Since I was so graciously volunteered to gather and post these I figured I should get off my lazy flank and actually do it. I think you guys have had ample time to sculpt your creations. Read: don't send me any more.
Just as a side note, though, I think some of you need to read the OC pony creation guidelines in my writing guide. Just saying. Shameless plug.
- implying you don't love OC ponies Cereal, we all know your secret
(In after people don't understand a joke)

Four earth ponies? I'm impressed.
ReplyDeleteThe Models need to be more Diverse but eh waht can ya do?
ReplyDeleteIN MY OCS!?
Hah, Cereal accidentally posted one twice.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a fan consensus that we need more darker coloured ponies, if this is anything to go by.
Last one has 4 wings? Awesome
ReplyDeleteHa! It's soo awesome to see my OC on EQD.
ReplyDeleteIt was fun building them and fiddling with the cutie mark XD
ReplyDeleteI made an Earth Pony OC as well.
What is this I don't even
ReplyDeleteI'll be honest. I was expecting a lot more alicorns.
ReplyDeleteIt's awesome, that's what it is!
Also, I can't help but feel like Seth is mad at me; how was I supposed to know a pony creation guide excisted! It was two-something in the morning and I wanted to make a pony dammit.
My pony (which was designed before this) is one of the earth ponies. :3
ReplyDeleteCereal Velocity is tsundere for OC Ponies.
ReplyDeleteOC bullshit? a new low for EqD.
ReplyDeleteYuck! The colour schemes of these OCs are ATROCIOUS!
ReplyDelete"Just as a side note, though, I think some of you need to read the OC pony creation guidelines in my writing guide. Just saying. Shameless plug."
Assuming that it's more than just a shameless plug...can you direct me to the part of that guide that says anything about how to go about OC characters? >_>
Well, it was a fun ride. Goodbye forever soni-err pony fandom.
ReplyDeleteI must say, I'm shocked, only one alicorn, (the last one) and that one has 4 wings.
ReplyDeleteIt was really more of a joke, but I list some guidelines at the end of part one.
these are all awful in almost every way it can be conceivable for a thing to be awful
ReplyDeleteI can't get my cutie maark to have a transparent background. >(
ReplyDeleteRecolours of the same pose, golly that is just swell. And one of them didn't even colour the horn.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to this site? I used to visit here everyday, now I come here because someone links it in /co/ asking "wtf? OC ponies on EqD???" I am ashamed to be a member of this fanbase, and not because it is a childrens show.
I don't care about OCs, but a ton of recolors posing as original?
ReplyDeleteThat's just terrible.
ReplyDelete>implying lingerie ponies wasn't the lowest of the low
Did someone say shameless plugs? No such thing...nope...*cough*youtubelinkonname*cough*
ReplyDeleteI do like some of the color designs/marks on them. Makes me wish I could find a good image to put on one from that generator to ponify myself.
ReplyDeletemeh, at least they didn't go out of their way to add "appendages"
Wow, Cherry Coke is one of the only light ponies...
ReplyDeleteI'd MUCH rather see Art of OCs than this Seth some of these look rather sad really. Also what's up with people being so reactionary to some of these blog posts lately so one post with OCs signals the death of a fandom? are there not OCs in EVERY FANDOM? I understand peoples axes against mary sues and such but folks lighten up.
ReplyDeletePonies, OC ponies will NOT be a regular feature on this blog. This post was more of a joke.
ReplyDeleteCome on, now. We have standards.
So I shouldn't send in a bazillion pictures of my OCs Smudgey, Muddy Hooves and Mulberry Juniper? ;)
ReplyDelete"Now if you'll excuse us, I believe we have to ship ship Cheerilee with the vulture from The 'Best Night Ever'"
ReplyDeleteALL OF MY HATE.
ReplyDeleteFirst Few: Meh. Whatever.
*Sees frowning pony*
Hahaha, why is that pony so sad?
*Sees cutie mark*
Oh... :(
Dead end pony is best OC pony.
How, I had no idea there was such venom out there for OCs. Makes me regret sending mine in. Seriously, why are so many going up-in-arms about this? It's just some fan-generated ponies(granted, from a limited selection of parts); it's not like all of EQD is being tailored for Mary Sues.
ReplyDeleteShaka my Bronies.
ReplyDeleteThis post was linked in /co/. Almost no context was given, apparently this was an event or something? It's still mostly unclear to me and I can't speak on behalf of an entire community but as far as I can tell it's because they are all just recolours (no original art)
lol one really tiny pony wtf
ReplyDeleteITT Joke post is taken Seriously
ReplyDeleteTo Anon
ReplyDeleteSomeone out there made a pony generator and then a link to it was given here; it was also incouraged to send your newly created pony in. The pony generator has only a few parts to mix and match your pony but a great coloring system and an awesome feature that lets you insert a .jpg as your cutie mark(tool me 3 hours to find one for my ponie).
Tonight they posted those ponies and suddenly everyone is anti-OC. Why: no idea. If it's because there're generated-
1.) As stated, these are generated ponies, not drawn.
2.) If anyone has an issue with generated ponies- sorry, but not all of us can draw so the generator gives us a chance to show case our OCs, even if they do come off as... cookie-cutter.
3.) About some ponies just being recolors, well: 'All bronies are creative; but some bronies are more creative than others.'
ReplyDeleteMine didn't make the cut.
I have a better idea: Instead of submitting stuff from those of us who use a generator because they can't draw, why not just show some love to mediocre drawings instead? At least we'd know they tried.
ReplyDeleteAnd ow my pride. Still, one post with generated OCs harms no one.
ReplyDeleteGeez, such venom over what, a silly joke post?
ReplyDeleteI thought this fandom was better than that. =/
Long time reader, first time poster.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I made mine for the sake of making it and because I thought it would be fun (it's #20, the one with the cloud) I am more than capable of drawing my oc, in fact one of the things I like about the show is that it's gotten me out of a pretty serious art block.
Anyways the fact is that a link to the character generator was posted on the front page and people were told to give it shot and if they wanted to to send there pic in.
BTW: The white horn was a stylistic choice, I know that normally match the coat colour but I thought I'd do something different, after all if you can get your mane and coat dyed who says you can't get your horn painted?
The point in making an OC pony (or any OC for that matter) is being creative. I didn't see much creativity here. I am disappoint. Too many are merely recolors of ponies from the show. I don't like it and that's coming from someone who loves OCs.
ReplyDeleteI can't draw Ponies. I can't draw anything, to be honest. But generator? No, I dare say! There are like, HUNDREDS of good or very good artist-bronies that can draw ponies very well - just ask them politely, if they would be so nice to draw your Pony.
ReplyDeleteIt worked for my just fine, so there is mine Icy Cold and her very own Flickery, for example: http://aeterne.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/#/d3exybe
Also, an entire cover for OC Characters - Of course I am not a person to say, that they look awesome, but still, I am proud of them - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vY8GV03Cb54/TdH48ZCHLyI/AAAAAAAAEjs/VnKiIeXmOzA/s1600/all2.jpg
Its not hard - OC Ponies are cool, just put some effort into them (*for example, OC ponies created in fanfics like MOONBEAM or PARADISE are so awesome, I could watch them in the actuall show with joy and wide smile).
I think the genome splicer shorted out on that last one...
ReplyDeleteWould've been beyond perfect if you'd managed to put in derpy eyes, though.
My god this has gone off the deep end.
ReplyDeleteFirst off; you see OCs EVERYWHERE in other fandoms. Hardly few are complaining about it. But why this particular? Is there no freedom to express what it would be like in the very same worlds that we love and dream? I make OCs most of the time in fanfiction in the past. Trying to do so now since I hardly got much time on my hands.
This is a joke taken way to seriously and these ponies need to know and calm the hell down. Come on people. Remember~! Friendship is Magic~!
And just for these raging funnt lulz cow comments; I am going to make an OC shipping just to piss them off. Why? Because I can. :D
I didn't realize that there were images below the cut. As images were not specified and the link was about fiction writing guidlines, I expected short stories, not pictures. So, at the top there should have been something like "compilitaion of OC pony images made using [name of] OC pony generator" with a link to that as well.
I pretty neutral towards Razer, but I do find that a hilarious concept for a cutie mark. I mean, wtf, seriously. A mouse brand?
The laptop one is also questionable, but at least its better than a brand of mice, lawl
4 wing pony, the Sleipnir of ponies
ReplyDeleteFucking shit Seth, you totally went mad.
ReplyDeleteOne day ppl will get tired of your shit and you won't celebrate your anotehr million views.
someone noticed the frown. :D my attempts at subtlety are rewarded.
ReplyDeleteDarn, should have tossed in my OC...
ReplyDeleteTwo things:
ReplyDelete1. Seth told everyone to send the ponies to Cereal (as Seth didn't want to sort through them himself), which probably prompted more people than usual to send in pictures. For lollery at Cereal's expense.
2. How has no one tried to mobilize the fandom to send Cereal a bajillion more OC ponies, just to see his reaction (and potential rage)?
whatever happened to love and toleration
ReplyDeleteI put my pony in their its number one, I have tried drawing my own ponies but I cant do anything til I get a drawing compass
I just like the pony generator to get at least a basic idea what I want mine to look like, people are allowed to have their pony generator ponies seen
ReplyDeleteI dont get it why does everyone hate OC content?, I understand if they made themselves out as the Alpha and omega character surpassed by none, completely infallible to ridiculous levels
ReplyDeleteI made an OC pony with that generator, then I used that as a base/template to draw it in GIMP because I can't afford Photoshop, unfortunately its still using that pose....
ReplyDeleteDidn't draw it until today though...
(*cough*Image link in name....*cough*)
It's a shame I can't submit. I've got an OC named Lucky Streak. He's a traveling gamepony
ReplyDeleteWhoops. I made one but forgot to send it in...
ReplyDeleteHeheh, I loved that Razer Pony. Would love to read a fic about that one.
ReplyDeleteSadly though, all these OCs aren't interesting to me(except the Razer one), probably because I don't know their backgrounds. Would be epic if there was a link to a fic for every one of these ponies.
I've read some fics about OC ponies, and I loved most of them. I just don't start out with an interest for them like with the main cast. If we'd only look past that more often...
Why are there so many parasprites here? I need a trombone.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing more surprising than seeing my pony near the top as the third one was seeing my sister's pony directly beneath it.
ReplyDeleteThe anti-OC sentiment is actually quite common in internet fandoms. From what I can tell it's a generalization of the anti-self inset position that developed in online anime fandom in the mid-late 90s.[1]
With the current pony fandom we are running into something of a culture clash: Furry fandom, not having a media teat, has long been built on what are effectively OCs and self inserts[2]. Since there has been quite a bit of inflow from furry circles, you get quite a few people for whom the normal response to needing a new character is to simply make one up.
[1] This was itself caused, indirectly, by a very good self insert fic. It spawned copies, most of which were very bad power trips/sexual fantasies.
[2] Generally not of the power trip kind. One of the most common types of fursona is simply the artist as a humanoid (species).
Whats with all the hate for OCs?
ReplyDeleteI've made better ponies without this lame generator! Here's a link to the few I made for other people on Facebook on the Real Men Watch My Little Pony group. (You can tell they're mine because I write "Made by request" on them.
I wish I could've entered this compilation