Oh, hello.
Don't mind my sister. She just gets so angry at times, and it's hard to reason with her. I'll sit her down with her favorite cup of coffee- she just loves her coffee, you know- and we'll have a talk about this moon business. We'll get you down from there soon. I know how cold it gets.
She's really a gentle, caring sister once you get to know her. She just gets a little carried away sometimes... all she needs is a little encouragement that everypony likes her sun. I'm sorry about all this.
I saw everything you said before. I love you all, too.
Also that ridiculous RP in the comments compiled for everypony.
Part 1
Part 2
I love you Luna!
ReplyDeleteIt's okay Luna. I understand.
ReplyDeletewe love you Luna <3
ReplyDeleteTell her I'm sorry about the explosive bouquet!
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I'm trying to get everypony off the moon with Rumentia's experimental space zeppelins.
Luna is gentle and kind.
*Joins in on the massive pile of Bronies who wish to hug you, Luna*
My life is now complete! =D
*Still building a moon base to pass the time*
But I like the moon. D:
ReplyDeleteAnd thus, it was proven that Luna was the superior ruler.
Though that statement probably didn't help my chances of getting off the moon. :/
I'm going to start colonizing other planets with my space zeppelin. Anypony want to join me?
ReplyDeleteSo wait... I don't get it... what was said, posted, or otherwise broadcasted that made Celestia "banish" all us to the moon and start all this?
ReplyDelete@AnonymousCause it is close to us!
ReplyDelete...Did someone say Moonbase? :P
Aww shit, I love Luna
ReplyDelete*gallops up and gives Luna a BIG hug* Thank you thank you thank you Miss Luna, you make me SUCH a happy pony.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of Coffee?
Personally speaking, I'm happy on the moon. I'm happy with wherever our benevolent Princess Celestia thinks is best for us. I know she only has the best intentions for us.
ReplyDeleteI love you Celestia!
It's allright Luna we believe in you!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you Luna!!!!!
Irony, thy name is Luna...
ReplyDeleteAlso, *fan-squee* hugs!!!!!! *Jumps on top of the pile of bronys/female-bronys all hugging Luna*
How exactly are we still alive?
ReplyDeleteBetter now then later when everypony resorts to cannibalism. I hear we're running low on cake.
ReplyDeleteOMFG I LUVS U TOO LUNA *hugs*
I knew my addiction to singing the chorus of Super Ponybeat - Luna would come in handy eventually!
ReplyDelete("Luna won't you cry for me; I'm as lonely as I've ever been; I've been forced back into the start; is there any way to fix a broken heeeaaart?")
"all she needs is a little encouragement that everypony likes her sun"
ReplyDeleteTrolluna much? :D
ReplyDeleteIts not worth the trouble Luna! It would be much easier to just contact Doctor Whoof and have him use the TARDIS to get here and pick us up.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but who are you? I don't remember you from the cartoon, are you some kind of OC?
ReplyDeleteOh wait, I think I remember - you are that background pony who only appeared briefly at the end of the second episode and had, like 2 lines of dialogue, right?
Why should we care again?
ReplyDeleteWhy yes, yes I did. I'm going to mount a giant "Laser" inside of it and turn the moon into a "Death Star."
I'm bringing my new Mooninite friends back with me.
ReplyDeleteHave mirror ball will boggie.
ReplyDeleteSatisfaction came in the chain reaction
I couldn't get enough, (till I had to self-destroy) so I had to self destruct,
The heat was on, rising to the top, huh!
Everybody's goin' strong
And that is when my spark got hot
I heard somebody say
Burn baby burn! - Disco inferno!
Burn baby burn! - Burn that mama down
Oh, don't exert yourself on our behalf princess. Please take your time!
ReplyDelete(I haven't even finished singing Sinatra yet.
And tell Celestia that we're sorry about all this.)
/Your faithful minion
The Masked Mask
ReplyDeleteLuna loves me too!
ReplyDeleteMy life has meaning again. :')
Wait i don't get it. what happened yesterday?
ReplyDeleteLuna you are the Best Pony. And I can breath in space or just go back home with my portal gun. Send Princess Celestia and Yourself, of course, on a vacation. You two deserve it.
ReplyDeleteDon't try to reason with her Luna, she's a Mad Pony!
ReplyDeleteBut I have yet to befriend the moon ponies. D:
ReplyDeleteWe got sent to...THE MOON!
read that
then she sent us all to the moon :(
ReplyDeleteBecause, WAIT WHATS BEHIND YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? *I tase you when you turn your back*
In all seriousness, its more of a sub-meme in brony culture. The joke is that Celestia is an incompetent and cruel ruler in the guise of being sweet and caring, and Luna was only portrayed as being cruel to help her sister out. Its all in good fun.
Oh, Thanks Luna!
ReplyDeleteBut first...
ReplyDeleteCelestia wrote a letter where she explained why EQ daily looks like the MOOOON.
ReplyDeleteSPAACE!!...LUNA!!! this goes better than i expected.
ReplyDeleteLuna? I have no idea who this pony is.
ReplyDeleteMust be involved with some kind of plot I hadn't been paying attention to before. I will examine deeper!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is a win/win! either we get sent back or Luna gets sent to the moon!
ReplyDeleteLuna, are you sure you wouldn't be willing to stay and turn the Moon into a paradise for your followers? I would be quite happy to be an orthodox Lunarian, although I must admit that fundamentalism makes me a bit uneasy. Still, you are our goddess, and we await your word.
ReplyDeleteThanks Luna!
ReplyDeleteITT SlowBronies who don't know who Luna is.
ReplyDeleteSo, Celestia isn't a tyrannical ruler, but instead get s carried away by her emotions? Makes sense...
ReplyDeleteAnyways, the previous letter from her made me have bad dreams. It was sometime in between 3 - 5 PM and the sun was not up yet. :(
Thank you!
ReplyDeletebut, but isn't sending everypony to the moon a little more than getting carried away?
ReplyDeletePretty sure you meant 'boogie,' unless you're hanging out with these guys:
In either case, have fun and good luck.
Help us Luna-One Kepony, You are our only hope!
ReplyDeleteDon't mind me, I'm just playing on the PS3 that Celestia exiled here when the PSN was down. We get suprisingly good connexion with that lunetwork wifi.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of banishment on the moon....How can we breath if there is no a- *suffocates*
ReplyDeleteWe All love Luna! <3
Tell your sister that she can buck her Sun!
ReplyDeleteThank you, most magnificent Princess Luna. I have always basked in the glory of the moon and sun with equal fervor, and hope to continue doing so in your work. You two are the most benevolent rulers ever.
After many conflict between both sisters, I still don't know what to do:
ReplyDeleteTeam Celestia or Team Luna? O.o
What is this I don't even-
ReplyDeleteI think Princess Celestia has some problems with anger. I don't think sending things to the moon is doing anything for her anymore. Maybe we could give her a new way to vent her frustrations, like smoking. That helps a lot of people deal with anger.
ReplyDeleteIn before a "civil war" between bronies that either support Celestia or Luna.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with all the Lunites in this thread?
ReplyDeleteWhere's the love for our princess for life, Princess Celestia?
We should be grateful that in her mercy she didn't simply destroy us, but allowed us to continue to worship her, albeit from the moon.
We are being punished because we wronged her in some way. Sucking up to her sister isn't going to get us back into her good graces any sooner. Take this time to repent your sins against Princess Celestia and revel in her glory.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, everypony. She's calmed down a lot since she had her coffee, and we've already started talking about releasing you all from the moon.
ReplyDeleteExcept for you, Fluttershy. You tore-up my flowerbed during the Grand Galloping Gala, so you can stay there for another day or so.
Thanks Luna!
ReplyDeleteHail Celestia.
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you Luna, I volunteer to stay up here to keep Fluttershy company so that she doesn't get scared.
ReplyDeleteWell, this is unfortunate. Sent to the moon on my birthday. Waiting patiently for Luna.
ReplyDeleteWaaaaaaaiting patiently for Luna.
@Luna Thanks, but I've got a space zeppelin.
ReplyDeletePoland cannot into Space
ReplyDeleteAnywho...we know you're bored, Cereal.
ReplyDeletePoland cannot into space Q_Q
ReplyDelete@LunaAwww I'm sure she didn't mean too. Isn't there another way she can pay back all the damages?
ReplyDelete@Agnitio Ex Machina
ReplyDeleteBased off what I've seen, Luna will probably have about twice as many followers, if not more.
Of course, I'm a bit biased. But that's because Luna is best pony.
@Princess Celestia p-p-p-please don't send us back.
ReplyDeleteI just want to go through with that engagement me and one of your guards were to have today. Please forgive us for our mistakes oh great and powerful Celestia.
SPACE! SPACE! so much space, gotta see it all... SPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEEE, theres a star, there's another one, star, star, star, star, star, star, getting bored of space. wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home, dont like space, dont like space. too big too big wanna hug luna
ReplyDeleteEquestria Daily provides a realistic simulation of life on a natural satellite.
ReplyDelete@Seth&Cereal - impersonating cartoon equines on a blog page dedicated to a fandom over rainbows, love and tolerance.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what the hell you are smoking, but I want some aswell. NOW !!! xD
I think we've all learned something about friendship during this experience. Mostly that Luna is the best. Soon as I see you, I'm gonna hug you.
ReplyDelete*waves at Luna* It's not so bad up here... the view's nice, at least. Though the whole lack of air thing is somewhat concerning. Anything you'd like me to bring back when you do figure out a way to get us back?
ReplyDeleteHeya, Luna!
ReplyDelete... Wait. Crap. I mentioned all this business to Dracula, didn't I? Oh, dear. I gotta go stop him before he turns on that Moon Laser of his.
Bronies get sent to the moon by Celestia
Be happy, party hard, love and tolerate Celestia, and build several monuments to Luna.
ReplyDeleteSis and I have no clue who these 'Seth' and 'Cereal' ponies are, but we certainly are not them.
@T'laren Well, ummm... th-there is... my ....
I like Celestia as a ruler. But strongly believe that there is a need for political tool that does not involve stranding people on the moon.
ReplyDeleteEven though we've met new friends up here and learned to cooperate to an extent, this kind of politics just seem capricious, and causes problem for a lot of people who had nothing to do with rowdy celebrations and what not.
I suggest we invent a "fine" system to substitute and replace some of these Lunar kidnappings.
/Faithful vassal
Twitter Update: Hey ya'll LOL I'm on te moon! LOL I can't even breathe, I think I'm dy-......... ROFL!! =D, -o-, X.X
ReplyDeleteoh no its okay Luna, im the moon master now, i have to go defeat the Gorgotron, some guys over there told me... seems legit
ReplyDeleteare we on the red moon or the other one?
@GeorgeThat's some revolutionary thinking there bro. Sounds kind of like you don't have absolute faith in the perfection of Princess Celestia and all her actions. Kind of like maybe you think that some random pony might have a better idea of how to run Equestria than her. I'd tread lightly my friend.
ReplyDeleteHail Celestia.
In other news, weekends without new episodes is rather like being sent to the Moon.
ReplyDelete@Narwhals' Bend
ReplyDeleteM-my.. ......
ReplyDeleteUmm Miss Luna, does that mean that you can get your sister to send everypony back?
I think Luna left "toys" on the moon....uhhhhhhh....
ReplyDeleteCereal bowl?
ReplyDeleteI think so too. I'll get them for her!
ReplyDeleteLifesize Twilight Sparkle dakimakura?
ReplyDeleteAWWWW I'll get him for you Luna!
mfw it's not a Twilight Sparkle dakimakura..
@Narwhals' Bend
I already looked. All I could find was this old abacus.
It's all alright for you Ponies, eh?
ReplyDeleteYou have some princess to rescue you - but NOBODY'S coming for me, there isn't a rescue party in my honour, or any cake. Just the cold harsh reality that some people just don't appreciate when you're doing your best of being in charge, and failing to support you when you needed them the most. Pfft...that orange jumpsuited unappreciative monster of a test subject.
That being said - if, uh, somebody could snatch me up before you're all rescued and take me with you, I wouldn't object!
Just leave the other one here - I think he likes it!
I Seriously want to know what type of coffee Celestia likes.
ReplyDeleteTell me please.
will anyone please help me understand what started all this? :/
ReplyDeleteWe <3 you Luna! Can you tell us though... is there any way to fix a broken heart?
ReplyDeletehttp://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/greetings-again-to-all-of-my-faithful.html - this is what you seek.
Also, Portal 2 reference.
Luna loves me too...
ReplyDeleteLife = Complete
ReplyDeleteI umm don't know, I woke up to find myself on the moon.
I had such a wonderful time last night chatting with a fine stallion, we were to go out today. I wonder where he is now.
Well Fluttershy, alone again :(
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with that. I still have my first teddy bear too. It's sentimental. :)
Oh, hey Fluttershy! Nice seeing you again!
ReplyDeletehttp://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/greetings-again-to-all-of-my-faithful.html - this is the origin post if you all missed it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's a portal 2 reference - which is why the title is phrased as it is. It would be spoilers to mention WHICH part it is though! :3
Oh Luna, we understand. Just please make sure to keep your sister from sending us poor ponies to the moon again. It's rather difficult for us to breathe up there you know.
Short version:
1.Religious crazies said world was gonna end yesterday.
2.World still here.
3. Trolles...I mean Her majesty Celestia mentions that she is postponyning the end of the world until later.
4. Much rejoicing in thread.
5. Trolles..I mean our Immortal Leader thinks the thread goes too far and sends us to the moon.
...And here we are.
@Luna-Night He's not my first. I made him after sis sent me to the moon because I was so lonely.
ReplyDeleteNow he's still on the moon, all alone.
@Streak Celestia forgot to end the world yesterday, so to make up for it, she sent everyone to the moon. It's nice up here...
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteoh there you are, are we still on the moon?
I woke up and found myself there, I don't know what happened.
Seems we may have to reset that date since Celestia sent us to the moon.
Atleast we're still alive right?
*Insert RainbowDash fangirl squeal*
ReplyDeleteYou're the coolest, Princess Luna!~
Luna, I know the princess. This is going to end very badly.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! He was on last night, somehow or other he and Twilight got off the moon and was going to overth- I mean, go greet Celestia and beg her forgiveness. Also there was something about time zombies... O.o
@Luna I guess in a couple hundred years you could learn to sew a really good teddybear! Oh.. Er.. sorry..
ReplyDeleteWell, she hasn't shown up to fight. But if you do succeed in bringing everyone back, do a victory pose.
Victory pose! Yatter~ Yatter~ Yatter-Moon!
*still hanging from stalactite*
ReplyDeleteErr...hello? Somepony? Anypony? Hey-hey, hey Narwhal, buddy, old pal, mind getting me down from here? You...you want the teddy bear? But he's missing one of his button-eyes and there's some stuffing coming out and-okay, err...So who is it for anyway? Luna? Wait, wait! Where are you going? Narwhal? NARWHAL?!
...Well this is an issue.
ReplyDeleteIf I could manage to get Twilight out of j- I meant, if I could get a hold of her, we could get a large portion of ponies back to Equestria. The question is, how the hay are we supposed to decide who stays and who goes?
Luna is awesome. No if's, and's, or but's about it. PLus she rules over SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
ReplyDelete@Rains I vote we leave the furries on the moon until they promise to stop leaving "clopclopclop" comments on youtube.
ReplyDeletetime z-z-zombies? eep
I was told of some that went on, so Torrential you're back and I'm still stuck on the moon.
*sigh* It was so promising last night, why did I not see this coming. I find a sweet stallion to go have lunch with, then bam to the moon.
Also, disregard Anonymous there, he doesn't KNOW WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT.
ReplyDeleteLuna is my favorite alicorn!
ReplyDelete@Display Name
ReplyDeleteWith the greatly lessened gravity, a high fall is much less likely to hurt you.
Strange. It seems as if there is a clone lurking about...
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeletew-w-why can't they all go back? It's not fair to take some and leave others behind to possibly die.
@Torrential Rains
But there were, well really Twilight only mistook them for zombies, they were actually crazy time-travelers that looked and smelled rank and- Oh, you didn't want me to tell her that... My bad... Derp moment 6.9
ReplyDeleteI think that Twilight might have sent me back to get you...
ReplyDeleteOh come on, even the furries? :P
Just for a little bit, come on...
Oh no, Luna, it's quite fine up here. Don't trouble yourself...
ReplyDeletew-w-w-wait t-two Luna's my eyes, must be seeing things. This cannot be possible, umm right?
ReplyDeleteWhat Celestia is singing to herself
Wow. I was just hit by the full force of how completely ridiculous the entire brony culture is. We're a group of mostly adult guys who are so enraptured with a show about magic talking pony friendships that we roleplay as a group with characters on the show, even the one's who have less than 30 seconds of screen time the entire season. I can't stop laughing, I love you guys.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the fall. There's some sort of Moon goo stuck to the tip of this stalactite that's keeping me from letting go. I'm not sure what it is...
...What's that book over there?..."The Backstage Adventures of The Great And Powerful Trixie"...
...On second thought, I'm not going to try and find out what I'm stuck to.
ReplyDeleteGotta love the internet. :D
Too the person that stole the lunar laser cannon please put it back where you took it from so that evil can continue trying to take over the universe, thank you.
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteOh but what about the others?
@Anonymous isn't love and tolerance the way to live your life? Y-y-yes even the furries. Even if some make awful pictures of me doing terrible things.
You know Luna, it's really not that bad on the moon when you're not alone... Would you object if we tried growing some crops and starting a community up here?
ReplyDeleteI tried that once. All I was able to grow were moon rocks.
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ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteNo. I need it for my space zeppelin.
The idea of a space Zeppelin with a lunar laser cannon, crewed by ponies, preferably with a giant rainbow-lightning insignia on the tail...
Any Steampunk-inclined drawfriends???????
Moonbase? :3
If you don't mind Luna, a few of us will stay up here building a moon base and giant lazor for when your glorious revolution will take place ^^
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, we found your supply of mooncakes, and the comets that land give us as fresh water as you could get!
ReplyDeleteand we love you too kind Pony :)
and on an unrelated note, I haven't rped in years. I've forgotten how much fun this really is.
Oh look, ponies! Maybe if I get caught in the moon's gravity my existence won't be so boring anymore.
ReplyDeleteYou better have a... "talk" with your sister Luna...
Trollestia, we don't buy it. Stop pretending to be Luna, she'd never write that. If you want to drink coffee, go buy yourself some, dammit.
ReplyDeleteYour no longer Faithful Student.
*cuts small tufts of fur off coat with scissors that came off of nowhere and slides off stalactite*
ReplyDeleteAlright, finally free of that mess...
Now, what exactly is going on here? I heard talk that Twilight Sparkle and Major Rains are back in Equestria, I heard talk that Twilight sent Rains back after they got there, I heard talk about some kind of zeppelin...
...Is this because I forgot about Celestia's request for Maroon 5 in the record store?
Luna saves the day!
ReplyDelete@Display Name
ReplyDeleteYou need me to pick you up in my space zeppelin?
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteYou realize, Trolles..I mean the blessed and beautiful Celestia, already HAS every record?
Looks like Luna and Celestia are now fighting
ReplyDeleteor playing I can't tell.
I love you, Luna, and I look forward to seeing you in season 2!
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, wouldn't this be out of character for Luna?
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't mean that she wouldn't send someone out to go get something, but when they brought it to her she'd tell them she doesn't need it just to troll them.
First they postpone the day of reckoning and now they issue weak apology! This will not stand! I shall complain to the local administration!
ReplyDeleteHmm...Space zeppelin, you say? Well, I dunno...
*turns around, grabs Mr. Fuzzy Lumpkin from Narwhal's Bend and hops on zeppelin*
Quick! To the Royal Tower in Canterlot! Just go!
ReplyDeleteYou called?
Oh hay Luna !
ReplyDeleteWe all love you ! Well, we can't really say it out loud, because your deeaaaaaar sister is a bit complexed with that, but well, since we're already on the moon, how can the situation get WORSE ?
*Warning : survival system failing. De-pressurization of the room.*
Oh sh-
ReplyDeleteYou're saying I should just let sis have her way and torment my followers because they celebrated her not destroying Equestria yesterday?
B-but I mined out the moon and built a base there already! It has clowns and everything!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, who are you?
ReplyDeleteLuna is already mai waifu. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteWhy are there so many of you? =0
Oh well. Just more Luna to love.
You're coming home with me.
I love you Luna! you're MY beautiful Moon! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou know it's getting to the point that you can't build a giant laser cannon on the moon without having it stolen. Oh well, at least I still got the robotech fighters that transform into equinoid shapes instead of battloid. (Looks in Moonbase hangar, it was empty.)
ReplyDeleteDARN YOU BRONIES! Stop stealing my stuff, how is an evil eye monster supposed to get the 'supposedly' off his 'evil license' if this keeps happening?
@Narwhal's Bend:
ReplyDeleteIt seems this argument is going to carry on between us for quite some time, so let's just be gentlecolts and forget anything about who's whose waifu and who's not, at least until we figure out how to get off the Moon.
...Which, I sort of just jumped off the space zeppelin that was about to take me back, didn't I?
2 lunas?
ReplyDeleteFreeking Dr. Whoof.
@Luna I'm Luna. Second crowned princess of Equestria. Not surprised you haven't heard of me, seeing as I've been on the moon the last thousand years...
ReplyDeleteThat's funny. So am I.
It seems there's an outstanding issue, here.
ReplyDeleteB-but sis promised she wouldn't clone me...
ReplyDeleteSister says a lot of things she doesn't mean.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteHave you tried putting them in a pointlessly elaborate and easily escape-able deathtrap? The League tends to like stuff like that. Helped me get the 'supposedly' off my evil license.
*Attempts to discern which Luna is the real Luna*
ReplyDeleteOk, Luna 1: (Luna with "calm Luna" pic) What is your favorite color? Luna 2: (Luna with "epic" luna pic) Same question.
I bet that Celestia is one of the Lunas in disguise...
ReplyDeleteTwo Lunas? Not counting this Lunatic, me.
I clearly came from the mind of some Japanese cartoonists and they decided to use you as the base of the design. Thats why i'm the "Yatter-Moon."
Okay, To the two Lunas, for the $64,000,000 prize, what is your main method of punishment when someone did a heinous crime?
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! Who the hell do you think we are?!
ReplyDeleteGO moon mech go!
Oh don't worry, I still love you guys. I'll send you some flowers right after I get off this floating rock (which is beautiful [don't kill me luna])
ReplyDeleteMidnight Blue
@The Yarrer-Moon
Why would I punish anyone? I already know what it's like to be punished, so, I don't know, "Don't do it again"?
@Display Name Alrighty then! *Spins Steering Wheel*
ReplyDeleteHmm... Good answer #2 to both questions.... Your response #1?
ReplyDeleteLet me ask YOU a question.
Have you ever looked out to the inky black of space and looked at the twinklings of light that keep it company? Have you ever thought about how difficult and painstaking it is to bring those sparks to life? To align them just so? Consistency, perfection, and beauty, all in one! A responsibility and amalgamation of everything that it means to be a GOD?
Well, I'd like to visit the moon.
ReplyDeleteOn a rocketship high in the air.
Yes, I'd like to visit the moon.
But I don't think I'd like to live there.
So, if I have gotten this straight, Trol... I mean the wonderful Celestia has successfully cloned and separated the personality traits of the moon princess. What is the reasoning for this?
ReplyDelete@Lily Surette
Running. Running now. Running very fast. Hiding.
@Luna #1:
ReplyDeleteThat sounds an awful lot like something Celestia would say...
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the exact same thing...
Actually yes. But good answer #1! Onto the next question, what do you think about your sister on a normal day (a day where all of Equestria and other planes of existence is NOT on the moon)?
ReplyDeleteIm seeing double here, FOUR Lunas!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Gorgotron thing was a bust =/ who knew T__T, Now Zemus is ranting on about some blue planet, says hes gonna get himself some crystals, found himself a dealer getting pretty worried bout that guy
So, does anypony have an idea to get us all off here?
ReplyDeleteAlso neither of those Luna's are the real one. Just imposters trying to ruin her