeleteI've been on a nostalgia bender lately watching ducktales.
"Art of Success"? Isn't it "Putting it Together" from the musical "Sunday in the Park with George"?
ReplyDeleteThis is correct; IIRC the verses in Art are similar to msot of Putting It Together, or the chorus is the same as everything. But yeah.
Same here, Drax. My HS did Into the Woods for the school musical as well a couple years ago.
ReplyDeleteYup, caught that on my first run through! ^^
ReplyDeleteMy high school performed that musical two years ago~
I knew I recognized that! I love Sondheim. As do the writers, apparently.
ReplyDeleteMy bad! I fixed the mistake on the other musical.
ReplyDeleteApparently a lot of us had that in our high school experience. Cultural education win? xD
ReplyDeleteYep, first thing that popped into my mind when I watched the episode, and my school performed it too, didn't know it was so popular.
ReplyDeleteDerpy is on line for Applejack's treats, near the beginning of the line, as wall-eyed as ever. See 0:34 on the "Gala" video.
ReplyDeletethis explains why it sounded so familiar
ReplyDeleteIt's weird... On the one hand, I'm kind of cheesed that the song-writers for MLP used other songs as templates for their own, but on the other hand, it does show their musical taste is 'well-bred', and their versions are so much better IMO anyways, that it kind of balances out.
ReplyDeleteI knew it sounded familiar, especially because I just auditioned for that show last week.
ReplyDelete(MFW I realize I used the same song, and how big an idiot I am for not noticing it earlier.)
Correction: the sentence reads "This is similar to what they did with Art of the Dress, which was based on another musical called Putting it Together."
ReplyDeleteIt should be: "This is similar to what they did with Art of the Dress, which was based on the song Putting It Together from the musical Sunday in the Park with George".
Also, I kept on saying "To get the money, to meet the king, to sell the cow, INTO THE WOOOOOODS" during the airing of this song.
yeah...that was what i really noticed, the ending. "to sell, to keep, to wed, to have the child, etc. etc."
ReplyDeleteConfound these ponies, they drive me to high school nostalgia!
ReplyDeleteYup, I knew it could not just be a coincidence "at the gala" sounded so much like "ever after."
ReplyDeleteI love it when writers do this. Loved it with WB and their cartoons (Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain and Freakazoid) love it now with Hasbro studios.
ReplyDeleteI wondered! I knew it sounded a little familiar, and then definitely raised a brow when they said "into the gala" near the end. Glad to see my suspicions confirmed.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't the animators as much as it is the composer (who is brilliant), the writer and the storyboarder.
ReplyDelete(original song is great, but really lacking without Rainbow Dash's rock chorus!!!)
the more i listen the more i like that song.
ReplyDeleteMoulin Rouge did the same thing with other songs and that's one of my favorite things to watch. "El Tango De Roxanne" gets me every time.
ReplyDeleteThey sure got good taste!
ReplyDeleteIn drama, it was a tradition to watch 'Into the Woods' once a year.
ReplyDeleteIt always makes these songs 20% more awesome (at least) when I find out where such things "come from"
ReplyDeleteYou know I'm gonna call it 'At the Gala' is way better.
ReplyDelete-cough-My mashup of the two-cough-
Oh wow. I thought that at the gala was just a piece of musical genius that the composers came up with.
ReplyDeleteI'm kindda mixed about this. I love how they used such a great piece to make their song, but I also kindda wished it was a bit more original
At the Gala still a great song. I already played it like 20 times on my Ipod XD
Am I an uncivilized barbarian if I prefer the Gala version over the origianl? :(
ReplyDeleteI knew I recognized that melody.
ReplyDeleteInto the Woods doesn't have the Rainow Dash solo. No contest.
ReplyDeleteThe "Art of the Dress" song is based on "Putting it Together," a song from the musical "Sunday in the Park With George," by Stephen Sondheim (writer/composer of popular musical "Sweeney Todd"). It's one of my favs, you should all check it out!
ReplyDeleteI knew that I had heard this song somewhere. It's great that they have good taste in music! :D
ReplyDeleteHa, I've actually seen that show! Gosh, this is mid-90s level of cartoon quality.
ReplyDeleteWhat about "Winter Wrap Up"? WHen I first saw that (the song, not the entire episode) on YouTube, it struck me as classic musical/operatic staging.
ReplyDeleteSpecifically, Art of the Dress is based on Barbara Streisand's version of Putting It Together. If you compare all three songs, AotD matches the Streisand one much better than it does the Sondheim one, even though all three of them are good songs.
ReplyDeleteOriginal (Go to around the 5:00 mark.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJFz-ucuTvs
Barbara Streisand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwV1Wf8tUo
Another version featuring John Barrowman and Carrol Burnett, so unrelated, but awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-836TtoF_5I
I KNEW IT. So glad it wasn't just me catching that! :D
ReplyDeleteEverytime I hear Bernadette Peters singing I picture the voice coming from an adorable little cat.. you know the one!
ReplyDeleteI FREAKING KNEW I HEARD THAT SONG BEFORE! I even looked for it in into the woods! hahahaha
ReplyDeleteImpressive! Yeah, it was a swipe -- but at least they swiped from one of the best!
ReplyDeleteAnd it was a great way to cap off Season One.
I knew it. My old high school did this show my junior year. I knew At The Gala (especially the ending) seemed very similar to this song. I gotta say though, they did a good job.
ReplyDeleteI really hope they base some of the music for next season on Sweeney Todd songs.
ReplyDeleteJust as long as they don't get Pinkie Pie to sing A Little Priest or Epiphany. We don't need another reminder of things best forgotten.
I knew it! I knew I recognized it from somewhere. 8D Just couldn't place it.
ReplyDeleteI hope they have more musical refs like this one in the future. ^-^
ReplyDeleteB-but, Sweeney Todd songs would be -perfect-. My 8th grade music teacher introduced us to that play, and brought us to a show! I loved the movie rendition, I would giggle endlessly at hearing similar in Ponyville. <3
The Sweeney Todd song that might match MLP the best by melody is Pretty Women (sung by Fluttershy). By title, the best match would obviously be My Friends (as long as you drastically change the lyrics and tone).
ReplyDeleteI haven't been caught up on ED in awhile.
ReplyDeleteBut I KNEW IT!
Totally called it. When I heard the At The Gala song, I was totally thinking...this sounds familiar...
Shortly after I realized why.
ReplyDeleteRita, amirite?
Yes, chalk me up for Into the Woods high school nostalgia (Never performed it, but we saw it in class.) I knew there was some inspiration.
Yeah...these Sondheim-based crowd songs are quite a step above the treacly songs from the old "My Little Pony and Friends" cartoon (and also even above those from "My Little Pony Tales"). However, I have a couple ideas for possible crowd song-type big musical numbers...one I'd really like to see on a future episode of MLP:FiM (or at least in a fanfic or fanart thereof) would be a lovely rock anthemic musical number inspired by USA For Africa's "We Are The World", set in a recording studio, featuring the six core ponies, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike (yes, even Spike for the first time would be participating in a musical number), and several background ponies, one of whom could be Knight Shade (from the origianl cartoon) and others pony versions of actual singers such as Elton John, Bruce Springsteen (Springsteed), Stevie Wonder, etc. Another would be a Beach Boys-inspired musical number similar to the "Goin' To The Beach" crowd song from an episode of "Sabrina: The Animated Series".
ReplyDeleteThank goodness I wasn't just imagining it! I looked it up immediately as soon as the song finished, too! I was like, wow, that sounds...familiar...
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't know the Art of the Dress was based off a song, too - I'll have to look it up.
we did this play in High school. then when I watched the episode I spent forever trying to figure why that song was so familiar! it all makes sense now.